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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1932512 No.1932512 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw your parents love you enough to allow you to commute from their home while you manage to save 70% of your salary

Does this make you mad, normies? Does it make you angry that while you slave away paying 60 - 70% in rent and bills, which is the price for your glorious """independent""" life, people like me exist?

>pro tip: Perhaps in your next life you could wish for better parents

>> No.1932519
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>70% of your salary

Kek. So you work minimum wage?

>> No.1932522

Yes. My brother rents an apartment and my parents asked him to find a job closer to home to save money. They pay for everything.

When I graduate I'll be working at home & trying to launch some products/services. I'll manage to save more than your average wagecuck and have a good shot at becoming a multi-millionaire.

>> No.1932524
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Nope. I am a programmer. I earn $56,000 after taxes. You do the math, normie.

>> No.1932531

>implying min wage cucks are the only ones cucked by rent

Rent scales up with salary. The more you earn you're obviously going to want to live in a nicer and more expensive area.

>> No.1932547

>$56 000 after taxes

But then rent and bills wouldn't be anywhere near 60-70% of your salary?

Besides aren't you only really saving on rent? I'm quite skeptical that most people's would let them leech everything when they make that much money.

You also have to commute when you could live closer to home.

No it doesn't. I rent a bachelor apartment in a really nice area for $1500/month. The freedom is worth it to me. You on the otherhand are a frogposter pretending to earn 6 figures gross as a "programmer".

>> No.1932585
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He said rent and bills.

Your average wagecuck earns maybe 50K a year out of college. Assuming 25% goes to taxes, 37.5K for 12 months.

Lets say 3.1K a month. If they work in the city, that's
>1K/mo rent
>250/mo health insurance
>250/mo on food, 200/mo utilities
>100/mo misc expenses
>100/mo on clothes to be a well dressed wagecuck
>200/mo on their car insurance
>$80/mo for gas , average commute to work is 25 minutes (50 minutes a day * 20 days) = 16.66 hours in the car, let's say 30 miles/hr, 20mpg, that's 25 gallons a month for work, maybe 10 for other things
>$50/mo phone bill (most pay $100 but let's just say they are financially responsible)
>$50/mo internet

Total Earned After Tax: $3100
Total Expenses/month: $2080

So 67.1% of your money on expenses assuming you don't buy anything more than necessities, and own your car. Also, don't forget about that $400/mo student loan payment!

Now your average wagecuck out of college is quick to buy a brand new BMW, Audi and spends the rest of their wagebucks on social eating, new furniture, new TV, etc..

So their remaining $1000 is eaten by student loans, treating themselves with buying random shit, possible new cellphone contract, cable, nights out, vacations, etc..

>> No.1932600

>let them leech everything when they make that much money.

My parents are old and I'm the only one who looks after them. If you consider that leeching, well then, I pity you for having a shitty childhood anon.

>I rent a bachelor apartment in a really nice area for $1500/month.
>the freedom is worth it to me.

Thats only because you're not in a relationship. Once you get in one or even want to start a family, you'll be forced to move someplace else more expensive

>> No.1932603

>I proudly waste $18K/year so my landlord can upgrade his Mercedes to the newer model

Have fun earning $24K more per year, to throw out in taxes and rent. Meanwhile I'll be living in my parents' $550K McMansion.

>> No.1932608
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>200/mo on their car insurance

is that a thing in states? or do you mean 200 per a year?

>> No.1932615

Average car insurance for a 25 year old male: $2374.

If you're not on your parents insurance, you are paying a lot of fucking money.

>> No.1932618

seems like most people people only move out because social status and expectations/MUH DICK
assuming you get along with your family reasonably well i think you'd have to be a moron to trade a decent amount of your income for that

>> No.1932620
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>>250/mo health insurance

wait a second, does not taxes include health care? if not, then what the hell does the taxes include

>> No.1932622

Yep. Wagecucks will rationalize it because their parents don't love them.

>> No.1932625

I pay $2500 a month on rent and utilities alone per month OP and I bet I still manage to save more money, thousands and thousands more, than you.

>> No.1932626

I meant that most peoples' parents would expect them to cover some costs, so it's not like you'd be eating their food and using all their things while banking $5000/month as you say

By that logic why spend money on anything?

Buying anything is a scam. Let's save all our money by living like bums to die with millions saved.

I enjoy living close to work and living on my own. I don't mind paying for it. Not everyone has the same goals as you, if you like living with your parents that's cool.

>> No.1932628

half of it to give to brown people
half of it to blow up other brown people

>> No.1932630

Social Security, Medicare, workers comp, state income taxes, etc..

Sometimes you will get insurance from your employer, but only if you are working for a large corporation. They'll just lower your salary to compensate for that.

>> No.1932631

Are you retarded?

I'm 21 and the car insurance for both me and my wife combined comes out to only $1500 per year. What the hell kind of ripoff are you paying for?

>> No.1932633
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oh, i see... brown people must eat too

>> No.1932634

Ive always had roomates and never pay more than 400 a month

>> No.1932635

>and I bet

If you don't even know how much you save how can you be so sure you're even saving anything?

>> No.1932644

Well, spending money is sometimes necessary and is fine to a certain extent, but paying the rent Jew when property valuation are at all time highs in the city is cuck tier.

Mr. Goldstein managed to get a commercial loan for 3% interest and he doesn't care how much he pays for the property. He charges some wagecuck 5-6% of what he paid for the inflated property and pays himself the difference.

If he manages to ride out a good bull market he will sell the house for a higher price. If he runs into a bad market, he will take a tax cut, or file bankruptcy on the separate LLC and still keep the money he made all those years. He doesn't have much to lose. Either way, the central bank is making the wagie fund his lifestyle and the government is protecting his interests.

>> No.1932645

looks like insurance companies have quite a lot power in states

>> No.1932649

>tfw your parents love you enough to let you live the student life forever while giving you money.
>tfw just waiting for them to hand their moneymaker to me.

>> No.1932655

$200/mo is the weighted average of 25 year old car insurance rates. Might not be the worst coverage. You might not pay that much if you live in a shit area. Metro areas with high taxes (aka where your typical wagie gets jobs), are plagued with higher regulation, risks, and rates.

>> No.1932672

The median income where I live is 104k/year.

It's a pretty nice place, very new, clean white suburb with next to no crime. That could be why.

>> No.1932674
File: 30 KB, 375x375, tuvu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is car insurance mandatory?

>> No.1932676


>> No.1932683
File: 250 KB, 489x460, aku2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it also mandatory to have insurance on your own car, or can you have a cheaper insurance just to cover the costs in case you destroy someone else's expensive car

>> No.1932688

You can have cheaper insurance, but for young people insurance is expensive as fuck. If your parents don't insure your car, you are so fucked.

However at age 21 is starts to drop pretty quickly. 16->21 is major risk group.

>> No.1932805

Most people move out if not for any other reason then they can have loud, vigorous, extended bouts of sex. Start and cultivate new relationships, and ultimately continue the 10,000+ years of evolution and progress and that lead directly to them.

If you really needed this explained You are probably autistic and will be mommy's good little boy forever.

>> No.1933316

Im 32 and live at home. I have a hot as fuck jew girlfriend who lives with me. She makes 25 an hour. I make 30. My parents dont charge rent, even tho we are freeloadimg in a 3.5 million dollar house. I spend about 1500 a month (money i wouldve spent on an apt) on robinhood and fucking shit im up about 1 percent all in.
Bleeding 1500 or more a month on an apartment is for catastrophically stupid faggots.

>> No.1933322

Misprint* im up about 10% all in on robinhood

>> No.1933365

I always wondered why there was a link between inferiority and anger, but thanks to your post ive spotted it. Instead of being angry about being too inferiorly stupid to live at home, why not just close up your gaping vagina and live at home? Do your parents molest you?

>> No.1933403

>Parents buy me a 1.5M CAD condo when I go away to uni
>Stay in the same city when I graduate
>Buy cheap food, don't have many expenses
>Make 50 CAD/year, spend less than $700/mo

Feels great

>> No.1933477

this is worse
roommates are SO MUCH WORSE

>> No.1933484

oh boy its this tool again
no one gives a shit about muh biological imperative, no one wants kids anymore
fuck off

>> No.1933820

like i said
literally >MUH DICK