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19342587 No.19342587 [Reply] [Original]

How would you solve poverty?

>> No.19342591

Free markets

>> No.19342610
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>> No.19342611

pay a livable wage to all the stupid people to do really basic and mundane tasks...

wait second

>> No.19342621

convince tards that we could give them free money, call it ubi or some trendy name
a few months in, say we want to expand the program to free housing + free food. move to camps but again call it something trendy like 'launch centers'
convert some into prison style labor camps making iphones etc. 18 hr shifts + suicide netting.
the others organ harvest + kill

>> No.19342629

literally force plebs to gamble on low marketcap shitcoins that can pump 10x with just a $40k marketbuy

it's that easy


>> No.19342668
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what if they don't want to work?


>> No.19342682
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Legalized prostitution.

>> No.19342696

Kill all the poor people via a mixture of a generic virus (same death rate, but high R/0) resulting in lockdowns that force people to stay inside and not earn a living.

>> No.19342725

Give one link exactly to every person on the planet, and then wait.

>> No.19342879

Give everyone 1 non transferable token.
Allow only myself to transfer
Buy at .1 eth at 3 quadrillion marketcap
Everyone now millionaires

>> No.19342894

kill off the poors

>> No.19342898

Poverty solves itself....

>> No.19343024

Give everyone land so that if they really fuck up they can at least have someplace to live, fuel, and whatever food they can grow.

>> No.19343090

Those who fight for the state are provided two story brick homes they will own eventually (20 year service or death by warfare), subsidization per child (emphasis on white offspring), optional education to build the private sector which can be given to 1-2 children depending instead. If a non combat 40 years for the same thing, both serving the country in conquering cucked countries either violently or economically.

Once every country has become annexed or colonized implement new answers to the new question: how to lead the world to the stars. Oh and kill anyone who is a problem.

>> No.19343159

Kill the Jewish elite, go back to a traditional market based on labor and exhancge of goods instead of this huge tumor we have known as financial economy. And limited banking with no central bank and a gold backed currency. And a lot less regulation so more people become self employed and can actually have some sort of success, also less taxes on income and sales.

>> No.19343197
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Enslave all the robots and have them do all the work, obviously having 8 billion neets is unsustainable, and obviously we can't just depopulate using world wars anymore because of mutual assured destruction. So just easily fake an alien invasion using the suppressed technologies up in the Antarctica that everyone at /x/ knows exists. Make the normies believe that the "drones" are aliens, no country will nuke each other since the "aliens" do not have a nationality. Unite humanity under 1 government to fight them. Kikes laughing. Stop at 100 million. Make the suppressed technologies available to everyone. AI Robots now make 100% of employment. PNK reaches the equivalent of $1000 of today's purchasing power. All humans are neets, poverty is solved sir. At least it is until the wars between multiverses begins, multiverses stealing resources from each other. Etc. Etc no more spoilers.

>> No.19343230

allow prostitution and polygamy
give people 20k in exchange for getting sterilized
problem solved in one generation

>> No.19343246

youre gay

>> No.19343248

Throw them in death camps. They can't be poor if they aren't alive.

>> No.19343290

you vastly over-estimate people. try $850 + free tickets to disney and hotel package (breakfast incl)
make sterilization a pill form / shot / no surgery.
pass increased taxes on having kids + $1000 per kid due at hospital. this is to ensure only whites continue.

>> No.19343313
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raise taxes to 70% on the wealthy
naturalize illegals, tax them
close the borders
lower taxes on the bottom 10%
have universal healthcare so workers have more bargaining power with employers
hang billionaires

>> No.19343337


Remove business tax for small businesses which in turn encourages employment

>> No.19343352

yeah right, they would just pocket the extra money. trickle down doesn't work faggot, how many more decades of income inequeilty do you need before you understand no employer, business, company, or boss is ever going to willingly give their employees more money just because they received a tax break?

this doesn't fucking work

>> No.19343379

you're going to be organ harvested fag.

>> No.19343394

some people deserve to be poor

>> No.19343396
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This anon fucks

>> No.19343416

you gonna die anyway stupid human

>> No.19343422

and you're going to be organ harvested too after 30 years of thinking you were a good boy slave to the system

we're all in the same sinking boat faggot, you just don't want to admit it

>> No.19343443


It wouldn't mean they would pay their employees more, it means they have the opportunity to hire more employees which in turn reduces unemployment.

You on the other hand want to raises taxes for the 1% who don't even pay taxes to begin with

>> No.19343482

no zoomie. i'm the one who packages up and sells you the "kill billionaires" rhetoric.
you are a stupid nigger on a raft in the middle of a vast ocean who doesn't understand the scale of the game being played.
i can be completely honest here tho, cause who would believe it, right....
the end goal is to get you into death camps, its best if you come willingly. its even better if you think its a great idea. its wonderful if you think its hip, new, progressive, never tried and sticking it to the man.

>> No.19343503

I like to remind poor people that the value of money actually comes from the inequality of it, so giving them more would just make it worth less

then I tell them that they're still living better than royalty did 200 years ago in most respects. Good health, long life, cell phones, television, indoor plumbing, cars, food 3 times a day- the list of luxuries they have that almost nobody else in human history enjoyed is endless.

we've solved poverty, people just don't know enough to realize it. Modern humans would never survive real poverty, they have no idea how much work it takes to feed and clothe and house a person, much less buy them takeout pizza and jet boats.

>> No.19343525

forget him his just one in billions, some people think high on themself's
they think they are jesus or some lol thinking god has them under the umbrella
This is way I give zero fucks for humanity
If I die it's the day of true salvation from this rotten species that parasite this planet
Nature existed before humans show up here , nature is amazing , look around you, if we remove humans nature will and life will not stop
Life is so perfect that it create more then one planet , imagine if all existence resumed to this planet populated by humans that drain all resources like leech's
There would be no life with humans...

>> No.19343538
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>> No.19343589

so autistic and 3dgy

>> No.19343634
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>so autistic and 3dgy

>> No.19343668

you don't. you need them to pave the road, and cook'a my fry rice. build a the railroad chinaman!

>> No.19343753

Abolishing central banking and freeing the market.

There is literally no other solution.

>> No.19343777

Literally kill all leftists.
Nobody wants to live in your poverty stricken socialist dystopia.
How many times does your system have to fail for you to realize central planning doesn't work?

>> No.19343783

Trickle down isn't even a real thing, its a leftist strawman argument.

We need free markets and free banking.

>> No.19343857

Then starve to death due to central planning kikes gaining more power and becoming the new billionaires.

>> No.19343971


>> No.19344359
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unironically with automation

>> No.19344370


>> No.19344372

Kill the niggers

>> No.19344439

Ban foreign investing in real estate, only US citizens may purchase real estate.
Deport all non-Whites at gun point.
CEOs who use overseas manufacturing get an all expense paid trip to camp.

>> No.19344493

This. The problem with society is you are always going to need a slave class to do the undesirable work. So you are always going to have poor wagies, or if the citizens don't do it, you are always going to import immigrants to do it and also keep wages down.

Automation will solve much of that, after that, you will need massive economic, tax and social reform like some sort of UBI. The UBI can come in the form of a small apartment and enough money to survive. Only enough to survive. After that it will be entirely up to the person to make more money to improve their lifestyle.

I believe automation will free up people to become more creative in earning their money, starting a small single-person business that offers individual services or small products, such as crafts or some artistic offering. We can already see the beginning of this on the likes of Steam with independent games, artists on Patreon, crafts on Ebay, etc.

It will certainly be a painful transition, but I believe it will be better in the end, which is why I fully support the recent push for automation, AI and robotics.

>> No.19344588

You falsely assume that undesirable work needs to be cheap which is precisely why it's undesirable work in the first place. The issue isn't the work itself, it's the wages. The current model is basically feudalism where instead of serfs you have spics who collect government subsidies.
Automation doesn't solve poverty it creates it. You're literally displacing people out of jobs because it's (((cheaper))) and (((more efficient))) because companies are too considered with shareholders, stock prices triggering bonuses, and their own over priced salaries.
You falsely assume that all people are illuminated pillars of creativity who would be solving all the problems of the world, writing books, making art, and curing cancer if only they didn't have to stock shelves at Walmart.
Most people have no meaningful creative abilities or talents which is why they are working those jobs in the first place.

>> No.19344635

Automation itself can't cause poverty. It's how we use it. If done properly, we will be able to make much more things much faster and cheaper. Then we just a need a model of how we will distribute that new wealth amongst citizens.

>> No.19344762

No job and free money is a great way to get an even bigger substance abuse problem than we already have in this country.
>free money
>nothing to do all day
>hmm might as well start drinking at 11am
>you know what would go great with this Jim beam is some meth or heoin
Look at places that receive the most free shit and tell me how happy they are and how much they're thriving.
Once all the entry level jobs which serve as a pathway to the mid level jobs are gone what are people supposed to do to get into mid level jobs?
People who push for automation and AI are always these nerds who have no first hand experience with neighborhoods where there are lots of people on fixed income and im not talking the millionaire trust fund kind.
Like I said, most people aren't going to just be content with painting and hiking all day. This corona virus lock down should be an example of that.

>> No.19344840
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>> No.19344879

>Close the borders to anyone but skilled workers in non-competitive fields
>Remove minimum wage
>Put tighter regulations on corporations
>Loosen the regulations on smaller businesses
>Close tax loopholes
>get rid of all financial support programs including food stamps
>Institute UBI, just enough to pay rent and eat
>publish government finantial allocation charts, not just publicly available, but actively published
>Low-interest government student loans that can be forgiven if studies are completed in a field in demand

Hopefully that will solve it while bettering the economy in the long run.

>> No.19344888

Poverty can't be solved.

>> No.19344934

By removing the jews.

>> No.19344999

things will change.

>> No.19345060
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>> No.19345097

i know something you don't know.

>> No.19345163

A functional social safety net that rewards hard work and gives money directly to the developing communities and not to the coopted, privatized welfare industry while not cutting benefits to the disabled or old. Stricter immigration guidelines.

>> No.19345176

Ban poor people from having more than 1 kid

Throw blacks, Jews, and Hispanics out of the country

I just solved every problem

>> No.19345192

so simple but yet so effective. it totally solves the problem by definition

>> No.19345200

There is no solution because it isn't a problem.

>> No.19345206

op asked about poverty. not productivity.

>> No.19345209

cure aging, create automation and keep stay within nation states where it will essentially be a peaceful technological race towards the singularity... nations could work together to clean the earth ect but automation would cure the need for migration and to cure aging would be an insane boost to the economy because the experts you already have won't die and can keep working indefinitely its much more efficient.. I hope to see this reality and I do think it's likely I will, once you cure aging I am sure 10 years would seem like a month and the progress you would witness the singularity

>> No.19345210
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>some people want to be poor
>some people want to live outside
>>try to force them to be middle class and have a house

>> No.19345211

>all wealthy people leave in advance
>can't even afford to kill yourself
better do it now faggot

>> No.19345248

Just put all poor people in slave camps.

>> No.19345313

Poor people will fuck up the land. Like broken down cars, like busted open car batteries, like cooking meth. Just watch a few episodes of hoarders.

>> No.19345326

No gulags wtf?

>> No.19345402
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This. Remove the minimum wage for a start

>> No.19345410

No real way to stop it. There will always be someone at the bottom of society. We can make the lives of the poor better but they will always look up and see how the rich live and it will never be enough.

>> No.19345446

The equivalent of "peasants" do 20 hours more work per week than historically when inequality was at ath in Europe. Your armument is weak/nonexistent.
We have cell phones too, convenient right? Less time spent communicating right? People still didn't commit suicide as much or over creating brand name products back then.
Just a coincidental correlation that suicides are crazy high, and living conditions/freedom is extremely low.

>> No.19345543

Easy, cull the global population.

>> No.19345798

This. Unironically what the nazis were trying to do is the same thing modern elites are doing. End poverty and preserve the ecosystem. Same thing global warming alarmists are trying to push. Genocide is part of the process

>> No.19345826

Kill 13% of the US population

>> No.19345849

Stop all welfare and money transfers that enable parasitism.

>> No.19346396
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Let poor people die. Poverty rate suddenly goes down.

>> No.19346402

This. Kill all central bankers.

>> No.19346504

>Genocide is part of the process
No, Evolution is the process, the death of the weak is part of that, a very important part that has not been happening since we've chosen to instead cater to the weak. We can do it humanely through chemical castration rather than a mass culling, though.

>> No.19346661
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>personally I'd cut social security and buy gold

>> No.19346714

kill all the poor people

>> No.19347447

By moving to decentralised, trust-less digital currency and thereby depriving government of control over spending and money supply.

This significantly reduces potenital for corruption, and allows all economies to thrive. Including and especially Asian economies, where smart people are trapped under the weight of socialist regimes.

Africa and the Middle East might be less degenerate as well.

>> No.19347562

a normal distribution means poverty is inevitable

>> No.19347701

automate agriculture
adopt china's 2 child max policy
everyone has their own farmland to cultivate foods