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19369529 No.19369529 [Reply] [Original]

Quitting alcohol will no doubt improve your financial situation.

>> No.19369544

Big if true

*takes sip*

>> No.19369549

So will cigarettes, drugs, and other comfort addictions.

>> No.19369550
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Truly BASED and shockingly REDPILLED

>> No.19369562

i'm quitting, starting today. quarantine has made me fat

>> No.19369567

Quit after they found a lesion in my liver in February. Thank goodness it was benign.

>> No.19369575

>Take client out to dinner
>"Anon, what kind of wine shall we share"
>"Uh... Actually uh... I don't uh... Drink"
>"I see, I'll take my business elsewhere"
OP btfo

>> No.19369578

I spend about $30 on alcohol per month, is this a lot?

>> No.19369580

Booze is the poor man’s HRT

>> No.19369588
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> he doesn’t drink 50 year old whisky every day
Not gonna make it.

>> No.19369597

Weed is worse, in the UK some people pay £20+ per day to smoke weed. It's literally the only thing their money goes on

>> No.19369599

That shit will make you look 50 years older lmao

>> No.19369601
File: 55 KB, 1600x900, FeelsBasic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>mild alcohol abuse on the daily
>spend all day/night not drinking
>Lots of progress made
>reward myself for such a productive day with a beer
>goes on biz
> sees this as first post
feels bad man, ur right biz i need halp

got so much done today tho when i was booze free offt

>> No.19369605

So will food and clothes. Let’s just live outside in cardboard box and wait to die.

>> No.19369613

>Missing an opportunity to say "I always consult the sommelier for the right pairing"

not gonna make it

>> No.19369615

literally me too FFS

>> No.19369638
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>> No.19369754

Cannabis doesn’t destroy the liver and send middle-aged men into violent tantrums.

>> No.19369761


>> No.19369824

>massive amounts of calcium
>no k2
heart attack/stroke imminent

>> No.19369847

if i could

>> No.19369882

you can get 1g of synth for $30 and have it last half a year.

>> No.19369906
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Retards like this make me sad. They're too cowardly to admit that it's their genetics that make them that way. Taking a fucking vitamin won't do shit in comparison to the power of genetics.

>> No.19370121

how long had you been drinking for? ive decided to quit once i saw how it ruins your body. been going hard the past 4 years.

>> No.19370147
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It’s 11:28 AM and I am the only person at the bar. Also just bought 1000 GHOST lol

>> No.19370158

Fuck alcohol. I can finally get a good nights sleep after giving up booze

>> No.19370181

you need vitamins when you drink as much as him. he will literally be malnourished if he doesnt. the thiamine is important to prevent wetbrain. alcohol fucks up so many organs.

>> No.19370322

That's fucking sad m8

>> No.19370754

And all types of refined sugar.

>> No.19370845
File: 80 KB, 202x223, EB541E96-0EB2-4053-8D86-B55AA33879C5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my experience, this never happens. Most conferences have open bars and alcoholism is rampant. Nobody thinks twice if you get mineral water with lime.

>> No.19371004


I have some bad news anon.

>> No.19371022

at least get a club soda
>when i see water drinker at a open bar i think a) AA b) previous DUI c) wasted

>> No.19371077

Cope willpowerlet

>> No.19371113

Literally was thinking about quitting today. I woke up and had no sex drive.

I'll see if my determination holds up after work.

>> No.19371203


based logic

>> No.19371234


>not drinking poison will help you

OP has figured it all out! A genius!

>> No.19371296

What if I just say I'm Muslim? I'm not but I can pass as middle eastern.

>> No.19371402

Guess who want to quit but also have a good non-alcoholic beer check out Bravus brewing and Athletic Brewing. Actually good tasting non alcoholic beer.

>> No.19371449

Imagine still drinking, in 2020

>> No.19371498

No drug addiction but a coomer. Is coooming twice a day really that bad for you.

>> No.19372149

brew 5 gallon beer batches in ur kitchen with a 10gal boil kettle/ stainless steel basket. if u cant afford a basket then use the cheesecloth bags they sell at homebrew shops. all u need is ground base malt, hops (whole cone) , good water, and an ale yeast like chico for a simple pale ale.
you need about 6 gallons of water (some water is absorbed in the grain /boiled off) and 10lbs of grain. cook the ground grain in the water inside the stainless basket at 155 degrees for 45min-1hr. pull the basket out of the water let it drain and turn the heat back on to bring it to a boil. add hops at the boil point (two beer glasses full of whole cone hops is a good start, double this for a more ipa like beer, i use cascade variety mostly) and boil for 25 minutes. remove from heat and cool down the liquid, put the liquid in a fermentor, pitch your yeast and wait 1-2 weeks. at this point you siphon it into bottles with some priming sugar (leave bottles room temp to carbonate then refrigerate) and boom beer.
now i typically drain the kettle into a 5 gallon keg seal it up and put it in my shower with the shower on to cool it down. then i put some yeast in and seal it with an adjustable pressure release valve on the gas post of the keg. i ferment under pressure for 1-2 weeks, carbonate, and serve all in the same vessel. doing things under pressure in a keg enable me to not have to control the fermentation temp, it can ferment without bad flavors at warm temps under pressure. once its done fermenting i just put it in the kegerator wait 24 hours and enjoy.
there are so many different ways to make beer but ive given u a head start with a fool proof recipe and an easy process (some people use 3 kettles just to make a single batch.) i have a conspiracy that most pilsners like budweiser are literally just carbonated shit tap water, alcohol, and beer flavoring. its nice to know whats in your beer, also homebrew has a fuckton of vitamins and minerals in it.

>> No.19372247

Probably not as bad as drugs. Ironically using drugs will help you get laid.

>> No.19372667

Only thing that numbs the pain senpai

>> No.19372770

dito, I stopped a week back. I love making cocktails...Oh well back to the old Nuts/Fruit/Salad, Water & a Volcano full of weed.

>> No.19372835

based and Diogenes pilled