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19400917 No.19400917 [Reply] [Original]

Let's do this friends

ITT we discuss material costs & methods for making shit hover against gravity using no reaction mass (propellers & thrusters).

Please avoid posting EM field and resonance wave glowie bait pseudo science. We are trying to build something here and sell it to Elon Musk or someone not melt our brains talking about "meta materials". If you can not sketch it up in a CAD program & CNC it out on a mill let's not bother with it.

Discussion focusing on transforming centripetal momentum into linear momentum preferably using mercury will be given priority. This method seems like the easiest to build with the highest probability of working.

Continued from >>19382083

>> No.19400933

If ufo is real surely theres a way to shift the bones in our face easily!!!!

>> No.19400957
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Just use bugs structures like Grebennikov. Or copy and scale what Chekurkov did.

>> No.19401054

ya boy finna build dem ufos ayyy

>> No.19401071

Even if you can build something with extreme acceleration, how you gonna keep the pilot from going smoosh?

>> No.19401089

>Please avoid posting EM field and resonance wave glowie bait pseudo science.
>dduuh bell had a high q factor as a coincidence! It was spinning mercury

This is off topic posting by a brainlet that already admitted his family was operation paperclip

>> No.19401271
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Fill the cockpit with LCL just like in evangelion.

Kek not even joking if you filled the cockpit with water a human would feel practically jack shit up to 200g. Those UFO's instantly accelerating to mach 10 could easily have humans in them. Most midwits have no idea its possible to pull insane G forces by cheating like that.

commercialising tech boomers keep out of the free market is exactly what this board is about.

That dude was nutz but large beetles do have resonant cavities on the inside of their shells. Has to do with static electricity but honestly it's not something that would be easy to build even if it was legit. High probability that there is something there though.

>> No.19401456

>Kek not even joking if you filled the cockpit with water a human would feel practically jack shit up to 200g
do everyone a favor and fill your lungs with water

>> No.19401494
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tech type CEO
hey guy let's spend milions of dolars on basically poorly-defined research project that will take years if not decades to complete, and while we are at it let's speed up the computation by designing custom programing language running on our custom computing machine that uses selenium instead of silicon!

non-tech CEO
hey guys, so our customers want a product that can hover in the air without any thrusters ? uhh, ohhh, guys! I found this on my pintrest!, bet we can get it already cheaply from China, I will set the delivery for late summer, let's start the pre-sales already!

>> No.19401569

Have you looked into cavitation?

How about “Patrick J. Kelley's, A Practical Guide To Free Energy Devices” ?

>> No.19401657
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Unironically that is the only problem with this system. No one has a breathable liquid solution that doesn't fuck your lungs afterwards. You can still pull a shitload of G's if all you do is submerge the cockpit just not nearly as much as if the lungs were full of water as well. A breathable liquid is the holy grail of High G systems.

Engineers are constantly pissed at scientists for shilling bullshit ruth goldberg machines that are nearly impossible to actually manufacture.

Hopefully some kind glowie anon can dump something on here that would be practical to make in a machine shop.

Still got that stuff friend.

>> No.19401686

Have you considered using magnets?

>> No.19401737

you're actually retarded. do you know what g force is? filling the cockpit doesn't make the acceleration of the pilot different to the craft

>> No.19401762

the gun is connected to the box
most inefficient use of electrical energy imaginable

>> No.19402372
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If you throw a gold fish in a bowl does the gold fish hit the wall of the bowl?

No it does not you mong. If a human is submerged in water the effects of acceleration are negligible.

The gun is connected to the box at the center via a shaft...... the gun and counter weight are spinning around the shaft before the gun fires.

When the gun fires the recoil stops the counterweight and the gun from rotating. The Bullet hits the wall and the whole box accelerates in space.

>> No.19402418

there's no difference in the acceleration it's just that the water if applying the force to him.
You don't even have a high school level understanding of physics

>> No.19402475
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Ur a fucking brainlet

The whole point is if you are in a UFO and the cockpit is filled with water you can accelerate like a UFO does and hardly feel anything.

I am not wrong you are just tarded. Acceptance is the first step to recovery anon.

>> No.19402489

Yep but it seems harder to figure out the the gun in a box meme so I am sticking to trying to figure out a mercury based solution related to gun in box meme

>> No.19402509

you are completely wrong.
day one of physics you absolute moron

if you are accelerating a force is being applied to you and it is irrelevant if water or a chair is applying that force to you

>> No.19402643


Litteraly fuck off back to college for moar brainwashing you pinhead

>> No.19402707

got me https://www.esa.int/gsp/ACT/projects/liquid_ventilation/

>> No.19402858
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Ok bro we friend now

So how do we make something hover using pic related logic and mercury.

>> No.19403149

I don't know, maybe the bell is just an inverted air foil. If you spin the mercury in the bell the geometry will create lift

>> No.19403223

Look up space warp dynamics. It's s small team who claim they can create microwarp bubbles using as little as 100 watts of power with intersecting tripole electrical fields. Most of their media has been scrubbed as they have formed a partnership and will be announcing it at the end of July. Phoneposting but will try and get the link later. They are now planning to scale it up.

It's good because by warping space, everything in the bubble doesn't experience G forces as it's the space around it moving.

>> No.19403325


Here it is:


I think it's a summary someone has put together. If this is legit it would revolutionise normal air travel as well as space travel.

The best part is that it doesn't use any exotic or expensive materials.

>> No.19403475

I have played with elemental Mercury in my hands . It was the most amazing element I had seen. A little bottle weighs heavier than big sized metals. It is completely fluid yet it doesn't stick to the surface at all. You break it and it'll recombine. It is truly otherworldly

>> No.19403621
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Word salad by a philosophy professor (link related). Whole thing looks low effort desu.


I have kilos of the stuff, Its definitely heavy AF

>> No.19403693


It could be BS, it certainly sounds too good to be true but many good inventions have come from men working in sheds.
Guess we will have to wait and see. Chances are if its legit their new partner will be a Darpa like organisation who will force them into secrecy anyway.

>> No.19403711

It's not goddamn mercury
>Take you Edgar Fouche shit to /x/
>Have some conversations from a defense contractor with someone from the State Department

>> No.19403811


"250,000 atmospheres at a temperature of 150 degrees Kelvin, and accelerated to 50,000 rpm"

Imagine falling for glowie bait and thinking you can't build this stuff in your garage because it's on the edge of what billions of dollars in Engineering can even make.

Not saying Superfluid at relativistic speeds would not work just saying its not feasible to actually build. If people keep FUD'in muh mercury I am just gonna double down even harder. A inertial transfer system is simple and easy to make.

>> No.19403826

it's not inertial you're like someone shilling horse carriages after the car was invented

>> No.19403845

Mercury is cannot be superconductive and superfluid simultaneously. Bose Einstein and Fermionic Condensates can. The effect could even be achieved with a rotating solid material like a double negative refractive index metamaterial.

>> No.19403859

It actually is inertial. There is no such thing as anti-gravity. It's anti-inertia. Your shielding yourself from the inertial frame of reference created by the rotation of the universe at large ala' Ernst Mach.
>Read this