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19377718 No.19377718 [Reply] [Original]

/ptg/ Pennystock Trading General
nothing is mooning. prove me wrong edition.

>Recently Shilled Stocks

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Previous Thread >>19344009

>> No.19377730

previous thread. sorry.


>> No.19377748
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>> No.19377779

something new pls.
already rode the MARK wave. in .50 out 1.60
pretty happy. wouldn't go back in.

what's ur position in it?

>> No.19377831

I have 588 shares at 1.70, wish I bought in at 1.30 but I thought 1.70 was the bottom. I'll just keep holding because fuck it idc what happens tomorrow itll probably dip.

I am wondering about my other positions. I like kos a lot. I am skeptical of cpe but that is exactly how kos acted before it started going up. And cpe had a lot of room to grow and barely any to drop. May buy more.

I like mro a lot but I think it's an extremely long position, and I dont think in holding enough.

I am long term bullish on eman and really just keep holding because I have so much of it at a very low average.

>> No.19377865

besides antisemitism, what do you have against kitov?

>> No.19377885

IDEX sounds great, but they heavily invested in China.

>> No.19377912

I dont like how those pharmacy graphs go, at all. I'm not a day trade. I find a stock I like and I throw 1000 at it.

I am kicking myself hard as fuck for not buying dkng at 23, I may wait for a dip and throw in 2k

>> No.19377924


>> No.19377932
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heres a moon

>> No.19377952

consider Snapchat. i've been waiting for a hard dip, but can't get it. I was a teacher, and know how obsessed kids are with snapchat. Earnings are better than expected for this year. I assume it'll be even better next year.

>> No.19377968


>> No.19377969
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yes it god damn is. where were u earlier

>> No.19378005

Snapchat looks cool. Although idk how much it can grow, looks like I missed the dip.

I'm more interested in dkng

>> No.19378017

Thoughts on GNUS? Holding till $5

>> No.19378077

I’m holding too
I’m not sure when exactly til
But I know June 15 is channel launch and August is when their toys hit retailers

>> No.19378143

How do you guys know whats going to moon? Just checking when press conferences are? Where can I find info?
140 shares in KTOV, 10 Shares in LJPC (they dipped hard after their competitor beat them to the punch on a drug release, so I bought in).

>> No.19378194

Idk about estimating moons. Bit I know about technology that is going to blow up

>thermal cameras/software
>ar/vr technology
>any if the self driving autonomous shit for drones cars etc.

I dont know about the pharmaceutical moons or the weed moons. I focus on tech stocks.

Oil and energy are my safe long term holds.

>> No.19378202

rumors. when there are big rumors about a buy out, merger, or contracts, etc. there is usually a spike.

>> No.19378241

wish I knew where to look though, the only rumors I see are shitcoin shilling online and by the time the news hits in robinhood or on some dingy 3rd rate online news source, the price has already spiked. I'm doing something wrong.
Thanks anon appreciate it.
If I had money I would all in Tesla at the moment. Successful launch + Battery Day and virtual power grid options? It'll stabilize over 1k a share.

>> No.19378275

Tesla is great for a monster stock to hold. But I'm priced out.

I'm very interested in draft kings though. Im trying to consolidate 2 or 3 grand to buy in on a dip.

>> No.19378367

No one really uses snapchat like that man. Trust me theres no money to be made. Lots of people use instagram for the stories or conversations. Snapchats basically are used for sneaky hook ups and nudes.

>> No.19378372

Traded ur CPE for CDEV

>> No.19378461

Hmm interesting. I'll have to research cdev some

>> No.19378472

snap is dead
and i doubt anyone wants to go in on chingtok

>> No.19378473
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Where my SINT chads at? We had a good day today until after hours. Does anyone have a solid date for earnings yet? Any info on the rumored PR tomorrow?

>> No.19378624
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I’ve been making a little money on the side weaving bracelets while I wait for ktov to moon

>> No.19379063

Easy way to turn $1k into $10k by EOY

>> No.19379140
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i sold at the peak

>> No.19379165


>> No.19379171
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>> No.19379180

Wtf do I buy tomorrow and sell friday

>> No.19379183
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I deposited 800 on sunday. I'm at 1900 now.

>> No.19379197
File: 271 KB, 1242x2208, 2ED93913-0CD2-4344-A2FB-9EE7A34AD9EA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opened an account today and got GE free stock, is it good? Can I sell this free stock for a free $7 or is it just a meme?

>> No.19379228

They don’t let you sell the stock for awhile, but it’s not a meme
$7 is just $7 tho.

>> No.19379235

It’s a start. Any anons can give me a good watchlist I can copy?

>> No.19379277
File: 78 KB, 640x606, 2031EAFC-141B-4C1B-B002-CAC8863EDD5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s to stop me from opening 100 Robinhood accounts and selling all my free stocks ?

>> No.19379314

I plan on buying another 200 shares of CPE. Currently own 360 shares. I don't expect them to even start going up for another month or two, but they will likely be a good medium length investment

>> No.19379348

Your required SS# and banking information combined with a several day hold before you can sell your "free" stock

>> No.19379366

Oh ok. Well I guess I’ll put in 1k if my own money on some penny stock. Gonna have to build a good watchlist. Any good stocks off hand I should add?

>> No.19379445

yeah thats why Im not in a hurry to grab a bunch, but they sure as fuck will go back up, potential x5 gains in 2-3 years

>> No.19379453

Your SSN

>> No.19379457

Anyone have fractional shares on Robinhood yet?

>> No.19379471

ONTX and CPE are the only ones I see with good long term growth. Most of the penny stocks shilled on here are highly illegal pump and dump.schemes, but those two have actual potential for long term growth if you're patient

>> No.19379484

Thanks I’ll check them out and also add the stocks shilled here. I come from crypto but now I’m breaking into this scam too

>> No.19379492

Exactly. Potential 2x gains in the next 3-6 months

>> No.19379500
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Looks like a possible breakout could occur

>> No.19379517

Will this moon more this week, or am I way late to the bus?

>> No.19379548

Potentially. It's been crabbing around $0.65-$0.80 for a while.

>> No.19379579

That's what kos did for awhile. Crabbed from 1.50ish to 1.30ish back and forth. I bought at 1.50 because fuck timing I just new I wanted it.

Its solid at 1.85+ now as a low. Reaches towards 2. Itll be solid long term.

Mro will follow this pattern.

Cpe it almost looks like ground floor before this happens.

I may throw 2k into cpe.

>> No.19379589

What is everyone's thoughts on MVIS? Hasn't it been proven mvis tech is in halo lens 2? Is MVIS holding out to get the biggest pay check possible and buying up the dips?

>> No.19379597

It’ll come down a little bit first I’m pretty sure due to that downward pattern I see that in crypto often but it may recover soon

>> No.19379603

That's my goal. I'm an absolute wagie, but I've been throwing $500 a pay period into the stock market since it crashed 6ish weeks ago

>> No.19379617

I mean I think a lot of the higher ups took salary cuts and shit. The most recent drop is because of covid regardless of the 5 years downward trend. I think this company is here to stay.

>> No.19379623

I'm kind of scared at how good at this I am.

I waited months on JILL, bought in yesterday, pops 30%.

People keep telling me I'm a gay retard but I keep making money, and this has been going on for 6 months of insane gains.

>> No.19379624

Ever since free apps like Robinhood came out, stock trading has been more unpredictable and retarded than it ever has been.

>> No.19379632
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Looks risky. Either buy now and hope and pray or wait until .87-.88 cents and buy near the bottom and increase your chances of success. It’s really all subjective

>> No.19379655

That’s a standard pattern it’s called a V. Basically the V forms and never recovers although recovery is possible it isn’t probable

>> No.19379669

Yeah it looks like a decent RR

>> No.19379678

My gf threw 6.3k into a mutual fund or ETF or whatever the fuck on vanguard literally at rock bottom in march. It's already almost tripled.

It's pretty crazy how much I study and how detailed oriented I am how I research all these stocks and make alright gains. But she just times imwverything correctly with intuition and cold calculation that takes a second of her subconscious brain power and makes the right choice.

I've put 4300 in a little after her by picking stocks I think will do yell throwing 1k in. I'm up about 1500.

I'll marry that girl otherwise I'll just get rich and fuck whores in this lonely existence. Shes the one.

>> No.19379705

Pure luck. I doubt she could repeat that again

>> No.19379715

Looks like they beat their EPS estimate last quarter and their YTD high was over 4.50 before coronachan hit.
I might throw in.
It's almost tutorial mode right now thanks to the recovery. You can be scared at your success if you manage to keep your gains following a second crash.

>> No.19379758
File: 278 KB, 1242x2208, 079AADB2-5044-49D2-A29F-7D6CE702ED8B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stock is looking enticing. Looks like one hell moonshot waiting to happen

>> No.19379777

TTNP already pumped and dumped. They are in the process of doubling their stock supply because they don't have enough to cover operating costs through the year, so expect a crash soon

>> No.19379789

Not at all man. But it only takes once.
And she isnt constantly staring at it or putting more money in other than cultivating her 401k.

She got a windfall and bought a very nice house in Raliegh. She is a mechanical estimator but has been doing all this house work herself, like building a new shed, new fences, fixing the house up. She loves doing it. I love helping her but she has more knowledge of it because of what she studies in school. And the neighborhood is literally about to blow up in the next few years. I'm about to marry her and we are just going to stockpile money. No kids. Just both works and become rich.

I just hope she doesnt get cold feet and married me. I've been with her off and on for 9 years. We arw both slightly awkward as fuck. And she may be gay. So we'll see what happens.

>> No.19379802

What is /PTG/?
You retards realize crypto is all a scam so you’ve come here to invest in companies on the verge of bankruptcy?

>> No.19379819

basically yes

>> No.19379829

Nah that's only 50% I pick long term holss

>> No.19379838

Well, good luck I guess. At least you get dividends & an actual chance of making money, unlike crypto.

>> No.19379899

Women are a bad investment my dude but good luck in your life I wish you the best

>> No.19379918

I will buy the fuck out of ttnp if it nears 0.14-0.20cents

>> No.19379930

Crypto isn’t a scam retard. I trade crypto and I’m starting to move into Penny stocks because I’m a trading addict

>> No.19379945

Thanks man, memes aside. Being lonely motherfucker is not my wish. And she makes more money than I do. I make a lot but she makes more. So we are kind just trying to build something together. This is how you get filthy rich from middle class.

>> No.19379948
File: 41 KB, 720x714, 76F4BDE7-636B-46C2-B588-F11082AEB700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call me when you start buying things worth $5

>> No.19379973

$5 is considered a penny stock retard lmao I hold crypto’s worth much more than $5

>> No.19379998

Call me when you own $6

>> No.19380006

>trading addict
You're a gambling addict sugar coating reality. I know full well I have no idea what I'm doing and any money I'm putting into KTOV I wouldn't hurt in losing.
Either that or the company is a fresh start scam that uses mass press release to inflate stock price before crashing. Its great when they blatantly lie about having a product.

>> No.19380011

>Its great when they blatantly lie about having a product.

>> No.19380054

I’m seasoned. I know firmly exactly what to look for and what I’m doing

>> No.19380083

MARK is a joke, right? They are not a legitimate tech company. Just importing some shitty toys from China and trying to sell it here. AND nobody is buying their heat camera.

>> No.19380135

lol, sorry man

>> No.19380182

Supposedly mvis is going to be bought by Microsoft but the gained enough money to stay afloat for another year so they might be trying ti get a bigger pay day. Microsoft does use their tech in halo lens 2 so they're partnering already does Microsoft usually use other companies parts?

>> No.19380184
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Hatchatorium is 46% in
PT for them is around $15, tomorrow will be a make or break earnings report though
there will be a sell off regardless from fear so I think selling right at market open may be a good idea if is opens high, then buying back after we see a solid MACD reversal
personally I'm anticipating something like $4.30 at open, most pennys dont do what MARK is doing, might be the birth of a true non-penny stock in the future

>> No.19380190

I'm shorting it tomorrow.

>> No.19380232

No idea I’m just a guy who reads charts and makes a decision not a news trader

>> No.19380350
File: 312 KB, 1242x2208, B8313F3E-904B-4F6A-BA2B-77FB9A0DBE9D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mark is a buy around $3.00 for a good RR if this things gonna continue at all, it could massively dump

>> No.19380487

I have $1K in it. MSFT buyout rumors still abound since they use their technology

>> No.19380969

Ok I am selling at open but I think it might be a good long time hold
Because their product is in huge demand right know
If the kungflu never happened they would of stayed a shitty penny stock

>> No.19381000

Idk another anon yesterday was saying it was going to dump today and sold but I stayed at 3.52

>> No.19381142

Hatchatorium seems like bs to me. The company address is a shitty little house and it has no history.
MARK is confirmed to have sold to WYNN though and maybe simon malls, so they may have some legit sales to report tomorrow. I bought around $2 and bagholded for 2 weeks until selling today at $3.25. I'm happy but I think there probably is more upside possible.

>> No.19381320

The company got lucky that their product is now needed for the kungflu I think it will tank only when the kungflu is contained in the meantime they might become a 20+ stock in a few months

>> No.19381398
File: 34 KB, 674x531, nbr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NBR was your ticket.. I guess you can "wait for the dip"

>> No.19381413

What's up with this? NT-219 is at least from '17.

>> No.19381415

Sold half my stack from 1.8 , it could pop off tomorrow but i'm finding the likelihood of good news tenous at best.

>> No.19381494

I have about 100K in QEP. It is trading below its EPS and will continue to go up as the economy opens.