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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19384926 No.19384926 [Reply] [Original]

A lot of you have a hard time understanding complex concepts, so fuck it, I’ll spoon feed you, this board has made me a lot of money in the past so here you go:

NKN is the most undervalued coin in the crypto space at the moment, and here is why:

NKN’s consensus algorithm is based on Cellular Automata, a Biomimetic design which is an approach to design that mimics the very intricacies of the most resilient and efficient systems we have in existence, the systems of nature.

Think of the design of a modern Airplane, to boost efficiency, designers turned to birds, in order to understand how they can fly so efficiently in the air as fish swim in water. Turns out most birds, but specifically eagles, have some asymmetric feathers at the tip of their wings which break turbulences and reduce drag in flight, in turn making birds (and planes today) consume less energy.

Now think of what NKN actually is, a decentralized networking layer modeled after Cellular Automata, the model of nature for relational networks.

This model of self aware “game of life” network is about 167% to 273% more efficient than current and traditional network routing, as each node is aware of the latency to the nearest node and of the total latency for the route from sender to receiver.

This enables a lot of applications to communicate directly without a centralized routing server, some of the most basic examples are: Instant Messenger, Web Proxys and Relays (VPN), Live Video Streaming and sharing, Dynamic Contenct Delivery Network (CDN), Edge Computing, Cloud Storage, VoIP, etc…

There is no other way this efficiency boost can be accomplished.

What this means is that anybody in the cloud NOT using NKN will be about 200% slower than it’s competitor who’s running the NKN networking layer. Not only that, if you are not using NKN you will basically be losing money as NKN offers you the ability to dynamically monetize your un-used servers, which pays mining rewards.


>> No.19384934

About 50% of Amazon’s Operating income comes from AWS and the other 50% comes from Amazon Retail, and here you have a project that can bundle all of the cloud providers in to 1 single layer.

NKN is like: Theta, TON, Orchid, IPFS and many other projects combined in to one, yet it has a Market Cap of $8M

The team really does not give a single fuck about shilling this project to you, they have been focused on partnerships and development of actual working products.

Good luck.


>> No.19384948

that's cool
but I bought a year ago and made no profits

>> No.19385098

Sounds like the same bs as holochain, another nature inspired shitcoin that nobody uses

>> No.19385126
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>we had PSOs running on bitcoin. They died

>> No.19385161

The stream of technobabble from this fraud is astounding. The midwits who fall for this on biz are disgusting. They have that redditor smugness about them.

>> No.19385221

Holochain does not have a working product with the largest telecom company in the world, because they simply don't have the tech.

Instead of shipping vaporware like Holo, NKN focused on developing a new consensus that outperforms anything out there, and actually can scale.

Proof of it is the 13,000 NKN nodes currently running, actually double the amount of nodes that Ethereum is running.

Like I said the team could care less about shilling this project and it has been flying low key for a while now.

>> No.19385247
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>> No.19385323

This. I love NKN, i really do. But its always the same the price drops immediately after a mini pump. In the end, im here to make money.

>> No.19385704

once i make 10 eth from shitcoins i will all in into NKN. I'm going to keep it long term but to make it I need a big stack

>> No.19385978

Already pumped and dead, onto next coin

>> No.19386055

it really sounds like a kickstarter tier scam
good PnD probably though.

>> No.19386156

NKN is probably the only crypto that actually makes the most sense. Let's see how it goes in this fucking clown world tho. I hold medium-size bags since 1.4cents and being comfy so far.

>> No.19386228

Stop trying to help them. /biz/ has become a degenerate PnD board. Either way OP, I couldn't be comfier. /biz/ will FOMO at 6 cents, reddit at 20-25. This is all already set in stone, just keep stacking.

>> No.19386356
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>> No.19386527
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>> No.19386768
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>> No.19386782

Pretty much this. Pointless trying to spoonfeed biz because they actively shut down and refuse to reason. Muh chink scam etc. Ready to get another 100k before more news is dropped.

>> No.19386845

Absolutely based. Whats your stack

>> No.19387071
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>> No.19387136

Nice job. RSR will pump sooner but NKN will pump harder.

>> No.19387607
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>NKN incentivises people to share their unused bandwidth
>True peer 2 peer file delivery with zero servers. No middle man. And encrypted, end 2 end.
Working RIGHT now: nftp.nkn.org
>NKN serves anything ontop of the internet: CDN[video delivery, file delivery], secure private Chat/IM, VPN, game streaming, etc etc
>NKN does not require any special hardware, you can run a node even on your home router
>NKN node count very easily scales to millions/billions with MOCA algo. No other chain can scale like this!
>NKN is providing its services to iQIYI[netflix of china] video platform
>TUNA[application tunnel] platform will be released by the end of this Q2 according to NKN roadmap.
>TUNA will be the biggest thing in NKN ecosystem with multi-billion dollar potential.
>The biggest node count in the crypto space. Bigger than ETH and BTC.
>Fair valuation should be 100x[$1.50] of its current[$0.015] valuation, extremely undervalued.

Literally more than half the phones in the world run on GSMA. Read their article on NKN. They did not write about ANY other blockchain.

iQIYI Client:






>> No.19388104

What about mining, is it worth it for NKN? There are quite a lot of nodes out there, but I think you only get like 20 coins per week or something. Seems a bit silly if I can buy more than 50 for a dollar.

>> No.19388199

>NKN’s consensus algorithm is based on Cellular Automata, a Biomimetic design

holy kek. nice scam pajeet. ask Wolfram to get on this, he loves meme cellular automata.

>> No.19388232

Wolfram is on it already.

>> No.19388666

This has to be bait. Wolfram mentions NKN quite often while discussing future networks.

>> No.19389038

Nice Satanic trips, demonic poojeet.

>> No.19389080

>NKN is good
>because it's designed like nature bro
>worthless analogy
>more bullshit

thanks very cool

>> No.19389170

The chinese have earned their reputation. I stopped losing money overnight the time I decided to stop buying chink coins.

My thought process is literally:
>find out a coin exists
>check it out in CMC or coingecko
>check their website
>click the "about us" or "team" page
>if there are more than two (2) chinese in positions of responsibility I don't buy it

This weeds out 95% of the scams easily and has saved me so much time in research. You are stupid if you buy anything the chinese are involved with.

>> No.19389203


>> No.19389227


not buying your -95.23% bags

>> No.19389288

Couldn't care less. You'll buy at 10 cents

>> No.19389313

Typically people that don't care, don't have to tell everyone that they don't.
Repent jeet.

>> No.19389327

You seem very emotionally invested. Reddits more your speed.

>> No.19389345

Projection, that's a start. Maybe you'll gain self awareness eventually.

>> No.19389412
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>> No.19389427

it's called accumulation

>> No.19389433

Stephen Wolfram here.
NKN is going to disrupt a couple of industries.

>> No.19389459

Is this on a dex?

>> No.19389483

it will never break the price of whatever a $2.50 VPS node gets you per month, but it's a cool project

>> No.19390475

Just read the whitepaper and it literally says clients will pay with fiat and that the token is optional. It also mentioned how a shitload of new tokens got unlocked just yesterday. I'd be careful buying into this one desu.

>> No.19390493

You should keep reading and see what NKN does with fiat payments. You're almost there only a little more research .

>> No.19390521

But do hurry youll be late soon. Hint: their services will fail if nodes and miners aren't paid. Their entire infrastructure depends on generating profitable nodes, and they have large companies buying their services.

>> No.19390565

i wish this could reach $2 one day....
but i think its impossible for now
i'll be selling at 0,20 if it ever touch that

>> No.19390657

Depends if we get a retard bull season or not

>> No.19390787

More than enough ;)

It takes no resources at all so if you run it at home, on your laptop or a spare router or RasPi - fine. You'd lose money atm if you pay for a VPS. Need 5c~ value to print money via VPS mining.

This has genuinely got to be bait.

Based Wolfie and checked.

IDEX paired with Eth I believe.

A $2.50 VPS needs a 2.5c value roughly to break even. It'll be there in a few weeks.

>> No.19390806

>NKN’s consensus algorithm is based on Cellular Automata, a Biomimetic design which is an approach to design that mimics the very intricacies of the most resilient and efficient systems we have in existence, the systems of nature.
explain this part instead of making that low iq example of airplaine sir
explain in details

>> No.19390823

>This model of self aware “game of life” network is about 167% to 273% more efficient than current and traditional network routing, as each node is aware of the latency to the nearest node and of the total latency for the route from sender to receiver.
why can't this be done without blockchain and a coin?

>> No.19390872

>it will never break the price of whatever a $2.50 VPS node gets you per month

>> No.19391007

Do they market buy?? What's the story I'm at work

>> No.19391110

I've said enough. Accumulations about over anyway. This will all be made mainstream soon.

>> No.19391121

If a customer pays fiat for a service, the vast majority (around 80%+) is used for token buy-backs to pay the miners' work. Doesn't matter how or who buys services from NKN, it all has to be done via the token. No other way to do it.

>> No.19391148

Serious question, would you sell Link or all of your UBT if you had held UBT from 2 cent? Just looking for some more input before making a decision/wheter other people think it's worth selling link for it. I did sell some, but am not sure how deep I should go into NKN.

>> No.19391177

Because, how are you going to get a bunch of people to want to run and sustain a cdn node at home??

>> No.19391317

It's such a hard call honestly. They're my 2 favorite coins. They both have immense promise but the scope of NKN can't be overstated. NKN is a layer 1 sleeping behemoth, everyone will look back like it was obvious soon enough.

>> No.19391349

NKN client enables free end to end data transmission in a purely decentralized way. Prior to NKN, if a sender client (a mobile app, for example) wants to send some data to a receiver client, the receiver needs to be publicly accessible, which is not practical for consumer applications, or they have to be both connected to some centralized server/platform, which will introduce additional cost (to build a relay service or pay for the service) and security vulnerability (data exposed to centralized server or 3rd party service). But now with NKN client, both sender and receiver can stay private in any network condition, and they don’t need any centralized server or platform. The data will be routed and delivered in a purely decentralized way, end to end encrypted, and free. This is made possible thanks to the NKN public blockchain.
However, there is no free lunch. Packets sent by NKN client are routed through NKN network, a global overlay network, in order for the generated signature chain to be considered safe for consensus.
Typically, a packet path consists of multiple hops in the public Internet, which increases latency and packet loss rate. NKN have designed and implemented proximity routing and a few other mechanisms that can significantly improve latency and reliability, but it’s still hard to beat direct connection (assuming they could do it) if sender and receiver are not far away from each other.
Luckily, there is a way to greatly improve both latency and reliability by utilizing NKN’s overlay architecture and consuming more bandwidth. To understand how it works, let’s first review some related parts of the NKN client protocol:
• Each NKN client has a NKN address of the formidentifier.publicKey, where identifier is an arbitrary string.
• Each NKN client is connected to a NKN node whose ID is closest to the hash of its NKN address, i.e.hash(identifier.publicKey).

>> No.19391481
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In natural systems and evolution, the resilience comes from trying every possible outcome and survival of the fittest, in NKN the improvement on speed is possible due to the network "knowing" about every possible route to deliver packets, thus improving the chances of a direct route for delivery.

NKN In this way is like a horizonntally scalable system, similar to the original vision for the internet, a hyperconnected p2p layer of content delivery that gains speed and resiliency as more nodes join in.

>> No.19391505

How about their messenger nMobile? Anybody tried it? It seems really nice, why is nobody using it? It only has a couple of hundred downloads on the playstore.

>> No.19391514

because then everybody any their mom spins up their "launch over 9000 gorillion vps servers in 10 seconds" kiddie script and dumps the profits

It's so much less annoying than building and maintaining huge ASIC/GPU farms, and there will always be enough people selling their profits immediately

>> No.19391651

you are missing two points:

1- This has been well thought of in advance, so the nodes that get paid are the ones which relay traffic, you would need to be the closets proximity node in every situation for this to be profitable as you describe it.

2- IF this ever becomes profitable, then large server farms will just capitalize on this opportunity and outcompete eachother, something that is inevitably going to happen as NKN node software will be installed in every idling server farm for un-used machines. NKN will bundle the cloud space as Netflix has bundled video.

>> No.19391669

"Bitcoin will never go over 10 dollars or everybody and their mother will spin up a mining rig and dump their coins instantly."
>what is a fixed supply

>> No.19391954

Worth noting that nFTP uses a single path via NKN but nFTP Pro (paid service) uses multiple connections for far improved speed and redundancy. Also worth knowing nCDN only jumps through a single node at a time, giving the best speeds and low latency compared to multiple hops.

Not many know about it. Still lots of work to be done but yes, it's looking very nice. They have updates coming out regarding nMobile soon.

Self regulating market. If everyone lauches 9000 nodes they still have to split the same amount of rewards daily, meaning it won't be profitable, and the node count drops. You'll find that because of this, generally, node count will increase with price but never go over. It'll self regulate with basic economics.

>> No.19392112
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Is this the power of /biz/? Anyhow it seems to be pumping a bit in recent days and I really don't know why. Do the Chinese maybe already know something we don't? Big announcement coming up?

>> No.19392462

The whole thing is so sickeningly undervalued it could 5x and have not yet begun to pump.

>> No.19392545

chink hustle shitcoin
enjoy your ejustos 2.0

>> No.19392618

Nice FUD attempt retard

>> No.19393430
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Repeat after me:

>> No.19393561

Waiting one more year on this then its over.

>> No.19393639
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Begone gorilla nigger.

>> No.19394250

A free market has placed NKN at this value. It is not undervalued. Your shitcoin is not special.

>> No.19394524

accumulation undervalues it

>> No.19394879

A free market placed LINK near $5 which is about $4.99 over-valued.

>> No.19394914

>A free market has placed NKN at this value. It is not undervalued. Your shitcoin is not special.
does this mean that no coins are overvalued or undervalued as the free market has placed it at this value? interesting theory

>> No.19395240

What makes the price so low with all this tech behind the token?

>> No.19395686

because people read about NKN and have no fucking idea what any of it means.

So they would rather buy the "next link" or the next "ethereum killer"

But that's the beauty of it, that's where the big opportunity lies, here's your edge, in seeing things that others don't.

People didn't understand LINK at first.

>> No.19395808

I hold both UBT (since 2c also) and NKN here. I believe selling UBT for more NKN is a great move, and have been doing it slowly.