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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19322292 No.19322292 [Reply] [Original]

I promise you this is going to 25 cents. You will kick yourself for not getting out over $1 when you had the chance.

>> No.19322319

uuhmm so i better sell right now anon? like right now before the airdrop right?

>> No.19322336

>ranjeesh thinks he can psyop you into dumping your bag of Ghosties so he can buy it for a little cheaper
Not today faggot

>> No.19322340

Sell? Whoever even bought is a moron.

>> No.19322353

hm that really strange because i went from 5k to 25k kinda. fucking scams, right?

>> No.19322366

Not even fudding but you have to be sub 100iq to have confidence in the validity of the project at this stage

>> No.19322376

Im gonna buy just before the snapshot hehe

>> No.19322381

its going to be one of those stupid people in big numbers projects that always ends up near zero

>> No.19322387

i hate you dumb ass newfags so fucking much
>not even pudding
fuck yourself you poor nigger

>> No.19322400


>> No.19322405

When is the airdrop 1:1 ESH?
i have 7 ESH (never selling even after the drop) i want to have 7 GHOST!!

>> No.19322434


Best thing to have done would be to have bought the last dip around 0.0030 and rode it up to airdrop and then SOLD. They will dump ESH at airdrop and Ghost will be a complete flop

>> No.19322445


Enjoy being rekt

>> No.19322483

this is not going to 25c. Do the needy.
Id say fomo on esh until the airdrop to $3. Then ghost will be about 2.50
Ups n downs then to $40. in 3 months.

>screenshot this

>> No.19322534

kick myself? how the fuck does one kick oneself? must be a pajeet thing

>> No.19322548

The state of this fucking board

>> No.19322557

How about this: Esh goes up to around $2 just before airdrop and then the “team” take one final big fat steamy orchestrated dump and ESH ends up in the depths of hell. You get an ERC-20 Ghost token which is only tradeable on the buggy as fuck microsoft paint dex (Mcafeedex) which ESH whales who stacked fat bags from the blatant bot manipulation and insider trading again dump at much lower prices than you think. Mainnet either never launches and they find some convenient scapegoat, or it does and it’s a buggy piece of crap because they’ve outsourced all development and Josh and Mcafee are scammers

>> No.19322564

how about you kill yourself

>> No.19322576


>> No.19322594

You sound like the moron.

>> No.19322602


Bilaxy has a 24hr volume of over 3 million. IDEX for reference recorded 300,000

I have no idea what this means but 3mil is a shit tonne of volume. Can anyone explain this?

>> No.19322637

Wash trading

>> No.19322698

I must be a moron then.

>> No.19322772
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>> No.19322815

Finally off this wild ride. Might have made enough profit to cover the fees that fell out of my pocket during this escapade. It was a valuable learning experience, that's for sure. Godspeed you mental fucks.

>> No.19322908

The erc20 will be tradable on all the same exchanges as switch, it even says which ones are supporting the airdrop.
If you're going to fud at least do your research

>> No.19322941
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>> No.19322954

>>I've missed the chance to buy cheaper waaaaaahhhh waaaaaahhhh now all that's left is to FUD until it's $10 and I'll buy back waaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh wahhhhhh why am I such a retard Anons?