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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 35 KB, 700x400, Kleros-CKH2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19319962 No.19319962 [Reply] [Original]

>Buying a coin that hasn't pumped at all yet for a low price
>Staking it in the court system, occasionally get cases
>get paid 20-40 dollars worth of eth for 2-3 minutes of work

is there a comfier hold right now?

>> No.19320001

Unironically? No. Kleros is probably the best hold out of all the smaller higher risk market caps. Next Chainlink in my book, desu.

>> No.19320369


English Language | Min Stake = 17600 PNK
Each vote has a stake of 5720 PNK.

does this mean I need to stake 17k for one case? I won't lose an English case.. I don't believe so. But that's so expensive

>> No.19320379

>hasn't pumped at all
>already undergone massive PnD cycles due to discord and other groups on here since 2018.

yikes dawg. shill campaign turned on again before the next 200m gets dumped?

>> No.19320412

there are no cases and you would need to stake

X10 17.600 PNK

to have a minimal chance at getting a place as a juror the moment a case appears. It's kiked amsorry to say

smart money is movin to drapers company ANJ now, pinkies on suicide watch

>> No.19320420

Thats just 350 dollars, and the reward for one case is 20 dollars

>> No.19320432

imagine buying into pnd pretending it's a real project when you could actually participate in a blatant pnd


>> No.19320433

Someone posted their stats the other day

250k PNK staked for 2 months ($5k worth)

In total 12 cases for a reward of $200, about 30 minutes work

Annualising that we get $1200 per year on a $5000 investment, or a ~4 PE ratio

Which makes this thing very undervalued

>> No.19320502
File: 435 KB, 750x1030, 48625167-E643-46AC-92F1-1F326D0E0BED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh yeh totally just a pump and dump and no one is taking their 461 pages of jurisprudence seriously?

>> No.19320519

Yeah, Bitcoin is a far comfier hold.

>> No.19320521
File: 330 KB, 750x1334, 18178804-6AFC-466E-991D-C1FA259B69C2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smart money is moving out of the business with the top industry contributors of their Jurisprudence manual? I didn’t know.

>> No.19320528

bitcoin is a currency not an investment

>> No.19320531

there are less then 200 cases bro, you are delusional, face it, this is a sinking ship, ANJ has big corporate money behind it, it doesn't matter that they are scumbags, this is the real world we are talking about.

>> No.19320547

how many cases does anj have?

>> No.19320550

that "book" is just a collection of interviews and spergs jerking off to a communist future

you haven't even read it otherwise you would be ashamed to talk about it

>> No.19320563
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>> No.19320565

kek, keep dreaming bro, enjoy being dumped on by whales

>> No.19320586

Thankyou for your input.

>> No.19320604

most kind of you to acknowledge it sir!

>> No.19320621

>trusting some copyfags and not the coders.kek


>> No.19320645

FYI ANJ is a copy of Kleros and you've provided nil evidence. Disregarded.

>> No.19320667

Fiverr will be promoting users to arbitrate via Kleros.

>> No.19320672

It is right above you retard

>> No.19320704

You have provided nil evidence to substantiate why PNK is a shitcoin. But thanks for playing kid.

>> No.19320719

Pajeet coin of the month

>> No.19320734

shitty memes
team is entirely made up of söyboys

>> No.19320755

You claim projects fail because of a 4chan meme "basedboy"? Why would anyone ever listen to you about investing real money? Flushed where you belong

>> No.19320774

cope pierre

>> No.19320795
File: 24 KB, 512x512, Kiss kiss dumbass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont need to cope, just pissing you off

>> No.19320797 [DELETED] 
File: 157 KB, 1280x640, ANJEETSBTFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine buying imitations in the crypto space
> they haven't learned anything

>> No.19320820

Aragon = Mobius

Kleros = Chainlink

>> No.19320836
File: 1.00 MB, 2000x1000, 1590157081435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying imitations in the crypto space
>they haven't learned anything from the past two bubbles

>> No.19320849
File: 2 KB, 126x101, 1587919668769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truth and not disputed
Deleted my former post because the image quality was too low

>> No.19320870

your garlic smell is pissing me off jacques

>> No.19320880

useless to argue with faggots, i already told you then they are scumbags and idk, im stating the fact that they are backed by smart money (draper) and pnk is not.
enjoy your bags

>> No.19320917

garlic is fucking based, you cant use garlic as an insult

>> No.19320918

You can't refute Kleros's use case so you act as though I am french? Why did you even post in here? This board smells like shit thanks to people like you

>> No.19320933


>ANJ has big corporate money behind it, it doesn't matter that they are scumbags, this is the real world we are talking about.


>> No.19320942

watch as the anjeet conveniently fails to mention that Aracant massively failed to execute it's first 2 court cases and everything else is a scam while Kleros continues to build its cartel and is seeing organic usage. This is what happens when you fork something on Github and have no idea what you are doing. Also, It's not all about the court, but you wouldn't know that since you blindly follow what you consider to be the orthodox. All you are doing is feeding whales and are played by the hand of the crypto media.

Regardless, we will welcome you with open arms when, not if, you come back to the just side of the revolution. We will not hang you for being wrong, as long as you don't know you are.

>> No.19320970

>backed by
Do you know what that means in this context?

>> No.19321004

pff i dont own your shitcoins you faggot, I'm saying that your messiah Clement is a kike faggot and that ANJ has better investors and backers and they also seem to be interested in bringing their product to the public and nor jerking off in their telegram group. though after this discussion i might buy a bag of ANJ just to spite you faggots kek

>> No.19321005

There is not a comfier hold. Besides maybe DXDAO because they're in on that too

>> No.19321035

You should go back to /pol/. You can't argue your way out of a wet paper bag boy

>> No.19321081

nice comeback, how about you go back to your discord tranny faggot

>> No.19321104

I dont use discord. You're yet to say anything valuable other than ANJ is essentially quite a shitty project.

>> No.19321413

Anyone not holding PNK in this thread is a bitch

That is all.

>> No.19321811
File: 9 KB, 223x226, images (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop sir this is destroying our fudding!!! Unlike the fat burgers that can easily buy a "Make it stack" in just 1 minutes and therefore benefit from shillings, our poor villages need time we are fudding so that we can accumulating a "make it stack" village needing time we need the fud do needful sir

>> No.19322061

I buy after finishing this holy book

>> No.19322148

How do I stake?

>> No.19322168

I'm holding 650k that I bought at half a cent. I'm tempted to try and swing but at this stage I don't know if it's a reasonable course of action. Maybe after a exchange listing I'll get the rope

>> No.19322825

That's pretty based desu
Check the Kleros website

>> No.19323170
File: 959 KB, 1329x1429, 382D7E47-8CB0-4518-9C88-94B2247A615C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attacking to Aragon Court by possessing more than half of ANJ tokens can be feasible, as ANJ is pegged to ANT and this attack won't destroy ANT tokens value. Whereas attacking Kleros by possessing more than half of PNK tokens is infeasible as it would destroy the value of PNK. Small details like this are what make a crypto-economic system resistant to attacks. Kleros researches these with the help of a mathematician, Aragon arbitrarily decides on them.

Another problem with Aragon Court is its codebase. They tried so hard to disguise their plagiarism, the result was many lines of redundant code. In a security-critical program, like a smart contract, you would keep it as short as possible, because the longer it gets wider the attack surface and more likely to introduce a bug. And you know what, it happened: https://blog.aragon.one/aragon-court-v1-upgrades/ And they are live for only three months as of now. Kleros, however, live since 2018, resolved 200 disputes, no single security vulnerability so far.
Never compare PNK to this shit.
Just remember
Holy Bag

>> No.19323921


>> No.19323944

How to buy pnk sirs I have right now my last 1000 rupees I put into coin if you promise my village great wealth

>> No.19324163


>> No.19324751

Someone on biz with the intelligence and enough time to realize that Kleros is undervalued

>> No.19325631

This is so undervalued. Bought most of my stack at half a cent and bought a bit more on a recent dip. Ready for glory.

>> No.19325863
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ANJ copers are cringe

>> No.19325871

stop this pajeet shit and read up on how you can make an easy 10x within a short timeframe


>> No.19325885


>> No.19325946
File: 282 KB, 498x500, 9BA1DBA2-63CB-41B5-A296-7D201A881133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please go

>> No.19325964

I've been staking in general and marketing services for 20 days but still no cases. Any tips on which courts to stake in to get selected?

>> No.19326245

onboarding. I staked 1337 and did a case.
got rewarded 0.01 eth yay

>> No.19326446

how much HAI you got to shill this in literally every thread

>> No.19326601

Is this worth buying

>> No.19327051

just started this today
currently staking several thousand
how long on average do i have to wait to be a juror?

>> No.19327284


>> No.19327775

Without a doubt. Momentum is building, more dapps coming, actual use case that works NOW rather than hypothetical vaporware etc.