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File: 28 KB, 700x394, 51827358_303[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19322667 No.19322667 [Reply] [Original]

>second highest taxes among 36 OECD member states
>median income after taxes 1,600 Euro, literally wage slaving
>pensioners so broke they have to collect bottles from trashcans to survive
>social security and pension system a total ponzi scheme, unsustainable because of demographic change
>brings in millions of low skilled "refugees" who all end up living on gibs
>RE market completely insane because of greedy boomers and "refugees" who all get a free apartment
>politicians already talking about new carbon tax and solidarity tax because muh corona
>literally billions of euros wasted every year on retarded shit
>company earnings and tax revenues all exploding while wages have been stagnant for decades
>dismantles their own nuclear reactors because muh green energy, now they have to buy the same nuclear energy from foreign countires at marked up prices and spend billions on upgrading electricity grid because of power fluctuations
>muh export boom all financed by TARGET2 credits which will never be paid back (literally giving away german goods for free)
>now genius politicians are debating about euro bonds and paying off poor EU countires debts while taking on even more debt themself
imagine unironically be German lmao the only cope you yurofags have is "b-b-but muh free healthcare and education". yeah totally free when you pay the HIGHEST FUCKING TAXES and get literally bled to death by your shitty politicians
keep coping you yurococks

>> No.19322865

non adolf here

germany is one of the finest countries to live in, but you burgers don't get it.. because you guys really think that america is greatest country in the world. well its not, it's a shithole. no matter how you look at it.

>> No.19322875

also, for german people money is not a problem, believe me.

>> No.19322895

I am german and I can say that 50% off the population is living paycheck to paycheck with extreme debt.

Also saving is a fucking religion to Germans, no one here ever heard of inflation.

>> No.19322904

Many publich schools in bigger cities are literally <50% white. Also people are completely cucked, happy with the 2k they get after taxes. A lot are rather renting all their life than buying an own house, or don't own any stocks at all, because both is "risky".

>> No.19322914

You realise those two statements are contradictory?

>> No.19322932
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>germans still pay a solidarity tax for their unification
>no holiday and christmas allowances
do germoids really?

>> No.19322935

>I am german and I can say that 50% off the population is living paycheck to paycheck
This is basically everywhere.

>> No.19322968

what the fuck is a holiday and christmas allowance?

i have a holiday and christmas allowance, its called saving money from my fucking job

>> No.19323289

Germany has a huge welfare state, where millions of Arabs, refugees etc live on taxes of German workers. Its a bottomless pit where the high taxes are absorbed, meanwhile infrastructure (roads, IT) is in rot and decay.

>> No.19323321
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the government needs to have enough money to pay for all that immigrant housing & welfare

>> No.19323419

Both counties are glorious for their own reasons. Both have flaws.
Take care of your immigrant problem before there is no German people/Germany left.

>> No.19323421
File: 40 KB, 970x295, 2020-05-25_1310[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coping this hard

>> No.19323422

>germany is one of the finest countries to live in
as someone who has lived in Germany, this is false. it's expensive, pay is terrible even in professional roles, and the people are inhospitable to non-native speaking Germans, especially after the migrant crisis. German efficiency is a meme that is being sold on a reputation that has been decreasing since the 1960's.

The only good thing about living in any country in Europe is that it is cheap to travel to multiple countries with multiple countries, and there are better EU countries to live in, Germany doesn't even make the top 5.

t. non-burger.

>> No.19323439

This. It's completely fucked until gibs are taken away from non anglo Germans.(non workers)

>> No.19323450

180.000 highly skilled people are leaving germany each year. germany is a shithole.

germanfag btw.

>> No.19323455

im a german who works remotely for a US company
I make more money in a junior position than my friend whos an engineer lmao
Ive seen the light and just want to escape this hellhole. everybody whos defending german insanity is a complete cuck suffering from stockhol syndrome. I cant wait to move to the United States once the borders open again. land of milk and honey fuck all you yuropoors you can pay your high taxes and go all to hell

>> No.19323456

Turkish and Arab are destroying Germany.

>> No.19323491
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the problem is NPC's like you that got totally brainwashed with fake media telling you everyday "what a great country germany is".
fact is, you're one of the poorest countries in the EU and getting poorer every single day

>> No.19323528

>there are better EU countries to live in
then list them faggot
maybe finland or switzerland comes to mind, which however are both more expensive, either its cheaper then pay is shit, or more expensive and pay is better

>> No.19323556

Austrian here (so essentially german, there is fuck no difference between those countries, despite everyone claiming otherwise)

What always gets me is that people here think they are living in the best country of the world, when in reality compared to USA and Australia we do live like dogs in tiny sheds.
>muh free healthcare
Our healthcare system is complete crap, waiting times for a specialst are 1 month+

>> No.19323576

Switzerland, Norway and Luxembourg are better imo
I agree though that Germany and Austria are better than most european countries, but its like the special olympics and it probably wont even be this way for much longer

>> No.19323586
File: 7 KB, 250x237, 1562688130362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>solidarity tax
>the "we're all in this together tax"

>> No.19323720

t. achmed

>> No.19323735

Welche Position, Freund?

Also for all burgers itt: majority of Germans on /biz/ are for some reason (it really baffles me) super left leaning (economically speaking and in general). A good indicator is the
>Muh 100000000000$bill for a broken leg

>> No.19323765


> and the people are inhospitable to non-native speaking Germans

t: a Nigger

>> No.19323782

Linke Zecken, müssen verrecken!

>> No.19323821

German living in UK here, can confirm

Germans somehow think they're wealthy when they have very little median wealth and rather low wages compared to the rest of the EU.

However, quality of life is okay and definitely better than the UK - Average German houses are huge compared to the garden sheds people call homes here in this depressing shithole.

German healthcare also beats the NHS by miles, never had to wait more than a day for a regular GP appointment compared to 2+weeks here.

Both countries have extremely high immigration and it is noticeable in day to day life at this point.

>> No.19323846
File: 23 KB, 394x447, 1588409351133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Krautfag here. Germany is still in the early stages of Operation Shithole. Absolute decline of civility by invasion of bloodlusty shit tier cultures since 2015. White youth adapting their degenerated and aggressive behavior since it is advertised as godlike and superior, also drug abuse related b/c the kids realize there will be no future for them in this dystopia. Battleground of the next big european war, count on it.

>> No.19323858

>second highest taxes among 36 OECD member states
uhm sweety, didn't you read the 2020 report?
we are #1 now, Belgium left in the dust


>> No.19323861

thats why you go into the country to the left of them.

>> No.19323878

Left? France, Belgum, Netherlands, all full off negros

>> No.19323894
File: 230 KB, 1280x1218, fef3cd87872d11f2b65e81a7d38d79c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better than Germany (worldwide)
Switzerland, Norway

Not better than Germany:
everyone else

>> No.19323959

>GDP per capita
el fucking mao

>> No.19323970

Germany is boring as fuck, I'm English and I lived there for a year. Every German has the exact same personality, they are nice but boring and they are all NPCs.

>> No.19324006
File: 125 KB, 1196x1040, 7C4B345B-0204-403D-A7CA-A7B1C201356E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Germany is boring as fuck, I'm English and I lived there for a year. Every German has the exact same personality, they are nice but boring and they are all NPCs.

>> No.19324022

>haha yeah you might earn more money every month and have better healthcare and less stress but did you know that in Italy/Greece/Spain people live 3 generations together in the same 3 room apartment? yes, you are right. They even don't own it. They pay interest every month without ever paying back the principle. But all of this means that they are much better off!!! Particularly STEM graduates are better off working for Greek industrials!!
>t. retard

>> No.19324030

How is the solidarity tax going to work? If they tax everyone they fuck the poor. If they tax the rich they move enough of it make it barely worth it.

>> No.19324039

>If they tax everyone they fuck the poor.
That's right and that's how taxes work in Germany.
If it wasn't for the retarded tax system Germany would be the richest country in the world instead of being top 10.

>> No.19324043
File: 9 KB, 239x211, 1588854290024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>median income after taxes 1,600 Euro, literally wage slaving
that's more than my wage BEFORE taxes you spoiled firstie kraut

>> No.19324081

People who earn less than €9k per year ($14k) do not have to pay income tax, including solidarity charge.

>> No.19324129
File: 51 KB, 827x575, 2020-05-25 14_19_25-Salary, payslips &amp; minimum wage in Germany.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>median income after taxes 1,600 Euro, literally wage slaving
Do you have a source for this?
That's more like the starting salary of apprenticeship graduates
University graduates earn a lot more starting.
And most people aren't graduates but have 15+ years of work experiences, thus earning yet a sizeable amount more
Probably this includes part time workers such as high school students working at Rewe in the afternoon

>> No.19324202
File: 537 KB, 550x563, TheFinalLaugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every German has the exact same personality, they are nice but boring and they are all NPCs
alright, you heard him guys, start up the engines, we bombing Britain again.

>> No.19324234

He said AFTER taxes you fucking brainlet

>> No.19324285

Ausfag here.
The way euros live is shocking to me. Your cities are crowded and miserable, your apartments are tiny and your public health systems are universally overstretched and beset by funding cuts and insane waiting times... I really feel bad for the average European citizen. My country has its problems but fuck im glad I live in a place where you don't have to be a multimillionaire to not live in a shitbox flat

>> No.19324325
File: 53 KB, 692x520, topiWX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

incomes are significantly higher in germany than in uk or france for example

as you said, quality of life is significantly higher in germany than an in uk. uk is below portugal that a third world country


>> No.19324410

there are enough low wage workers making <2k after taxes, fucking kindergardeners with 20+ years experience not even make 2k after taxes, not every work brings in a large increase with experience, i mean i know people working as waiters with 50-60years old, doubt they make more than 18 year olds

>> No.19324439

It’s located in Europe dude, that’s all you had to say kek. Saw more lambos in an afternoon on Miami Beach than a I saw in 12 months traveling throughout Europe. Lifestyles aren’t even comparable, I guess this is what happens when the youth is engrained with a different culture. I’m not saying it’s a good/bad thing, I’m just saying middle class in the US is seen as upper class in most of Europe. “Free” healthcare is the trade off I suppose.

>> No.19324487

You posted gross income. Before taxes, fees and social security.
My mom is a doctor. 6500 gross, 3400 after taxes.
1600 is considered a decent salary, anything over 2500 is considered rich.

>> No.19324501

See this anon gets it, it’s all relative. You might feel like you’re well off as a senior engineer in Europe, but that same position likely pays multiples higher in the US. It’s not uncommon for People in the US spend hundreds of thousands of dollars adding extensions to the garages to fit more cars or adding bedrooms/bathrooms to their house just cuz they can. You don’t see this in other countries. People are contempt renting their 100+ year old micro “flats”. Just a different lifestyle altogether. They both have their trade offs

>> No.19324573

isnt cost of living in switzerland absolutely fucking insane?

>> No.19324611

>GDP per capita
>saying anything about wages or healthcare
the absolute state of germoid education

>> No.19324791


>> No.19325019

USA looks so comfy, wide roads, big houses, but the issue is the IRS will rape you so hard no matter what you do.

>> No.19325054

And literally 70% of people you will see in day to day life will not be white.

Move to Croatia. Based cheap country with hot women and lovely weather.

>> No.19325141

im Croatian and I ran away from that shithole 8 years ago but now unironically thinking of moving back and building a house. Women are super hot maybe the hottest in the world on average but there is no one night stand culture, so they are great material for dating only.

Weather is 10/10 in sprint, 6/10 in summer, 7/10 in autumn and 5/10 in winter, not ideal I prefer the whole year summer so I have been in asia last 8 years

As far as being cheap thats still somewhat true but prices did do a 2x across the board in these last 8 years

>> No.19325192
File: 17 KB, 658x180, 2020-05-25 15_45_34-kassierer lohn - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am German myself.

>1600 is considered a decent salary, anything over 2500 is considered rich.
Bullshit. You are laughed out of the room if you earn less than 2000 above age 30. 2500 is a normal salary for office work.
Even cashiers earn 2000 Euro after some time.

>> No.19325211
File: 455 KB, 2048x1536, antifawarrior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I visited Germany many times and am a Burger. It is a beautiful country full of deranged leftist communists. It would be the best country in the world if it wasn't for Mutti and her followers.

>> No.19325270

German here, whats the alternative? Whats a good country to move to?

>inb4 USA
yeah no thank you amerimuds, thats almost as bad as germany.

>> No.19325279

we are talking about AFTER tax wages you pleb. typical german cuck who brags about his 2k brutto slave wage lmao

>> No.19325287

Well if you want to make money the US. If you want to live comfy and cheap likely SE Asia, assuming you are white.

>> No.19325303

On the bright side, any western European or overseas anglo country would be the best in the world without leftists and high taxes, so Germany isn't the only such sad case.

>> No.19325336

retard non american or neet. loads of places in america are >98% white. you ever been to rural maine? or north dakota? absolute shitholes but you won't have any darkies around triggering you

>> No.19325358

Only Switzerland, Luxembourg and Norway would make enough of a difference to justify living your life as a foreigner.
Sure, Sweden might have marginally higher wages as well, but you could do a simple side-hustle for 50 Euro/month instead of learning Swedish for life. The same goes for every other country except for Switzerland and Norway or some isolated special cases (working on an oil rig, silicon valley software engineer, investment banker in london/new york etc.)

>> No.19325359

I cant hold it against the German people they have been fucked over in the past 150 years. No one can go through that many political systems without fucking them over in the head.


>> No.19325379

Looking at >>19323858, I must have missed when democracy started

>> No.19325406

I was thinking about Georgia actually but I'm very early in my reaearch process

>> No.19325429

>19th place according to image
>3rd according to text
Debt is included in GDP. Just be more leveraged to raise the number.

>> No.19325432

Very good pick if you have location independent income from outside Georgia (<10% tax rate)

>> No.19325485

>tfw my australian gf will move here because of me
I feel bad, since Australia is objectively much better, but I make very decent money, so most of the bad yuro aspects dont apply to us
However its nice that if we keep going more socialists and/or I switch profession that relocating to Australia is always an option

>> No.19325486
File: 50 KB, 1039x539, 2020-05-25 16_06_06-List of German cities by GDP - Wikipedia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>19th according to picture
You are delusional if you expect someone to move from Germany to e.g. Sweden for a 2% higher GDP (PPP)/capita
And all the rest are Norway, Switzerland, USA and various microstates
If you want to compare Singapore, you can compare it to Frankfurt or Munich instead of the entire country.
Mind you, these figures are in Euro. So you first have to convert them to USD to compare

>> No.19325673

referring to West and East Germany dumbass. Of course, they are all communists.

>> No.19325812

Then do something about it. Your nation, your responsibility.

>> No.19325856

I think that's what French/German fags don't get. They imagine everyone is wage slaving like they are. Emigrating was the single most lucrative and optimal decision of my life. The amount of wealth we are being cheated on is obscene. If europeans knew just how much of a quality of life jump slaying down central governments means, they would jump on the opportunity.
>inb4 muh healthcare
I agree it sucks to be poor in the US but you're retarded if you think european healthcare is any good. If you have a normal job, even at a shit company you have medical coverage AND tons of extra money.

>> No.19325886

Do you realize that - as an intern - I was making ~10 thousand euros in the US? And as a FT I make about 180k (about 14 thousands euros every months). GLHF

>> No.19325996

True. I make less than 60k yet I'm only paying 8 bucks a week total for medical, eye, dentist, and life insurance.

>> No.19326128

>It’s located in Europe dude, that’s all you had to say kek. Saw more lambos in an afternoon on Miami Beach than a I saw in 12 months traveling throughout Europe. Lifestyles aren’t even comparable, I guess this is what happens when the youth is engrained with a different culture. I’m not saying it’s a good/bad thing, I’m just saying middle class in the US is seen as upper class in most of Europe. “Free” healthcare is the trade off I suppose.
Miami Beach is full of fucking rich people. What did you expect? I've seen more lambos in one afternoon at Zürich than I did in living in upstate New York, it's not even an apt comparison. Are you going to be surprised at super cars in Dubai too?

>> No.19326150

French/German fags are only part of it, it’s Europe as a whole. Until you jump across the pond and experience the cultural differences you just don’t know how different life is. If you want the best chance of financial freedom the US is the only option really.

>> No.19326184

lol on YouTube, most European super cars are fake kek. There’s an entire YouTube channel dedicated towards busting fake super cars in London. Simple VIN check reveals most of these are kit cars sitting on Pontiac fiero frames lmao

>> No.19326358

> brutto <> netto

Retard alert!

>> No.19326437

> bring hundreds of millions of students to Austria where they can study for free according to some EU treaty
> be loud, drunk, stoned, and generally obnoxious
> at the same time stubborn and sometimes aggressive, like a good Prussian
Büffel go home

>> No.19327185

I dont get it, what are you talking about, brudi?

>> No.19327307

Thanks jews

>> No.19327371

Just change Germany for commiefornia is pretty much the same thing.
Mutts are dumb

>> No.19327385

Have u been to netherlands?? Its worse

>> No.19327391

you have source on those numbers? I'm finding it hard to believe that map.

>> No.19327439

As long as you don't get sick or have kids to send to school.

>> No.19327521

Every modern country is the same shit. America basically increases the variance in the basic equation by removing some safety nets and taxation but if you want to escape the cycle, you either have to force it by being amazing and clever enough to really exploit it or gamble your way out of it. And the real bummer is this is really the best humanity has ever had it and it's probably all downhill from here.

>> No.19327555

I'm german. OP is right in many points. Political correctness and our problematic äh....historical background stick down lots of rational arguments and prevent public debates. Politicians here rarely ever worked in the economy, most of them seem honestly slightly retarded to me. Someone halfway intelligent would work in the industry and earn a lot more money.

>> No.19327639

I'm curious, what's your definition of a third world country?

>> No.19327681

uns geht es doch gut, viel besser als zum beispiel afrika, wir sollten denen helfen, wir haben genug platz

>> No.19327758


>> No.19327779


>> No.19327791

/thread (why is this shit even posted on a daily basis)

>> No.19328095

the US could cripple the EU for generations in just a few years if we prioritized EU immigration.

>> No.19328222

Do you think it would be that much worse?
A lot of very smart people already do end up in the USA or Canada/Australia

>> No.19328364

we will have some kind of civil war in EUroland. just like you burgers will have to deal with all the shitskins in your country, eventually. we are both fucked

>> No.19328861

Anyone that can will emigrate from this sinking continent within this century. I'm not planning on staying here hoping that Muhammad helps me out when I'm old. At this point I'd prefer being surrounded by joggers and spics to being surrounded by Turks, Afghanis and every sandnigger variation possible. At least the joggers and spics are nominally Christian and I could actually buy a gun if shit hit the fan.

>> No.19329106

are you enjoying living in the UK? do you still prefer it to Germany?

>> No.19329348

Do Germans above the age of 30 have personalities or is that illegal here?
>t. American recently stationed in Germany

>> No.19329562

>he thinks his countries system is inferior because of holiday and christmas allowances

is it that easy to shut you up?

>> No.19329672

Where are you stationed?

>> No.19329682
File: 56 KB, 401x506, krautpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adolf here.
Germany is perfect if you are living on welfare. There is literally no better country on earth besides some arab ones or maybe scandinavian countrys if you have no income and enjoy free welfare life. As a specialist you are maximum buttfucked because of taxes and so on. The quotient between mean and median welth is only bigger in the USA and bigger by a factor of 3 compared to other EU Countrys
