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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19347099 No.19347099 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine missing out on once in a lifetime event to invest in the stock market with everything down more than 50% while holding rotting bags of useless imaginary meme coins

>You can't make monies with boomer stonks

>> No.19347137

Teach me. I have 100k on td

>> No.19347152

you dont have that but if you have buy KTOV, ignore others

>> No.19347160


Just buy literally anything. Line go up

>> No.19347158

You could have 5x your money if you bought Theta, retard.

>> No.19347189

Sorry. It's actually 9x.

>> No.19347196

Teache how to invest in us stock market while not being american

>> No.19347208

Just use common sense

What companies are doing poorly due to corona that will be doing well once it's over

>Most Index Funds

Don't do this.

>> No.19347217
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Yes I do....

>> No.19347250

He funded his account an additional $50K at the beginning of the month. That's why the big jump.

Ads $50k to your TD account, it will magically jump 50%, too

>> No.19347271

Should I buy long dated near the money calls or just the stock?

>> No.19347281

Personally I've just been buying the stock.

>> No.19347282


I'm already risking too much with crypto and my buys didn't execute for biomedicals before they went 300% so now I've bought oil companies. Once air travel picks up again I expect their dividend to go back up.

>> No.19347295

Jesus, man. If you'd have just had that money in something as simple as VOO or VTI, you'd have been up like $30k

>> No.19347303


>> No.19347363

im too scared to do anything

>> No.19347377

Also Southwest, United, and gaming stocks.

>> No.19347392

show holdings

>> No.19347396

.... buy guns an gold then like the other schizos

>> No.19347398

/biz/ ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.19347431

Don't mock this approach.
This strategy actually made people billionaires over the past decade.

>> No.19347445

and how many people bought that shit memecoin? 1 cryptotard out of 10k?

>> No.19347467

damn dude way to go

>> No.19347479

Also, any fund manager who hasn't at least tripled his AUM during the past decade (from gains) should not be given any money to anymore.

>> No.19347487

If you are younger, use this as a opportunity to buy and hold for the next 20 years. Just stuck your toe in the water. If you are scared, just take 5 or 10 k and invest in some index funds and sit back. Do some research. Figure out your goals

>> No.19347512

mmm the stock

>> No.19347530

god you fucking retards

sell NOW

>> No.19347537
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I wasnt really mocking, It actually made me smile, I love /biz/ and wouldnt do anything to hurt it, except for all the niggers, kikes and curry niggers on here, they can fuckoff, but the rest of you's are alllllll riiiiiiggggghhhhhttt

>> No.19347551


>> No.19347907


I didn't hold anything for two long. Was trading more than holding.

But I did make a nice profit from buying MRO, LUV shares.
Also played with call options here and there with SPY and Boeing.
Currently mostly in cash, except holding small portion of BA long term calls.

If you got into any stocks, i mean any a month or two ago, you would be up right now with a nice profit.

Can't really say buy this or that because I have no idea what will happen from here hence I'm in mostly cash right now.

>> No.19347953

this is the market we are in right now to be honest.

>> No.19348196
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>> No.19348282

Kek, all in on Luckin Coffee. Its up 60% today and still rallying. Youll be a /biz/ legend in 3 mos no matter which way the stock goes.

>> No.19348322
File: 1.71 MB, 3264x2448, 20200517_193000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you scared go to church, faggot.

>> No.19348323


suicidal bobos gentlemen

>> No.19348444

>1929 market crashed 30%, followed by a 4 month rally were it retraced 50% from the losses, then it crashed again going down 86% in a 3 year long bear market
>1990 japan market crashed 28%, it retraced 50% back for 3 monts, then crashed again 57% from its retracement level in a 2 year long bear market
>2000 dotcom bubble market crashed 34%, it retraced 61% during 3 months, then it crashed again 70% from its retracement level in a 2 year long bear market
>2007 financial crisys market crashed 19%, it retraced 50% during 2 months, then it crashed again 40% from its retracement level in a 1.5 year long bear market
>2020 covid crisis market crashed 34%, it retraced 61% during a 2 mont rally, then...

>> No.19348617


I expect a retrace too, but this COVID shit is different from all those other real economic crashes.

>> No.19348799

This is just 2008 part 2, the underlying problems have not changed. The virus is nothing but it was the catalyst which has set this in motion.

>> No.19349692

>1929 no BRRRRR
>1990 inception of BRRRRRR
>2020 no BRRRRR
>2007 very little BRRRRRR
it's different this time
for real

>> No.19349725

>2000 no BRRRRR

>> No.19349832

2008 was second correction after a decade long uptrend that started in 1982
from 1982 to 2008 the S&P 500 went from ~100 to >1500 points
what we have seen so far in 2020 is a correction on a way smaller scale than 2008

>> No.19349842
File: 64 KB, 1017x1024, 1582831262210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delta is buying airbus and not Boeing. If Trump is elected again, you can bet your nuts he will let them fail for buying foreign.

>> No.19349847

>2008 was second correction after a MULTIPLE decade long uptrend that started in 1982
multiple decades ffs
what is wrong with my posting

>> No.19349867

>that's something for Trump to decide
kek you're funny

>> No.19350246

Imagine not going balls deep in NLCH

>> No.19350257

What did you buy?

>> No.19350668
File: 208 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20200526-114751_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very good, but have you seen these kinds of numbers?

>> No.19350697

it proceeded to pump 100% in the next 3 years

>> No.19350718

I got scared and sold my $17 ERI call 3 weeks ago, now it’s $34 how much profit did I miss?

>> No.19350822
File: 64 KB, 750x731, 9F92241C-8D79-48D9-AF84-426A71BA7F4F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically just click on random stocks until my schizophrenic brain sees patterns, then I buy
0 research
0 effort
0 fucks given
I’m not rich, not trying to brag, here’s my game score so far. I don’t know why 100% of the US population isn’t “investing” their money. I click on whatever the fuck I want & I get paid

>> No.19350906

Same here, this isn't a time when fundamentals mean something, the only stock I have that's negative is AMD and they actually have a positive P/E ratio unlike most stocks.

>> No.19351051

It's okay to get nervous, but you need to remember why you bought something in the first place. If you invest with money that you don't (and won't) immediately need and invest that money into things that have a strong likelihood of improving in value (read: don't build castles in the air/wildly and baselessly speculate), then you will be able to push through that fear and not sell when it is down.
On the back half, you'll also need to make sure you don't get too greedy and sell when it is high (when you like the return number, not higher) because otherwise similar investors will start pulling out and selling to the castle in the air types.

In terms of the profit you lost out on: take the current price and subtract your break even price (strike price + cost off contract / 100) and multiply the resulting number by 100 and that is how much money you would have made/lost. If you had a significant amount of time left until the expiration on the option (and the trend for your stock was upward) then this number needs to be increased by some amount.