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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19403245 No.19403245 [Reply] [Original]

I'm starting to feeling weak hands.
Tell me good promises

>> No.19403271

$1 EOY is FUD

>> No.19403512

Thank you anon, i feel very strong now

>> No.19403538

let it correct, this is a top 20 easily, potentially more. just wait so you dont regret it. noone is selling this, only latefags that are in the red already

>> No.19403662

my only concern is marketwide dump, otherwise im rounding up my stack to satisfy my inner sperg, biz will be seething again at $1

>> No.19403677

you cant dump even you wanted to. The network will get clogged and your order wont fill in time kek

>> No.19403691

take out your initial investment if you haven't already. if you want to hold this forever, at least you don't lose anything.

>> No.19403720
File: 139 KB, 719x704, TOKENNOTNEEDED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

token not needed, someone post the youtube video from this week where they admit the token is not needed when based wolpert asks them

>> No.19403737

you really are a loser, how many times a day do you post this?

>> No.19403748

same amount of times you post $1 eoy

>> No.19403772

Twice? Yeah right buddy i've seen you post this at least 20 times

>> No.19403776

token not needed

>> No.19403780

Haters not needed

>> No.19403898

vidt 2.0 that will bleed all the way back to 5 cents not needed

>> No.19404048

>thinking we bought before ATH
You know we're on /biz/, right?

>> No.19404101



>> No.19404116

“Unibright is just boring IT stuff, no crypto involved”

>> No.19404349

One month then live webinar together with Sergey.
After that it's going to Mars.

>> No.19404394

kek im so glad i made money off the idiots here. i was arguing with one retard in particular. if you're here thanks for the money retard

>> No.19404444


>> No.19404460

This is the one piece of good advice in a sea of shit.

>> No.19405284


>> No.19405292

Token not needed . Dump hard soon.

>> No.19405724

Nive vouchers you got even chico is turning away

>> No.19405736

Chico just said hes out becaise of the token not having any real need lol. DUMPED

>> No.19405739

yep and hes blaming his pnd on data dash

>> No.19405756


>> No.19406473

Whales would've dumped Ubt to zero by now if it wasn't needed. Fags Yt video been out 3 days now and it been correcting steady with market

>> No.19406539


You'll know in a couple of weeks.
Wait for announcement.

>> No.19406540

Why the FUCKING HELL does it keep dumping?

>> No.19406564

He's lying dude.

>> No.19406627

Small cap. buy btc if can't take pressure

>> No.19406675

>Whales would've dumped Ubt to zero by now if it wasn't needed.
give it time anon

>> No.19406767

lol why would you need a token for what is basically an overrate GUI?

>> No.19406775


You're too emotional for this market if this is making you sweat

>> No.19406925

Unibright - even fudders are emotional attached to it

>> No.19406928
File: 65 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20200529-175335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope i won't regret this

>> No.19406977

it will pump again. I'd say bottom is somewhere between 0.0018 and current price

>> No.19407038

nah i saw the video where one of the ubt dev explicitly said token not need. i made money of it anyway

>> No.19407071


>> No.19407379

look here

>> No.19407407


>> No.19407446
File: 201 KB, 1077x1518, Screenshot_20200529-113038_Blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just sold, thank you for buying my bags

>> No.19407466

you realize this is easy to fake?

>> No.19407467

Baseline is not about tokens.. its a protocol you retarded fuck.

For ubt services you need tokens

>> No.19407501

selling before binance and coinbase listing

must be retarded kids wanting to buy cheaper

>> No.19407913

I am keking so hard on the UBT shill Chico did

> CTOs and community managers spend 24/7 fudding other coins
> some of them are literal porns
> (((schimdt )))
> promises LIBRA integration (imma kek so hard)
> basically every buzzword in enterprise and their retarded CTO says they are UBT clients

> DAML partnership was nothing , its UBT that integrated DAML not the other way round

> Chico the retard says UBT is making maximum contribution
> baseline repository only has Chainlink, Splunk and Consensys contribution
> UBT ERP was just integrated
> No usage of UBT token at all kek
> their token is used for consultancy
>insert pepe.jpeg
>50k$ for consultancy top kek
>no proof that baseline or DAML has even bought the consultancy fees
> they are moving from ERP to consultancy to now STOs

Biz is collapsing with low IQ..
Pajeets Blockfyre Simon and Oddgems (Faisal the pajeet) are calling it the SAP of blockchain

>> No.19407975

there was never any partnership in the first place
>The team deleted all fake partners so that people wont notice

>> No.19407998


schimdt :

6% of the tokens have been allocated as "team tokens" (9 Mio Tokens), as stated in the whitepaper from 2017. They had been technically locked for one year after the ICO (2018-2019), and the team agreed on not touching them for another year (2019-2020).

3 Million UBT have been locked again for the EEA/Baseline commitment. So this leaves 6 Mio Tokens that will be distributed.

Everyone within the team receiving tokens is incentivized to participate long-term within our great venture

>> No.19408013

I don't understand why John Wolpert would even say anything about the tokens in the last meeting. If UBT wanted to donate tokens for the baseline protocol. That's something that should have been ask before recording. To me that was a sketchy move by John. No reason for that question

>> No.19408034

What is this 3 Million UBT lock? Charity? Or just they lock tokens randomly to excite the market?

>> No.19408088

yeah i do this for nearly everything i have that is up 50% or more. yeah you lose out on some gains by not having the balls to just hold long term, but you have 0 risk and everything is profit to you. i wouldn't do this with stocks but for crypto when it's so volatile and everything could go belly up in a day or two it seems like the prudent thing to do when you can unless you're a true believer.

>> No.19408097

Plebs falling for a anons attempt to buy lower

>> No.19408142

You are pure cancer

Ubt and DAML from Digital asset: https://hub.digitalasset.com/press-release/unibright_daml

I don't know what to say as you can't even spell Schmidt right...

>> No.19408169

wtf is that press release do you even know that Shell unilevel were scrubbed off from their old website

i know this game longer than you faggot

Ask where is the supposed Libra integration that was due in june ?
>then talk to me nigger

>> No.19408186

it was DAML that integrated UBT framework you idiot

is that a partnership

absolute nigger joining biz

>> No.19408196

Those were partners from Spo.de the spin-off that once was Unibright.

And since Unibright is not a startup anymore they removed the old partnerships from spo.de

>> No.19408211

Unibright is blockchain agnostic they integrated 'MOVE' which is the programming language Libra uses retard. They already integrated that and if there is a need for it they can just use it

>> No.19408214

if you dont believe me you cuck ,
just check out Schimdt (yes fuck off you idiot) message history on telegram

>mfw Jack and Ruud are present in all crypto channels except modding their own

do you still fall for that gay shit

>> No.19408242

lmao . ERP is always blockchain agnostic

Tag Libra on their on Twitter handle

>> No.19408264

it is the most obvious pump and dump

do you still believe a token company that is blockchain agnostic will use tokens for
>consultancy ?

>> No.19408271

HAHAH this is your response? You can't even tell me what is wrong with what i'm saying. Spoiler: I'm right you are wrong and don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.19408292

>UBT 1.0 ERP is a model .. which literally every enterprise firm has connectors for
>UBT 2.0 now goyim we do consultancy
>UBT 3.0 oh shit goyim LCX and other spectre group is shilling STOs , lets do that

>> No.19408310

Lets put it the other way around blockchain is not ERP agnostic.

No one except UBT can connect Blockchain with current ERP systems... without code.

>> No.19408326

How unfamilar are you with Unibright really? Freequity is not just an STO

>> No.19408330

this isnt telegram faggot
You still have no proof that your token is being used

A literal fake partnership

UBT token does nothing , literallly nothing

They hyped Shell , Unilevel as existing partners in ICO ,Then they scrapped them from the website

>SAP of blockchain

nigger logic

>> No.19408387


have you even checked what is revenue model?

i have undertalken research jobs from Internet Identity workshops and Hyperledger

What they offer in free meetups , is being charged by your gay lord team for 50000 $

> Even pajeets at Durgasoft can do better consultancy than them

>use buzzwords : libra, DAML, Chainlink
>profit ?!

>> No.19408388

Im not confusing biz with telegram, I see no reason to bring that up unless you are a literal simpleton and don't know what else to say.

There is no fake partnership, please dig in into spo.de ( They created ERP systems from scratch) and Unibright they Integrate Blockchain with your current IT system/ ERP system. And make it able to create Smart Contracts without the need of code

>> No.19408417

They actually have a monthly revenue model... read their token model

>> No.19408461

if you dont believe me ask your fucking Schmidt where is :

>> No.19408474

You got schooled kid, admit it or do you want to go for another round?

>> No.19408487

and were commingling investor fraud by silently deleting their partnerships from website

>they had literal blogs on the partnerships

>> No.19408496

They are still connections actually with lufthansa.

Others are from spo.de and not gone.

>> No.19408519

you are a gone case seriously
>defending the shitty token

Lets talk revenue,

Monthly COVID blockchain consultancy yes
>slay it gal!

They can prop out literal nobodies as so called revenue contributors
>blatantly fake that they are making revenue because literal noone is paying them so
>pump tokens without any proper proof of the client or the usage

it takes a literal retard to invest in a such a scam

>> No.19408538

oh really why did they delete the blog then?
i had invested in these liars in ICO

they chose Chico who is the most idiotic pump and dumper in crypto

>even he is market dumping you as we speak

>> No.19408560

I'm not defending, I'm just telling what is actually going on.

You continue you make weird assumptions.

You don't have to buy, it's just that you are so retarded that I want to thank you for the amusement.

>> No.19408569

>i had invested in these liars in ICO
how much?

>> No.19408579

>you continue making weird assumption
you dense motherfucker

you dont have any proof and yet still choose to clueless

you deserve this dump

>> No.19408594

No blogs are deleted.

Ubt didn't chose Chico, they actually chose DataDash what Chico hates. Chico just did it better. But this alone says that you don't know what youre talking about.

>> No.19408607

i went heavy on the promises
i like UBT community but i almost vomited when i found official team member joining PnD chats

>> No.19408624

I dont even know what to proof here, you keep talking but don"t say shit

>> No.19408633

oh fuck off with this gay youtuber conspiracy theory
>was chico sleeping when he was making the video
>ofcourse he knew

You defending your shitty bags is classic /biz/ move

>> No.19408644

Again assumption... there is no such thing as a teammember joining pnd chats. Proof it

>> No.19408653

4chan is laughing at you atm for being this dense

>> No.19408657


Your wasting your time with UBT. chico said he was gonna sell it.

Everyone moving to RPL.

>> No.19408662

Datadash has a advisory role since ICO.

>> No.19408685

why did Oddgems and chico migrate reddit here ?
tell me your other bags and i will easily find out if this your first post on biz

stop acting like a sissy and atleast develop some sense/

>> No.19408700
File: 74 KB, 742x745, 1567430257283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess this is you

>> No.19408704

okay faggot let me make some things clear
both are literal scammers

>> No.19408717

Is Biz the only place where you can pretend you are a tough woman?

>> No.19408724

your logic is so retarded that i am laughing so hard to even address this
>okay not a scam but supported by a scam, scam

>> No.19408727

UBT is a pay to play voucher token. Will prob go up eventually but it’s definitely not the next link

>> No.19408740

Sure you can have that opinion about Youtubers. Doesn't really have much to do with Unibright itself and the development.

>> No.19408748

newfag get out

>> No.19408761

Yep chico choose to support it like he can chose any other project.

>> No.19408762

> Scammer as advisor
>another scammer calls out another scammer
>this is bullish!
>insert brainlet.jpeg

>> No.19408770

Can someone explain what the token is even for? A voucher for IT integration? Why not just charge fiat for that? Doesn't make sense why it needs to be a token.

>> No.19408780

i categorically explained it above. atleast read before posting
you are making a joke out of yourself here
hush kiddy, i will donate you lunch money

pick another crypto and start again !

>> No.19408781

Thanks for your Eth. :)

>> No.19408782

You can read it here: https://medium.com/unibrightio/unibright-answers-the-unibright-token-model-update-d0125736a2e3

>> No.19408805


for bullshit, it doesnt do anything, what ever consultancy they get (handsome 50k) will be bought by our SCHMIDT
>nothing (((shady ))) goyim
>nothing shady

>> No.19408808

You can have again your assumption about who is a scammer or not... but that hasn't anything to do with Unibright.

If they want to talk about Unibright in their youtube videos they can. Chico does it for free.

>> No.19408828

calm down, children.

>> No.19408833

So how early did you sell again? You missed out didnt you

>> No.19408835

chico categorically called out the stupid model
there's no point posting medium blogs on 4chan
>imagine posting direct urls on 4chan
>literal nigger stupidfag detected

>> No.19408855


>customer choses template


Okay ignoring spelling mistakes this is just way too complicated of a process to sell your services. I understand that you can't use their services without the token, but it seems super unnecessary to do this. Is there a reason they don't just use fiat or is the reason just "cause we said so"?

>> No.19408868

I don't expect you to read it. But anyway Biz unironically has very intelligent people here. And then there is you.... such a shame

>> No.19408878

deserve to lose money here (you)

steps :
> 1) wait for a year
> 2) hop to warosu to checked the archived thread
> post number : 19403245 OP : based
poster : AEnFd4ap (faggot)
> 3) find how one anon warned you in advance

>> No.19408897

Buying now cheaper, life is so good

>> No.19408899

UBT and gaylords BTFO

you got the reason

>> No.19408912

Chico is not done selling
place your bids lower

>> No.19409001

Its actually not that complicated.
Its more a blockchain experience as a whole... when the first tokens are bought from the market the whole process is automatic. It gives acces to the framework, needed for the transactions within it, this you can calculate on Unibright.tech.

>> No.19409025

>Its more a blockchain experience as a whole...
holy cope

>> No.19409028

>whole process is automatic

>> No.19409030

Also they value the token higher than fiat for workshops.

And they built a 360° tokenization platform called Freequity which also require tokens because its integrated with the framework

>> No.19409033


yeah what does that even mean kek?

>> No.19409048

imagine my shock
>this is the level of bagholders on /biz/

>> No.19409051

Yea maybe I said it a bit cringy.

>> No.19409087

shill words
bullshit ways to scam people into new products
>pivot from ERP service as main model to Consultancy and now FagFreequity model

do you even understand what you copied from the website really means?

its a silent way of saying that we dont need partners or clients
>to market buy on our own

>> No.19409108

>someone market buys the chico sells
>must be team and clients and partners and eyah woohoo
>the absolute state of crypto

>> No.19409109


They even said in the medium article it's not automatic. You have to purchase it from the market first, and if you don't know how to do that the customer has to talk to someone at Unibright to teach them. I've tried teaching my friends how to buy stuff on Coinbase and even that was a chore... I can't imagine having to teach every potential customer how to use IDEX or Uniswap to be able to purchase your product. This is just bad business.

>> No.19409117

You are really trying

>> No.19409122

Stefan Schmidt - CTO unibright.io
Dear Community.
After our successful Carbonara Launch
last week, this week is mainly about
setting up LIBRA/ MOVE integration
into the Unibright Framework. We
will have a dedicated blogpost on our
development here soon - stay tuned!

>> No.19409139

wtf are the other 100000 tokens for.

not fucking one thing

ubt you at least get fucking access to their workshops

>> No.19409147

yeah lmao
>look at the state of bagholders
>automatic purchase according to this fag
>not automatic purchase

>> No.19409171

Read carefully I said when the first tokens are bought from the market the whole process is automatic

>> No.19409173

imagine spending 50K on a workshop
>even NASA would nt charge that much
>they are the next SAP goys.. so its allowed
>even SAP completes their yearly fintech events under 50k
>50 k
top kek

>> No.19409190

Stefan betrayed us all, we were supposed to be all in this together
also fuck that wolpert guy

>> No.19409191

Transaction within the framework --- nodes/ smart contracts

>> No.19409194

oh mongoloid. you are making yourself sound so stupid
>even UBT community would be embarrassed of this hero
>staph! get some help

>> No.19409195


Most tokens are used to pay node operators that keep the network running. This is more like if McDonalds required you to use McBucks which you have to purchase from some random dude on the other side of town to be able to buy a big mac.

>> No.19409208

He thinks 50k is a lot of money..

You don't know anything about ERP Systems do you?

>> No.19409211

you are obviously poor if 50k is a lot of money to you

lol top kek

>> No.19409212

but there is no node concept , tokens are just being pumped in the name of consultancy

>> No.19409236

oh you faggot do you have any idea how things work
within 2 blockchain will be talked like software development
>what UBT is doing will be done in 10$ on udemy
>imagine underestimating the power of smelly pajeets

>> No.19409245

Keep it english Rasheed

>> No.19409260

why the fuck are you wasting your time on ubt

that’s the only fucking thing that matters

there is no top 50 coin on cmc that has a fucking use case or is fucking needed.

so wtf is you issue

>> No.19409266

nigger restoring to 4chan slang
this is your first thread on biz ?
do you know what is a triforce

>> No.19409286

kek . shifting goal posts
i think janitors arent being paid well here
pajeets on the loose!

>> No.19409289



How do you believe in UBT if you don't think Ethereum is needed? They are literally selling ethereum services LMAO

>> No.19409311

this is so old that even the niggers in this thread wouldnt know about it

>> No.19409318

dude you are a fucking little fucking lowlife pajeet

I fucking doesn’t give a shit about left gay loving reddit or your fucking janitors.

>> No.19409328

john wolpert answered it perfectly
>token not needed

>> No.19409335

You have Baseline
And you have Unibright/Freequity

2 seperate things

>> No.19409344

>low IQ
>low /biz/Q
the moment everyone in the thread started pointing out the grave flaws in your retard defence
>classic reddit

>> No.19409384

> do you even read what you post
>the based poster above you was categorically explaining you that smart contracts are needed for that model
>maybe it went over your head

>> No.19409387

I didn’t say I believe in ubt but compared to the other 1000000 shitcoins it’s a useful product and they are trying to give the token value.

ethereum has a purpose. if it’s needed is another story.

they are part of ethereum 2.0 as far as I understand it

>> No.19409398


>> No.19409403

i hope (((you ))) dont hold any chainlink
>keep your lunch money in UBT
you deserve to stay poor

>> No.19409405

dude get help

>> No.19409413

schizoposting on my biz huh

>> No.19409424

>bagholder bingo
>comparing a scam with 10000 scams
only BTC , ETH, LINK and OCEAN are legit dude

>> No.19409434

Read the blogpost

>> No.19409449

anything for them linkies
>tfw no nico bully gf

>> No.19409475

faggot you need to read the post
>it doesnt mean anything
>call microsoft to understand what it means
> i hope schmidt doesnt call this a microsoft partnership

>> No.19409499

well what has happened to biz lmao
> next day UBT will say they are partnering with Node.js
top kek
>looks like this fag is a college dropout

>> No.19409510

so basically you're saying UBT is overpriced cause everyone bought it for Baseline and now it we know the token has no connection to baseline, just the unibright company does.

Ubt should go down to about 15 cents then cause literally everyone bought it for its baseline connections and thought those baseline guys were going to be required to lock up ubt tokens just to be baselined. Turns out the token is only good for a future exchange they said they’re gonna build and some other open source tools that anyone can copy for free

>> No.19409519

finally /biz/ is back

>> No.19409541

>The biggest shiller of UBT (Chico) publically said that he no longer believes in the project
>that itself is the biggest sell signal
>token is down -27%
>retards still holding

>> No.19409553

Look at coin market cap volume on unibright now. Actually click on unibright. Coinmarketcap is now pointing out that the exchange that has 92% of the volume is fake. Literally Chico’s bag makes up half the volume and the other half is data dashes

>> No.19409559

kek didnt notice that

>> No.19409560

Baseline is an opensource protocol not a product not a platform whatsoever... makes no sense to need tokens for that

>> No.19409598

>dude stop self fudding , its looking ridiculous at this point

>> No.19409605

Exactly, everyone thought it was something else now we know it has nothing to do with crypto other than ethereum for gas fees. This is very bullish for eth and that’s it.

>> No.19409639

you literally dont know anything about crypto , chainlink or baseline protcol
>linkies would torch the consensys headquarter if they had such a shitty token model that doesnt utilize the protocol
>still not accepting that its UBT's problem and their scammy token model

>> No.19409693
File: 139 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20200529-180954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you need to care about, in long run ubt Will do well

>> No.19409743
File: 128 KB, 750x920, 302888821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is no top 50 coin on cmc that has a fucking use case or is fucking needed.

>> No.19409901


It doesn't even make sense that someone who holds UBT would say this considering they're trying to integrate ethereum services. It's self fudding and it's hilarious

>> No.19410027
File: 391 KB, 1079x1008, Screenshot_20200529-210225_Slack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From John Wolpert (From Baseline NOT Unibright) its a protocol not a product not a platform.
Pic related

>> No.19410046
File: 377 KB, 750x1334, 4145E8EE-7120-4566-81A5-E4F5B818501B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is even funnier

>> No.19410097

He’s saying unibright is helping Them with baseline and the token is not needed for any of it.

>> No.19410114

No thats not the case stop making assumptions

>> No.19410268
File: 19 KB, 495x433, 1590766966150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im so happy to see high IQ posts again at biz

>> No.19410298
File: 291 KB, 1981x1080, Screenshot_20200527-231629__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain this, Unibright even says they contribute their code to the opensource Mainnet for free and no token.


>> No.19410332

Who gives a shit ? The exchange they’re gonna build is gonna be incredible. It’s like buying BNB before it mooned. Exchange tokens always moon.

>> No.19410340

You can contribute what you want to the Baseline Protocol. Also some of your code.... its what Baseline is about.
The leading role of UBT LINK and Anyblock Analytics is to make sure their products will be used. Its huge when you get it..

>> No.19410352
File: 46 KB, 258x586, AC7D6B2C-F915-4B45-AFAF-B13289F1D872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now it’s just an exchange token
>this is what we wanted

Fucking kek

>> No.19410370

Its not only a exchange . The exchange is a part of the 360° tokenization platform.

>> No.19410380

It’s actually not that huge of a position. The only thing you really do is get invited to laggy Zoom calls on YouTube with 200 views and zero questions in the chat

It also has nothing to do with their own token projects, they’re totally separate from baseline

>> No.19410398

>new scam pump and dumps can launch on their exchange

>> No.19410424

Haha I get what you say about the team calls.. its mostly shit quality.

The connections are there and building and integrating takes time. Everyone can have his opinion about holding selling or buying ubt tokens not really my concern.

>> No.19410436
File: 459 KB, 418x418, 1590344321344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More sto shitcoins thats what this market needs

>> No.19410529


>not really my concern
>41 posts by this ID

The absolute state of KEK

>> No.19410638

Im not talking about the price am I?

>> No.19410814

This shit isn't rocket science. Yes, Unibright and the Baseline protocol are 2 separate things. Unibright's involvement with the baseline protocol means that they have an intimate knowledge of the technology and their solutions provide an easy way to on-ramp enterprises to this protocol.

TL;DR If companies want to use the baseline protocol they will either need to do all the heavy lifting to be able to use the baseline API or they can just use the Unibright Framework and call it a day since it's baseline compliant.

>> No.19410922

His last vid says its his 3rd largest hold. What you been watching?

>> No.19411486


>> No.19411703

It's the next gen coins m8

>> No.19411764
File: 1.03 MB, 916x598, xzcxzczxc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like 2017/18 had next gen corns?

>> No.19412567

What price range would it be if it made top 20

>> No.19412600

Nah he said he started selling some because of Datatrash. Its still his no.3 hold. If he wasn't happy he would've sold. He did bite the bullet on ENG and called them out despite shilling it for a year. Look at the chart, its clear a pullback was necessary. Compare the chart with synthetics and you will be amazed at the similarity.

>> No.19412694

You just said he dumped the project.. he didn't. In fact he actually bought more.. You guys are constantly lying.. lol...

>> No.19412754
