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File: 611 KB, 1016x700, U.S. Says Hong Kong’s China Autonomy is Gone, Sowing Trade Doubt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19374459 No.19374459 [Reply] [Original]

I'm visiting from /pol/ and /tv/ and saw this news about the U.S. no longer able to recognize Hong Kong as its own country, separate from mianland China which is controlled by the authoritarian regime of the Communist Party. Some anons are saying that the CCP are screwed because of this move by the U.S. So what happens next or what might happen?

>> No.19374475 [DELETED] 
File: 115 KB, 799x690, Communist China taking over Hong Kong, U.S. can no longer regard Hong Kong as autonomous.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I forgot to post the archived link: http://archive.is/TtxWq

>> No.19374487

Hong Kong is a city in China and that’s the end get over it terrorist rioters

>> No.19374506


>> No.19374532
File: 115 KB, 799x690, Communist China taking over Hong Kong, U.S. can no longer regard Hong Kong as autonomous.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I forgot to post the archived link for the article: http://archive.is/TtxWq

>> No.19374533
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kinda good bait, im not sure if larp or real.

>> No.19374541

based xi
bitchboy blormpf

>> No.19374629

China is fake China. The real China is Taiwan. After the KMT lost the civil war, they had to exile themselves to Taiwan, leaving the mainland in the hands of the commies.

>> No.19374642


Here is the /pol/ thread about Hong Kong no longer able to have autonomy - >>>/pol/258985177


/pol/ says the CCP is fucked because they wanted Hong Kong and the U.S. says that they can't treat Hong Kong as an independent state from Communist-ruled China. I'm planning on buying some books that were banned by the CCP.

>> No.19374706

Means USA won’t give them special trade and so they gonna lose their place in global trade.

>> No.19374717

>>>/pol & /tv/. Nobody here gives a shit, how does it help me make money?

>> No.19374733

Why do people care? I really don't care. Nothing that happens in Asia matters if you plan accordingly.

>> No.19374774

It means China will take HK soon and the US diesnt want to interfere.

HK is very nice though, so a bit sad by this.

>> No.19374783

Bullshit, China has had HK forever now. I want you to look into who is running the banks there and how they are able to fund CIA color revolutions. The likes have there claws in HK and have been trying to fuck over China for an long time. They might just get it because of the deal China just made with some US bank or the IMF cant remember. The shit on /pol/ is basically miga retards that think the HK riots were natural. If you have two fucking brain cells and you watched the riots these fuckheads are using standard antifa tactics right down to using non-violent rioters as cover for violence. You can see then out in the open a lot of them using umbrellas.

>> No.19374787
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>Hitler always loses

>> No.19374829

This sucks. I've always wanted to live in HK for a while.

>> No.19374846


The CCP is evil.

>> No.19374915

Short Hong Kong dollars?

>> No.19374929

its few things i'd guess
1. a (((SHOW))) of strength by the mutts
2. Contract law getting violated (hasn't happened, yet), Hence trade Doubt. Lots of US/Western Banking interests there though
3. the Peg to the USD, the US doesn't want them selling dollars anymore. Not going into conjecture why

>> No.19374951

chink detected

>> No.19374984

Hitler was right to side with the KMT. Commie China is bullshit. Honestly, the entire world should go back to recognizing the ROC as the legitimate government of China.

>> No.19374997

yep. Chinks literally seethe hard about hk. It would be great to see hk gain independence but without any support itll never happen

>> No.19375030

Boy, I can't wait for our next president to peddle back and suck China's dick to get back at drumpf.

>> No.19375271

They are any more evil then Israel? The US? Any other country? Come on faggot switch brain lets hear it.
t. JIDF shill

>> No.19375320

>If you have two fucking brain cells and you watched the riots these fuckheads are using standard antifa tactics right down to using non-violent rioters as cover for violence.
He stated unironically believing that antifa violence was anything more than sub 80 iq liberal arts brainlets ill equipped to successfully debate anyone, and, implying there was actually something tactical about it.

>> No.19376231

You mean not sure if not chinese or chinese

>> No.19376278

Ni hao chinaman

>> No.19376450

How hard would Americans seethe if China audited Hawaiian independence protesters? We live under this delusion that it’s ok for us to meddle in other people’s business but not vice versa.

>> No.19376647

There is something tactical about it, there are at least 5 NGOs who speacialize on organizing "peaceful protests. They organized the Arab Spring, Ukraine protests, domestic Antifa riots, BLM protests etc.
They've gotten so lazy they even recycle the protest posters and logos - raised fist flags and yellow background black text posters have been used in at least 8 countries.

>> No.19376903

chinese bot must go

>> No.19376934
File: 52 KB, 300x476, A7A9DFEF-9A34-4FE6-BF5C-A97C95C7218D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China commits human rights violations against its citizens, unlike America where we just murder them on broad daylight instead

>> No.19376950

Have hawaiian independence protesters shut the state because the US failed to adhere to a prior agreement outlining Hawaii's sovereignty?
fuck off

>> No.19376967
File: 491 KB, 750x929, 4F1C45FB-D55A-4D50-AE1C-5B2BDE607079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m sure Soros is involved. Notice the kill []’s

>> No.19376988

You communist kike PSYOP agents all have addresses and family members. Please remember this: you started the war. And we will end it AND your bloodlines FOR GOOD THIS TIME

>> No.19377003

War were declared

>> No.19377063
File: 1.47 MB, 236x250, 1574141410674.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no rights to freedom of expression
>no rights to freedom of press
>no rights to democratic elections
>hundreds of thousands protesting this are all funded by the CIA on the doorstep of the most intrusive domestic spy network in history

Convenient but laughable outside of the "peoples'" """republic""".

>> No.19377139

>Lol he thinks niggers that commit crime are equal to chinks who just want more freedom

>> No.19377207

Meh. It probably plays into the Chinese hands. They're probably happy to lose the wealth of HK to save face and control it (and disappear all the HK protesters).
US basically acknowledges that it is China now.

>> No.19377253

Yeah they are more evil than everyone because they have no morality, they are like bugs

>> No.19377266

Wtf I thought Drumpf hated China

>> No.19377325

HKs main industries are shipping logistics, tourism and financial services right?
I'm guessing a lot of the financial service industry in that region will shift more toward Singapore now due to the instability..

>> No.19377491

>no morality
You know how fucking stupid this shit is? Do a little reading on the history of china. Look I get it the kikes are letting you do a little racism and you are taking there bait. Just remember when they allowed this to happen after they did 9/11.

>> No.19377750

US acknowledges that it is now under Chinese control but at the same time no longer recognizes any of the special economic and trade privileges enjoyed by HK.

>> No.19377863

>Gain more political power
> it's a loss
Not sure if coping or not

>> No.19378003
File: 102 KB, 600x600, 5oz-atb-american-samoa-reverse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck China, Taiwan numba wan

>> No.19378021

They are literally the only communist nation of the 20th century that handed out bullets instead of ballots when their citizens demanded democracy. The only one, despite how absolutely barbaric every communist regime of the 20th century was when during its infancy. Yes, they are demonstrably more "evil" than just about every other nation in the world, including the U.S. and Israel, which is saying quite a lot.
Even if they were only "any other country", is that really your argument? Evil exists, so just accept it like a little bitch? You don't sound like someone who should be giving out moral advice to anyone.

>> No.19378059

They are not full communist they are mixed economy and if you want to talk about democracy being good just look at what we are in currently. The fucking idea that democracy is any good is fucking stupid as shit and anything else you have to say should be discarded out right. They are not more evil then Israel. You are one huge fucking dipshit

>> No.19378103 [DELETED] 

chink detected

>> No.19378118

>B-b-but all my facebook likes and retweets!

It's not like anyone in the world can do anything with HK against china dude to how China has spent decades building an economic powerhouse to make people fully dependent on them. People would be up in arms if the US rolled up a ship then china stopped sending iphones out people would screech more than anything. HK's been a farce since the moment they got handed off from Britain, everyones been bought out already. Screaming about it does nothing because people would rather pay 99c for something than 1.99 to have it made in the states

>> No.19378159

stay mad kike

>> No.19378174

Lol. That argument is as poor as you’re stupid. Go back to your leader Chiang Kai Shiak as he murders the innocent.

>> No.19378185

kys u fucking chink.

>> No.19378189


>> No.19378215

I feel like your posts are a double-psyop to get people to dislike China

it’s working

>> No.19378250

Nope. It was ((their)) plan all along. Have the clown be the ‘bad guy’, and then continue bad relations because America first. Remember, POTUS are mere puppets to a larger game played.

>> No.19378293
File: 50 KB, 918x960, 1590444616837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He calls us kikes / tells us we are being fooled by kikes is because they know that the way to get closer to the hearts of ppl on 4chan is by acting like youre a hip racist.
but you arent, youre a bug chink shapeshifter. get the fuck out of here 五毛

>> No.19378313

The reason he calls*

>> No.19378438

>people would rather pay 99c for something than 1.99 to have it made in the states
>boomers and oblivious gen Xers would rather pay 99c for something than 1.99 to have it made in the states
I can guarantee you millenials would take that trade in a heartbeat.

>> No.19378504
File: 29 KB, 400x396, 1526531652488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China is literally a meme country and a meme economy. Anyone that has ever watched the China Hustle would know this,.

>> No.19378521 [DELETED] 
File: 105 KB, 1200x675, winnie the pooh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.19378552

consolidation of the country and maintaining its integrity is more important than money for the PRC. western companies will have to move their base of operations to singapore or london if they lose confidence in hong kong. in the end, nothing changes. china's rising economy is too attractive for capitalists to simply ignore and give up on.

>> No.19378557

Chinese is such an ugly ass language god damn

>> No.19378603

China will not become a world power. In fact, it will have trouble just staying a unified country over the next decade


>> No.19378608

Guys I think we're overlooking the real question.


>> No.19378628

im not going to argue hypothetical. it may or may not. but it's increasing obvious that being #2 in the worlds economy already makes them a world power the same way the soviet union was. the main difference is such, modern china embraced capitalist ideals, the soviet union did not.

>> No.19378646
File: 13 KB, 208x243, saudi merchant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we let the saudi's commit a terrorist attack on our own soil.
We certainly ain't gonna do shit to china.

>> No.19378686

I can't wait for the draft. If some of these basedboys have to go to combat and have to leave their anime figurines behind, it will be glorious.

37 and already served in Iraq here so have fun, gents

>> No.19378687

fuck china

>> No.19378688 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 509x411, frog feels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crazy to think that the chink tranny discord jannies ban Anons for posting the Chinaman TIANANMEN SQUARE WINNIE THE POOH CHING CHONG CHONG etc. copypasta now

the chinks and ruskies have fully embraced the idea of online warfare

>> No.19378698

Godspeed, brother. I salute you

>> No.19378737

Ccp China is more evil than Nazi Germany. As long as humans draw breath they will fight the oppressively harsh rulers.

>> No.19378871

this, foreign capital will see HK as more riskier and will choose Singapore.

Bit of a /tinfoil/ point but: i think the reason many governments are afraid to comment on the loss of Hong Kong's freedom is not only is China such a large trade partner with many countries, but HK's efficient government shines a light on how you can create prosperity without high as fuck tax rates.
Many governments promise prosperity to their citizens if we could only just tax the rich a little more... Yet HK shows its just about competence and actually treating "the rich" well.
Chinas going to bulldoze this example of a successful government off the map? the one that makes us look bad? the ones thats also an attractive location for rich people to put their capital? yeah might just let this one happen...

>> No.19379216


>> No.19379653

You are only racist against chinks because they say you can be. You are a jewish tool.

>> No.19379672

Chink detected

>> No.19379703

Doubt this very much there is a reason those financial institutions are there. They are a way to get into China. They wont move just like 99% of the manufacturing wont. They want it to move to India because Kushner and Bannon both have interests in India. These is all a kike game to attack China because they will not let jizzreal attack its interests in the middle east among other places. Israel just killed one of China diplomats too.

>> No.19379711

>You are racist!
>Jewish tool
Big kek

>> No.19379863

>Hong Kong made up 20% of Chinas GDP in the past... Now it makes up close to 2% of GDP

Bye bye fake Brits, the Chinese could level Hong Kong and it would mean nothing to them.

Why are westerners so nieve, this could have been prevented in the 90s if you stupid monkeys weren't so focused on green energy & feminist social justice scams.

The west still has a much bigger military (No real manufacturing capacity), if this strange cultural suicide continues they are finished.

>> No.19380164
File: 117 KB, 584x905, 1586405453630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I say fuck back off to your Reddit like places.

>> No.19380223

You can always spot a chink shitposter by how absolutely buttravaged they act. Absolutely no subtlety, which reflects their general culture in a way

>> No.19380299

The jews have allowed the US to be racist against chinks. They did the same shit after 911 because they want to push for war. These fucking morons only know what some miga shitheads told them

>> No.19380309

this. why do anons consider themselves redpilled but then fall for obvious psyops just because said psyops agree with their own preexisting political biases? I get a bunch of you retards hate china (for "reasons") but that doesnt change the fact that the hongkong protests are manufactured as fuck. its got US influence written all over it

>> No.19380337

25 trillion in national debt and no second corona impact checks. i dont think america is in a position to cause trouble but wouldnt doubt the neocons are looking for their alamo

>> No.19380341

nothing worse than when someone tries to play anti-chink sentiment as pro CIA/KIKE


For once this fat fuck Pompeo is right. If China wants to ignore their commitments to the deal they made with UK then fine, they lose the benefits of HK

>> No.19380356


>> No.19380376

>I'm visiting from /pol/
you have to go back, reddit

>> No.19380399
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>> No.19380482

reading all the idiots in this thread makes me so glad that the jews are running the US into the ground and pissing on their genetic legacy. HK belongs to china, end of story. Its none of your business so fuck off. Keep this in mind, no matter how much you hate china it wont make america white again LOL.

I remember back when trump was first running and all these fucking magatards were talking about how great it would be for the US to withdraw from the world and start minding its own business and making america great again but now flashforward a few years and see how easy it is to get these cretins to flipflop on their own previous political views. Burgers literally lack sentience and cannot understand when they're being manipulated or used, its honestly sad. At least chinese people know that they get fed bullshit sometimes but burgers literally believe everything they are told and don't believe that they can be victims of government propaganda (either the democrat flavor or the republican flavor). Literal NPCs who think they arent NPCs LOL

>> No.19380548
File: 183 KB, 746x497, 1586313575870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spoken like a true chink sympathizer.

>> No.19380629

Whatcha doing Xi the Poo?

>> No.19380856

are you autistic, stupid or autistic? of course im a fucking "chink" sympathizer, you couldnt tell that from my post? more tellingly you couldn't refute anything I wrote because you and I both know its true LOL

>> No.19380949

its a simple matter of opinion. HK was historically chinese, but they've lived under a separate government for almost 100 years now? most HK do not want to go back under chinese government, but its really up to them how much they're willing to sacrifice to keep sovereignty.
i know you're just trying to rile people up but its an interesting topic for me. i doubt the west is in any position to be proxy assisting HK for obvious reasons. but from a national strategic point of view China is a potential threat in the future, so weakening them by financially aiding HK would be an option.

economic sanctions are a form of warfare, everything is a fight or negotiation if you boil it down. full open borders is no negotiation, surrender, then full sanctions & warfare is the other end of the spectrum

>> No.19381248

Doesn't matter if HK is China or not. All that matters is they are able to buy SUTER. If they can do that, I couldn't care less.

>> No.19381502
File: 196 KB, 1024x768, 15231234123987761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your time is coming gongfei

>> No.19381546

sincu ancientu timesza

>> No.19381677

Imagine thinking chinks have less freedom than mutts...
I bet you're a mutt, a really hard brainwashed one... fucking naive

>> No.19381687

>/pol/ says the CCP is fucked because they wanted Hong Kong and the U.S. says that they can't treat Hong Kong as an independent state from Communist-ruled China.
What a bunch of idiots. China wants HK integrated into the PRC and always has. Also funny how these self styled isolationists nationalists have turned into neocons with an appetitive for military adventurism in four years.

>> No.19381693

Because it is funded by the CIa and guess what? Everything you listed is allowed EXCEPT if you criticize the government and guess what happens in the US when you criticize the jews that hold power? What the fuck do you think happens when people try to investigate the holocaust? You ate putting blinders on ignoring that China is no better then the US at least there a chink will see that race is real and can openly talk about holohoax

>> No.19381718

I don't think American alphabet soup gives a shit, but Israeli/Jew spooks are absolutely operating openly in the US for their own interests.

>> No.19381775

why would they? They were allowed their special status under British rule. Once it went back to China all bets were off.

>> No.19381795

These cops got fired and will be prosecuted though.
America has rule of law

>> No.19381816

Who cares if it's funded by the cia?
It's objectively a good thing. People deserve freedom and communists deserve to be killed.

>> No.19381849

Why do you people bootlick for authoritarian marxist dictatorships?

>> No.19381871

They do give a shit the FBI actively tries to fuck over anyone criticizing kikes

>> No.19381876

The chinese have more freedoms then any white US citizen right now. How fucking deluded do you have to be to not understand this.

>> No.19381877
File: 901 KB, 878x590, 9d0d3702ce6c5c735c40718e86f55a4d1e59b30ecfb7bbbf0670f579fbce29f2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19381901

Why do you say the compete opposite of reality and expect to be taken seriously?
Are you bootlickers this dumb?

>> No.19381922
File: 32 KB, 720x398, ETjIHF0X0AE3hka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do you say the compete opposite of reality
unclear if you're a troll or brainwashed NPC

>> No.19381936

Long btc now , all of china will be under total capital controls now.

>> No.19381962

You support a dictatorship with no freedom of speech, no democracy, forced labor camps, no rule of law, social credit scores, low living standards and you call people who are against such a system NPCs.

The absolute irony of communist bootlickers.

>> No.19381966
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>> No.19381995
File: 82 KB, 552x372, 1_qxWCCr4zAT2kbZUnX8zMhQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't it funny that everything you wrote is USA at perfection?
>dictatorship with no freedom of speech, no democracy
USA had no free elections since the 70's
>forced labor camps
educate yourself how your jail system works you braindead
>no rule of law
china does something against corrupt politicians, unlike USA...
>social credit scores
what do you think is your credit score from the credit card you stupid sheep
>low living standards
china actually passed USA... USA is well known for the ghettos...

yes, you're the prime example of a NPC

>> No.19382037

Literally none of this was an argument or correct in any way.
>no free elections since the 70s
Lmao what the actual fuck
You say this batshit insanity then you religiously defend a country that officially has no democracy.

You people need to be killed.

>> No.19382046
File: 36 KB, 578x278, william-casey-cia-disinfo-campaign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally none of this was an argument or correct in any way.
Not surprised to see once again your post only making sense after posting relevant picture.

>> No.19382051

>comparing credit reports to state created chinese social credit tyranny
How much are they paying you?
You're doing a terrible job of shilling.

>> No.19382063

You people have no argument expect whataboutism.
Nobody here supports the cia.
Why would we support something that is far worse than the CIA like an actual marxist dictatorship.
Gas yourself.

>> No.19382079
File: 263 KB, 637x644, 1584721852099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You people have no argument expect whataboutism.
Spams several replies, not once using any counter-argument to the facts that were listed.

Praise the jews you kike, your cult leader told you so, marxist piece of shit

>> No.19382084

Every politician in China is by definition corrupt and does not work for the people.

Anti-corruption schemes there are just purges by autocrats that want to secure political power.
Imagine being dumb enough to believe whatever the government tells you at face value.

>> No.19382096

why dont you address his points though instead of engaging in off topic deflection?

>> No.19382109

you do sound like a low sentience NPC

>> No.19382139

so I guess rising living standards in china are just an illusion since chinese politicians dont work for the people. Answer me this, why does the US take china so seriously if china is just some corrupt third world shithole?

I can tell you know next to nothing about china lol

>> No.19382143
File: 8 KB, 259x194, subversion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every politician in China is by definition corrupt and does not work for the people.
Showing once again having absolutely no clue how the chinese system works...
The only way to enter the party is by doing exceptional work FOR YOUR LOCAL COMMUNITY and GET VOTED BY THEM.

Referencing once again to the image posted >>19382046

>> No.19382186
File: 22 KB, 1024x576, 1566721062556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cringe. Hong Kong is China, but China is is under illegal CCP occupation atm. So until the ROC is restored, HK should be autonomous. All chink shills ITT should literally kill themselves.

>> No.19382221
File: 52 KB, 1024x576, 1582601354610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have to do good for the community
Kek you are either retarded or just don't take your job very seriously. Anyone that knows anything about cryptokike modern china knows that real morality and empathy doesn't exist there. Everything revolves around connections and saving face. Perception is all that is real there. I wouldn't expect some paid westerner to understand the reality on the ground in the mainland. But everyone should know that it is dystopian as fuck and that the CCP are definitely the bad guys in this timeline.

>> No.19382235

China would be nothing without America and the west. It would be just another backwater shithole third-world cesspool. America made you what you are China, and we can take it away just as easily. Read Peter Zeihan to get redpilled on China

>> No.19382261

This is a preparation for Xi will invade Taiwan before his second term ends (ie 2022) and declare a third term. By Shutting up Hong Kong’s economy and pourung money into the military. Since China is facing an international crisis, Xi is sacrificing his own economy and international reputation to satisfy the nationalistic reunification delusion.

>> No.19382264
File: 181 KB, 429x410, shalom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19382269
File: 49 KB, 500x530, 1574337517382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shilling this hard for a dystopian quasi communist dictatorship
The absolute state of Americans shilling for their literal enemies.

>> No.19382279

Nothing he said had anything to do with kikes. Do they teach shills anything besides deflection?

>> No.19382288
File: 8 KB, 539x649, 1584600944896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how the new ID's keep popping up

>> No.19382300
File: 155 KB, 900x938, 1586160341231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sending me a picture of himself instead of refuting the absolute truth of what I stated in any way

>> No.19382342


Hi, Ivan. How are you?

>> No.19382359

If there is one single legitimate foreign policy it's the chinese containment because they behave economically like a rogue nation.
It should be the job of Japan, Russia and India to do it but the first is militarily a castrated nation, the second is an economic midget and the third can barely take manage its internal development.

>> No.19382391
File: 81 KB, 1200x800, taiwan#1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taiwan #1 you fucking faggotnigger.

>> No.19382399

I hate you filthy lefty cunts. Even if you are baiting you are just as bad. Fucking faggot, we are in a war.

>> No.19382589

There only rising because they implemented some market reforms
They would be even higher if they decided to be an actual free county.

Living standards are rising in other parts of the world too.

>> No.19382606

They have term limits there?
Do party members vote on the leader?

>> No.19382627

Lmao you're posting an image of an anti communist to shill for a marxist dictatorship.
Imagine being this fucking stupid HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA

>> No.19382669

You are literally defending a marxist dictatorship lmao

>> No.19382714


How does Singapore's Muslim population feel about how the Communist Chinese is treating the Uyghers in Xinjiang?

>> No.19382733

maoisim aint even marxism, it brings breaking ideas to the table like wiping bird species and sending people to the desert to farm

>> No.19382754

He didn’t side with the KMT for ideological reasons. He cooperated with them during new Nazi Germany’s construction of their defense economy, which the ROC could assist with by supply massive amounts of raw materials. Hitler himself respect Chiang Kai Shek for his ability to create a centralized government, and some Germans were sent to oversee the Chinese military briefly, but beyond business there was little sentiment toward the ROC, and Hitler did almost nothing to prevent Japan from invading Northeastern China

>> No.19382760

I also totally agree. The ROC is the real China. Fuck the CCP

>> No.19382767

bat soup happens

>> No.19382789


>> No.19382848

The mutts will NEVER know how bad they have it! They're SO fuckin brainwashed. They keep repeating MUH freest country in the world. They're dumb enough to believe it ffs.
It will be glorious when the Mutts lose the USD as a GRC.
Fuckin Shithole

>> No.19382858

Constitutionally, they had 2-term limits which Xi abolished to allow for life presidencies.

>> No.19382881

Leaders are chosen by the inner circle which Xi has purged

>> No.19382945

chinks are a disease. they are emotionless, they are greedy, they are bugpeople. dont buy chinkcoins frens. if you can dont buy anything made in china, they sell literal poison. The materials, the coating, the pdosucing methods.

lotta bugs here. I hope HKers dont give up fighting these roaches. Whole asia should arm themselves and fuckin just rekt china. Commie bastards.

>> No.19382992

I agree with this but for completely different reasons.

Fuck China

>> No.19383006

What are the chances anyone can takepower from xi?

>> No.19383062

HK is the only way for the CCP to move money in and out of china.

HK has the Hong Kong Dollar which is tied 1-1 to the USD

China uses 2 currencies. the currency they use within china is called the Renminbi this is monopoly money that they can print infinite amount of. they can set its price and are able to control the price of goods within china.
the other is called the Chinese Yuan. china converts chinese yuan to HKD and they use their banks to smuggle money in and out of china through HK. HK would lose its currency if its a part of china. HK is also where china trades with the rest of the world because HK is capitalist while china is communist.

>> No.19383071

yes, while I dont like murrica and they are fucking everythiung up atleast there is a blacklash. In china is you go out and speak up your mind bugs send you and your family to work camps where they die. Also defending a nigger that is your best? sure no one shoudl die an unfair death but this shit is getting annoying. Left picks a new victim every day but not giving a fuck about stopping the causes.

>> No.19383142


"A wave of Islamic countries started to stand up to China over its persecution of its Muslim minority. But then they all got spooked."

The Muslims of Singapore are probably going to remain silent. From what I've read of the article so far, many Muslim countries have tried speaking up, but have had to walk back on their comments when pressured by the Communist Chinese, and because some fo those countries are looking to be partners with Communist China on that "Belt and Road" Initiative.

>> No.19383151

Who cares, imaginary lines, citizens kill your leaders or lay denied

>> No.19383390

going to legit laugh when the US collapses and china becomes the sole hyperpower in the world. The sheer amount of coping and reeeeing will be so delightful. most delightful will be when people (or at least burgers) realize that china is not as bad as people act like it is.

Its going to be really funny when the retards who blindly hate china end up looking stupid when it turns out that china actually improves the world and makes things more peaceful and prosperous. The US is the predominant shitstarter in the world, burger anons try to project and say that china is an angry violent giant but completely ignore what the US has done in the middle east for almost the past two decades. Burger anons project like none other and absolutely lack self awareness, the reason that they see so much evil in china is because they are projecting their own inner evil and insecurity.

>> No.19383423

the US is a constitutional shitstarter, the entire world knows this. This is why the US has military bases around the entire world, you cannot deny this. The US literally cannot mind its own business. Think about how funny it is watching the anons in this thread try so hard to shit on china while ignoring the fact that the US is a legitimate (and aggressive) imperial power. the sheer lack of self awareness and exceptionalism is sickening

>> No.19383472

I really wish the Americans would stop preventing Japan from having an army. The Japanese are the only people who know how to keep the Chinese in order.

>> No.19383483

This board has IDs you know, you brainwashed bootlicking chink

>> No.19383509

look at this bloodthirst lol. thanks for proving my point

why not address the points I brought up instead of hurling insults? oh wait thats right, you CANT disprove what I said because everything I said about the US is 100% true LOL

>> No.19383559

What points you yellow midget? Since America has started policing the world we are in the longest period of peace in human history and have abolished piracy because of those evil military bases your supervisor has instructed you to talk shit about.

>> No.19383568

So why is NIO mooning???

>> No.19383570

I don't like Chinese but this is the truth. Hong Kong was a colonial holdover from ancient Anglo aggression in the region. It's chink territory and it's time they stop pretending they are something special.

>> No.19383665

you have a funny way of defining peace. I guess all that stuff in the middle east never happened, oh dont forget about the vietnam war or the korean war either. Longest period of peace in human history? How many military actions has the US been involved in in just the past century alone? Youre obviously full of shit


im going to supremely enjoy watching the jews continue to push your shit in in the 21st century.

>> No.19384257


China will no longer be able to use Hong Kong special trade status jeopardizing billions in trade for the chinkys. Also it may inspire armed conflict in the Hong Kong region which if China don't play their cards right may inspire a Syria style proxy war.

>> No.19384617

$.50 has been deposited to your account

>> No.19384652

It's an opening move though. Now when they sanction China they'll be able to catch those financial institutions too

>> No.19384765

Your a yard, while trump preached isolation he also talked all the time about tuff on China. The CCP is fucking with the U.K. agreement. Fact is there is an Anglo-American world power right now you do not break your deals with the US or with the U.K.

>> No.19385062

You can’t honestly believe this Chinese people are desperate to get the fuck out and come to US. I have a Chinese friend who owns 3 restaurants now. I went with him and visited China 3 times.

It’s extremely depressing shit hole, you will never understand that.

>> No.19385813

Sorry for the late response. Very unlikely because he has purged the military and political opponents in the last five years under a “anti corruption campaign” (which is bullshit because chinas corruption is rife from local commissars to the highest echelon- like Mexico). He’s also restricted the security apparatus and increased cult of personality so much that its becoming Mao-like. Also, capital controls are tightening hard and no currency is likely to exit the country for anyone, so it’s getting hard for officials to leave with bag loads of money (talking easily hundreds of thousands of dollars for regular provincial officials- the higher up officials have upwards of trillions rivalling Putin’s assets). Now he’s surrounded by yes-men who he’s wary of and China is becoming a bigger shithole. Also he’s a paranoid fuck like Mao so he rarely appears in public and even his inner circle do not know what plans he holds. Watch the next year or two- China and US ties will likely strain further and Xi will launch some sort of violent incident that will regarding Taiwan or its disputed territories to affront the USA

>> No.19385875

Sorry I meant to say tens of million for provincial officials

>> No.19385913

everything china does, Taiwan can do better

>> No.19385988

Go back to subtle asian traits ya fried rice gook. There’s a reason why your parents left the shithole home country that kills its systematically murders its own people

>> No.19385990

Fuck that nigger.

Niggers need to start a war with the ZOG paid police. Then the white man can rise

>> No.19386065

The chinks haven't been free probably forever. At least since the 4th century when they got dabbed on by barbarians, then for the next 1500 years.

>> No.19386359

>Comparing Police brutality over systemic organ harvesting and political persecution of minorities

>> No.19387250

No one is shilling we are pointing out how fucking stupid and low information you are. We are pointing out that the US government the jews dont give a fuck about anything but control over other nations not FREEEDDUMS kys

>> No.19387353
File: 209 KB, 800x1672, BB8C51E6-8D5E-4772-9598-D6F5EBC8EF91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s an interesting read. Chinks chink because it’s been bred into them by their betters, which ironically consists of nomadic Mongolians, barbaric proto-Koreans, and, frankly, everybody. Treating Chinese people as humans is a mistake

>> No.19387553

You believe everything the news tells you? Remember what they said about Hitler and Saddam? Do you remember what they said about North Korea?

>> No.19387597
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>> No.19387858

>everything the news tells you
>mainstream media has bias therefore all news is biased for the pro-West establishment
These abuses are corroborated by independent human rights organisations and countless eyewitnesses. Also satellite imagery have been sourced about concentration camps being built. There is simply overwhelming evidence and comparisons to Iraq is flimsy because there wasn’t evidence for WMDs only speculation.

>> No.19388016

Ok you’re obviously schizo with the Jewish conspiracy thing I won’t argue with you

>> No.19388042

Just like Eric Garner, justice was totally served!

>> No.19388102

This! We are here for that money!!! Let’s discuss how to make money

>> No.19388120


>> No.19388276

Wait, was George Floyd actually found guilty for those checks that day...oh wait no he was dead how convenient. I can't wait though for Ahmaud to be found guilty oh wait he's dead too. Hmm that's okay. Fuck the constitution. I think police states are bullish right??

>> No.19388302

I would say this was true when Hong Kong was handed over to China in 1997. That’s when Vancouver became Hongcouver because of people immigrating over to flee the handover, but after two years or so, a lot came back because people in Hong long were making fat stacks of cash everyday. Hong Kong is a very conducive place for business. Low tax, not much red tape, and strategic location make it very business friendly. People will leave, but most come back if they aren’t double digit IQ because of reasons above. China has no incentive to let Hong Kong rot. The change in direction is due to a lot of foreign interference, just like during the Opium wars.

>> No.19388361

Again, with the white washing of using “muh freedom”. Your perceived freedom of the states is long gone, things have changed so much in the states for past 20 years. Legislation have been enacted through the years so people don’t really notice, but the states is not free like it use to be but that’s a lot due to apathy by the citizens who don’t value their rights enough

>> No.19388443

Dude, same could be said about the US. It’s either Red or Blue. If you’re Blue and I’m Red, any legislation or ideas proposed by the other side will be fought against with tooth and nails, without a care or thought for the benefit of American citizens.

>> No.19388473
File: 108 KB, 944x675, EVLG2dYUYAAZvzo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't trust china, china is asshole

>> No.19388513

Taiwan parliament is a shitshow everyday, actual brawl break out all the time, they economy is in the gutter. It’s not that great, chicks are hot there though. Something in the water there makes their women have big titties.

>> No.19388515

You’ve forgotten that USA is based on due process in all of its political institutions. China’s corruption is way ahead of USA. Though I agree with your point that democracy no longer serving the people in the West due to free market corporations paying out legislators

>> No.19388528

Look all the salty replies to this truthful post, if you didn't want China fucking over Hong Kong then you shouldn't have given it back to them.

>> No.19388536

It’s the free values anon, mainland chinks are just emotionless bots with inter-generational neglect

>> No.19388547

/pol/ please go

>> No.19388568

Seriously, this is all bullshit. Did you just grab this info out of your moms asshole? One google search and right off the bat HKD to USD is 7.75hkd to 1usd

>> No.19388612

Japanese men aren’t fit to fight a war. All the good genetics and real Japanese men died in WW2. What’s left are all generational onions boys. Probably should pick another country to back you up in a fight, just saying.

>> No.19388642

Peaceful for the US, but not so much for other countries in the world...

>> No.19388659

>not more evil than israel.
>not more evil than the most evil nation in history.
Ok, I believe you.

>> No.19388674

This is exactly what Trump is trying to imply. He might do it cause he’s crazy enough, but looking at the past track record of Trump, Trump has been a lot of talk and very little else

>> No.19388695

Ahhh /pol/ please just die

>> No.19388758

*onions boys

>> No.19388775

Onions boys

>> No.19388791

Not /pol/ lmao

>> No.19388798

Wtf? Lol you can’t type S/O/Y boys here?!

>> No.19389006
File: 26 KB, 630x208, hkdusd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tied to the USD doesn't mean they have the same value. it means when the USD goes up or down relative to other currencies, the HKD moves with it. So the HKD/USD ratio would stay relatively constant. See pic related.

China needs better shilling than this, changberg. You bring shame on your family.

>> No.19389042

>redditter confirmed

>> No.19389112

You the guy who literally said 1:1 exchange... You’re obviously financially illiterate, and your statements about Hong Kong trade and exchange don’t exactly work like that. Some truths, lots of bs out of your ass. Must be Fox News here

>> No.19389268

Oh yeah just like the holocaust right? Just like the supposed gas attacks by Assad's right? Fuck off I don't believe this shit specially when a lot of it is coming out of HK

>> No.19389394

I’d like proof that the Holocaust wasn’t real

>> No.19389604

>cant into 4chan ID's
>cant into economics
tied 1:1 means for one movement of the dollar, there's one movement of the HKD.


>> No.19389727

so uh...you couldnt disprove what I said then. instead of trying to deal with the content of my post you resort to name calling because we both know you were unable to argue against the truth of what I said

>> No.19389919

bro its not jews that we're talking to, its just regular white guys. for some reason there are a large subsection of white guys who just hate china, theyre basically mad that global white supremacy is ending so for this reason they lash out at anything that seems to be threatening that. im actually pro jewish just because I love seeing the jews royally fuck up arrogant westerners like the ones in this thread. Isnt it amazing how these guys simply refuse to mind their own business? Isnt it amazing that they feel entitled to police and judge the rest of the world? Im loving watching the jews absolutely crush assholes like this, they deserve it for being arrogant and domineering assholes on a powertrip

>> No.19389945

Well sorry sir, but it could be argued that USA are peacekeepers of the post-WW2 world order. This involves economic and political institutions that are part of the US hegemony. Although that comes with atrocities and power leveraging lesser countries on American foreign policy terms, namely Iraq and Vietnam. I would say they have kept relatively lesser lives lost than before WW2 when the world was in relative anarchy.

I recommend reading up on political science theory and realism theory that might aid understanding on US keeping relative peace

>> No.19390004

Brother i am a fellow gook it is the West who allowed your parents to come to free countries. 你知道吗? Honestly this woke colour politics has been spun into racist bullshit and 华人 will face the brunt of it

>> No.19390880

this doesnt disprove anything I said in relation to what the poster I was responding to was claiming you retard. read the entire subargument first before giving your opinion

>larps as an asian now
>called me gook earlier
>Go back to subtle asian traits ya fried rice gook. There’s a reason why your parents left the shithole home country that kills its systematically murders its own people

even if you are asian youre a cucked idiot for referring to yourself as a gook. notice how white anons never call themselves some derogatory term? most black anons dont either. Youre obviously too autistic to realize that calling yourself a gook as an asian anon in the context of a thread like this is a nonstarter. Assuming youre not just larping as an asian guy then youre probably taiwanese or a hongcuck and you basically want white men to fight and die for your "freedom". I cant think of anything more emasculating, effeminate or s.o.y. than that. youre pathetic lol

>> No.19391241
