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File: 88 KB, 779x1026, aJlkg7VvL0O1LDNXp6lduEZN4EH8uJBKvv1F7Z0pAvI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19334885 No.19334885 [Reply] [Original]

Could there be a health insurance crypto? How would it work?

>> No.19334954
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By the gods, she's beautiful

>> No.19334960
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>> No.19335271
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is it cobra time or something

>> No.19335349
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It is always cobra time

>> No.19335390
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>> No.19335738
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>> No.19335746


>> No.19335885
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So how does it work? Can we replace the private healthcare insurance industry with a crypto coin?

>> No.19335938

They have a dental assurance program where people pay the dentists each month a small amount and when they need work its covered, cutting out the middle man and reducing costs for the customer while giving dentists guaranteed monthly income and also promoting preventative dental care, which reduces costs by like 70-90% to the customer or something... almost all dental work is preventable.

>> No.19335995
File: 1.60 MB, 1716x2316, e2b94d27d7229b6a7d8f1684917445f9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they don't have anything like what you're talking about

Plenty of insurance companies are trying to figure out how to "benefit" from blockchain (which isn't the same thing as what you're looking for): https://www.coindesk.com/samsung-sds-pilots-blockchain-based-medical-insurance-network

>> No.19336030


Hmm, shame. Heath insurance companies don't need to exist, they are nothing but parasitic middle-men.

>> No.19336068
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Agreed. I hope they all suffer horribly.

>> No.19336240

So wait, if health insurance cmpanies are making blockchains for themselves, isn't that openig up hospitals to the idea of crypto insurance?

A decentralized health crypto or some kind of smart contract system could then undercut all of them, right?

>> No.19336480
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Yes, anon. It will probably happen at some point

>> No.19336529


Depends on if we ever get single payer in the United States, because otherwise there is no need for such a thing in the first world, although I guess third worlders would benefit regardless.

Cute sneks, btw.

>> No.19336591
File: 10 KB, 235x282, 1582904715378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn man now I can't think of anything else except what it would be like to make love to a snake girl. I don't even remember my actual comment.

>> No.19336626
File: 1.55 MB, 1890x1522, d24c60c80e94b9f1f6b2313c0ad82cca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think someone will try to make insurance in a "DAO" type fashion, but since I'm retarded, I don't know how that would play out in reality

I am glad you like the sneks, good thread

>> No.19336950

>it's the same picture