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File: 137 KB, 1566x1024, Screen Shot 2020-05-28 at 21.02.23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19391414 No.19391414 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19391665

How are people getting rekt when nobody even bought this.
>Who would buy a coin names ghost.

>> No.19391683
File: 169 KB, 768x768, 1569259025762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek get fukd ghostie faggots

>> No.19391780 [DELETED] 

>kek get fukd ghostie faggots
Brainlet the price of your coin isn't supposed to drop -10% daily during a bullmarket.

>> No.19391956


thanks I bought 10k more

>> No.19392027
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t. investader

>> No.19392035



>> No.19392040
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> rank 2227

>> No.19392046

$100 EOY

>> No.19392906
File: 123 KB, 600x361, B276C3D3-21B2-4CDB-9D61-47247CE61787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come home ghost mans

>> No.19392964

Supply isn't updated....

>> No.19393421

wow someone really sat down and made this image. sometimes i realize how lucky i really am

>> No.19393589
File: 33 KB, 645x588, e02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm going to ride this to zero, for the keks
>i ain't no weak hands
>thanks i bought more hehe
>it will go up just wait for main net, pajeet's almost finished with the node
>he's just waiting for us all to get in b4 he pumps it
>4d chess man, he's doing this on purpose
>there's a new white paper, and that's a good thing!?!

get so rekt you spamming faggot mexicans

>> No.19393777

Fuck Ghost, is there any reason to buy ESH now that it's $0.1? Didn't they have other plans for it?

>> No.19394013

No, it was a Mcafee p&d. GHOST was a red herring to pump ESH. now both are worthless and he is away with your money

>> No.19394367

Yeah, if the dollar collapses into a Zimbabwian oblivion.

>> No.19394401

LMAO <100K volume, Mccaffe is totally washed up in the shitcoin game. I’m sure hes thanking you for the money losers

>> No.19394507

Kill yourself. $5 by mainnet. If you don’t like it, then don’t invest. I sold chainlink a year ago; you don’t see me fudding every link thread.

>> No.19394532

Those trips should tell you the answer.

>> No.19394675

You sold Chainlink for Ghost...
You fucking idiot

>> No.19394682

i think the trips are telling him no. sorry boys the gig is up. you win some you lose some. they (Mcafee/Josh) were all in esh for free and it dumped at $2 something, do the math. writing on the wall it seems. better luck next time

>> No.19394783

Considering the fact that it was rank 6668 yesterday, that’s a pretty big leap

>> No.19394796

Chainlink is a vaporwave scam, with most of the supply held by 1 man

>> No.19394838

>is a cokehead
>is a literal fugitive
>eats poopoo

if this was a nigger robbing a convenience store, you'd say, "well of course that happened". yet when said nigger creates a cryptocurrency with a plagarized whitepaper in a market full of scammers you're willing to hand over your hard-earned sats?

anon, i...

>> No.19394883 [DELETED] 

>most of the supply held by 1 man

Isn't this CryptoTom's wallet?

He holds 8.1491% of all Ghost tokens...


>> No.19395014

>$3.80 stable coin
>”tokens don’t matter”
>not even a real currency

>decentralized privacy coin
>the future currency of cartels and addicts everywhere
>eth had a higher ATH than link
>eth wasn’t even final form
>this isn’t even final form
>main net in 25 days
>$100 eoy

>> No.19395041

Don't give a fuck if Ghost is the biggest scam in the world, i'd absolutely sell a billion dollar cap coin for a 10m one, pound for pound the return potential is way greater.

>> No.19395063

>pound for pound the return potential is way greater.
That's only true if you are not investing in scams.
Marketcap doesn't fucking matter if one coins a scam and the other isn't

>> No.19395081

>don't buy zclassic or verge, doz are scams!"
>/miss out on 1000x gains

>> No.19395128

Where does one accrue ghost?

>> No.19395195

>verge, doz are scams!"
>>/miss out on 1000x gains
You literal fucking brianlet. You are the fucking stupidest person I have ever come across on biz

>> No.19395290

Hey genderqueer, literally the only reason to buy an altcoin is to make more Bitcoin. That is their ONLY purpose. Everyone who gets rekt in crypto are people who fall in love with their coin and think "I did it, I bought the next Bitcoin!!!" and they 100% of the time always lose their shirt holding on as it just dumps and dumps and dumps until their left with nothing. You can go buy your chainstink and naively believe it's going to go to 100b marketcap and 100x your money, but it's not. Me, i'll go play around in scamdyland making real money because I know everything i'm buying has a half-life of 6 months to a year.

>> No.19395330

BTC maximalism is retarded
the few people I know who've made it diversify into ETH BTC and alts

>> No.19395413

I'm not a maximalist, i'm realistic. Been here since 2013, seen hundreds of coins come and go. Maybe something like Link makes it, maybe it doesn't, but if I want major gains I don't invest in billion dollar caps.

>> No.19395541
File: 34 KB, 992x992, (YOU)AREAFAGGOT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey genderqueer, literally the only reason to buy an altcoin is to make more Bitcoin. That is their ONLY purpose. Everyone who gets rekt in crypto are people who fall in love with their coin and think "I did it, I bought the next Bitcoin!!!" and they 100% of the time always lose their shirt holding on as it just dumps and dumps and dumps until their left with nothing. You can go buy your chainstink and naively believe it's going to go to 100b marketcap and 100x your money, but it's not. Me, i'll go play around in scamdyland making real money because I know everything i'm buying has a half-life of 6 months to a year.

>> No.19395671

10 USD June 22nd 2020.

Screencap this you filthy niggers

>> No.19395755
File: 33 KB, 992x992, (YOU)AREALSOAFAGGOT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10 USD June 22nd 2020.
>Screencap this you filthy niggers

>> No.19395770

Did they ever finish the airdrop?

>> No.19395984

I know you're mad im going to be making 40k per month when mainnet drops with my mastermode.

>> No.19396044
File: 11 KB, 386x459, 230-usd-bitconnect-return.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their "masternode staking" calculator reminds me of the exact same one that used to be on the Bitconnect website

>> No.19396092

Where the fuck can I buy Ghost?

>> No.19396132

Only Ghost is Mcbathsalts once he gets your money

>> No.19396155


>> No.19396174

also tons of brainlet friendly exchanges listed on coinmarketcap anon

bitcoin.com and hoo for example dont need kyc

>> No.19396305

I bought link at 1.5 and sold at 4.5 and I had in between a suicide and make it stack. I’m still up with ghost and ESH and I’m holding 7k of both. To each their own.

>> No.19396337

Is this where we sell, or do we wait till it reaches higher? t. Top 120 holder.

>> No.19396344

>I bought link at 1.5
I bought link at 0.20

>> No.19396641

who are you quoting?

>> No.19397080


>> No.19397326


>> No.19397633
File: 490 KB, 399x620, walk2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come aboard, lads, we'll pillage and plunder the lot of them!

>> No.19397788

Just wait. Massive accumulation to bring it to 5 bucks. Get in before 5 and you win. Mainet coming soon. People will be buying this dip

>> No.19398278


this guy watches her girlfriend gangbanged by niggers or is shitting to Ganges and praising cows

>> No.19398367

Duh. This should be obvious. I’m not sure if the fud is coordinated or if it’s because the WP sucked. That shit was a decoy anyway. The real WP is gonna be a big fuck you to the establishment. $10 EOY.

>> No.19398476

Still didn't receive airdrop