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19376340 No.19376340 [Reply] [Original]

100k BAT

Wish I accumulated more chainlink at .16 USD but I thought I was priced out at .35 USD. How wrong I was.

>> No.19376353

Why do you have XRP and LINK pick one and diversify into something else. If one moons the other gonna fall.

>> No.19376367

ya XRP is making tokens to dump to inflate their stock price. Get out of it. Literally almost anything else is better.

>> No.19376477

>16k xrp
Already made it.

>> No.19376498

How to transfer BAT from the Brave browser without Binance?

>> No.19376745

OP here. I didn't. But if you really wanted to I suppose you can make another email on a vpn which you use to open twitter and reddit accounts since it easier to make low effort content there than youtube and then tip yourself like a kikefag.

>> No.19376814

I see a lot of conflicting positions on the board here regarding XRP. But I haven't seen this position before, why is XRP and LINK hedged against each other? If the use case for LINK is smart contracts and the use case for XRP is high speed, resource efficient payment achieved by highly liquidable tokens, why is one's success tied to the other's failure? If anything, wouldn't XRP be a good way to settle those contracts due to its speed since price fluctuations aren't likely to occur at the time of settlement?

>> No.19377342

One other question I had was how come no one talks about BAT? It seems like the most legit project. Or am I a normie faggot?

>> No.19377468

Ya chainlinks sergay dumps 500k linkies worth 2m all the time fuck chainlink yuck scam

>> No.19378035

Maybe... Even with the shiite bags you hold. Sell all XRP immidiately and buy BTC. Then yes 100%... ACTUALLY, just buy anything other than XRP HAHAhahahaHAHAH

>> No.19378062

Coz we get it for free using brave bro. It's just for paying people online for content

>> No.19378089

you just answered your own question, XRP use case is best used for transacting high speed and resource efficient economic events. Meaning at most retail investor aka it potential isn't really high.

CL is dealing with enterprise level entities, they literally could not give two shits about your investments in them.

>> No.19378482

How does that answer my question though? I get that there are a lot of tokens in escrow but the higher per token cost is the larger the scale of ripples settlement potential is,

>> No.19378510

The consumer of the content gets a portion of the ad revenue as well. And "muh free token arguement" is really a cumbrain argument, you are getting it for spending your attention which potentially has value if you aren't a cumbrain.

>> No.19378559

BAT is legit, the problem is it seems Brave and Brendan & co will just mint more BAT and dump on us whenever it goes on a run. So we all have a BAT bag, but we don't like to talk about it because it's looking more and more like a mistake. But we're not selling because we also see the potential you do.

>> No.19378649

I don't want to be a deluded cultist. But the dumping of coins seems to be a way to prolong the entry period. Not for us but for advertisers. I don't think advertisers inherently care about censorship and demonetizing certain creators. They do that to appease the consumer who cares about that kind of thing because they generate more revenue. When advertisers can have a way to distribute ads directly to the user, they won't have to worry about that sort of thing which would be more profitable for them.

>> No.19378666

ripple settlement only makes sense from a customer level. i.e money transfers overseas but its customer base is gonna be abuela who is sending her son $1,000 in mexico.

CL is meant for derivatives/swaps and other financial instrumentals. Think institutions not individuals.

From a tokenomics perspective having a high amount of tokens means that logically it value will never deviate. I think at max $5 but who knows maybe it goes to $70 but I don't think so.

That being said LINK can do what ripple can do which is creating a transaction and then going to FIAT, but it can go so much more. Ripple otherwise cannot do what LINK can do.

>> No.19378779

I think even where the price is now for LINK is reasonable but on hype alone it will spike. Reddit is desperate to make up for how BTFO they got by REQ and Bitconnect. Good onto anyone who caught the pump I guess. Don't let memes become dreams was the lesson they learned. Unfortunately they learned it at the cost of scaring away all the normies. Critical thinking goes a long way.

Alfred North Whitehead — 'The purpose of thinking is to let the ideas die instead of us dying.'

>> No.19378789

Also I forgot, based Reaganomics trips

>> No.19378792

>100k BAT
Have a (You), kek

>> No.19378821
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The oracle problem will solve itself. Ask any dev worth his salt to look into chainlink. They will laugh.

>> No.19378828

I swing traded a portion of my ripple stack. Always dollar cost average down at sub 18 cents for the eventual recovery to 20 cents.

>> No.19378829

I don't think you understand that there more money/resources used in developing CL than any other anon here has. Anyone here who has a decent size stack can care less about retail investors, we want big fish.

The derivative industry high estimate is about 1.6 Quadrillion dollars. if we can capture 1% of the economic activity within that market even anons with 100 stacks will be happy.

>> No.19378831

>Reddit is desperate to make up for how BTFO they got by REQ and Bitconnect.
Don't forget the ultimate reddit rekkenoning: nano

>> No.19378843
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ok matt.

>> No.19378873

no BAT is awesome. I use Google's ad platform every day and I would be more than happy to see them go down in flames because of Brave.

>> No.19378877

If you think link going up in value is due to anything other than being a meme you should step away from biz for awhile.

>> No.19378887

I can't backpedal here but I meant to include that with my post but realized someone would correct me. I forgot about it until after the post because it was so obviously a JUST waiting to happen.

>> No.19378901
File: 2.04 MB, 2732x2048, 1590529430734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dearest friend, 'tis with immense pleasure that I inform you that your letter has found safe travel to my destination and landed in my hands. However, this pleasure was fated to remain short lived and bittersweet, for I must also admit to you, regardless of what distress it may cause to you, knowing you went to great trouble to pen it and deliver it to me, that I in fact declined to open it and refused to read the message contained within. Surmising your intentions, there exists no doubt in my heart regarding your sincere worries for my financial well being, but alas your attempts to convince me to modify my investment strategies shall regretfully remain futile, as my stubbornness in this matter has indeed been sealed irrevocably and no other voice shall rock its imperturbable foundations. Allow me then to reiterate my will once more, and do your best to forever remember it for no change will follow: I shan't part ways with my beloved asset for it is my utmost belief that I have invested wisely and foresee infinite potential in its future, and therefore no other possession in this world shall change my decision, not even a mountain of gold! For my possessed asset is indeed fated to be worth more than any other riches in the world. We shan't speak of this no more. Sincerely yours, your beloved friend.

>> No.19378916

Didn't read.

>> No.19378927

One percent is actually a really large order. I am not particularly in tune with the developer community but it seems like there is a lot of competition for that utility. Also anons here don't really have <i>that</i> much money.

>> No.19378982

I'd take a look into the archives and do more research, you can do you. i'm happy with my stack if it goes kabloey it goes kabloey but if i'm right I get intergenerational wealth and my descendents can be asshole trust fund babies.

there are anons here with 10k+ stacks, i'm pretty sure all the OGs don't give a shit anymore, fucking hell I FUD link too. I literally don't give a damn at this point, development is being made by the team, their mannerisms and work ethic are what I see similar to good start-ups.

>> No.19379078

I am trying to do the best me I can. I regret not having a larger stack. I threw in a couple hundred bucks at about .16 USD. I really wish I went in harder. But at the same time the superficial explanation of muh oracle is not really that compelling. I don't need the archive, I've been a lurkster since 2015. For the sake of a relevant example, BAT had a lot of bullish fundamentals that could be extrapolated from their mission statement. That's why muh free token argument is just cumbrain FUD.

>> No.19379108

>there are anons here with 10k+ stacks,
What do you consider intergenerational wealth stack?

>> No.19379209

Honestly brave is fucking awesome. BATs just a bit flummoxing for me. This could be an integral part of a Google-lite service and it's stuck at 20 cents... even though it has only 50% the total supply of link

>> No.19379248

Do you think being an ERC-20 token and not a cryptocurrency might have something to do with that? It is a solid standard but if ETH shits the bed what happens to the majority of utility tokens tied to it? Utility tokens aren't currency.

>> No.19379275

idk, but there was a pic floating around here about early investors and how much they made off an initial investment. someone put $5K into uber early on and made out with like $26M.

I still think we're pretty early for LINK, but it about to explode any moment now especially with the team vision being pieced together slowly. Also since these token don't act like stocks we'll never have any stock splits/stock dividends with crypto so the value of a token can be really fucking high.

Anyways I think 1K LINK should be a good minimum if you can afford it and you're young,
I'm in my 20s and LINK my first risky investment, if I lose the money oh well, but if i'm right i'll never have to wage slave again. better than being the boomers at my work place who WISHED they had invested into google or apple when it was trading at $2 a share.

>> No.19379388

how much link you got mate, we are in a similar situation

>> No.19379413

I got 6K of these stinkers.

>> No.19379754

Those were some good yous. Good night bizrealites. Will check in morning.

>> No.19379812

The coin is almost in full circulation, and the contract is fixed at 1.5B tokens. More tokens cannot be created. The team cant really dump anymore tokens. Cryptocels don't want to speculate on BAT which is the problem. Cryptocels much rather invest in pump and dumps and ponzis. Crypto is largely a low iq asset class.