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1937593 No.1937593 [Reply] [Original]

When did you first realize 99% of people actually enjoy working? Hating work and wanting to be a permaNEET is a rare phenomenon. Almost all people actually need to work, to be told what to do, to be led by someone else, etc.

>> No.1937596

I realized that a while actually when I thought about the fact(and talked to some) old people who have millions and have "retired" but still try to do whatever they can to work, sometimes work part time at grocery stores or something.

>> No.1937608

Life is pretty fucking boring if you don't work.
Unless you have a video game / anime addiction or something.

>> No.1937613

Maybe 75%

>> No.1937615

pretty much this.
My neighbor is old, retired, worth millions. He works for me just so he can have stuff to keep him busy when he's not traveling.

>> No.1937619

Yeah. when you work something all your life you take pride in it and it becomes your interest (if it wasn't originally). Same reason Billionaires wake up every morning to work despite being able to live off like a million a day for the rest of their life.

>> No.1937621

Yep. That dude is in his 70's and I'm beginning to think he'll outlive me because he does way more physical work than I do most days. He also doesn't sleep much. Maybe 4 hours a night. Just a busy bee.

>> No.1937665

>you have money
>you can go anywhere and do anything
>but instead you say that everything is boring and go work for some slave master
What the fuck is wrong with people? Are most people really so stupid they can do nothing out of their own initiative?

>> No.1937667

Yeah retiring sounds amazing in theory. But 9/10 people asked "You retired with $5 million dollars, what would you do now?" would get stuck. Retirement really isn't that fun.

Ask any retired person or billionaire. Slavery is not getting paid and being forced to do it. How is freely choosing to work slavery?

>> No.1937672

Wow I guess I'm in the 1%.

If I retired with 5 mil, I'd spend all my time contemplating existence and traveling.

This is also probably why I can't relate to most normies.

>> No.1937673

I guess, if you look at it like that...it just seems really stupid, and makes life look boring, and like a chore. I was a NEET for many years and not even once wished to get a real life job, though I'm not a normie in the slightest. I guess it's some social thing where having a job is so ingrained in their brains they can't live without it.

>> No.1937674

>How is freely choosing to work slavery?
They've been conditioned to be slaves their entire lives I wouldn't say they are free

>> No.1937675

You say that now, so do normies. When it comes down to it you'll likely get bored or feel unfulfilled.

>> No.1937686


I feel unfulfilled not knowing the nature of existence, and it's something I think about day after day.

Trust me, I've had my share of neet months, and if it wasn't for the fact that I needed money and freedom from parents, I wouldn't work.

*Disclaimer, I have nothing against working or working hard. I do plenty myself, I just don't have any sense of pride in it. It needs to be done, so we do it.

>> No.1937689

everybody likes working with something but most people hate the job they have

>> No.1937693

I don't believe that to be the case. I think man largely feels fulfilled when he works(Whatever that may be, a passion, business or for an employer - employment usually being the easiest since the progression and work is laid out by a superior and he doesn't need to concern himself, kind of how most people learn better in School versus self-learning online), besides the very rare one in a million person who's okay with just lying on his couch all day or whatever.

>> No.1937700


Well I'm sure at the end of the day man needs to do something to feel fufilled; that something doesn't have to be work, unless you mean work as in putting any kind of effort somewhere.

>> No.1937705

I define work as any struggle. Employment is just the easiest to partake in.

>> No.1937716

Well then I agree with you, and I think this has more to do with what OP is talking about, rather than people just wanting to be led.

Of course not saying that some don't get their need for struggle and success through taking orders, getting a paycheck, etc.

>> No.1937722

I think my comparison of Studying in School vs self-learning on the internet was quite accurate. It's much the same way.

People FEEL a NEED to be doing something, something important. But for obvious reasons not everyone can run a business or has extensive hobbies (maybe due to spending their life devoted to their job).

It's not so much "getting orders then getting a paycheck", it's about learning skills and getting tasks done. It feels good to do something, and in a large company the flow of things is well laid out. In other areas of life "Struggle and Success" becomes hard to really *get*.

>> No.1937784

>Ask any retired person or billionaire

I'm 13 years into retirement.
I have a burning desire to remodel my upstairs bathroom and take the family to Tuscany, but other than that I don't really desire work.

Some people are born lazy.

>> No.1937796

People like working on things they find fulfilling. Very few people like working for the sake of working. My father hates his career with a passion but bitches at me for being a seasonal student/NEET because he thinks having a soulcrushing job is just the way life's supposed to be. I pity him desu.

>> No.1937811

>Wagecuck 9-6 in an office
>Dont work

Its not a binary. There are a million situations inbetween.

>> No.1937815

FINANCIAL ADVICE- Don't donate to crowd funding. A liar mom claims son is autistic, ex is abusive to raise money for legal fees. Recently filed transcript in Broward County against M Welter. She stated under oath that she has to go fund me accounts. She claims they are both "for the kids" but stated her mother paid her legal travel expenses. She was told by Judge Ehrlich to turn over all her bank records to the court and they will be filed by the respondent Father, post haste. If you donated, you have the right to see what your money was really used for. View Welters bank records at the courthouse. Not local? Email noveshenfightsback. Avoid crowd funding whining moms.

>> No.1937827

Underrated post

>> No.1937840


I think its not so much work, but routine. If you have a job where you enjoy your work, are friends with your colleagues and get paid to go show up and do some tasks, it would be hard to give it up.

This is how i got through school. Make friends, school = hanging out with friends. School work becomes a task that you do while seeing your friends.

Work is the same, but i now get paid. 13 years in the same job. Never wake up not wanting to go to work.
Call colleagues friends.
Good at job. Get promotions.


>> No.1937849

I already feel kinda frustrated on weekends. But I think if I achieved the NEET aspirational lifestyle I would focus on an exercise schedule and some recreational classes, and I'd be alright. Maybe try to come up with something on YouTube or a podcast

>> No.1937860

Not sure but i am without a doubt not in that 99%.

I have the best job of anyne i have ever met and wagecucking kills my soul.

What i wouldnt give to dick off all day or work for myself...

>> No.1937861

Man some people are just naturally stir crazy. It doesn't mean wagies have the best outlook on life. The fact is that going to work for some other guy is soul sucking.

>> No.1937863


>> No.1937872


They don't enjoy it though. Most dread it. Most hate their stupid work and stupid bosses.

Eventually they become beaten down, institutionalized and develop Stockholm Syndrome. You can't be told what to do for decades and not still crave it. Most resign themselves to their work and pretend to like it, if they admitted the truth. The truth they have no balls. It would mean they might have to change.

That's where I was before becoming an entrepreneur.

>> No.1937874

I love my workplace because the job's relatively easy and the people are great. Tons of co-worker buddies.

All the management is bro-tier too. The only thing I fucking hate is commuting. Waste of life.

>> No.1937902

>[Catalog] [Archive]
>ugh I have to get in the car
>ugh this traffic
>yay work fun montage
>"Anon its closing time"
>"Just 5 more minutes pleeeeease"

haha I know what you mean though

>> No.1938724


>source: my ass

>> No.1938736

Why the fuck should I care what other people like?

I have a pretty amazing job and I fucking hate it.

I don't give a shit if Sally and Jim love what they do, this shit wasn't meant for me. I'm gonna get my money and a nice big company-paid-for certification that will ensure a relatively easy re-entry point in this industry should I ever need to enter it again, and then get the fuck out.

This will take a few years but for now I'm on the right course.

>> No.1938754

What's the first thing people do when they win the lottery?

Quit their fucking jobs!

Ergo you're full of shit. People work because they can't afford not to.

>> No.1938779

Most people just delude themselves to stay positive. The people that actually like their jobs are the few that lucked out and got cushy management positions or some other cake job.

Boomers were born into an era where all you needed to get a 6 figure salary was a firm handshake.

>> No.1939641

>People work because they can't afford not to.

Nobody has to work. There is welfare.

>> No.1939649

/sci/ poster here, my preferred life would be spending the next 100 years working towards immortality, then spending as close to as infinity as I can get being a NEET

>> No.1939652

I want to die. Being sub8 wagecuck is torture.

>> No.1939685


Dude what.

I'd estimate that nearly half of people hate what they do. Most of the rest are meh.

I think only maybe 10 or 20 percent of people really love the job they perform.

>> No.1939705
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probably over 90% hate their jobs more than anything. some enterpreneaurs might enjoy it.

you would have to be very low intellect to be able to get bored out of too much free time

>> No.1939782

while I partially agree with OP, I can only speak for myself and from my experience. After high school become NEET after a year get a job and enjoy interacting with other people and the physical challenge of the job I was doing. A couple different jobs later realize that it's not so much what the job is it's the environment that people hate.

>> No.1939859
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I don't believe that. Most people would readily choose to not work. I've been in the workforce in my first full time job for literally 11 months on the nose (today actually) and I can't stop fantasizing about never having to work again. And the thing is, I LIKE what I fucking do, I actually love it. It's literally the most interesting shit ever.

But at the end of the day, I want to be able to sleep in, make a nice ass breakfast, fuck my gf, play some Vidya, go to the gym, then spend like 2-4 hours doing what I love "work" whenever the fuck I want, and then piss of to a bar with some friends or go to a movie or some shit.

Then the next day I wanna say fuck it, wake and bake in the morning and binge watch breaking bad

Then the next day go visit my parents and maybe help my dad with harvest

Then the next day say fuck it and drive to a city and spend a day or two there just to see and do shit.

The jist is, I want my fucking life to be MINE. I wanna fucking do what I want, when I want and how I want. It doesn't matter if I love what I'm doing if I have to give up 80% of my waking hours to it, or I can't just up and fuck off for a week at any given time.

The fact that I'll never achieve this in a Short enough time span so I'm young still and can enjoy this literally (in the true sense of the word) makes me suicidal some times. I can see the allure of Marxism to so many for this reason.
>inb4 "you can make it anon"
No i/you cant. There's no such thing as free lunch in a pre-post scarcity world senpai.

>> No.1939907

just fucking lol at being sub8

>> No.1939960

Early 20s

A good friend of mine who's a multi-millionaire decided to go back to work part time. He chose Home Depot. When I asked him why he said he was bored and wanted somekind of responsibility.

>> No.1939986

Like $8/hr?

>> No.1940125

>Life is pretty fucking boring if you don't work.

Yes because being allowed to do ANYTHING YOU WANT, excluding working. Is a boring thing.

>"you have two choices, of what you can do this morning. The first one go to job. The second is ANYTHING THAT IS POSSIBLE TO DO IN THIS HUGE UNIVERSE WE LIVE IT"
>"I pick the job one"

Job would need to be to good to be batter than all other things combined.

Its like asking if you want to lose the smell, or lose all other senses together (including the ones pain perception, heat perception...) and picking the other senses. This wont happen

>> No.1940480

That depends where you live.

In a lot of places, welfare isn't sufficient to even keep you alive.

Why do you think chinks and pajeets work in sweatshops for $0.20/hour.

Don't try to tell me that they enjoy what they're doing.

This. Holy fuck how can people be so deluded as to believe that people enjoy their jobs.

The vast majority of workers are doing menial boring shit like sales, customer service, factory work, etc... Nobody enjoys that shit. They do it to pay bills and nothing more.

But there is no responsibility if you're a millionaire. That guy will never know what it's like to stress for your job because, even if he fucks up and gets fired, he's a millionaire!

To be a real wagecuck is true suffering.

>> No.1940508
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People who live to work are fucking drones. We are a generation of savants and introverts.

We don't have the energy for menial labour, but instead for; deep philosophy discussion, helping out at the local soup kitchen, learning new languages, and playing piano at the local bar where we've become something of a celebrity.

>> No.1940690

This would have any merit if anyone on this site, which I'm sure is like 95% NEETs ever did anything with their free days. Most just spend it in their room watching anime.

>> No.1940924

We're talking about the first world dude i.e. the place that matters

Every developed country has some sort of welfare

>> No.1940932


Neets love to talk about how people who work are dumb and how NEETs are freespirits studying 19th century French philosophers and training for sports as top-level athletes but in reality they do absolutely nothing.

>> No.1940940

Most people don't want to work, they want to be busy. It's just that if you can't afford to travel all the time and you don't like video games or clubbing, the best way to keep busy is to have a job, or at least a profitable hobby.

>> No.1941128

Do you honestly think that living on welfare is an option?

I live in Britain (one of the more generous countries when it comes to welfare) and I can assure you that it isn't, unless you have some sort of disability.

If you're on JSA the govt will basically force you into work programmes in order to get your benefits.

The notion that you can sit at home all day and collect NEETbux is complete bullshit unless you're disabled or a single mother.

>> No.1941136

Similar to how wagies love to talk about how they're productive memebers of society and contributing to the world, when in reality they're just flipping burgers or shuffling papers.

I've been a wagecuck for many years and I can assure you that people in offices are just as lazy and unproductive as NEETs half the time.

>> No.1941144

This is like the one fag in the thread who gets it. Most work is just boring stupid bullshit not self actualizing. Also working for other people is generally retarded because they're the ones keeping the profits

>> No.1941162
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goddamn do any of you have a single motherfucking creative bone in your body?


shut up and make something you little grubby shits. fucking ditchdiggers the lot of you

>> No.1941166
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average pleb average iq, zero creativity

>> No.1941178

Okay? No one said anything to the contrary.

The whole point was that NEETies rag on and on about how wagies are "useless cogs for shekelburg" but NEETies are the same as wagies just with no money.

>> No.1941188

>That guy will never know what it's like to stress for your job because, even if he fucks up and gets fired, he's a millionaire!

He's in his 60s and worked his whole life as an accountant at a big firm to earn all he has. Responsibility and job stress aren't a foreign concept to him.

It's funny, we'll get together for coffee occasionally and he bitches about co-workers, how his supervisor in the plumbing dept is stupid, customers are demanding and picky etc. Yet the guy is the millionaire next door, literally.

My takeaway from knowing him and a few others like him is that in general, people really do enjoy the structure and responsibility of work. The monetary gain from doing from it is almost inconsequential. That took me a long time to wrap my head around but I think it's true.

>> No.1941199

Depends entirely on the situation. There are plenty of wagecucks on minimum wage who are broke as fuck. There are plenty of NEETs who inherited large sums of money from deceased family members.

Which group do you think enjoys a higher standard of living and quality of life?

I would say that's EXTREMELY unusual. I'm not saying it's bullshit but I'm having a hard time believing it.

If he's retired and wants something to do with his free time then why not work for a charity or something. My mum volunteers at a charity shop from time to time but I can't fathom why somebody would willingly work at Wallmart or any profit driven wagecuck environment willingly.

I guess it's kinda like how when slavery was abolished, some of the slaves wanted to remain in the service of their masters.

>> No.1941216

>There are plenty of NEETs who inherit large sums

No, there really isn't.

People who have rich family get pushed into certain social circles and prestigious careers. it's not like a NEET who shitposts on 4chan all day and plays videogames then one day gets call from Mom: "Anon, your distant uncle just passed away. He left his random nephew $50million dollars!!!! You're rich!".

Unless you mean like Dan Bilzerian-types. But I wouldn't call those NEETs.

>> No.1941242

I don't mean rich, I mean well off.

I'm a wagie now but I know full well that when certain relatives of mine die, I will be quite wealthy. Not as wealthy as Dan Bilzerian but wealthy enough that I will never have to work again.

When my parents die I will be even wealthier since I will inherit multiple properties (only child).

I don't know why you think it's that unusual desu.

>> No.1941330

>I would say that's EXTREMELY unusual
While purely anecdotal, it's not that unusual in my experience. If he were the only person I knew with similar habits I would say he's a one-off but I've met a few people like that since. Granted they're not multi-millionaires but they could retire comfortably if they chose to do so.

Also what I've noticed, they don't really talk in depth with individuals who don't share their point of view. Instead they surround themselves with like minded people. So to me, if I didn't happen to live next door to the guy growing up, these people simply didn't exist or at least they didn't before I came to their way of thinking.

>> No.1941364

I had been jobless for 2 years
Yeah you get a lot of free time but no money that means you will get free depression too

>> No.1941367

My id changed but whatever
I meant being a NEET(and remaining one) and inheriting money.

Forget it though. Just do whatever you feel is rihht dude I'm so fucking tired of arguing these subjective things I don't know why I keep doing it. Forget it man. Sorry about all this I'm going to ignore threads like this from now on.

>> No.1941378

Actual rich people aren't working on some boring ass job. Those guys are waggies coping.

>> No.1941381

>Unless you mean like Dan Bilzerian-types. But I wouldn't call those NEETs.

>showing off wealth on instagram
>not NEET
thats what all those trust fund kids living in god mode do

>> No.1941386

This is what happens when working drones get free time. Very sad.

>> No.1941517

People evolved to be lazy assholes.
Pretending to be superior is literally shitposting 101
You both know better. Deal with it and stop shooting up my board. REEEE.

>> No.1941543

T. Autism

>> No.1941544

How do I remain a permaNEET while still making enough money to support myself? I'm willing to "work", but I really don't wanna have to leave my place of residence.

>> No.1941546

This exactly. People with no creativity or dreams or ideas want a boss and rules and structure. Good for them I suppose

>> No.1941548

im a banker making 85k a year at a top 10 mba program.
i ponder this every. fucking. day.

>1. work at a company and get so fucking good company agrees to let u work remote at paycut. see: brad pitts character from big short. his market readings was good enough when he asked to resign, they let him work newhere at same pay
>2. learn IT shit that could be done remote
>3. sales. have client relationships significant enough company lets u do whaever the fuck u want as long as they stay clients
>4. day trade successfuly (protip almost impossible)

>> No.1941551


protip" 3/4 of these requires u to check in and prove ur norminess at least for 5 yrs

>> No.1941644


stop LARPing faggot.

>> No.1941680

I swear to god fuck you. All of you pseudo fucking film faggots are retarded and cringy. You are not a fucking Brit in the 50s or whatever the fuck you think you are. Kill yourselves. Art is dead.

>> No.1941683

>top 10 MBA
Fake and cringy.

>> No.1941686

I'm in Australia.

We have JSA too, if you hand in medical certificates for mental illnesses you get exemptions from that stuff. So you just get paid for doing nothing.

>> No.1941708

You love what you do? What is it that you do?

I believe you can make it anon

>> No.1942223

plz no racism you fucking white cracker

>> No.1942245

They want to be productive members and contribute to society as a whole. You don't. That's the difference.

You're a shitty, selfish, entitled person, and while retired people might be shitty too, at least they're contributing.

>> No.1942250

yeah, know a guy in his 70s with two generous old-school pensions and full social security

he works part-time at the convenience store just for the hell of it

>> No.1942276

I used to wait tables at a classy urban joint where wealthy Fortune 500 folk and corporate drones would go to quietly eat at lunch and celebrate at dinner.

The dynamic was largely the same as with anyone else. They underhandedly 1up each other and compete with their equals.

Instead of showing off a nice car or that they're in a good zip code, it's stories about touring Switzerland, Japan, or the Hawaiian Islands with your Russian escort """wife""" and """maid""" with a a lot of depth and emphasis on comfort and the quality of the service.

Major point: These people basically achieved all their goals (for those who had them), they've seen everything they've wanted to see, and they've lived out all of their dreams. What do they do then? They settle and, lacking ambition, just start keeping up with the Joneses like a generic suburban family.

>> No.1942325
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Vast majority of Job's don't actually further or benefit society, I'd say technological advancements do a better job overall

>> No.1942627

I have my dream job and I am fantasizing about building some sort of homestead or becoming a landlord. Anything really to give me my life back.

>> No.1942643

its because when you think of a job, you are thinking of working at mcdonalds or doing construction or something. most white collar professionals love what they do. my father in law is a "retired" doctor and he spends most of his day doing house calls around town just because he likes taking care of people.

i'm an engineer and i can totally see myself doing something similar where i just review prints and meet with clients.

>> No.1942845
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My life would be meaningless if I didn't work, have friends and hobbies.

>> No.1943025


fuck off normal. some people are enlightened

>> No.1943057


Your life is meaningless goy you're just deluding yourself by ascribing value to arbitrary things.

"Your life" doesn't even exist, the concept of the self is a psychological illusion.

Whatever helps you sleep at night I guess.

>> No.1943084

I'm an engineer, graduated with Latin honors, do great work, vibe with clients, buddies with everyone.

I hate my fucking job. I hate my fucking life. I just paid off student loans and in the next year or two while I'm still under 30 I'm gonna say fuck it and become a vagabond. Right now trying to get into sales engineering or technical sales, something more people focused that doesn't plateau like a piece of shit engineer. No offense mean that btw, you just triggered me by saying you're an engineer

>> No.1943088

>"Your life" doesn't even exist, the concept of the self is a psychological illusion.
Other way around.
My self is the only thing I can prove exists.

>> No.1944401

Military fag here. So many people that I work with are looking forward to, NOT ONLY dealing with the military bullshit for 20 years for a measly 30k pension, but THEN getting another shitty bluecollar job like police or firefighter to work ANOTHER 20 for another measly 30-45k pension.

"Yeah anon think of how awesome that will be having TWO PENSIONS and then you're set for life!"

Yeah, whatever life is left after working some of the most stressful jobs in the world for 40 years.....

From the moment I started working at 15, I knew this shit was not for me, and i need an alternative.

Meanwhile I'm on track to make 60k yearly with rentals within the next 10yrs at the rip age of 36,

>fuck normies
>fuck wagecucks
>and fuck the indoctrination that is our culture.

>> No.1944430

>le veblenian concept of workmanship
No. Work is disutility. It is pain.

>> No.1944477

Are u bat shit fucking insane...?

Give everyone u know the exact salary they make now to quit their jobs.

How many would stay?

Nit a fucking single fucking one

>> No.1944483
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You aint a shitting

>> No.1944485
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>> No.1944488

Just doblike half of my fucking town in america... (muh back) then cut wood or do construction for cash while livuming off of disability i pay for

>> No.1944492
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Thats why u dont be an office cuck

>> No.1944497
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I do...

Also consequrntly a litteral ditch digger...

>> No.1944522

>coworkers say things like "I don't know what to do with myself after a while", "I don't need that many days off, what am I gonna do", etc
>meanwhile actively giving up shifts to coworkers so I can have three days away from the box of despair my money comes from after I've bled enough of my life into it
>any time I bring up my hobbies or the vidya I put time into (let's face it, consuming media != hobby) in conversation, they act smug about how they don't have time to do that because of their job

It's startling, and I have no idea how they function.

>> No.1944544

>It's startling, and I have no idea how they function.

I can relate, if you met me I would be like one of those co-workers. Through years of shitty work I have basically become a robot, I don't have any hobbies or interesting stories to tell, the complete void in my life is filled with busy-work that I use as an excuse to run away from the lives of others.

I believe once you reach that stage in life, the burning desire to acquire wealth becomes an unhealthy obsession. Which is why i'm here.

>> No.1944549

It's the same reason people say they would love to travel and get out more, but then when you say "ok, you have time off of work and here's a ticket to travel to X, plus you have more than enough to easily afford this," they always turn you down.

People don't fucking live the life they say they want to live.

>> No.1944556

Highly doubt 99% enjoy working but its an undeniable fact that money is a major driving force behind choosing to work/run a business.

I realized certain people prefer to be employed while a smaller percentage prefer not to and can deal with the uncertainty of being self-employed. The employed people always seek a comfort zone.

I would say I have been living NEET for 5 years now and never get bored. But the lack of a social life is a killer.

>> No.1944606

Free depression woyld be lovely

Right now it trys to cost me my life daily

>> No.1944614


Not true. I know a britfag receiving 2 disability cheques without being disabled. Plenty of ppl Game the system. I know similar ppl in USA too.

With classifications like systemic exertion intolerance disease (aka chronic fatigue syndrome) anything is possible.

>> No.1944622

Me too anon.

I have chosen the real estate grind. Work over 50 hoirs a week and then tinker on shithole houses.

Buying a trailer house for $4,000 this week probably. Cash money.

Gonna gut the fucker and shove it full of used appliances. Run the meters to the cement driveway for a camper lot.

It sucks dick and is stressful but it is getting easier.

Soon i can pay some fagmonkey to deal with my fucking tenants that dont take care of shit or ever pay their fucking rent.

Honestly i dont get it. I rented for years. Every single landlord i ever had was a worthless cunt. Then i descide i will not be a cocksucker.

Not 1 fucking person will pay rent withoyt harassing them.

I am fucking done.

Asshole Shitloarding Engaged

>> No.1944625

I live in Tuscany man.
Why do you want to take your family here?

>> No.1944630

Fucking calm yourself anon. Shits sake...

>> No.1944632

Does deoression and anxiety count? Seriously considering playing the real estate game there

>> No.1944636

Fuck that. Ima dig a bunker and hide from u faggots

>> No.1944698

>Honestly i dont get it. I rented for years. Every single landlord i ever had was a worthless cunt. Then i descide i will not be a cocksucker.
>Not 1 fucking person will pay rent withoyt harassing them.

Only people who have issues with money / unstable work resort to this sort of behavior. When these people do get money they splurge on themselves first. This becomes a habit.

Trailer houses do not attract people with good incomes. Ergo, deal with it. OR invest in better property to attract better clientele.

>> No.1944702

Same here brother. Get paid to shitpost and just took advil because i have a headache dealing with fucking idiots

>> No.1944707

Top fucking kek. Will be right there with u after working since 14 and being broken and crippled in 5 years at 36.

Looking to buy house number 3 this week!

Thank you for making america great again anon.

>> No.1944711

>unhealthy obsession.

Yup, litterally drove me nuts.

Gotta calm the fuck down and activly chase wealth without letting if consume u

>> No.1944722

Oh i am. The trailer house is a fucming storage shed.

I wouldnt have anything to do with a fucking trailer but my situation makes them okay.

Grew up in a trailer park my family owned.

Most arent bad if u throw out the carpets and lay 3/3" plywood down.

Plus i drive a truck so i can just borrow. And drag shithole trailers wherever i want.

Will just deal with it and hire a prick to get rent.

>> No.1944748

speak for yourself, moron

>> No.1944930
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>> No.1945024

when you play a game you work harder than anyone in any office tho.