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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19318472 No.19318472 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.19318538
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>> No.19318540

>Chainlink astroturfed by communists.
No shit. Bullish for freedom that they are betting on a system that cant even work on paper.
Or its a strawman and bsv is actually the mark of the beast

>> No.19318553

You shit on a street.

>> No.19318571

We all look foolish to someone. At least im making an argument

>> No.19318596

What tells you that?

>> No.19318607

Stop shitting on the street.

>> No.19318635

Stop making tibetans burn themselves alive

>> No.19318640
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I don’t know. Is this really a big deal? They said will be used “behind the scenes”, links existence won’t even be known to the end user...

>> No.19318688
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Lies. Scam. Fraud.

Unironically sold these bags. Feels good to be off the plantation. The breadcrumbs, the "connections", this bullshit token will make you insanely bullish. Until you see Sergey stuttering through the same old talk, in some company breakroom, to 8 bored guys. No one stops and wonders - "if this is the 4th industrial revolution soon to be adopted by the global banking cartels, why can't he get a better venue?" And now, why are they losing partnerships? Wanchain gone, Factom gone. I know those are literal who's in the grand scheme, but if even literal who's can't find a use for this project, why would the big boys use it?
inb4 dr;ns, inb4 hur you're replying to a literal fud meme thread by a tripfag. The dream is dead, faggots.

Jannies delete other threads but keep 50 link threads up? Hmmmmm?

>> No.19318703
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Reasons why Link will fail

1. Zero customers, zero need. No one is going to pay for information to be inserted into a smart contract. That's what an oracle is supposed to do. The problem is a x100 calls costs a x100 times whatever Link charges. If you have to make thousands of calls, that's hundreds of dollars in Link tokens. If I were a dev, it would be much simpler to just make my own call to whatever data I needed.

2. Zero development, all marketing. Link has hired shills, link started on biz and Sergey himself got the inspiration to post, network with and contact people on biz. That's why begging is not allowed on biz, because after link a lot of other tokens tried to copy them. There's a lot of disingenuous shills saying that Link was only made for business cases and biz was never supposed to discover it. Quite the opposite, it was made first as a marketing token.

3. Deceitful. The Link team lies continuously; they'll attend a conference (SIBOS) and say they're partnered with Swift which is a banking protocol that handles these bank conferences, implying that they're going to handle data for big banks. They contacted the Google dev to make an offical blogpost and thus said that they're "partnered" when in fact, it's just a mention. They stretch the truth.

4. Zero transparency. Link raised 32 million in it's ICO. Since then, we have no accounting of their funds. They market dumped twenty to thirty million worth of chainlink (we still don't know the full amount) and never said a word about it. They're still dumping here and there, even larger amounts and believe they are free to do so at any time.

5. Cult-like behavior. 90% of the memes made by Chainlink pose Sergey as this kind of messiah. They encourage zero compromise grounds that anyone should sell their token. They encourage people to buy their tokens despite; mortgages, spousal issues and even when their "investors" are homeless they'll encourage people to buy more.

>> No.19318741

doesn't need to be. normies won't be buying LINK tokens, they'll be using oracle-powered blockchains without even knowing it. how many people do you think know what the https stands for at the start of every single website they visit? now imagine them using, but never comprehending, an ethereum token address. copy and paste to receive your payment. LINK will make all this easy enough so as to be foolproof. it's the behind the scenes stuff that matters. do people even think about how they can use Google Drive for free? storage isn't cheap. Google and Chainlink both use data, but one model is much better, more profitable, and scalable, than the other. is it Google, who tracks the data individuals create and hope they can sell $50 worth of shit off Amazon to them, or is it Chainlink which will monetize institutional data streams, for the benefit of other institutions? if you think Chainlink has even the tiniest chance of snagging 1% of the value of the derivatives markets, you'd be all in

>> No.19318862

The third one in the second column won't even turn into a knot when you tighten it.

>> No.19318876
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>Forbes Contributer

>> No.19318901
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>All compromised by commie shits
Bullish for made in America XRPchads

>> No.19318952

stay poor

>> No.19318968

the chinese government and xi jinping is integrating chainlink into their official blockchain

it does not get more bullish than this

>> No.19318975
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>> No.19319002
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Everything china touches in blockchain literally fails. You unknowlingly just got the kiss of death. just ask Wanton coin and ANTS shares

>> No.19319014

and two months from now it will be nothing but a nothingburger.
BullShitting Niggers

>> No.19319029
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Why you mad bro?

>> No.19319048
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>zero customers

>> No.19319060

How important do you think the crack team of BSN is? I googled "digital yuan" and all the front page articles make no mention of this start up shitter.
literally BullShitting Niggers

>> No.19319085
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is this going to be another Fernando situation where another ugly soi with LINK bags is out of nowhere namedropping LINK even when staking isnt even out yet and KYC is still on?

>> No.19319096


>> No.19319101

also, knowing how kike-ish the chainlink team is, theres almost a 100% chance hes being payed to namedrop. Notice how he made no mention of LINK before being payed to speak at a conferance.
Dont think thats a little fishy?

>> No.19319109

seriously. Google "digital yuan" right now and BSN is nowhere to be found. KEK

>> No.19319143
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>> No.19319461


>> No.19319781
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Praise Vishnu
(We've known about BSN connections since January of this year btw, this isn't new)

>> No.19319834

>can not say with authority
>could play
>instant settlement on Ethereum
Another paid nudge. Just like all the others. Why don't you bagholders ever learn? You've forgotten Fernando's Fifty GravelCoin so quickly.

Ask yourself why nobody has ever gone out and made a statement with their balls that they're definitely using Chainlink. All you'll ever get is passive faggot ifs and maybes.

>> No.19320356
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>literally says he has nothing to do with product integrations
>"Chainlink paid this guy to get Chainlink integrated"

>> No.19320506

BSN isn't about a digital Yuan, salty nigger.

>> No.19320575

Quit it with the casual racism. It doesn't make you edgy saying the NWord.

>> No.19320823

nico bully gf

>> No.19320889

Which crypto has actually ‘succeeded’?
At this point it’s just all a Ponzi scheme.

>> No.19320991
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>> No.19321003

Kys nigger

>> No.19321162


>> No.19321179


>> No.19321193
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>> No.19321204

cmd+f chainlink
1 result

>> No.19321303
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Wow a bunch of who's shilling their ETH bags. I'm so excited!!!

>> No.19321319

>Intel, JP Morgan, Microsoft, ...