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File: 149 KB, 675x1200, EY_P3WsUYAEeh86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19362297 No.19362297 [Reply] [Original]

Ghosties will unironically be $100 by 2021.
Libra will soon become the main cryptocurrency payment system. Bitcoin will take a backseat, ETH won't be fully ready for mass adoption DeFi solutions until 2023, and the only other demand for crypto will be blackmarket use using proven private networks, dexes and networks. Ghosty by Mcafee is here to own this market and John is the perfect man, subject matter wise, funding wise, networking wise, and personality wise, for the job.
Mainnet and more exchanges are coming and according to the roadmap, we will also see a fully private untraceable encrypted p2p comm system, wallet, stablecoin integration and private, unkillable, p2p marketplace.
If all goes as planned, this project will revolutionize the world of illicit transactions, which is already a billion dollar market.
Wait for a dip and get in while it's floating around a dollar. $2 minimum at mainnet is inevitable.

>> No.19362361


>> No.19362451
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Can Ghost beat out monero, apollo and Loki?

>> No.19362457

All the paper hands will be so sad once mainnet is launched and they realised they cashed out on a true means-to-an-end coin, one that is aimed to be used and not some forex investment speculation currency. Look at some of mcafees talks and you will see that he wants crypto to be something that people actually use, not some market speculation field where neets can make money. It's going to happen with or without you, so you may as well make some money off it on the way up.

>> No.19362472

I still haven't received my fucking ghost from the airdrop

>> No.19362503

Got any other info?

>> No.19362523

Wait for all Ghost to be sent out then contact Luis via Twitter

>> No.19362531

So why will ghost be useful?

>> No.19362569

It's and value will forever increase based off the demand for online privacy. As digital currency becomes the standard, this demand will increase exponentially. John had this to say about Monero, the main competitor in this sphere
"even though the currency [Monero] is brilliant, it holds a disadvantage of not being on a decentralized platform."

Ghost is FULLY decentralized, secure and encrypted. There's nothing like it.

>> No.19362591

You put money into machine, machine does something, you draw money out of machine either positive or negative. Tax man knows.

>> No.19362613

Not if there is no one to send reports to the IRS.

>> No.19362624

So how do you buy these ghost coins? Explain the process to me please.

>> No.19362665

You don‘t announce announcements, unless you‘re a scammer.

>> No.19362689

Where can I buy ghost?

>> No.19362694
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You do if you want your investors to have faith that you aren't scamming them. And that's a very real concern!
It's purchasable on multiple exchanges using ETH/Ghost pair. If you want to enter, wait for a dip to .80 area, although it has been known to sweep a little lower around .75 if you're penny pinching.

>> No.19362718

An exchange I need to give my identity to for the purchase and when I move it to my wallet they know my identity moved said coins to said wallet.

>> No.19362740

yup the ultimate privacy coin! $100 by 2021

>> No.19362742

Not mcafeedex, unironically. And, when Ghost releases its wallet, you can buy, trade, store and sell, all using the same decentralized platform. Pretty nuts.

>> No.19362757

when did you buy in bro? two dollars plus? is that why you're so desperately shilling this shit? just give it up man it's over. it will be 50 cents or less within a week and then people will just forget about it over time like 1000 other failed crypto projects.

>> No.19362765

I am just wondering, how can any crypto be private anymore? And we have coin promising privacy as its basis? Thats its use case? Privacy that isnt really private?

>> No.19362774

OP I agree, which is why I chucked a few eth at it. My question is how do we change our ghost erc20 tokens into actual ghost?

>> No.19362785

I bought at .40, .60, .80 and 1

>> No.19362795
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>Ghosties will unironically be $100 by 2021.
You are absolutely delusional. The team is made up of unprofessional incompetent nobodies that haven't yet solved the privacy problems that PIVX faced. They have not even addressed them in the development timeline.

Luis, the guy you circled, is the biggest nobody of them all, he's the social media manager whose sole job is project hype. His CV is blank.

Their "outside contractors" that they previously used to outsource their work to are beyond a shadow of a doubt illiterate third-worlders. That's why the whitepaper controversy happened. The non-copied parts of the WP were full of elementary school-tier errors.

There are obvious problems with the feasibility of the project and there is no reason to trust the team. McAfee is a genius, but he's not the one writing the code, you absolute fucking faggots.

>> No.19362818

woah someone skipped his high school cryptography classes on zero knowledge proofs

>> No.19362821

Sorry, you bought a scam coin. Hope you pulled out some profit. If you're still in the green dump NOW for AAVE.

>> No.19362857

So once again I ask how do you purchase said coins? Can you do it without providing any identifying information?

>> No.19362883

Look nigga i spent one whole summer, going up and down the ave coppin ghosties from the nicest niggaz on every block, and never got got, thats how i got the top spot

>> No.19362941


>> No.19362964

I don't know black magic well, but can you describe to me how once an identity purchases a coin anymore is completely anonymous? Even if transferred to a private wallet the initial purchase can be tracked back to an identity. How does ghost solve this?

>> No.19363102
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PiVX is never going back up you little bitches. Keep this fud up and I’ll buy your mothers.

>> No.19363119

Transactions are pooled into escrow accounts run by the nodes. Just sell if you’re this fucking retarded you deserve to be poor.

>> No.19363138

Dose anyone have a guide to metamask this shit is so confusing

>> No.19363140

He literally said that fuck no it won’t be better than Monero

>> No.19363176

I don't own any of these coins, it just seems like the privacy thing isn't 100% completely thought out. But you apparently cannot explain how it is private because spinning disc analogy; hint money goes in money goes out, tax man sees it all.

>> No.19363216

1. Buy BTC with cash from a BTC ATM
2. Swap BTC to GHOST
3. ???
4. Profit.

Or just sell some services or products on their upcoming P2P network for some straight GHOST.

Of course if you buy the BTC or something else originally with a credit card or a bank transfer, that will leave a trail somewhere. But then the next steps can be obfuscated.

Also, I don't need this level of privacy for anything myself. Buying crypto with cards and bank transfers is fine for me. But for those who need more privacy, there will be a way.

For GHOST, the big selling point will be that it can NOT be shut down. The planned marketplace is decentralized as are the exchanges and all else. Even how the domains for the sites work etc if I've understood right.

>> No.19363232
File: 68 KB, 250x250, 91C77881-2EF3-4E67-85BB-74150BBDD838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This ghost token was supposed to be being used by cartels and faggot OP is talking about Facebook’s crypto . LOL RED FLAG GHOSTIES YOU GOT SWINDLED. Now buy some PRIVATE you dumb faggots

>> No.19363240

I just said the nodes run escrow pools. Holy fuck you’re retarded

>> No.19363243

still did not got airdrop guys :( ... where is ghost discord?

>> No.19363282

Another Pajeet that didn't read the rules and forgot to put it in a wallet.

>> No.19363284

to add to this, the atomic swaps can be privatized. Again, if I understood right.

>> No.19363343

This doesn’t explain anything. Any time you withdraw from the bank to cash, or digitally transfer funds to a middleman to purchase your bitcoins (hint hint, exchanges like coinbase, or even using temporary visas to buy crypto) the tax man will figure out regardless when you get audited where these funds are allocated to, and it will be fucking obvious it’s in crypto.
The only thing worth it with ghost is to be used as a tumbler, other than that there’s no other value to it. If you cash out your crypto tax man will figure out anyways. Even buying any asset and putting it under your name through 3rd party crypto purchase is liable to be audited by the tax man. Btw “gifts” are subject to tax now. There’s no escape.

>> No.19363345

You still do not answer how anyone is private, money goes in money goes out, its all tracked.

>> No.19363423

i had it on my wallet faggot i sold them 10min after tweet that snap has been done

>> No.19363477
File: 103 KB, 883x490, 8F848691-8146-4C48-A5A3-04670350AEE7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this thing actually built out? Is he leveraging tech from LuxCore?

>> No.19363513
File: 9 KB, 230x220, B91213BE-DD37-4BEE-8AB9-8C41B0B6E434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot to add that any time you do your tax you are OBLIGATED to declare if you hold any crypto assets. If you lie, and bet on this project to hide your ass for you, you will be heavily fined beyond the tax you refused to pay when your retard ass triggers the IRS audit alarm for cashing out thousands out of nowhere. Tax man has every record of every USD purchase you have ever made since you’ve put your ID on exchanges, had transferred between wallets, done bank withdrawals, etc.

Thinking you can escape from the IRS is literal fantasy tier. There’s no point in this privacy coin, especially when GHOST is still traceable to those who did the airdrop (Lmao) so any anon who put it on their wallet is now under liability to declare them. It’s useless at this point.

>> No.19363551

Question, is there a way to pay taxes immediately after a transaction?

>> No.19363568

Cringe fud.

>> No.19363576

Just wait for mainnet. It will be automatic.

>> No.19363588

Based. That fud got rekt.

>> No.19363626

So you are you actually anonymous using ghost? Money in money out, tax man knows.

>> No.19363672

I still havent recieved my fucking airdrop. this incompetant team is never going to achieve anything

>> No.19363684

No you do your taxes every year and so all your trades (for the year) must be reported in a CSV file and totaled and allocated with the percent that is short term gain or long term and converted to USD value. This is why crypto millionaires hire CPAs to do this shit for them so they pay off the tax and the IRS gets off their ass scotch free.

>> No.19363708

Same bro. Dw some ghost holders are so delusional they assume we're all lying or fud or incompetant.
The reality is I was on board with ghost enough to hold esh during the airdrop, and sold it 10 minutes later once it was worthless, and I havent received my fucking ghost.

>> No.19363772

Sucks being a burger in the crypto world

>> No.19363786

So how is anyone having any privacy? The tax man knows all.

>> No.19363799

Pro-tip when people talk about privacy, they mean privacy from the government.

>> No.19363827

Google Coin when quantum computers become mainstream. ALL OF THE CRYPTO SPACE WILL DIE. The whole world will be reset. A war with China will take place.

>> No.19363869
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The ONLY THING that crypto guarantees you is privacy on what you just purchased. That’s why darknet markets allow you to purchase weed and shit and you won’t get flagged by your bank/credit company for illegal stuff.

Other than that, if it’s the IRS you’re fucked. Again there’s no escape.
Even if you lose your citizenship you pay the after tax before you can go, and if you are still hiding shit they WILL figure you out and extradite you in wherever shithole you’re hiding. You can be put on Interpol and you’ll be fucked in any airport or government facility. You ever wonder why Mcafee is stuck in Cuba? That’s why.

>> No.19363944

Hence why the oracle problem cannot be solved in the current paradigm. It doesn't matter what the coins do while in the system, it only matters who is depositing and who is withdrawing, each coin can be tracked though to a buyer and seller.

>> No.19364184

My Ghost stil hasnt shown up yet. Is this a problm on the metamask mainnet? this is hapaning to a lot of people does anyone no if we can compin to metamask?

>> No.19364238

Still no ghost. What a fucking shit show.

>> No.19364410

its live on cmc and it goes for fucking pennies

>> No.19364882
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>> No.19365906
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>mfw when ghost and lend whale

>> No.19365954
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>illicit dark web markets
you fucking retard, all of the team are easily doxed, you think they have any real intentions to go full ross ulbricht mode? they're all be arrested on day one lmfao. you're such gullible fools, all of you

This whole project is run by some guy named Josh. Mcafee sold him promotional package with the rights to use his name. Mcafee will make tweets and videos but ultimately has nothing to do with this product. For a 74 man it's easy money to just have to make a quick tweet and 5 min shill vid now and then. Other than that Mcafee knows jack shit about the coin or the people involved. he just does the 10 mins of promotional work, receives his payments and goes on about his day drinking and chilling and won't even think more than 30 seconds a day about this coin. The marketer who bought the promotional package (Josh) will craft this thing, using plausible deniability, to make it look like Mcafee is the manager and lead brain running this project to fool a bunch of retards. The whole thing has fallen apart, the Ghost erc20 is doing worse than switch, lmfao


>> No.19366193

When can I buy this shit on a normal exchange

>> No.19366280

have yuo been there? nobody is buying anything on there, it's as bad as forkdelta. shut the fuck up already

>> No.19366306
File: 16 KB, 188x218, 2756C8AF-EF56-45AB-ADD4-EC2A932CC984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Libra will soon become the main cryptocurrency payment system.
faceberg payment system

>> No.19366308

>turn erc20 into ghost
you don't. you turn your ether into erc20-ghost and the ghost team turns your ether into monero and buys drugs and hookers with it. did they leave that part out?

>> No.19366335

the funny thing is they are going to audit those airdrop wallets precisely because it's marketing is aimed at privacy/drugs lmfao such retards

>> No.19366364

The tax man can go fuck himself :)

I will never comply with the IRS

>> No.19366381

Are you telling me you have been trading shitcoins for years on an exchange and never told the IRS? Oh man HAHAAHAHAHHA

>> No.19366386

Lmao I won't be doing any of this.

>> No.19366751

> never told the IRS
Well, not everyone here is a burger.

>> No.19367010

You can tell by the length of the post, whining tone of the context, and gay ass picture just how HUGE the deficit is of when he bought high and sold low.

These people remind me of someone who was dumped and is saying vindictive things to their ex out of spite.
You sold. Move the fuck on.

>> No.19367035


tax man has to match expenses and revenues

>> No.19367037

>not everyone here is a burger
How horrifying, any one of these posters could be a white person

>> No.19367087

how does all that work? that's a fun story, but technically, not feasible. McAfee's talk about having ghost on his dex isn't real anon. you can't trade coins from a pivx forked blockchain on the ethereum network. McAfee dex can only support erc20 tokens, because it is an eth smart contract! if you think it will ever be any different, you just might be retarded. it's like someone telling you uniswap will support bitcoin trading. not possible from a technical perspective.

>> No.19367214

What advantage does ghost have over pivx? nothing. Hell at this point it's an erc-20

>> No.19367327

Switch will be the legal front

>> No.19367377

truly decentralized

>> No.19367968


oh no sirs pleas sell

ghost big scam please sell if you smart money

>> No.19367980

Who said anything about withdrawing cash from a bank? There are other means of obtaining cash retard, how old are you?

>> No.19368008

Is it only available on shitcoin exchanges?

>> No.19368178

I think it's half and half.
It was Mcafee's idea after using noting but crypto since being on the run last year he probably figured "why not use my own coin"
But his involvement is clearly hands off. Being that he's on the run that makes sense but you can tell from his reaction to the whitepaper that it was his decision to use PIVX.
I will say none of that shit matters. It comes down to the main net drop on the 22nd. If it goes off without a hitch it will boom. If not the bags will be heavy.

>> No.19368286

Is there any proof the snapshot was taken at the time it's supposed to have happened?