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File: 568 KB, 2000x2000, A79E8E87-F2E6-45B6-83AB-84AAB471BCFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19406633 No.19406633 [Reply] [Original]

>born to late to conquer the new world
>born too early to explore the universe
at least I get to browse anonymous online image boards online and post meta roastie memes

>> No.19406654
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>> No.19406674

i felt my gf because she was exactly like this and now i hurt

when it will go away

>> No.19406689

left* fuck im drunk

>> No.19406692

It’ll take one year at least, the mental abuse she inflicted is what causes the lingering attachment

>> No.19406696


Talking to a colombian thot that’s exactly this. Only thing it’s missing is that she is a gold digger


>> No.19406717

god if i found this girl i would actually marry her

>> No.19406735

the thing is i did the mental abuse, and i was only with her for 4 months, i was constantly making her cry and then i left her but now i feel like an idiot because i think i got attached to her in those 4 months

>> No.19406739

Terrible bait

>> No.19406864 [DELETED] 

beats both desu. a millenia from now people will look back and say the early 21st century was a great time to live and shitpost on this planet

>> No.19406966

Post flaps

>> No.19407059
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>>19406633 (OP)
beats both desu. a millenia from now people will look back and say the early 21st century was a great time to be shitposting on this planet

>> No.19407146

>lost virginity at 15
I was 13
All the rest is true.

>> No.19407155

>at 15 or younger
than literally everything is true you dumb roastie

>> No.19407175
File: 154 KB, 800x784, 1579861766468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was 13
>All the rest is true.
Dumb bitch can't even read.

>> No.19407193
File: 106 KB, 600x600, Black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dodged a bullet fren. DO NOT DIG UP OLD BONES. I was in a similar toxic relationship that went on a lotttt longer. I finally put the nail in the coffin about a month ago now after 2 years of hell. She threatened to cut herself, actually did cut herself, collected blackmail, hit me, and in the grand finale came close to killing herself. We're both seeing therapists now.


>> No.19407424

thanks man

>> No.19407464

>the thing is i did the mental abuse

>> No.19407474

Find yourself a good woman they said, move to the suburbs they said, have 3 kids they said, invest in a 401k for 30 years and you will be a multi millionaire they said

We were sold a Lie. We were sold a fairy tale

>> No.19407612

1000 EOY they said, many moons and riches to you sir they said, hmm rly makes u think.

>> No.19407732

you have to be stupid to believe any of that. Or that it's something you would enjoy

>> No.19407785
File: 31 KB, 962x539, aaaaaahhhhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are unironically living in one of the shittiest times in world history. Economy is stagnant, first world countries are so built up and developed now that there's no way to get a piece of the pie, massive unemployment, degeneracy. We're way overdue for a world war or civil war. Something fucking happen already!

>> No.19407827

either learn to embrace the world you were born into or fight to change it, don't sit and wait that someone else changes it into something that'll fit YOU cuz that won't happen.

>> No.19407855

Wisdom is wasted on the old and enthusiasm on the young

>> No.19407932

But BTC won't go up fast enough

>> No.19408063

>4 months
KEK don't be a faggot. I just got out of a 10 yr long relationship with a girl I thought I'd live my entire life with. Bitches come and go anon, it's all the same. You're going to have shit relationships if you get attached like this after a few months. Learn to love your life outside of a relationship.

>> No.19408125

she could have my credit cards

>> No.19408232

Start dating asian women you simps. White roasties are for dumb zoomers and old boomers.

>> No.19408302

>didnt acknowledges your existence while is into Chads
>after her first failed relationship , marriage and her first child she notices she is damaged goods
>suddenly approaching to you more and more

>> No.19408395

Lol was just banging a girl like this

>> No.19408421

Get checked

>> No.19408430


>> No.19408477

>no goy don't strive for better women only accept borderline alcoholic roasties

>> No.19408568
File: 1.05 MB, 1920x1080, jakub-grygier-009-arcologies-ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Born just in time for born just in time for Archologies and robots and some early space stuff. Assuming we don't all kill ourselves.

And if we get life-extenstion technology, who knows. Maybe robo-waifus and Space habitats?

>> No.19408803

A girl has the ability to steal your life

>> No.19409056


>> No.19409303

>save 300k or so
>go to some latin america shithole and marry a cute religious latina
>NEET it up on the return off the 300k while you pump her full of babies
Tell me why this wouldn't work?

>> No.19409703

lol this is literally my GF her dream is to have a farm

>> No.19410888

best thread on biz dont let it expire

>> No.19411851

Checked and bump

>> No.19411892
File: 71 KB, 528x800, 7276D9FE-A815-47F2-B51F-E44C2BFAAEA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oddly enough I find that many of us here can relate to this meme. We seem to all be living variants of the same life

>> No.19412572
File: 557 KB, 500x475, 1491794818677.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup, about a year..find yourself someone that'll clean your dishes and cook your food, doing stuff that actually helps you out in life.

>> No.19412804


>A R C H I T E C T E D