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File: 399 KB, 951x744, 0F52B496-135C-4A22-9C54-54AF864BAE23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19385760 No.19385760 [Reply] [Original]

How can anyone still believe in this man? Everything is just marketing hype.

>> No.19385803
File: 24 KB, 558x614, 1511569352140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are brainlets giving SpaceX so much shit for rescheduling the launch? This is done all the time to mitigate risk.

>lmao SpaceX should just risk it and potentially fuck up their first manned launch ever causing them to lose all future contracts and drive the company in the ground, bro lmao
>they are such pussies lol muh Soyuz

>> No.19385857


Yeah, it’s not like it’s ever cloudy in fucking Florida. And for the record, currently some shitty Russian capsule from the 60s is more rugged than Musk’s faggot larp. Cope harder.

>> No.19385934

>Coping about a company I have 0 stake in

>And for the record, currently some shitty Russian capsule from the 60s is more rugged than Musk’s faggot larp
And Musk's "larp" is still more rugged than anything NASA can field at the moment, cause they have jack shit. Embarrassing.

>> No.19385982

If something went wrong it would literally be the end of the space program in the US because of retards like you.

>> No.19385995


Lol NASA launches when it was cloudy, cuck boy. Cope harder that your Daddy got BTFO by some clouds.

>> No.19386015

>slavshits have horrible safety standards, take that elon!

>> No.19386023

dragon is the safest space capsule so far you cant refute this
>lets use some old ass CCCP tech forever

>> No.19386136

Seeth amerimutts let me guess you also think you went to the moon?

>> No.19386142
File: 254 KB, 785x1000, NNOOOOOOOOO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lol NASA launches when it was cloudy, cuck boy. Cope harder that your Daddy got BTFO by some clouds.

>> No.19386172


No brainlet, their weather is so tough that they had to develop a true all weather system. Not some gay ass toy that only works when it’s 80F and sunny with no clouds.

>> No.19386196


Epic, thanks for the bump

>> No.19386202

Why do you care so much? Russia fanboy? Burgertard that thinks Elon is stealing your taxes? Fess up, your seethe is palpable

>> No.19386235

>thanks for the bump
No problem. Not really sure why you would want more people to see your brainlet posts but you do you. /biz/ could do with some more space related discussion.

>> No.19386238

Nu males absolutely adore Elon Musk, though

>> No.19386263

Last I checked they hate him for sperging out about Corona

>> No.19386269

>Cynical greed driven psychopaths thinking everybody else is a cynical greed driven psychopath

>> No.19386309

I went to Florida in 2006 to see shuttle launch, was there 2 weeks it was canceled 3 times cus weather, I never saw the launch.

>> No.19386311


That’s why SpaceX is a nonprofit. Oh wait.

>> No.19386321

denying the moon landing when all major world powers confirmed it is the truly the most pathetic cope

>> No.19386322


Elon gets a shitload of gibs from the government btw

>> No.19386343


Is that the official line from his fan club?

>> No.19386380

Ok, psycho

>> No.19386407


Can you suck the cum out of Elon’s dick any harder? Profit absolutely plays a role. Useful idiots like you are his foot soldiers.

>> No.19386423

Your impotent anger is hilarious, not going to lie.

>> No.19386448

Look at the reddit spacing, imagine my surprise

>> No.19386451



Like Elon’s shiny toy?

>> No.19386690

>Elon gets a shitload of gibs from the government btw
True. How does that make you feel?

>Is that the official line from his fan club?
Last I checked, yeah. They were seething almost as hard as you are when he started ranting on twitter (again)

>> No.19386793

Do you lot actually believe these actors are actually going 'into space'? lol pull the other one

>> No.19387987

You are aware that the bad weather doesn't matter for the rocket, it's for the recovery vessels and the capsule in event of abort, where bad weather kinda does fuck you over.

I guess getting paid for delivering stuff is the modern definition of being a welfare queen.

>> No.19389148
