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File: 1.83 MB, 360x654, RichExcitableChrysalisSmall.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19340400 No.19340400[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it legal to stop large gatherings to prevent a second wave that will tank the economy further?

>> No.19340434

having an uncut dick at the club must SUCK

imagine dancing, heart rate pumping, some hot bitch is vibing on you, you go to the bathroom together, flop your dick out then BAM, the entire thing is SEEPING dick cheese/sweat because of glands and smells like BO on steroids

she gags and runs away.

absolutely disgusting

>> No.19340495

Please cut off my arms so I can wash my pits easier. Hygiene is hard.

>> No.19340523

>what is basic personal hygiene
In white countries we have this thing called a shower.

>> No.19340662

>clubs have showers
hahahaha dumbass dog dicks

>> No.19340720

You win the Cope of the Day award.
ps. Circumsized penises lose on average 8mm or 1/3 inch in length.

>> No.19340738

>Is it legal to stop large gatherings to prevent a second wave that will tank the economy further?
Legal? depends on country but yes for the most part.
Is it fair/just? On a deeper level no, people should be warned but not outright prohibited form doing such things that may harm them, problems comes that a sick person can get others sick. So you can see it as second hand smoke of sorts.
But by living with a government we all agreed, be it by action or inaction, to give some of our freedoms for the wellbeing of the society.

>What is soap

I wish I didnt get the jew cut as a kid. Circumcission is bad, its meant for life in ancient times at the dessert not for modern day.

>> No.19340812

1/3rd an inch of literal loose skin that looks like an oversized wrinkled flesh jacket *barf*

being uncut is like being a former fatass who lost 100lbs. all that extra skin is GROSS

>> No.19340842

The purpose of circumcision is to discourage masturbation. Utterly cucked.

>> No.19340845
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>> No.19340861
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Lmao what kind of kikeposting is this
>women only want men with their cocks chopped up
Is this why you must subvert? Is it because of the penis cutting? Is it jealousy of the gentile with their whole penis, which your god has denied you?
My God gives men strong cocks, and women large tits. Not big noses and cut dicks.

>> No.19341041


>> No.19341063 [DELETED] 
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kys kike

>> No.19341072

Holy shit third worlders absolutely BTFO and SEETHING

>> No.19341078
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>flop your dick out then BAM, the entire thing is SEEPING dick cheese/sweat because of glands and smells like BO on steroids

i know this is bait but thats actually funny

I guess you could say if an american has an uncut dick he's a proprietor of...american cheese

>> No.19341083
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>> No.19341102

People with chopped dicks believe that cleaning the foreskin takes forever or has to be done every hour. Lol. Takes literally 10 seconds and only has to be done once a day, while showering.

>> No.19341237
File: 196 KB, 1875x1889, 1583950832743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you doing all right rabbi?

>> No.19341427

>people should be warned but not outright prohibited form doing such things that may harm them, problems comes that a sick person can get others sick.

If they spread the virus to someone in my family and they die, can I sue them? If not, it seems like preventative action should be mandated.

>> No.19341529

The first amendment is freedom of assembly.

Good luck losing against that in court.

>> No.19341669

lol they would just make it so there's no reason to go out
>businesses must remain closed
>you must social distance

so then if you're walking on the street the police can just claim you were getting to close to others and arrest you. shit like that can happen

they can take our rights away anytime, any place, for any reason and you're ignorant if you think they won't ever try to

>> No.19341699

Even if this is a troll I hope you die an excruciatingly painful death

>> No.19341705

Is it possible?

>> No.19341738

Thanks Mohammed I'll remember it when I'm at the club

>> No.19341829

You haven't felt true bliss until you've had a girl tongue your foreskin

>> No.19342432

why not possible?

>> No.19342528

How this even a meme?
Lacking pleasure nerves is good now?

>> No.19342720

That's really not how it works Moishe

>> No.19342776

based bait

>> No.19342816

I feel like some people legit don't understand that most of uncut dicks don't have the hood.

My dick rarely has the hood on. As soon as there's some blood flow the skin retracts and it looks exactly like an uncut dick. The only difference is that it looks healthy, clean and unmutilated.

>> No.19342832

>returning to productive work and producing economical output will tank the economy
>not the fact that you just got BRRRRRRRD into absolute poverty

>> No.19342846

That extra (normal) skin creates a natural gliding motion and massages the inside of the vagina during sex, making it easier for a woman to cum, you also don’t need lube.

>> No.19342916

wtf these women cant even dance, i never noticed i real life

>> No.19342968

and people wonder why "vaginal dryness" (the ED of women) is a thing these days

>> No.19342999

Whites can’t dance

>> No.19343498

It doesn't matter, they got fat asses pawggers

>> No.19343513

based. uncut dicks are for chinks and pajeets. literally every one of your butt-devastated replies is some kind of pajeet creatura

>> No.19343527

thats a man

>> No.19343548

I dare you to say that again, bitch.

>> No.19343553

noones fucked in a club bathroom since 'nam

>> No.19343596

I'm 8 inches and circumcised at birth. I was never discouraged from masturbating. I have had an active sex life since I turned 18. Girls i've been with tell me that uncut dicks weird them out. I don't have trouble cuming and it feels amazing. Keep fudding the Jews though.

>> No.19343645
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>> No.19343665

thats a man

>> No.19343671
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Inb4 the american academy of Jews.

>> No.19343705

>ps. Circumsized penises lose on average 8mm or 1/3 inch in length.
incorrect i actually gained length due to phymosis not letting my dick grow to full size so i had to get circumsized

>> No.19343727
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>It's the virus that's tanking the economy!!!

>> No.19343735

Congrats you were born with shit genes and with a dick mutation so you had to be mutilated

>> No.19343760

rabbi please

>> No.19343782
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uncut dicks just look so much less aesthetic
and thats all that really matters in this world

>> No.19343806
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>> No.19343807

That dick is CUT, look at the abs on that dick, Aesthetic AF

>> No.19343810

unless its for medical reasons anything said in favor of circumcision is massive cope and/or seethe

>> No.19343815

I like it when they move their asses like that instead of that twerking shit

>> No.19343829

>uncut dicks just look so much less aesthetic
absolute cope

>> No.19343862
File: 540 KB, 1008x1580, Circumcision.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19343889

Lmao dickcheese factories seething itt

>> No.19343905

Just fire a handgun nearby everyone will scatter

>> No.19343913

>open thread
>while watching contagion

Absolutely based

>> No.19343920
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>As soon as there's some blood flow the skin retracts and it looks exactly like an uncut dick

>> No.19343949

A (you) for (((you)))

>> No.19343965

>tank the economy to prevent a second wave that will tank the economy

>> No.19343982
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>prevent a second wave that will tank the economy further?
Everyone is broke and indebted up to their eyes. Its over.

>> No.19343991

Imagine have a mutilated dick because of some jewish ritual where a grown man sucks your baby dick.

>> No.19344015

That's not proof of anything without a double blind peer reviewed study. I have no mental issues. I majored in math with virtually all straight As and I'm married. Are you suggesting that Jews all voluntarily knowingly give each other brain damage and they still have higher than average IQs. Fucking wild man.

>> No.19344033

Save people which potentially tanks the economy so you can prevent a second wave which will kill people and tank the economy.

>> No.19344072

>bunch of old farts dying will tank the economy
Whoop de doo

>> No.19344273

News just in from The Daily Wire, removal of the liver prevents liver inflammation and is an effective countermeasure against fatty liver.

>> No.19344388

That's WebMD. Inb4 JewMD

>> No.19344427

White countries?
I thought they were a fairy tale, a myth my uncle spoke to me about at bed time.
What are these? Where are they?
What are they called?

>> No.19344471

This level of COPE.

>> No.19344473

Women prefer circumcised dicks.
Circumcision enables the body to be more resilient against STDs.
Most importantly circumcision provides dietary fibre for Jewish Rabbi's.

>> No.19344500

> is it legal to just ignore your freedom of speech and assembly

Well no OP, it isn't

But lots of illegal infringements on your rights have been accepted by the public at large over the last century, so it might as well be.

>> No.19344701


>> No.19344810

Imagine actually mutilating yourself so you can impress some dumb roastie whore.

>> No.19344823

Friendly reminder that the covid did not tank the economy, the governments did.

>> No.19344829



>> No.19344830

>flop your dick out then BAM, the entire thing is SEEPING dick cheese/sweat because of glands and smells like BO on steroids

Have you heard of showering, you dumb fuck?

>> No.19344838

"Girl night"

>> No.19345219

But my dick doesn't do that, it keeps it's hood on all the time like a gangsta g unless it gets pulled back by me or a bitch.
idk either

>> No.19345306

>flexing in the club
>Jose cuervo gold

>> No.19345432
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AHHAHAHA Fuckin american copefags getting mutilated by the jew in their innocent helpless state. I can't imagine living with that, it would be like getting raped in the ass but worse.

>> No.19346045

less is more
brown animals are too subhuman to know that

>> No.19346382


>> No.19346413


its so obvious that dog dicks are ashamed,/ embarrassed of their disgusting dog dick. look at all the (you)s from dog dicks SEETHING hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

pftthahahahahaha COPE

>> No.19346451 [DELETED] 

Sometimes clear slime comes out of my dick before I put it in the girl. She sings you’re dripping you’re soaking wet.

>> No.19347056

Imagine having your foreskin sold online for 400 bucks.

>> No.19347136

Wtf mate, my uncut dick is so much more capable of pleasure, it‘s honestly a pretty based feeling to know my orgasms are like 50% harder than yours. Also the skin on the top of a cut dick thickens substantially bc it has no protection anymore and rubs against your boxershorts while you walk, making it additionally more numb. Seethe more dicklet

>> No.19347591


>> No.19347619

Who wants their dick to have a turtle neck?

>> No.19347690

business and finance

>> No.19347724
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>And then I told them "ps. Circumsized penises lose on average 8mm or 1/3 inch in length."

>> No.19347752
File: 9 KB, 224x225, mutt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come you never see normal uncut people shitting up completely unrelated threads about how uncut is better? The reason is we don't have to explain ourselves such a blatantly obvious thing. Imagine having to justify not mutilating our body. If you'd see someone do that to any other body part you'd consider it mental illness.

>> No.19347783

no it’s because no one brags about having a disgusting anteater penis, it’s like bragging about being ugly

>> No.19347875


>> No.19348305

Causality reversal. Stopping large gathering is necessary in order to cover up the 2020 financial crisis.

>> No.19348326
File: 69 KB, 800x534, 3f53a2ecb27e4462178603fa715910b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. That's not true.

2. I guess you'd do pic related if it was considered aesthetic, just to please some roasties you utter beta male. Imagine being so submissive to women as a nation that you collectively mutilate your sons.

>> No.19348351

if roasties thought elongating your dick via golden rings I'd absolutely 100% do it and you're an actual IRL faggot/incel if you wouldn't and I can debate this with certainty. try me

>> No.19348369

this actually happened to me

>> No.19348571

Kek so many mutilated fags seething. Go be a good goy and mark yourself as a part of the tribe m. You Americans are so cucked you willingly support your masters blindly.

>> No.19348619
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I meant elongating your neck but funny you jumped to elongating dicks in a heartbeat. I really feel sorry for you, must suck to live with a tiny mutilated penis, knowing that even if you make it you'd never be able to know the euphoria of satisfying a woman in bed.

>> No.19348649

Is this autism?

>> No.19348670

Kek I'm just commenting because of all the other replies you got plus it was funny too haha

>> No.19348678

I'm not the one unironically experiencing negative emotions from a blatant troll post about dog dicks. you've already lost
1) because you fell for the bait
2) you are actually upset right now
3) you continue fuel these posts by making me LOL with your seethe

>> No.19348696

cheese dick confirmed

>> No.19348710


I still have my penor in tact :^)

>> No.19348713

Do Americans really

>> No.19348725
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intact is one word

>> No.19348733
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>> No.19348737

they're jealous of our godly clean penises

>> No.19348785

good goy :)

>> No.19348828

Why do you faggots focus on dicks so much?

>> No.19348867

Damn dude, you caught a fuckton of fish with this post

>> No.19348900

>loses argument
>haha I was only trolling

Btw yeah I will always feel angry about circumcision and any retard advocating it.

>> No.19348948

8 posts by >>19340434

25+ replies by seething dog dicks

idk, maybe you should ask your dick cheese buddies why they're so thin skinned?

>> No.19348970

lmao this

>> No.19348984
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>"heh, this was a debate all along"

>> No.19349076
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No but seriously, is it legal to stop large gatherings to prevent a second wave that will tank the economy further?

>> No.19349077
File: 157 KB, 1000x800, 1580118656779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is fucking perfect

>> No.19349107

No but they'll do it anyway

>> No.19349135

My jew parents did it when I was a baby and I don't remember it and I do thank them for having it done. Shalom.

>> No.19349189

I never heard a mutt have a single coherent argument for cutting so it's ok buddy, I'm not surprised you're not even trying anymore.

>> No.19349238
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>I never heard a mutt have a single coherent argument for cutting so it's ok buddy, I'm not surprised you're not even trying anymore.

>> No.19349255
File: 235 KB, 826x770, 1553198160636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fag OP searches for an excuse to post female thots
>one schizo derails it with a precise circumcision sperg out
>117 replies later

>> No.19349890


>> No.19349917

>literal Stockholm syndrome after some old man chewed the top of your cock off

>> No.19350235
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 1590351733219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is tramautized and has been shitposting 24/7, see here:

if my dick was cut I would be fucked in the head too desu

>> No.19350620
File: 133 KB, 654x356, SmartSelect_20200526-114452_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, it is the cut guy who is traumatized


>> No.19350722
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>spends money on VPN to cope with being a cutcel

>> No.19350951

Humans are social animals. There's no way to keep them 6 feet apart forever.

>> No.19351042

I've been keeping more than 6 feet apart for decades.

>> No.19351754

Hello my american friend. I am afraid that the mutilation of your dick at such an early age made irreversible damage to your brain and scarred you for life with mental retardation and psychopathic traits. Also your fluoride water, GMO foods filled to the brim with antibiotics and fucked up hormones may contribute to the way your dick smells.

>> No.19351763

The salty Eurofags can whine as much as they want, but I have spoken to multiple women who, when talking about men, have said "he's uncut though" and made a disgusted face. On one tinder date I was talking to the girl about sex, and she asked me if I'm circumcised and I said "of course", and she said "good, uncut dicks are gross". We had sex later that night, probably wouldn't have if I hadn't had by penis beautified. Circumcision is like a haircut for your dick; it makes it look better, without it it will look like shit and it will be a lot harder for you to get laid. Cope more.

>> No.19351846

I also don't need lube, because I have sex with girls who are wet because of my handsome penis.

>> No.19352197

Seriously though why do cut people need to make uncut people feel bad all the time. Being uncut in Canada I had really bad self esteem issues growing up because of pieces of shit like you guys.. Hope you're happy and made yourselves feel better.

>> No.19352317

this lmao. Uncut drill dicks SEETHING

>> No.19352344

>large gatherings are the backbones of economies
lmao the absolute state of postmodern america

>> No.19352410
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Seriously cucked...
I just want to move to a country that actually makes things...

>> No.19352444

Yes coffee is great

>> No.19352583

coffe good

>> No.19353005


bump :^)

>> No.19353327

Are faggots in Canada just whipping their dicks out during every conversation?

>> No.19353624

The cope of cut cucks is never ending.

>> No.19353640

Watched this while pooping.

>> No.19353722

this thread got derailed immediately
but yeah its legal because they think we're stupid for gathering.
what they don't know is we're just voting for herd immunity. let the disease weed out the weak

>> No.19353815

I think they know we don't give a fuck if they live or die.

>> No.19354176

So you'd literally mutilate yourself to please some whore so vapid she'd leave you if you didn't. You utter cuck. Literally no woman cares about that outside of US. I'd rather have one uncut sex than a 100 with a cut dick.

>> No.19354200

but you wont have sex though, because women are grossed out by your ugly penis

>> No.19354219

Now THIS is based.

>> No.19354435

Considering noone is (((circumcisied))) here I guess noone has sex and we're slowly dying out. Thanks for the heads up.

>> No.19355205

samefag cutcel cope

>> No.19355477

>Is this autism?
They have a filter on that gives them a bigger ass. Girl in the background looks weird.

>> No.19355557


hilarious how quickly this thread got derailed, but I gotta chime in and say that uncut dicks look fucking weird. Like an ant-eater or a weird looking worm or something

>> No.19355640

It's because contrary people are forced to share their unpopular opinions on anonymous forums exclusively.

>> No.19356006

having sex with drunk women in a club is rape. If she blows you doesn't matter your foreskin you should be charged with sexual assault

>> No.19356100

>Lacking pleasure nerves is good now?
There is NO scientific proof to this. Only annex dopes

>> No.19356113

Men can be drunk too. Whose at fault then?

>> No.19356154

Yeah but you should know better. If you cant properly ask for consent while drunk. Maybe you shouldn't be drinking in the first placeace, fucking rapey weirdo

>> No.19356203

Jesus fucking christ. That ass.

>> No.19356206

Women have no responsibility. They should also have no rights.

>> No.19356283

found the roastie
get lost roastie
this is a dudes only board

>> No.19356309

>cutfag makes copepost
>normal people are in genuine disbelief over someone being so deranged he defends the act of cutting off skin which serves to protect a sensitive body part
>T-They are the ones who are traumatised! I-I can feel just fine with my dick, j-just like you guys!


>> No.19356394
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Women and sex don't stimulate me anymore
I feel nothing
/biz/ broke me
I can't even understand all the retarded fag brains who lust after partying, women, and sexy anymore
You're all alien to me

To answer your question anon, yes, you can and you should use force, even lethal if need be to prevent a further wave of co