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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 194 KB, 616x821, 20200402_171102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19317443 No.19317443 [Reply] [Original]

How long have you been on biz? What advice would you give someone who just joined this community?

>> No.19317452

oldfag from may 2020 here, buy high sell low.

>> No.19317463

Close your browser and never come back

>> No.19317464
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july 2017

>> No.19317465

That's a man

>> No.19317468


>> No.19317472

I been here since October 2017. A tiny minority of us have substantial net worth. But the vast majority are poorfag NEETs that have no clue about finance. Take what you read with a grain of salt.

>> No.19317476

A month, don't listen to anyone. If something looks too good to be true it's probably indians

>> No.19317484

damn nigga you been here that long? get a life and get off this board ancient fag

>> No.19317492
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eso es un hombre

>> No.19317507

Always do the opposite of what /biz/ says, unless it's right, then always do what /biz/ says, but never do that

>> No.19317551
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Don't use uniswap. Always trade on an exchange. Don't buy shitcoins with low liquidity. Be greedy but just a little. And the most important: Don't bet money you can't afford to loose.

>> No.19317595
File: 3.00 MB, 640x480, ChainLink.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19317600

June 2017. I have never posted anything on /biz/ that I believe to be fincially sound advice. I'm up 200k in the past 2.5 years by basically doing the exact opposite of what I shitpost to /biz/ posters. I

>> No.19317633

Get out while you can.

>> No.19317729

What a cute girl. Mind giving me her name?

>> No.19317761

never take much advice from anyone here, and know that stocktwits is tenfold what this shit board is

>> No.19317844


>> No.19317866
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what does it feel like bros

>> No.19317889
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Close to two years. Don't jack off to two thirds of the thots here. They ain't gotten real bajines.

>> No.19317902

Dopamine running low

>> No.19317916

Why not use uniswap?

>> No.19317971


nice b8

>> No.19318077

god I want to cuddle her so bad

>> No.19318125


>> No.19318142

I would suck that man's cock

>> No.19318144
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>> No.19318167

That’s a man

>> No.19318224

since /g/ kicked us out.

>lurk more,
>don't follow these dumbfucks into anything you haven't researched on your own,
>90% of the posts and threads are paid shills, learn to filter them out.

>> No.19318225

That's a hombre, hombre

>> No.19318293

I don't know when I first visited every fucking website I visit.
>this community
What the fuck are you talking about? Stop posting gay porn.

>> No.19318405

Long enough to know that is a man

>> No.19318665
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nice b8

>> No.19318779

That's a man

>> No.19318804

Yes. Why not use uniswap?

>> No.19318821

no liquidity

>> No.19318896

Enough lube even a knot hole in a tree is a chick right OP?

>> No.19318912

lurk more

>> No.19318995

Being gay. lesbian or s=transwhatever is an abomination, these people continue to prove scriptures correct, YAH calls them unstable in all their ways, HE tells us it is better if they were never born for going against nature. HE tells us they have made this choice and it will place them in the lake of fire for all of eternity. Their parents have failed them, their schools have failed them and society has failed them. It is no wonder they are so unstable...

>> No.19319021

thanks obsessed closet gay, great contribution to business and finance

>> No.19319161

Nope, I'm married, have been for 30 years, sorry that the truth I bring is but a warning for all those living this lifestyle, they need to repent and if they do not they know the consequences now, the lake of fire for eternity...

>> No.19319190

Leave this place it will ruin you financially.
Something mentally and sexually.

>> No.19319201

About a month

That's a man

>> No.19319309

If you're pressing f5 more than once every ten seconds you have a problem

>> No.19319331

Boomer mindset, possibly jewish.

>> No.19319530

what makes you think anyone cares what your little fairytales tell you, get help

>> No.19319611

i would fuck him so hard in his tiny asshole...

>> No.19319744
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>> No.19320802

Keep the racist shit to yourself and everything will be gravy. The last thing people want to read is a alt right sorry going off on a tangent about the N word, C word or K word.

>> No.19320818

I love niggers, chinks, and kikes

>> No.19320858

He was referring to Newfags, Capitalists and Karen's anywho the only advice is to do the opposite of biz

>> No.19320921

No me importa papi

>> No.19320946

Anonymous strangers on the internet do not care about your financial well-being, infact, they actively try to steal from you. This is not some secret club, its a bunch of financially illiterate dipshits pretending they know something and scammers trying to seperate you from your wealth. The quality of posts here is well below most financial boards, being on par with a stocktwits or something similar. It is poverty level gamblers who watched the wolf of wall street and a few TA videos getting fleeced by scammers and professionals in the broader markets. If you actually care to learn about finance, leave. If you want to watch monkeys fling shit at eachother and laugh at their stupidity, stop by once in a while. Whatever you do, don’t browse this place daily and certaintly don’t touch any of the shit.

>> No.19321180

avoid trannies
avoid faggots
avoid niggers
acquire link

>> No.19321242

based and go back to /pol/

>> No.19321248

You'll be able to tell the quick pajeet pnd/scams very quick. It'll become second nature to you. Most of the threads are all formatted the same, and a quick 10 minutes background check on the coin shilled will tell you a lot.

I'm not personally a fan of the 'do the opposite of what /biz/ says' ... mostly that's aimed at the scams. But, 4chan boards are very red pilled. You'd be amazed at how often than not, 4chan boards are correct about most stuff. Trust your own judgment and do your own research.

Don't blow your money on pump n dumps or potential 1000x coins just now, if you're really new and don't know what you're doing. Recommended portfolio split is BTC/ETH/LINK. The rest into shit coins / coins you like the idea of hodling.

>> No.19321359
File: 319 KB, 719x582, Bucko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're here forever so it's pointless trying to ever leave
>always do the opposite of what biz says
>EXCEPT in regards to chainlink - buy as much as you can starting right now
>be careful, most if not all of the "women" featured in pictures posted here are actually men

welcome fren, you'll never be alone

>> No.19321380

fucking leave and never return
this place is a cesspool

>> No.19321499

Cryptocurrency is a scam. Complete waste of time. There's no easy way and if there was everyone would be doing this. If you think investing is your quick ticket to millions of dollars you're going to realize how wrong you were after you lose your entire life savings within a week.

Making money from investing, trading stocks, etc. is extremely stressful and extremely difficult. However, through due diligence and lots of research along with patience you can get to the point where you make serious money every month. Not fast and not easy though.

Listen to this. This website is convenient and easy for scammers to use. No one cares about your money more than you. Sounds too good to be true? It is. I would NEVER invest even a fucking PENNY into something some jerk off says "bro trust me bro itll be like massive bro ez money" to. If someone wants me to invest into something you better come with a master's thesis document that tells me everything I need to know. Most of the shills here can't read a fucking paragraph and you want to trust them? You know how much reading investing takes? Come on.

>> No.19321509

>What advice would you give someone who just joined this community?
Turn around now, and leave.

>> No.19321541

FOMO into everything you see shilled here. Thats how i made it