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19384863 No.19384863 [Reply] [Original]

Give me ONE good reason not to dump ALL my life savings ($15,482) shorting this fake ass market RIGHT NOW.

>> No.19384884

because things are looking so grim we may have to have enough printing and you know what that means for the short term in markets

>> No.19384901

Because you’re gonna lose it all lmao. But please do, and post position. I wanna take a photo for my cringe collection

>> No.19384914

Do it retard.

>> No.19384916

>markets doesn’t go the way I want
>this market is a clown market
>It’s definitely not me, I’m the smart money

>> No.19384917

If you feel that strongly, throw 5g's at it

>> No.19384942

Unlimited QE. No reserve requirements for banks. Fed buying equities. Consoomers willling to kill or be killed so they can do slave work and consoooom.

Stocks only go up now. Trump requires it, J.Pow will make sure it happens.
Nobody is hiding this fact, it's openly discussed and a fact now. The world has changed, investments cannot carry risk or some old boomers might go broke. This is unacceptable due to boomer vote still being a huge block needed to win any office.

>> No.19384946

You can't fight the unlimited money printing. Buy gold and silver with your savings instead because hyperinflation + dollar collapse is about to happen very soon.

>> No.19384972
File: 55 KB, 906x371, SPY OPTION CHAIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just can't believe how cheap these puts are...I can technically go balls deep at $1000 per contract on SPY 200 puts for September. Potential profit is $250,000 if I make it.

>> No.19384983

What does that mean, if you win, you get 250k and if you lose, you just lose the 1k?

>> No.19384995

What currency will take over the USD? CAD? CNY?
Any inflation the USD sees will be absorbed by inflation of lesser currency. Until america stops being the largest consumer and world economic leader, the USD fears nothing. People diemwhen they try to avoid trading oil in USD, this can be extended to more assests if the $ needs to be proped up.
Don't @ me about muh china rising. One nuke ends that shit and they know it.

>> No.19385014

Do you all even actually research or just throw money at a company thinking you can’t possibly lose it, and that you’re the luckiest mofo who’s ever lived

>> No.19385050
File: 64 KB, 925x750, 1590205355582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it faggot, the markets can stay irrational longer than you can stay liquid.

>> No.19385127

this, dont be a 10 iq retard

>usd printed
>usd price of stocks go up
its simple

>> No.19385162

Sigh I guess you're right. Maybe I'll just buy just one contract then. Still an upside of $25,000 I guess....

>> No.19385189

Yes. But the odds of winning at that point are so astronomically thin. He’s better off betting on a 60% decline in the SPXL which would only mean 20% down SPY

>> No.19385783

A new one world currency. You are in the end times. Read your Bible.

>> No.19385957

yeah fight the trend! what could go wrong?!

>> No.19385981

>potential profit is $250,000

Bro you never stood a chance. Stop being a degenerate gambler p

>> No.19386605
File: 9 KB, 240x325, Martin Armstrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mein Neger

>> No.19386640

>What currency will take over the USD?
The USD will remain dominant.
Betting against this will leave you penniless.

>> No.19387059

lmao do it faggot and post your shorts here so we can all laugh at you

>> No.19387322

The trend is your friend, idiot

>> No.19387413

This is incredibly bearish.

Everybody is buying because they think this will do the job. We're perfectly at "return to normal".

Once people realize they're buying into a delusion the dow will go to 12-15k.

Screencap this.

>> No.19387463


>> No.19387744

Do a flip, faggot.

>> No.19387772

Shorting costs a lot, and you never know how long can the bubble hold up.

>> No.19388623

I give you a hint:
It starts with a B, and ends with a

>> No.19388796

>betting against Trump during upcoming election, aided by unlimited QE
Yes anon, short the market

>> No.19388823

Remember this you little faggot.
The market can remain longer irrational than you remain solvent.

AND second tip. You never ever fight central banks NEVER

>> No.19389864

You should take that money and buy gold and silver.

>> No.19389889

Ummm unlimited QE is NOT bullish. Thats a one way ticket to hyperinflation and the greatest depression.

>> No.19389930

I have a crystal ball and I see drumpfy getting re-elected then the floor of the market falls out when Corona-Chan returns mightier than before this winter. They will prop up until he is re-elected, for a fact.

>> No.19389956

stocks go up massively during hyperinflation
see: weimar germany

>> No.19389978

Refer back to the first half of sentence
>betting against Trump

>> No.19390044
File: 63 KB, 720x706, 1589114377263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah im sure the market will return to normal, we learned so much since 2008, they just didnt print enough money thats all

look, we have airplanes, cars, tanks, computers. everything that could have been invented has been invented

>> No.19390053

You should, we need the tears of bobo to take us higher

>> No.19390090
File: 233 KB, 418x418, one_reason.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19390096
File: 511 KB, 867x818, C88E9EBD-F077-48B6-B6DB-ED6E26249C25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh Bobo... when will you learn? STONKS ONLY GO UP!