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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19351560 No.19351560 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19352446

why buy the top?

>> No.19352483

1$ eom

>> No.19352488

sold the botton, 1 year ago and bought the top 2 days ago.

>> No.19352502

No you didn't. There will be buyers at $2 and you will laugh at them.

>> No.19352527

You do know that many sold some and bought MITX Morpheus Labs from their gains right?

>> No.19352547
File: 140 KB, 731x704, TOKEN NOT NEEDED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

warned you. I said this will be V-ID 2.0 with a chuck-e-cheese token that isn't worth shit. too many curryfags on this board

>> No.19352566

>selling UBT sub $1
>buying MITX instead of MORPH

They are just asking for it really.

>> No.19352599

You got lucky that uniswap is ao shit to use. This would have dumped faster if it was on a cex

>> No.19352615

MORPH is not Morpheus Labs.
Morpheus Labs is MITX.
People still don't do any research?

>> No.19352653

just let it correct and wait a few days before you panic sell lmao. especiall when bitcoin takes a dive again we will easily see 30 cents again. in the end this will have a billion+ marketcap at least. just dont be a faggot and wait

>> No.19352691

MITX is a scam.
MORPH is getting integrated into baseline. Granted, their role is minor but still superior to MITX.

>> No.19352727


>> No.19352762

GOD FUCKING DAMN IT WHY DIDNT I SELL THE OTHER DAY. Is it unironically over for unibright?

>> No.19352767

mitx= singapor scammers

MORPH= morpheus network= coca cola partnership

>> No.19352944

Bad fud. Wolpert is trying to downplay all the market speculation around companies involved and their respective cryptocurrencies because that's not what baseline is ultimately about (although it is for those companies with tokens like Link/Unibright, etc) [read Wolpert's latest May 21 blog post about baseline's ethos). He keeps getting blown up by moonlambo assholes on twitter. I've watched the baseline meetings led by Wolpert (reposted to youtube btw) and they discuss the public upsides/downsides of doing a visible open-source project that includes many members that represent bigger companies (which might compete, like target and walmart) and how the prying eyes of the public are affecting them. Unibright's token, like Chainlink's, (Freight Trust - EDI?), are very much integral to their companies financial success and that tweet you've reposted 50 times doesn't give context.

>> No.19352968

>we will easily see 30 cents again.
Don't think it'll go that low unless eth wets the bed.

>> No.19353399


>> No.19353970

Based EDI

>> No.19354021

you cant panic sell kek. the network gets clogged with large price swings kek.

>> No.19354392
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unibright is cool but i know nothing about the tokens - wolpert

>> No.19354433

Bros is unibright actually fucked? This is a substantial dump for such a relatively stable coin that rarely makes huge moves. Will we recover?

>> No.19354434

because the biz shills got to you
always do the opposite of what biz says

>> No.19354588

Should i sell?

>> No.19354618

Sold the top

is this what elite trading feels like?

>> No.19354643

Sold half at 50 cent and bought 2,5million NKN. IDK what to do with the other half. Hold or buy something else? Suggestions?

>> No.19354672

The general rule of thumb is to never jump on a moving train, and never ever buy a coin at it's ATH. We remember failed opportunities more than we remember how much we avoided making mistakes, you lose more money acting impulsively.

>> No.19354684

Fuck Bros I am in the same boat. I'm sitting at 5k and did not expect it to fall past .47
I'm a bit worried now, it's losing volume fast.
What do we do? My gut says it will in the long run stay the course to 60 cents but I don't know in this clown world anymore.

>> No.19354734

mitx + pwc

both good and serving diff purposes, supply chain tokens have historically not done great so my money is on bpaas for enterprises

>> No.19354921

no you hold and chill but I cant save you for your next fuckup. this time you got lucky to that ubt is at least a good project and not a scam like mosz other biz shills

>> No.19354940


Usually the case, but I got on XIO right after it went from $.02 to $.06 in a day. Pretty fucking stupid right.
Then it goes to $.37 2 days later.
Sold at $.23 for a $7k profit.

Then I got in ESH late and lost a couple hundred lol.

>> No.19355267

Bought at 0.09 and sold at 0.18. Doubled my money but still pissed.

>> No.19355300


>> No.19355886

>t. <1iq babbies
go sell, i will gladly buy your bags sub 40c

>> No.19355906


>> No.19355984

Token not needed its the new quant

>> No.19356429

Dont listen to these idiots name dropping Freighttrust( EDI), it is scam, nothing to do with baseline

>> No.19356598

The whole market is down.. It'll go to ATH again when it pumps.

>> No.19357667

Well, I could be an idiot, however, I looked in to things... I wondered what happened to the parent company of Freight Trust, Blockarray. Their website is offline. I have seen their EDI integration proposal into baseline on the eth testnet. It's pretty public knowledge. They swapped this ARY token for EDI but it's the same concept; better name. What happened to that blockarray website? Well someone showed me this link: ["EEA Member", Blockchain in Transportation Assoc, American Trucking Assoc.] Also, look in to SAP Pegasus...

>> No.19357758

back over 50 cents boys yup im thinking we made it

>> No.19358062


>> No.19358114

Ferrum. FRM. Here now you can get in early.

>> No.19358131

News coming.

>> No.19358143
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head and shoulders forming, logo too gay for mainstream adoption

>> No.19358407

Why are you people freaking out about short term moves. UBT and LINK are extremely solid long term plays. Just accumulate on the big dips and hold until the next big bull in lamboland. This isn't hard. Stop being weak handed faggots.

>> No.19358595
File: 17 KB, 491x154, rekt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you are feeling shitty about whatever ubt trade you made at least you arent the guy raging in the telegram because he sent 25k UBT to 0x000000000000000000000000 contract address by mistake


stay blessed friends

>> No.19359089

Someone send him that quote from Satoshi on the bitcointalk forums in response to someone asking "what if I send my bitcoins to the wrong address?"