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19321068 No.19321068 [Reply] [Original]

What are your views on the future, like the next 10-20 years. Think society will collapse? Think 5G will pave the way for interconnected human/machine?

I like to ruminate on the idea. Personally I think we're still 40-50 years away from achieving anything remarkably different than todays society. I'll probably be dead before I can get downloaded into an android. Feels bad man

>> No.19321757

Post more of mommy!

Society will never collapse. Anytime something serious happens people will just stay inside jerking off and playing video games. See: COVID-19. Anything futuristic is FAR away. In 20 years the only difference you'll see is more "convenience" and automation. Such as cars driving themselves and things like that. Just what we have now but more AI, machine learning, and all those memes. Like where you can have a conversation with your phone like a physical human which we're almost there now anyways.

>> No.19321978

>Think society will collapse?

1) Environmental Black Swan event severely affect agricultural output, resulting in severe food. shortages

2) 5G later discovered to the dramatically raise cancer rates and cause other health issues.

3) Gap between rich and poor widens. Middle class no longer exists.

4) Extreme environmental pollution.

>> No.19322030

first time in a century there is a genuine competition for world reserve currency. so probably ww3

>> No.19322051

Dunno, race war looking likely. Plus what's going to happen when 1/3 people in America are white. 33% of the people are gonna pay for the rest?

Yeah I agree with the rest of your post, I don't think we'll see anything amazing. Elon said we've stagnated in terms of innovation. I'm just hoping 5G is good enough for lag free vr. That will pas the time for me

>> No.19322129
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This anon’s probably in the right

>> No.19322501

Her tits. My mouth. Let's make it happen fuckers.

>> No.19322788

The divide between rich and poor will grow. Anyone owning any form of stocks/Bitcoin will be making thousands to millions. The poor are going to pay higher prices for food, gas and utilities thanks to inflation. Housing prices will skyrocket, especially in decent hoods.

When a vaccine is found, expect stock market to explode in growth, DOW Jones will be 35,000+ in a year after vaccine.

Countries will start stockpiling medical supplies to the point of having trillions of PPE in storage for the next pandemic. Expect extreme reaction whenever a new disease breaks out.

5G will not harm anyone as much as 4G hasn't harmed anyone. All meme BS.

Crypto currency will be reduced to Bitcoin and nothing else.

>> No.19322805

>Christ Jesus return
>inb4 christfag

>> No.19322848

The world average IQ is decreasing fast. We are entering a dark age. Civil unrest coming. The golden bull run is over, it only downhill from here.

>> No.19322874

In 20 years you will still be a virgin bag holder

>> No.19323619

Completely wrong

>> No.19324397

i think its not unreasonable to consider that 2017 run was indeed the top. With climate change we could have a new big catastrophe at least once a year. There won't just be enough time between cataclysms for market to ramp up

Perpetual $3.8-$4 linkies-stinkies

>> No.19324478

Books on environmental disasters? I want to learn more about what extreme weather could be happening in future

>> No.19324522

this article focuses on the fallout of climate change. It is long but its worth the read. Keep in mind that its not even considered alarmist


Also its from 2017, numbers there are probably considered good scenarios

>> No.19324575

Honestly, we have a few "good" years left. All those Armageddon tales scientists have been talking about going to kick in the second half of the decade. Then its not going to stop and we are all going to have hellish decades. Quarantine and chinese flu are nothing compared to what is coming next. Strap in, anon

>> No.19325133
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racism ends within 10-20 yrs
utopia achieved within 20-30 yrs
humanity ends within 30-50 yrs

>> No.19325159
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>Like where you can have a conversation with your phone like a physical human
I'm so fucking lonely holy shit

>> No.19325165


>believing manmade "climate change"

Anon, come on man. You are smarter and more observant than that.

>> No.19325178

quality of life will keep going up. white birthrates will keep going down.

>> No.19325313

Lol, technology will just start becoming more bullshit like that bluetooth scam juicer, some people watch too much movies, people wont become robots or some shit, maybe a natural disaster will happen and end us all, but that's it

>> No.19325600

kinda sad that this is the likely scenario

>> No.19325697

>What are your views on the future, like the next 10-20 years.
People will may money for the novelty of human-human interaction

>> No.19325934

It’s annoying that so many of you are too immersed in the fearful herd mentality to notice the truth. The elitist’s goal of a borderless, one government world. A neural link between all minds, the Internet come alive. Finally, programmable matter will merge with the One consciousness that has been formed out of the human race and this entire universe will become self-aware. That’s the end game. A God world. (((THEY))) are building it and you can’t stop them.

>> No.19325973

>this entire universe will become self-aware. That’s the end game. A God world.
do you actually believe the dumb shit you spit out or is this a shitpost for the lols?

>> No.19325985


>> No.19325994

>Think society will collapse?
>Think 5G will pave the way for interconnected human/machine?
>Personally I think we're still 40-50 years away from achieving anything remarkably different than todays society.
The 2020s could be a decade of immense boredom.

>> No.19326172


>> No.19326400
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and my erc20 token is part of that

>> No.19326509


>“We will forever destroy because we need a world of our own, a God-world, which it is not in your nature to build.” - You Gentiles, by Maurice Samuels

>> No.19326592

>Society will never collapse
Society will never collapse The mighty Persian empire existed before anyone else could write! Anytime something serious happens people will just stay inside playing music.

Society will never collapse! The Aecheans persisted and thrived for millennia and conquered everything in the known world! We are the foundation of culture and freedom! Anytime something serious happens people will just stay inside writing poetry.

Society will never collapse! The eternal Rome existed for a thousand years and persisted through many catastrophes! We are the foundation of progress! Anytime something serious happens people will just stay inside and throw feasts.

>> No.19326681

“Will just stay inside...”
As opposed to doing what, faggot?

>> No.19326736

The world will continue to get shittier as we approach peak human population. Ecosystems and food production will be pushed to the absolute limit.

>> No.19326796
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As whites become minorities in their own countries, the hateful shitskins who have been raised for generations to believe the only reason they ain't kangs will start to become more violent towards whites. The justice system will start to look the other way as whites are assaulted and killed by shitskins, and those that defend themselves will be prosecuted (see the retarded Arbery case, the DA said TWICE in writing that the McMichaels did nothing wrong and we're not going to bring charges, but capitulated to retard celebrities and lefty slacktivists). Affirmative action programs will continue to push unqualified browns into positions in the name of "diversity," and they will find their way into the animals of government for the same reason.

Over the next 10-20 years Western countries will more closely resemble South Africa. Vigilantism and ethno-cebtrisn among whites will make a massive resurgence and the 2040s will be amazingly bloody. Also, XRP will be the standard.

>> No.19326837
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if she wasnt a race traitor, she could have been my queen

>> No.19326875

Sounds good to me. See ya later racist incel, dont forget you backed yourself into a corner and proclaimed everyone to be your enemy

>> No.19326884
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Something like pic related, which is comfy.

>> No.19327455
File: 516 KB, 1136x640, 53F55C7A-0B76-4558-BD16-9DC0ECE92259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ice age is more likely

>> No.19328302

>Think society will collapse?
No we just become like Brazil with better tech.

>> No.19328655

You are delusional if you think people are going to band together and collectively fight as a race lol.