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File: 2.93 MB, 444x960, 1590438864562.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19356053 No.19356053[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what the point of making it if sexbots are going to be banned by governments...

I really don't want to risk half my stack of crypto just for sex bros...

>> No.19356076

The way that face distorted will haunt me.

>> No.19356077

God damn it I wanna see it But I can’t play webm on my phone. Can someone make it a gif please

>> No.19356088

>hold monero
>wait for it to flip btc
>buy all the sex dolls you want when you're rich
>irs cucks seething

>> No.19356097

Fucking Roasties, can't stand any form of competition on their monopoly.

>> No.19356107

Good [robot] girl.

>> No.19356108

stop phone posting you pathetic coomer

>> No.19356117
File: 59 KB, 780x439, intro-1567174220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19356119
File: 163 KB, 750x737, 1556288017913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pros of a Robot Wife:

>never ages
>never smells
>doesn't get fat
>works with 100% efficiency to make you happy
>doesn't turn into a psycho once a month
>will never cheat on you
>Robot Wife could also be good for Home Defense
>can do chores for you
>never complains
>always wants to fuck when you want and fullfill every one of your fetishes
>never initiates any Drama
>can own as many robot wifes as you can afford (will make Men want to work harder)
>long battery life thanks to fuel cells
>completely customizable during ordering process
>Robot AI learns about you to be your best possible companion
>can only improve over time
>easily replaceable


>> No.19356121

Just install VLC player and download the webm to your phone. I know it's a pita but if you want to see it, that's how you can see it.

>> No.19356139

Can they make one that cry? And has an anatomically correct asshole? And is based on a seven year old?

>> No.19356141

I have iPhone. Will it work? I’m gonna download it now I want to see the webm

>> No.19356147

Get android next time, normie

>> No.19356165

in what way is that supposed to be great?
it would be way better in vr with a fleshlight that's synchronized with vr, like besti

>> No.19356168

OR... use brave browser or chrome

>> No.19356180

It does but it's still a pain. I legit switched to Android just because I'm an eternal phone poster.

>> No.19356183

Nutted but still sucking

>> No.19356185

That's a robot man. And also, Jesus Christ I'm fucking disturbed by this video. I mean, I've hung around /b/ long enough and seen some shit in my time but this really affected me mentally.

>> No.19356189


>will my iphone work

It's an iphone you doofus, of course it won't. It's cheap outdated chinese garbage.

>> No.19356224

classic meme

>> No.19356226
File: 287 KB, 960x670, 1590372065076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19356258

Sweet. I downloaded VLC player and saw it. Interesting stuff. Where can I buy one of these?

>> No.19356396
File: 342 KB, 570x480, 1552292137903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19356475

Use VLC media player from App Store ya dingus

>> No.19356522

It's a shame Epstein's no longer around. He would have hooked you up with a sex doll with a pulse.

>> No.19356524
File: 170 KB, 360x346, 1542332800161.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19356584

>not furry/anthro
wouldn't give a squirt of piss for this lame shit

>> No.19356600
File: 32 KB, 472x437, 1565801799142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, desu. Why are they not designed for the cock to go down their throat, not up their faces in to where their brain should be??!

>> No.19356622
File: 9 KB, 284x178, 645637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She knows, but face is kinda funny

>> No.19356646

Purchasing a realistic sex doll was the best financial decision I've ever made

>> No.19356655

have sex

>> No.19356665

And nobody asked why does the man have a detached bluetooth penis

>> No.19356689

How? I have to feed mine, and walk it every day. If she didn't slobber so much it wouldn't be worth it...

>> No.19356697

>doesn't exist
>will not exist in your lifetime

>> No.19356711

robot ''''wives'''' will just cuck you for the robochads that start the robot uprising

>> No.19356820
File: 338 KB, 960x753, Females obsolete.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proliferation of VR and sexbots, won't solve the issue of millions of doomers with absolutely no life prospects but it will significantly help major issues right now. Currently lots of women like to hold intercourse over men, and for a lot of them this is the primary way they derive power in a social hierarchy with their genitals are the only defining trait about that person. What you will see is a THOT revolt against the prospect of this hierarchy being upended as a result of leveling the playing field and reducing the value of pussy. Technology always wins in these cases, and it's going to be a hell of a ride but the bots will take over. In this era of hyper over sensitivity where just talking to women unsolicited in some circles is now some crime against humanity very few men want to deal with that kind of bullshit, and many aren't prepared socially to navigate the landscape. The fact that some people are being taken seriously when they claim they can revoke consent for sex months later is peak clownworld logic. Where the gap will be is with the uncanny valley, however people have it all wrong when they picture those just off enough to be horrifying human like robots. Where we'll start until we end up closer to the other side of the valley is more Honda than westworld. Men have a much lower baseline disgust response, and even for people who aren't totally on board with sex with robots it's hard to argue against the economic and social values for any given individual. So female pussy will lose on it's value and women will actually have to try for once instead of being driven solely by having a pussy as their main asset.

I personally can't wait for my AI neural sex robot with the collective knowledge and experience of every prostitute out there in it's programming to efficiently milk me.

>> No.19356861


>Isn't a woman
>doesn't feel the same,
>Will be a perma virgin ridiculed by everyone when they find out.
>More costly than a prostitute

>> No.19356888

>men start fucking robots
>women throw a hissy fit, but inevitably are forced to shape up their act or be left without a mate
the future is looking bright

>> No.19356914
File: 402 KB, 1518x560, 1568759422918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't exist
not yet, all the technology needed for it does exist
>will not exist in your lifetime
its only 10 - 15 years away.

>Isn't a woman
Its better than a Biocunt in every way.
>doesn't feel the same
Its a Robot, thats the point. It has no annoying useless feelings. Its only programmed to be serving you and keep you happy.
>Will be a perma virgin ridiculed by everyone when they find out.
see pic
>More costly than a prostitute
long term still better than any Biocunt

>> No.19356927

More like chads continue to fuck women whilst only losers resort to bots