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19385476 No.19385476 [Reply] [Original]

I'm at the point in my life (30) where I have a large amount of savings and income and need to start investing long-term and strategically.

I am currently just maxing out my 401k contributions (~19k per year), but I still have about 30-50k risk capital per year to invest beyond the 401k.

I'm a software developer and have market experience. I've even wrote several algorithmic trading bots, but none were profitable. I always seem to lose money in short term trading.

What's the basic gestalt on how I should allocate my funds?

Buy Real Estate?
Start an LLC and put money there?

Looking for ideas.

>> No.19385517

i'm not really one who should be giving advice but just based on what I know do whatever you think you'd be most passionate about, if you actually think you'll enjoy fixing homes then do it otherwise you'll probably have regrets jumping into something you know little about just for profit. Which options sound good to you and why? That being said if you still don't own a house you might as well stop renting and start paying mortgage so you can put more money towards an asset rather than pissing it away.

>> No.19385537

I already own a house worth about ~200k. I should have mentioned this. Thanks for bringing it up.

>> No.19385566

Actually algorithmic trading can be quite profitable, i’ll Give you a hint, train an image recognition model not a regression model.

>> No.19385570

I owe about 80k on the 200k house currently (mortgage). I could pay it off right now, but not sure if that would be wise...

>> No.19385604

No this is not wise, people will say pay it off early but that’s bullshit, the $$ you pay for a mortgage will be pitence in $$ in 10 years. That’s why you have boomers that say I pay $60 for my mortgage. In 10 years you’ll say I pay $600 dollars for my mortgage and people will look at you in disgust

>> No.19385665
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pay off your house first, then go back to investing

i know that's the boomer path, and for most people it's actually inferior to just investing that money in an index fund

BUT, you're making so much money it could be done and out of your way very quickly, so i would say it's worth the detour

>> No.19385729

The strategy I'm considering is contributing max to RothIRA and investing in Nasdaq 100 index, and contributing the rest to a taxable brokerage account and investing in Nasdaq 100/VGT also. Surely this would outperform my ~3.25% mortgage, I'd imagine. It's such a basic strategy that there must be something better though. That's why I'm here asking for any tips.

>> No.19385744

Although it’s tempting to be debt free, I had a chance to pay off my mortgage 8 years ago but I didn’t bother because that money could be better spent. Sure you have the debt but again 80k debt now is 40k debt in 10 years and in ten years 40k will be fuck all I pay £89 for my mortgage now, that is fuck all but if I had of paid off my mortgage early it would mean I would have had none of the money to invest when it worth its premium.

>> No.19385828

Buy 5k of EWT and 5k of Ocean, thank me in 4 years

>> No.19385854

I'm not really seriously considering paying my mortgage off, but more worried about how to allocate my investments.

>> No.19385862
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>It's such a basic strategy that there must be something better though
the hardest part is staying the course

>> No.19385897

I've considered some coins, but the problem that I have with them is that they are heavily influenced by government regulation and unlike big companies (which are obviously also influenced by regulations) they don't have the ability to lobby to change those regulations. Investing in something the government could outlaw at any given moment makes me wary.

>> No.19385967

Well Ocean will be up 10% in the next week, just monitor it, within a year it will be up over 1000% and will keep going, EWT will go up 5% week on week for the next few year so jump on if you feel like it. That’s just my tip monitor it for a few months if need be

>> No.19386044
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please fuck off with your shitty scam coins

>> No.19386073

I don't disagree with you and good fortune with your profits. Just saying that I'd be really disappointed if I invested in coins, enjoyed a 10x return over 5 years, then it drops to 0 suddenly because the EU or USA decides to introduce a government backed coin and basically outlaw independent coins.

>> No.19386074

By that I mean actually monitor it don’t buy any just watch them each week they are great projects, if you have some expendable cash and feel ok about them get on. I’m not telling you to invest, just keep an eye on them and if you feel the need after a few weeks / months jump on

>> No.19386097

I can tell your shit

>> No.19386112

What have you tried software wise if I may ask?

>> No.19386124

unironically put it all in link

>> No.19386197

40/40/10/10::SPY, fixed income, precious metals, guns and crypto

>> No.19386273

Software wise? My attempts at trading bots use interactive brokers API and nodejs microservices. Works very smoothly. However, my actual algorithms fail to make returns despite executing strategies accurately (ie. the strategies suck).

I develop software in java and javascript for my career.

>> No.19386296

Your next step should be maxing out a Roth IRA. If you make too much money, just do an IRA -> Roth IRA backdoor conversion. You can allocate those funds to blue chips/SPY or do a self-directed Roth IRA to invest in bitcoin and ether (don't go altcoin hunting please). Short-term trading is a meme; be in it for the long haul.

>> No.19386357

I buy guns occasional, but more for SHTF than investment. What is an actual strategy for determining what 'investment grade' guns are? I'm pretty sure buying 10 Glock 19s isn't a great investment, but buying 3 Colt Pythons might be?

>Precious metals
Buying them is easy, however I'm concerned about both transaction costs and tax implications. Most investment advice basically says to only invest in these inside tax-efficient vehicles such as IRAs, however that means you never actually have the physical metal thus are subject to the whims of the market when it comes to cashing out. How do you hold physical metals while avoiding the 'collectable' tax?

Good ideas! just looking for more details

>> No.19386365

You’ll never make anything with TA stuff, look into Keras / tensor flow learning model. As I stated previously I tried a lot with ML using TAs figures etc but I get extremely good results with using CNNs and TAs / Prices laid our as images (as you’d see on something like tradingview) and a Genetic algorithm / recurrent net based on these “images”. Don’t give up on software it’s your gift and more profitable than most of the moronic spurge on here.

>> No.19386416

Can you explain this a bit more? You're saying you put time-series price data into an array/matrix and treat it as "image" data? That way you can process it using a CNN?

>> No.19386476

Yes but not using an LTSM but categorical e.g. less than 1%, >1% >2% >3% etc.

>> No.19386547

What timescale would you recommend?

>> No.19386596

I create an image with say 24 hours of 1 hour chunks this includes low / high / open / close as you’d see on a standard trading screen although as single “pixels” using differing values (or colours) I then have 240 additional patterns underneath for RSi 3 / 5 / 15 etc, ADX, CCI, etc etc and train a CNN on these images rather than using a regression model with just numbers since that only ever gave 80% accuracy which always lead to losses unless there was a particular up streak. Train these images in a recurrent net the same way people train to play mario / Atari games except the only environment options are buy / sell not up down left right jump. That’s all I’m saying on that matter.

>> No.19386789

Ok, makes sense. Thanks. I haven't tried this strategy before.

>> No.19386936

I really mean ammo. Theres a very liquid market for 5.56 and the prices fluctuate based on things like political risk. You can also use it to shoot things.

If you can’t hold you don’t own it, simple as. Tons more paper silver than actual silver (thanks JPM). Really the purpose of this is to hedge against inflation. I don’t have a strategy for avoiding the tax question except small transactions for cash with local buyers.

>> No.19386974

Also NFA class IIIs have proven to be savvy investments but the cost of entry is pretty high. Finite number.

>> No.19387273

How do you sell large amounts of ammo without eating massive shipping costs? Would getting an FFL be a good strategy if I wanted to get serious about firearms/ammo investing?

>> No.19387750

Anyone have any insight into real estate investing?

>> No.19387893

I would wait on real estate, pretty sure prices will fall.

Look into mining stocks, they are a good buy right now.

As for guns I don't think you should consider any investment return, just get your essential defense weapons like a shotgun and rifle.

>> No.19387940

You should have a sucide stack of Pokémon, yugiho, and magic cards. Alternative assets like cards, art, and collectible cards could actually allow you to see 20x-100x returns faster than these fucking shitcoins. Liquidity is always the issue, but not the worst thing as it could also go in your favor (auction bidding war for example).

>> No.19387952

*collectible cars

>> No.19387997

And on your tax question, you should buy some land in Nevada for dirt cheap and claim it as your primary residence. Maybe put a mailbox on the plot with a shipping container or prefab 400 sft house. It will probably cost you 30k all in, but you will not have to pay state income tax anymore, which is significant. You also could get some of the money back when selling the prefab house and land, especially if you pick a desirable area.

>> No.19388315

start a business after you settled your debts and lifestyle, it will be fun to work on and can roll in the dough if you succeed