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19404179 No.19404179 [Reply] [Original]

Pssst, want some easy money /biz/?

Short pic related. It’s going to dump even more. Thank me later.

>> No.19404220
File: 64 KB, 607x606, 2872695872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shorting before mainnet
tik tok linkers

>> No.19404240

A shitcoin launching a mainnet doesn’t make it any less of a shitcoin.

Dodgy team

Dodgy tokenomics (they intentionally dilute your tokens unless you stake it with them - sounds like a Ponzi scheme)

No advantage over chainlink

No users

>> No.19404295

>dodgy team
yeah, that dodgy team from Standford and MiT. They arnt pure like Sergey the philosophy major
>dodgy tokenomics
point to the whitepaper where it says this
>no advantage over chainlink
then why are so many projects working with BOTH Band and chainlink? (kava, fantom)
>no users
except the ones i included

tik tok

>> No.19404354

>mainnet countdown

huahaaha my sides, would never buy this shit

>> No.19404388

not here to argue, smart money recognises this is a PnD shitcoin at best and a Ponzi scheme at worst, though the source for the inflation claim is the team posted it on telegram ( join their telegram and see for yourself)

newsflash, making a crappy copy of another project without any redeeming features is not a good business proposal

>> No.19404684
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>imagine being invested in BAND a jungle gook oracle shit coin ponzi
When you can get all American TRB (partners with MKR etc) at a much lower market cap.

We know ETH will use LINK but Vitalik has said they will use more than one oracle and Vitalik rates decentralization highly. What's more decentralized? PoW oracle that focuses on that or some gook band protocol shit coin with gooked tokenomics (they intentionally dilute your tokens if you don't stake) ?

>> No.19404901

i dont get this band protocol

every "solution" they have is bad, doesn't scale and is not as secure as chainlink solution's, i mean how can they compete with threshold signatures? with a permissioned blockchain? kys

there is a reason it took 7y for chainlink to get here, these kids are just in to make a quick buck

>> No.19404948

their stacking system is pure garbage, there is no mechanism to prevent bad actors, niggers buying this shit are either brainlets or trying to ride the PnD

>> No.19404999
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Band is much more technical and advanced than Link which is just based on nothing

Buy more

>> No.19405001
File: 421 KB, 1125x2034, 1370801D-89F6-4AB6-B520-9296736DDA1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kava publicly shit on BAND a few days ago. First they adopt BAND on March 23, then turn around two days later and adopt Chainlink then make a public release stating “all other oracles were inferior”. Pic related, sorry you missed out on LINK anon, but there will only ever be one.

>> No.19405046

This is troubling to read, I have $5K in Band... can i sue brian kerr and chainlink for defamation/false claims?

>> No.19405125

You chose an inferior oracle mechanism. I dont know what to tell you. There’s a reason Chainlink started development in 2014, you don’t just solve the oracle problem overnight. By my estimations the next closest competitor is a min of 3 years behind in terms of tech development.

>> No.19405191


Tell me the easiest/safest way for an American to short the shit out of this shitcoin.

I'm as confident in Link as I am that Band will dump like a mother fucker in the coming few weeks.

>> No.19405209

>ETH will use LINK
no they fucking wont. EEA IS A PAYED FOR MEMBERSHIP. You pay money to stay in. Thats it. Think of it as a fraternity thats connected to a bunch of businesses. Just because youre in doesnt mean you run it.
Vitalik is the sole power behind ETH. period. And guess what? He endorsed a stabled coin THAT RUNS ON BAND PROTOCOL.
You lose.

>> No.19405244

Judging by the capitalizations and angry undertones, I’m guessing you missed out on Chainlink? What other shitcoins were you chasing for two years anon?

>> No.19405261

>sorry you missed out on LINK
i sold link in 2020. Its funny how linkies go straight into projecting.
Hey retard. Compared BAND charts since April to Chainlink. Were kicking your ass.

Kek, that asswipe probably has a LINK bag. Doesnt matter, BAND will grow and adapt any criticisms thrown at it

>> No.19405269

Sold link in 2020. Keep projecting. BAND has made more gains in April then LINK has. Compare the charts

>> No.19405293

Zoom out kek

>> No.19405319

>behind in tech and development
What has chainlink coded besides a JSON parser? Seriously, what has it coded?
>no staking
>no collateral
>no mixicles
>no t sigs
but they made sure to make a random number generator

The utter butthurt that will come from BAND usurping LINK will be great. Its absolutely destroying LINKies inside that Band has done what took LINK 3 whole years. Its the true underdog

>> No.19405331

Why would i zoom out? I sold LINK in 2020. Ive made more gains with BAND. Do you not get the concept of buy high sell low?

>> No.19405334

You sound like mobius

>> No.19405345

flase equivalence. compare Mobius charts to Band.

>> No.19405351

What would be your rebuttal to the actual devs and executives implementing this tech and stating Chainlink is superior? Obviously you and I are just investors, wouldn’t it make sense to listen to what actual market participants say? Why did Kava shit on BAND? Why did BZX shit on BAND? Why are actual DeFi devs saying these things?

>> No.19405356


Tell me how to short your shitcoin. I will provide proof when I short the fuck out of it.

>> No.19405364

Why do the charts matter when band is about as useful as mobius

>> No.19405379

is this what ITC was to IOTA? no thanks, not gonna get CHINKED again

>> No.19405408

How did BAND a less than a 1 year old project get the partnerships chainlink has been spending centuries to get? What will you do when BAND fixes every single shit criticism thrown at it?
>he still compares BAND to mobius
it will be the biggest pleadure in the world the day BAND starts usurping link

>3 year old dinosaur who bribes developers with 700 k dumps picking on small and growing tech team
very kike-ish if you ask me

Meanwhile, BAND support and price keeps growing and growing. The smart money is literally pouring in

>> No.19405426

another point that is stupid is the argument that blockchains will use more than one oracle for security
look, imagine you have a company that sells wood doors, and say you wanna have more than one wood supplier, so you don't get fucked in case your one supplier goes under, or misses a delivery, whatever
chainlink is not the wood supplier, chainlink is the road the connects the supplier to the manufacturer, you just need one, and chainlink is the wider, most secure and good looking road that there is, so shut the fuck up and buy link you cock sucker mouth breather

>> No.19405429

Welp now its pretty clear that youre just trolling anyways enjoy your weekend you gonna have to before you go back to wagie cagie

>> No.19405431

This isn’t a rebuttal anon. I’m asking why these devs and DeFi execs are making public claims all other oracle mechanisms are inferior to Chainlink? Why would they do this? Do you really think a separate entity has a vested interest in an entirely new entity? They were free to choose whoever they wanted, why are they all choosing Chainlink? Don’t pivot your argument this time.

>> No.19405434

>BAND kicking links ass


band is not even in the same league as chainlink

>> No.19405451

LINK is an oracle network. It is comprised of many oracles. The whole “muh we need more oracles for decentralization” is brainlet tier status. Why would you use an entirely new network that boasts inferior nodes?

>> No.19405466
File: 37 KB, 606x299, band.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey kike, i researched your little tweet, and the developer didnt insult BANDs tech at all. Its just (clearly) not a finished project.

>> No.19405491

yes thats my point, are you arguing with me?

>> No.19405501

>gets btfo
> y youre just trolling
see >>19405466
compare LINK in April to BAND please

because shitlink costs more money to run? Shitlink has less secure data due to the mechanisms being different. there are all types of reason

>> No.19405514

>chainlink is a road doooood
cute. how about discuss tech

>> No.19405544

How does Chainlink have less secure data? You have the Kava founder literally stating LINKs data is superior? Mistype?

>> No.19405565

its a simplification of the scenario, because you clearly are not able to understand tech, you cant even refute the analogy

>> No.19405574

Chainlink has different decentralization mechanisms than shit like tellor, band, uma, and kleros. If the different solution is more secure, itll be more secure

>how is developer being unfair
because hes comparing a project that took 3 whole years to built and using it 9 months after its mainnet to a brand new project that doesnt even have mainnet yet.

>> No.19405583

>chainlink is a road
thats so fucking retarded what am i supposed to say.
BAND is the road. There. Refute that. Band is the road AND HIGHWAY

>> No.19405596

What specifically makes BAND more superior in your eyes?

>> No.19405608

>compare two crypto currencies in one single month to see which one is better

You realise no smart person thinks like this right? This is how a deeply deranged schizophrenic might think of the markets

>> No.19405627

General approach to the team They focus more on tech and open to more criticism. LINK is all flashy partnerships (that little lie involving a SWIFT contest and Google blog posts). BAND is full of autistic tech asians who live and breathe tech. Sergey is a philosophy major who basically parodies everything Ari tells him to say.

>> No.19405643

If you sold LINK in April and Bought BAND in the same month, you would have more money now objectively.

>> No.19405664

Damn thanks for keeping me worried about my Band investment bro. See you at the moon while these stinkers stay forerver at $4 ahahahhaha.

>> No.19405678

What aspects about the tech do you like? Could you elaborate a little bit on some of their main “pillars” for lack of a better word?

>> No.19405689


t. Chink spamming a chink scam. Band is shit.

>> No.19405706


you are so fucking dumb, jesus christ

those are your points? the team is more "open", whatever that means

this brainlet haven't read a single line of the technical aspects of band-aid protocol, he wants to be a part of something, i bet he lost money on link (somehow) and now found shelter in the band-aid "protocol" group

>> No.19405741
File: 41 KB, 1136x576, ohohh9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all of it. Every tech update they have is great. Its nothing but tech. LINK is nothing but payed for partnerships and they hype up a random number generator like its the 2nd coming of christ. Meanwhile, Vitalik is already endorsing stable coin built with BAND. I wouldnt be surprise if Vitalik full on endorses BAND this year

anyway, nice arguing with you LINK maxists. Ive been making BAND threads since the beginning of May, and eveytime i check beck, BAND has higher ROI then LINK


>> No.19405754

>and open to more criticism.
Chainlink did 3 audits, has top academic collabs and has revised their design multiple times. Oh, you mean criticism from rando retards on tg.

>> No.19405760

i made 400% return on LINK son. Am i have a feeling i will surpass most linkie this year holding BAND


>> No.19405775

>3 audits
all payed for by shitlink i gauranteed.
>top academic collabs
you mean ari commissioning his students to write the towncrier paper? lol, okay

>> No.19405785
File: 153 KB, 720x1520, EZJ5zzgUYAAciJX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brian Kerr work for Chainlink, that's it.

What he says is irrelevant, it's a random, that's why the price of the Band did not move after his tweet

>> No.19405791

>screenshot of the main website page

this is the kind o people shilling shitcoins on biz nowadays

damn this place went downhill

>> No.19405826

>all payed for by shitlink i gauranteed.

>> No.19405849

Band is literally the definition of a shitcoin. Like Mobius, it’s going to zero.

Nobody seriously thinks band is better than chainlink. Literally the only argument people have for buying band is “chainlink might not win everything, we will have some users too!!”

>> No.19405860

This is an AMA between two separate communities

>> No.19405879
File: 93 KB, 800x679, E91026B9-666C-4830-BF61-97BA1326CC2B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> ask you to cite technical specifics
> “all of it”

>> No.19405906

it’s time to completely divest from band

short band

sell band

mock the stupid band team

destroy confidence in band

when someone suggests band oracles laugh in their face

piss on people who invest in band

create band oracles that intentionally give the wrong answer

>> No.19405993

i see a lot of these band shills saying that the link community is aggressive and that shows "fear"

dude, when you compare your honda civic 1998 to my lambo, ofc i gonna trash you