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19372230 No.19372230 [Reply] [Original]

The """american dream""" of working an honest job and making it is the biggest kike fairy tale in the history of kike fairy tales.

The only way to make it is either be born into the right family with the right contacts or be a complete psycho sociopath who is prepared to do anything for his own gain. I guess there's also complete blind luck like winning the lottery or finding a stash of bitcoin or some shit.

"""hard work""" is a fucking kike meme to keep the goy hopeful and deluded.

Pic related. Just work hard goyim and this could be you some day :)

>> No.19372254

Dude you can literally just buy chainstink.

>> No.19372255

That guy works out his muscles and this works hard.
Was also a navy seal.

>> No.19372272
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>Was also a navy seal.

Don't tell me you believe that

>> No.19372280

>Just work hard goyim and this could be you some day :)
I could be 5'8"?
no thanks.

>> No.19372299

Yup, and that's the main reason why I'm so cynical in life.

>> No.19372329

He lives off his daddy's poker winnings and pays actual prostitutes to pose in his Instagram photos

>> No.19372356

Ok, so you've verified that this world is evil and the most ruthless psychopaths are the ones who "make it". Why not join them? Why care about others at all? 99% of people are just out to take advantage of others so I don't see anything wrong in acting the same way. Once I stopped being a pussy at work and started being more aggressive and calling people out on their mistakes I was getting promotions every quarter. Grow a pair and fight.

>> No.19372364

Because you can't chose to be a ruthless psychopath. Your either born one or you aren't.

>> No.19372370

Yup and that's why I bought LINK
In a couple years all be laughing at all the wagekeks who think they ever had a shot at making it

>> No.19372375

He wasn’t but he made it through hell week twice. Try doing that sometime champ

>> No.19372389

His daddy defrauded hundreds of millions and now he gets to live the good life banging whores all day thanks to daddy stealing shit from hard working Americans.


>> No.19372408

This is because politicians have fucked you, not capitalism or rich people. If we had 7-10% interest rates and sound dollar backed by gold that didn't lose value every year you would be highly motivated to save your money and watch it compound every year. Even moderate savings would grow rapidly over 20 years and you could retire early by just working a normal job and saving your money.

>> No.19372424

The goyim work so we don't

>> No.19372434

Are you retarded? A 7-10% interest rate would just make (((them))) even richer.

>> No.19372453

>stealing from wagies
Hello? Based department?

>> No.19372484
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Be honest, you made this thread after losing your whole savings (approx. 500$ usd) on shitcoin day trading didn’t you

>> No.19372493

You realize that in the past boomers could buy treasury bonds that were basically 0 risk and get 10% returns? Clearly you are the retarded one.

>> No.19372497

Hey Dan.

>> No.19372500
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oh great, here come the lolbertarians. im surprised there are still a few of you left.

>> No.19372504

Funnily enough, this guy contradicts everything my mind initially goes to when I think about success. It's like he has all the ingredients of a successful person, but it's just not there.

>> No.19372511

Are you incapable of reading? I said to act like them I didn’t say you could magically become one.

>> No.19372527

And that's why there are so many biillionaires today.

>> No.19372570

Fuck it dude. I came from just about nothing. Grew up in the country. My parents had more than my grandparents and I have more than them. I am not filthy rich but statistically I have more than 85% of Americans.

I am fortunate not lucky. I sacrificed in my teens and 20's. My only debt is my house.

People need to realize that sacrifice and hard work while you are really young is the key. You didn't think your life was going to turn out like MTV's Cribs did you?

Gen X'er

>> No.19373158

less money for Israel

>> No.19373251

How ya doin Dan? How many fucking STD's do you even have at this point? Like fucking every single STD on the fucking planet? You tried so hard to be famous but youre just another narcissistic asshole born into the right family at the right time. But i appreciate how shit your life is bc its an example of what i never want to turn my life into. Enjoy dying from AIDS you degenerate gambler.

>> No.19373652

men unless they're gay, doing iv drugs or sleeping with trans-women can't get AIDS

>> No.19373886

He's saying they're the problem, not the economic system.

>> No.19374006

implying dan wouldnt sleep with trannies after becoming bored with 10/10 models every day.

He also injects trenbolone and HGH so aids is very likely.

>> No.19374029
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>> No.19374092

Dan does all of that daily

>> No.19374177


>> No.19374486

when will they learn

>> No.19374500

You don't magically get AIDS from tren you faggot. Just use clean gear for everything, why are you sharing with crackheads?

>> No.19374573

Or you just do what everyone else does & adapt. If they want to give you free money through debt, take it. Interest rates are lower than real inflation, just buy all the assets you can, then when they increase leverage up. Repeat until rich. That's it faggot, just do that.

>> No.19374609

>bored with 10/10 models
>fucks men

You're just a faggot.

>> No.19374626

You don't need a ton of money to enjoy the best things in life. All you need is a six pack of beer and some video games.

>> No.19374647

Truest post on 4chan.

>> No.19374652

I dunno anon, i dont think its a meme if you play your cards right.

>make 50k a year
>40k in cash
>20k in dividend portfolio

Im on trackto buy a house with 30 acres in about 5 years, and have a million dollar portfolio by 45. Couldnt do it without busting my ass

>> No.19374673

>next year a million dollars today will be 500k

>> No.19374704

Some girl from my HS who was weird, stick thin, and kind of unattractive (as well as damaged) went and got super into fitness and bimboified herself with fake tits then got on Dan's boat and feed so now I wonder about what kind of damaged goods crazy bimbos he hoards in these kinds of posts. They don't really attract me, they're literally fake from top to bottom and probably downright insane.

>> No.19374710

I highlydoubt we will see 100 percent inflation in a single year. Over the course of the next 25 years perhaps, but 500k with a 5 percent dividend yield is still 25k inflationadjusted for not doing shit, and i can easily live off that

>> No.19374736

Also phone posting with a screen crack on the space bar, thats why some words are combined

>> No.19374946

now where do i find young women like this to make instagram famous and fuck

>> No.19374972

>being fit means you're fake

>> No.19375009

Imagine passing hell week, TWICE, only to get deemed a man child not fit for a trident both times.

>> No.19375103

Dan does fat dabs everyday to suppress his roid rage for the camera he’s a fucking legend.

>> No.19375108

Literaly where does it say the American dream is to guarantee wealth if you work hard? The American dream is about having the oportunity and freedom to pursue the American dream you stupid fucking zoomers.

>> No.19375205


Wrong you can learn, its called secondary psycopathy. Lots of people fall under that and are completely involved in the "cult of self". Its what is pushed in society on purpose

>> No.19375545

Actually not being a psychopath but capable of being sufficiently ruthless is much more advantageous than being a psychopath. Psychopaths are probably a lot more successful than the average collectivist retard that trusts authority figures, but the blinding success of psychopathy is over rated due to survival bias. Most psychopaths end up chopped into pieces (or in jail) by someone who can actually control their emotions and CHOOSE to do so.

>> No.19375566


>> No.19375586

Agreed. Getting sloshed and playing some vids with the boys are some of my greatest memories

>> No.19375701

I love you shills


>> No.19375785

> Pic related. Just work hard goyim and this could be you some day :)

Just have a Wall Street scammer daddy leave trust fund

>> No.19375845

>If we had 7-10% interest rates and sound dollar backed by gold
Where would all the gold come from and with what would it be paid with to print up all the dollarinos so that ANY positive interest can be paid?
Asking for theory.

>> No.19375860

Anybody can be a millionaire, or a multi-millionaire, I've seen it happen a few times. Now a megamillionaire, or a billionaire? You've got to be a somebody in order to make that happen. You're either born a somebody or you're ruthless enough to make yourself into a somebody.

>> No.19375866

pretty much any girl in the 17-20 age range my friend

>> No.19375870

>don't be one
>just be one that acts like how someone would be
What's the difference?

>> No.19376002

I feel so unmotivated when I see my friends inherit their grandparents' houses or have contacts from their parents. I got nothing from my family. I'm a frugal person and they spend every last dime, but that doesn't matter, at the end I'm just another looser no matter how disciplined I am.

>> No.19376330
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>> No.19376445

Life isn't fair. How do you think Eastern Europeans feel when they have to work 60 hours in some shit job to make $100 a week to survive?

>> No.19376491

When you hypothetical Eastern European compares his situation to his immediate surroundings he too will find types of "inequality" in his close circle and feel exactly like the Anon you replied to.

>> No.19376519

So basically the grass is always greener and we compare ourselves to others... Like when you get richer you start hanging out with richer friends who have more than you and it makes you feel shit.

>> No.19376555

>richer you start hanging out with richer friends
not necessarily
If one is aware of his poorness or the history of his poorness then I believe this person will be highly capable in appreciating riches (if they are ever attained)

>> No.19376590

But you need money to get teen pussy

>> No.19376884

>All you need is a six pack of beer and some video games.
lol incel

>> No.19377055

I have 36000 watts of HPS and ceramic metal halides in my grow op. Hydroponics. I'm doing pretty well

>> No.19377317
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All this comments about burning your soul and turning in to a money grubbing psycho jew disappoint me.

Working hard also implies working smart, sometimes you burn a bridge to get to the other side but you don't have to burn every single one or else you'll be known as that guy, yeah some criminals make it good, some faggots have it easy but you also have to look at what you have done, sometimes there is opportunitiesthat you missed or don't take.
Being a spineless bitch also doesn't come with out consequences and you'll miss 100% of the chances you don't take.

Strap one up and keep jogging along, good always wins at the end

>> No.19378132

I think if you're born upper middle, there's a chance you can make it with a blend of hard work and good decisions. That's the threshold though - lower + middle class are fucked.

>> No.19378141

Capitalism in general is stealing from others.

>> No.19378154

you're gunna make it, John.

>> No.19378171


They’re not even really “fit”, they’re skinny and do squats for a few hours a week. They get a tit job and lip fillers. They pretend like they weren’t weird and unattractive in HS. I’m not salty but I am intrigued.

I’m /fit/ myself btw, and precede the finsta meme by a decent chunk of time.

>> No.19378205

Very redpilled. Although the dream existed for a while. The boomers were the one to give it up for materialism and degeneracy. Now kikes have all the power and money and unless you are the best of goys that hate whites you won’t get anywhere in life. The kikes only will help women and anti white shitskins get good jobs and start up business and make into millionaire celebrities. Only solution to stop this injustice if to get rid of kikes. Hitler was a good man and he was right. Kikes are the problem to literally everything. I am not even exaggerating. EVERYTHING! Even people with small dicks. No fucking joke, they are responsible for that to.

>> No.19378366

>le epic sociopath meme
Why are you joggers still brainwashed by this hollyjew meme? The vast majority of sociopaths and psychopaths are low-IQ, low-impulse control violent retards that end up in prison, the real corporate climbers are capable of empathy and thus know how to successfully exploit it like >>19375545 talked about

>> No.19378601


He works out his "injects 1g of test e weekly" muscles very hard, that's for sure

>> No.19378676

Dan, don’t let these guys get to you. You’re still a beta faggot though.

>> No.19378720

Working your way up and being some instagram faggot with a billion dollars from billionaire parents aren't the same thing.
I walked into some dive bar after I lost my training opportunity for another gig. I literally just walked to every place I could and applied in person. Only one gave me a shot and honestly I didn't even want to go in but I forced myself. I had never worked at a restaurant before and I was honestly fucking retarded at it but I started as a bus boy and worked up to waiter which I sucked at but I got better. Eventually I got fired because I was eating and apparently that's not allowed or something.
I bounced around a few places, nothing noteworthy, then ended up in the city at a place that just launched and was struggling. I quickly rose up through the ranks and years later I am in a management position, a completely different person from when I first started. I was diligent about saving money and learning tong term investing strategy. During that time I was amassing cash in stocks I was also doing some light networking as people in restaurants often do. I over heard some people talking about an upcoming project and I started asking questions. I was definitely interested. The next day one of them was talking about fund raising and all the schmucks at the restaurant were talking about "oh what can I get for 20k" blah blah. I pulled out my phone and open my Vanguard account with $100k in it and said I was interested. I called everyone I knew trying to get more money on a loan as I was convinced this company would take off. I ended up getting an additional $50k on loan and put that in as well.
You can say that it was luck, the right place at the right time, etc and I really won't deny it. The difference is that I was prepared and when opportunity came I seized it.
The thing is that no matter what, you have to take some risk in life and you have to be disciplined and do the bullshit other people won't do.
Take from that what you will.

>> No.19378780

>> the American dream is to pursue the American dream.
Oh that clears it up, thanks

>> No.19379524

Dan blizerian is natty and a army seal

>> No.19379535

He also made his father's fortune playing secret poker games

>> No.19379797
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I’ve had sex with hot girls for free. The implication that you have to woo women with cash is pathetic, you see rich fags bomb all the time trying to impress women

>> No.19379810

>The American dream is about having the oportunity and freedom to pursue the American dream
So the American dream is about having the oportunity and freedom to pursue the American dream which is about having the oportunity and freedom to pursue the American dream which is about having the oportunity and freedom to pursue the American dream which is about having the oportunity and freedom to pursue the American dream which is about having the oportunity and freedom to pursue the American dream which is

>> No.19379851

hard work can get you there but you really gotta sacrifice yourself and most people fall short

>> No.19379907
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You're a weak Faggot. I would take 50 hour work weeks doing a noble trade to support a trad wife in a country home over being a materialist surrounded by vapid whores any day. Your post is a cope for your spiritual bankruptcy, materialistic ego and lack of usefulness. Stop projecting, you chose to be a weak faggot who envies meaningless "wealth". You don't even deserve this reply.

No amount of wealth, whores, yachts or shallow aesthetic displays can replace a genuine mans hard work and having genuine friends and family. You will never achieve this because you have neglected the of your own soul. So go fap and bitch to cope, that's all you will ever have.

>> No.19379953

That’s a picture of four men

>> No.19379957

I mean, your 50 hour work week could be spent hitting the gym, fishing on a yacht, nightcap with a little fuck party. That’s an honest days work

>> No.19379968

I don't want to swap life with that bilztard.
You can't buy dignity.

>> No.19379981

>hard work
No, risk

>> No.19380000

I think most psychopaths are actually made. I went through a period of life culminating in a high dose anti-depressant that led me to a state with such little empathy and emotion I never cried when a relative died.

>> No.19380081

Look how insecure that guy is holding on to that girl. Lol beta male

>> No.19380163


>> No.19380695
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