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19391272 No.19391272 [Reply] [Original]

Yesterday, some fucking art student tried to sell me ritalin, told me that it's the best shit ever. What a fucking pleb. I felt so bad for the delusional retard, trying to flip ritalin, I let him know about LTO Network, hope that he's buying some before it's too late.

>> No.19391594

Ritalin is great when you mix it with add

>> No.19391605

Legal morphine prescribed for new "disorders" that weren't in the book before.. the state of psychiatry and drugs in 2020

>> No.19391644

Redpill me on LTO op

>> No.19391695

It's legal speed you fucking tard

>> No.19391757

my boss used to take adderalls and make us work 12-16-20+ hour days
we'd be doing jobs 300+ miles away living in hotels with rented trailers for all our shit.

total fuckery.

guy was throwing barrels after not having it for 3 days. like donkey kong.

i fired him.

>> No.19391763

>Legal morphine
Based retard

>> No.19391779

you fired your boss?

>> No.19391799

The Dutch government is working closely with LTO, probably because their biggest source for Blockchain, Hammers (former CEO of ING, big Dutch bank) went to Switzerland.

>> No.19391800

Its a shitcoin & you are either a newfag or a shill

>> No.19391836

Adderall is great as long as you control it, not the other way around. It’s desu better to stay on (ar)modafinil if you use it daily

>> No.19391860


The dutch government is een stelletje domme kankernegers who have no money and only want "green" project. These dumb cunts are burning all the trees in an effort to "reduce CO2" and they're burning all the money to "help the southern states". I spit on Rutte and the VVD. They are fascist pieces of shit and I hope they die soon.

If LTO is involved with the dutch government it has no chance to survive because those niggers don't have any money left. They're cutting pensions and welfare for the retarded ffs, how dumb can they be.

>> No.19391910


LTO joining the big guys in The Netherlands, becoming part of the Dutch tech ecosystem is a major step for blockchain adoption. It’s ironic to see token prices not move with this kind of news, but some bs crypto partnership or listing it’ll pamp with no rational thought

>> No.19391937

>The dutch government is een stelletje domme kankernegers

>> No.19391964


>> No.19392002

i out earned my boss by buying links.
in winter.. he shows me his biz portfolio.
and i was like wtf?
it was then i realized i make 1/3rd of this guy..
i invest and work hard as fuck.
this guy is blowing money calling my link a chinese scam, and i have more money in link alone, than my boss has in his entire business and house account..

also he fucked up on taxes.
my trump bux and my tax returns went into his biz account.
that is 1 of the main reasons i left.
fuck that.
still got to get irs on that shit.

also he was billing us out for prevailing wage..
he was paying us shit.

always taking jobs like hospitals, colleges, military bases, prisons, etc.
all rate jobs..
and paying us shit.

my link stack alone makes or loses more money than i make working. and by working i mean, living the job up to 20+ hours with 3-4 hours naps 7 days a week for months.
was it worth it?
nah. i like working 3-6 days a week
doing my 8-12 hours and gtfoing.
fuck living 300+ miles away

boss talks about sobriety being important and shit.
and im sitting there like, this motherfucker cant keep his head or hands still for 1 minute cause hes jammed on addies.
and he was a huge fat guy.

i dont really like planet fats high on speed.
telling me about sobriety.

>> No.19392037

Don’t understand the obsession with CO2 shit when we’re about to get into a fucking depression.

>> No.19392101


Oh it's far worse than you think. The dutch workforce is paying on average 50k per working dutch person to the EU and the EU is now demanding a 60% increase on top of that to compensate for the UK leaving. Meanwhile there's well over a million people on "bijstand" which is general welfare. On top of that there are the tax funded "pensioners" who get that money regardless of whether they contributed anything to anywhere. Foreign old people who come to the Netherlands get this "free money" too. So the 80% effective income tax has to go up. It's just ridiculous. Our politicians aren't even dutch! There's jews, moroccans, turks and god knows what in there. The vast majority are communists too.

Fuck jesse klaver and fuck rob jetten. Pieces of shit need to die.

>> No.19392117
File: 204 KB, 533x558, nootropics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn I wish I could find some legal pills that actually do something for me.

I'm eyeing these scammy Nootropics: https://www.trybetterbrand.com/products/bettermind

solely because some shitcoin peddler was shilling them on Twitter, but I'm sure it'll just be 60 odd dollars down the drain. I'm willing to try it though. Anyone have any recommendations?

>> No.19392163


I wonder if that infowars stuff actually works as well as they claim it to since it's kind of expensive. Most of them contain testosterone boosters and of course more testosterone makes you function better.

>> No.19392211

Don’t buy that weak shit, just google and buy from one of the first 5

>> No.19392233
File: 19 KB, 474x316, cubensis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ritalin adderall and modafinil are all pleb tier shit

>> No.19392235

Here’s your (you) dipshit

>> No.19392655

Drop dat money on some good coffee and check out “coffee naps”, result should be much better than this scam lol

>> No.19393336

I've had a bit of experience with herbal nootropics. The one that worked the best was L-Dopa (mucuna dopa) fully legal and cheap. A cognition based mushroom complex is also a good addition

>> No.19393338

I prefer ritalin to adderall for productivity

>> No.19393348

redpill on where i can buy modafinil please. is it legal in some states or what's the deal

>> No.19393496

Anon I consumed it 3 years back and trust me whenever you do, keep the dosage low. Shit gives one a faster heart rate which can cause anxiety and poor sleep. Low carb/sugar diet + exercise + lifting weights + meditation is all you need anon. Avoid the pharmaceutical jew selling you quick fixes/pills. The side effects aren't worth it. Good luck.

>> No.19393630
File: 2.00 MB, 240x180, 1582543498638.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed but morphine is only given for big big pain

>> No.19393634

so you didn't do shit but quit like a little bitch hahahahaha

>> No.19393681

You should become a blogger. Post your faggot stories there.

>> No.19394080

modafinil for studying and getting work done
adderall for feeling more energetic