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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19360557 No.19360557 [Reply] [Original]

Is STA till a thing? Should I go buy a bag?

>> No.19360580

I think the devs are fixing it

>> No.19360635

It's so dam early that you can buy and just hold. There is spastic autism surrounding this one lol. Wait for the posts lol.
Would recommend not throwing your life into it though.

>> No.19360652
File: 59 KB, 474x647, (((.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where did all the sta shills come from

some ip address analysis would be interesting

>> No.19360672

yeah, I'm throwing 1-2 ETH in at most. If it 10x's that'd be cool. If it doesn't, oh well.
it was certainly being shilled but legit coins are also shilled in the same way so it's hard to tell. admins on the telegram seem legit though

>> No.19360681

STA is dead. Either trade it 1:1 for STAC or buy STAC

>> No.19360728

STAC is just so people can temporarily cash out if they need to. It's a bandaid solution to the exchange crash problems with STA. If you're holding STA there's no point in swaping for STAC.

>> No.19360829

Not a bandaid solution it's a real solution. STA will never be fixed and it will be abandoned by the devs.

>> No.19360947

I'm not sure I believe that. It's been a single day. I'm going to get STA because even if it does shit the bed I can swap for STAC

>> No.19360993

This anon is one of these homos shitting up /biz/

>> No.19361174
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>some ip address analysis would be interesting

>> No.19361184

I put in 1.2 last night, was sitting at 10 and change this morning until the exchanges fucking broke. Best I can tell, devs made STAC for people who want to cash out immediately because Jesus it's a 10x already, who wouldn't. I was able to trade my tiny STAC stacc on uniswap but my STA is locked up. I think devs are working on it but I think the project is still viable down the line.

>> No.19361206

Lol no

>> No.19361214
File: 3 KB, 256x256, 182D6016-B4BC-4F20-BA57-2ED92D2156A6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weak hands got shaken out. I think it is fair to assume that things will resume to “normal”. The bagholders left standing aren’t looking to sell anytime soon and it was a massive shakeout. As to whether or not the value goes up or this experiment is dead on arrival depends on how things go in the next several days - two weeks.

>> No.19361290
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according to uniswap it went down last night. What 10x are you talking about?

>> No.19361364

There was a momentary sperg where it “broke” uniswap and was delisted on 1inch where it went up to about .001. Majority of people were not really able to sell at such prices, however. STAC was created for people who wanted to cash out and cash out now while STA is worked on.

>> No.19361904

how long of a hold do you think this will be? a few weeks or a legit long term project?

>> No.19362128

No idea desu. Long-term ideally but with things being the way they currently are need to wait it out and ideally we will have a firmer idea of things in 1-2 weeks time.

>> No.19362168

when is STAC mooning bruv, i swapped my STA and i need STAC to moon back to STA prices

>> No.19362197

You didn't swap right?
You just sold STA for ETH and used that to buy STAC right?

>> No.19362199

Shit project and poorly executed. But a success as a money grab by the team.

>> No.19362266

aaaaand im retarded, i just realized i could have done this

>> No.19362274

They're all me, ignore the project :)

>> No.19362276

will it go back to 0.004 anon.......

>> No.19362290

Did i get scamed by sta? when will it go back up

>> No.19362296

.004 eth yeah

>> No.19362325


>> No.19362326

idk. I had just a little bit and sold it for a meager profit.
maybe i'll buy a little bit again if the price goes down. Good luck!

>> No.19362384

it's dead anons. it was a clever deflationary trick. only a few got out with a few eth. the rest of you are trapped. topkek.

>> No.19362420

Issue with uniswap confirmed fixed in a few days.

>> No.19362440

We are being played anon.

>> No.19362442

are you being ironic rn

>> No.19362455


>> No.19362479

I hope the project resumes for the guys in loss right now but I don't think that this is some 100x that some how the old fag whales here haven't heard of. If this really was a clear cut 100x opportunity, the whales would've jumped on it and never let go but they didn't coz the devs of this coin have a poor track record in the past and they fucked up again and again and now again.

>> No.19362514

If the solution were to only take days, why bother with a new coin and create all the mess? There's no way the devs didn't consult with Uniswap about the most probable delay before releasing a new coin. I still hope this succeeds but my instincts tell me we are getting scammed.

>> No.19362546

Then fuck off to another project

>> No.19362573

Yeah a little bit, I think well get to .004 cents though.

>> No.19362576

I have already taken out my original investment. I'm more pissed off about anons getting scammed on biz on a daily basis. The dumb fuck assholes in charge of this board should at least have a post on top about DYOR, ways of identifying PnD's and other general advice.

>> No.19362584

We'll see how it plays out, just looks like the dev was swamped with REEEEEEEEEEEE and wanted a fsst "solution"

>> No.19362604


>> No.19362606

It was never a thing. Enjoy losing your ass on spread AND having the volume die forever. All you had to do was buy AAVE

>> No.19362639

I hope this coin resumes by end of week anon but I have my doubts about the sincerity of the developers.

>> No.19362643

should i just sell off my stac and fomo back into STA?

>> No.19362686


>> No.19362750
File: 9 KB, 250x240, 5DF0A463-1E45-4885-9F4C-1778B57EC680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had me in the first half not gonna lie

>> No.19362782

Anon, I...why would you shill your coin at this ungodly hour? Why? Shill the coin on a whale telegram group. That's where most money is fruit loop.

>> No.19362796

>The dumb fuck assholes in charge of this board should at least have a post on top about DYOR, ways of identifying PnD's and other general advice.
That’s how you know they are in on it to a degree.

>> No.19363084

>biz is yet to realize this is the next logical step after investing in stable coins

>> No.19363208

I hold some :)

>> No.19363362

I had a mil of stac which I just sold out, definitely sta looks like it has better tokenomics, as well as less of it is kept by the team. I would get some sta only if:
>team does some extreme burning of tokens, which would increase their value
>team puts way too much sta into the index fund after fixing uniswap issues (that one you have to notice on same hour basically)
>combination of both..

>> No.19363426

Well there was fucking stupid decision about stac yesterday but im keeping my sta. This coin have something special and coused massive track here do im just wait what happen

>> No.19363434

I bought at ~120k per eth. I have no choice but to hold my bags.

>> No.19363485

I hold about 400k between STA and STAC

>> No.19363613

1 eth for 171k Sta

>> No.19363666

Currently 1 eth for 42k sta
I'm thinking we made it

>> No.19363686

Thank goodness it went back up.

>> No.19363702

I got a million of this shitcoin. Am I gonna make it?

>> No.19363765

I hope so.

>> No.19363892

so what now, price went up but can we swap STA for ETH from now on or still STA->STAC->ETH?

>> No.19363908

They should fix this by end od the weekend. Hold sta for now, stac is shit for selling

>> No.19363924

thank you, sir

>> No.19364031

This was just another pump and dump it seems?

>> No.19364224

oh my god.....have you READ ANYTHING you fck retard?

>> No.19364237

>1 eth for 171k Sta
this was the moment you should buy.....
but no you retards dont get how this works

>> No.19364273

It's evident that biz bros don't believe a team can make genuine mistakes sometimes. There's not enough liquidity for devs to exit scam either.
And STAC was made only because users wanted to sell and were unable to, so the devs decided to give them what they want.

Just hodl STA for a week or so, it's already doubled literally in three hours, so fuck all this FUD.

>> No.19364344

I was surprised by the amount of misinformed autism even for /biz/ standards in yesterday's threads but yeah.
If you already bought, hold it, don't buy STAC for the love of God. It's not sure that the devs/uniswap team are gonna fix it but if they do the coin is for sure gonna grow, it has a name now and a good potential but as others have said don't put your life savings (I mean you should never have more than 10% into stuff like this cumulatively if you're taking it somewhat seriously)

>> No.19364416

I have 230k Stac which i bought with ETH and 90k Sta. What should i do?

>> No.19364420


>> No.19364445

the telegram group, anon. Devs confirmed.

>> No.19364510

Ratio is 1STA:6STAC now, and will only be increasing until fix happens. So either convert back to STA, or hope when dust settles DEVs have a plan for STAC. But pinned message said STAC's purpose was to exit STA position.

>> No.19364570

Indeed, also this board has no idea how to swing trade. 90% of the holders here didn't even try to sell/buy in small amounts during the glitch and try to buy STAC early and sell it at a 10x, mostly because they haven't got any idea wtf they're doing and constantly think they're gonna lose if they trade.

>> No.19364613

>will only be increasing until fix happens
Why until?

>> No.19364637

Yeah. I guess the only way to learn for newfags is by making mistakes. Anyways, I sold all my STA for ETH yesterday. Good luck anons. I hope we all make it one way or the other.

>> No.19364666

Project looks solid, but you will find better in this group on telegram. Biz4chanofficial

>> No.19364738

Same reason everyone Fomo'd STAC...lack of communication from DEV causing people to gamble because of uncertainty bets. STACs stated purpose was only for selling STA. People bought it because they assumed it was going to become new STA. This gamble gave it the value. At one point it was 1STA:1.3STAC. DEV added STAC to index. Now uniswap looks like it is going to be fixed, but still no word on what the plan for STAC is, creating uncertainty once again. So the price is now going to move toward STA, until fix happens, then DEV will probably release a message that is going to BTFO STA or STAC holders.

>> No.19364773

Thanks fren. That's why i held both. I figured one was going to moon

>> No.19364986

STA is the one you should accumulate.

>> No.19365052

When sta will be fixed stac will be useless propably

>> No.19365176

Way DEV keeps talking it looks like STAC will be the piece that allows STA to work with the balancer.

>> No.19365244

Can the devs promise no more fucking forks.


>> No.19365280

Well i'm holding sta, dont touch this stac and i hope they resolve this propetly for once

>> No.19365281

Looking at the transactions, how are people able to get STA -> ETH out?

>> No.19365414

From v1 propably

>> No.19365451

Through V1 but sold in small amounts like 5000 to minimize slippage losses.

>> No.19365487

Can you elaborate?

>> No.19365574

I dont know how people can trust these devs. Flip flopping whats next with disregard for he fact that this thing pumped because of biz. It wont dump but it won't moon either. They still don't stress what value Sta has if Stac is the one in the portfolio lol. And they just change which token is backed seemingly at a whim. Either way stac or sta holders are going to get burned.

>> No.19365590

Fyi it hasn't dumped because still no one can sell.

>> No.19365653

wait until they make the next token, and the next one after that. just like they did before, they started with burn, then cinder, then ash, then burnr. one thing is for sure they love printing tokens. shuf dev even once made a joke token that produced a new token contract everytime you sent it lel

>> No.19365654
File: 92 KB, 777x652, 1580562474014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can sell on uniswap but you have to do it slow to avoid slippage, im buying tho

>> No.19365659

stac holders will be fucked, we tried to sell you all from the beginning.
There was a short time where you could profit from the situation. i should have taken out more than i did but everything went crazy in 10 mins yesterday

>> No.19365693

hypotheses, thats why you faggots will never make it. yesterday/this night was the time to buy if you believe in this. yes the devs made errors, they are aware. but the project hasnt finished and IMO this still can take off like a rocket

>> No.19365714

they're gonna fomo in when it's 5 cents kek

>> No.19365770

This is the dumbest and makes no sense, but you guys keep saying it as if it did. You can’t cash out of one coin using another unless the price is pegged and the two coins are interchangeable, which they aren’t in this case.

>> No.19365778

I think the devs should start a new token guys. We will call it stab, like how the devs stabbed the initial sta investors in the beack

>> No.19365913

>binance making me wait 3 fucking days to send my ETH to my metamask wallet
if this moons i will kms

>> No.19365939

uniswap fix coming by the end of the week apparently, still have time anon

>> No.19366010

okay thank god

>> No.19366053

does STA have whales? if so when they dump are we all fucked?

>> No.19366057

You’re all retarded.

>> No.19366102

thats crypto related not sta related

>> No.19366151

Not even hard to be a whale in this coin. I got lucky and had 2mil with 6 eth.

>> No.19366177

you bought yesterday or beginning this week?

>> No.19366217

So there is one seller on uniswap? The devs? Seems like a scam to me

>> No.19366255

Devs saw this shit going up too fast without having a big bag themselves. Thats why they came up with STAC and weak hands got shaken out. Devs now hold a big fat wallet. This token is the perfect deflationary asset. Its bound to go up. The contracts are gonna start the buy back which will slingshot this shit to the moon.

>> No.19366588
File: 45 KB, 400x322, IMG_4276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah that must be the reason.
it makes a lot of sense.....a big fat wallet of air