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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 191 KB, 1074x1341, 92FC5396-6440-4C79-948D-F44B0AB16C4C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19315449 No.19315449 [Reply] [Original]

Why are all women whores?
Are they a good investment?

>> No.19315459

I have that poster hanging in my bedroom

>> No.19315463

I can't wait for WW3 bros

>> No.19315486

yeah, when is that happening actually. someone throw me a date i haven't booked it into my calendar yet

>> No.19315496

Why is the basic idea of this thread on here 3 times a day? It doesn’t even make any sense.

>> No.19315521

its because all women are whores

>> No.19315542

You know your world is in trouble when the dumb, the brain dead, the vacuous, the vapid (ie this cunt) take control of an economy and bleed "men" dry.
This is a huge marker. We are in the shit. Our world needs fixing.

>> No.19315546

Brothels are a much sounder investment than ships, I've found. Whores seldom sink.

>> No.19315553


>> No.19315558

It's a timeless question

>> No.19315562
File: 183 KB, 771x804, aryan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes an incredible investment that can potentially create infinite wealth if done in a specific way

>find a slut who wants kids and will likely cheat/divorce you after shes taken your sperm.


>have a kid

>now quit or go to part time in your job so you generate less revenue.

>build a hatred between your child and wife. Such as bee kinder. spoil the child. If there old enough leave incriminating evidence of your wifes infidelities, your child will blame mommy for hurting daddy and will want you to take custody.

>Your wife is now paying you child support, cost of living and you get half her shit.

>Invest the money to get dividends of 0ver 3 percent year. Allow that to compound for your children while your wife lets you pay for your comfy life.

>have fun

>> No.19315582
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>> No.19315596

Im getting sick of you incels putting down Belle Delphine, as if shes not a trojan horse to e thots
Belle has never once showed her vagina in pics and shes the richest e thot in the business. Belle also sells her actual water and is not a ca.whore like every other e thot. She does the complete opposite of the e thottery agenda and you give her shit.
Fuck you fags. Shes the queen of cosplay. She is literally the idea female body. And everything she does causes /cgl/ to seethe.

>> No.19315630

You will need an extremely jewish lawyer to win this case.

>> No.19315653
File: 43 KB, 365x557, Apparently+belle+delphine_256054_7184535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She is literally the idea female body.

>> No.19315673

When she going to grow up and transition into adulthood?

>> No.19315689

nope, as long as you have less income and the child is brought into court and says they want to be with you; and you can give a standard of living your set. its who ever makes less gets to take the other persons stuff.

Its just mostly women who take everything because therte thick and make less money due to low iqs and cunning.

>> No.19315698
File: 3.06 MB, 500x207, Bait.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19315721

that image has been progen fake multiple times, glow nigger. Belle has THE ideal female face. You will never have a female face more beautiful than Belle.
she has eternal youth. Watch as how even 20 years from now she mogs every female in the world

>> No.19315752

it starts at the intellectual level, all le super smart geniuses got complacent in their layers of irony and forgot that there should really be a culture somewhere in there if they want to be surrounded by high quality qualia instead of mass produced unfunny memes

society doesn’t even know what’s funny anymore, it’s addicted to epic twitter takedowns and idiocy for the sake of idiocy

>> No.19315759

Stop watching porn

>> No.19315782

Need a good culling

>> No.19315798

no. its the start of something beautiful. Once women are the multi millionaires, only 10/10 chads will be picked; men girls truly love without financial gain.
Tell me, why does it matter that women make all the money now instead of men? Belle Delphine has a bf. And she picked him for a reason. Youre just afraid that without your money you will be rightfully filtered out the gene pool

and i say this as someone who hasnt given a single cent to e thots because am poorfag

>> No.19315821
File: 7 KB, 287x176, operator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Either die and get released from this torment, or survive and enjoy postwar wealth and opportunity that would make Boomers jealous.
See you on the frontlines m8

>> No.19315833

>Why are all women whores?
it's in their nature

Are they a good investment?
Depends on the person but yeah for the most part, they're like a really expensive dog that you can fuck, usually emotionally available something that you can keep around protect and "love" also fuck. of course. but that's about it. they will never be your equals.

>> No.19316007

For example delpi bf made a huge investment in her by being with her.
And now he is enjoying the benefits

>> No.19316315

nooo, they bleed

>> No.19316345
File: 2.36 MB, 370x640, tenor[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must admit that without dumb pink hair or excessive make up, she's hot.

>> No.19316366
File: 32 KB, 473x456, fdcf4e2808bd210d304fbaae7d2aa4bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Belle is the most beautiful woman on this planet

>> No.19316526

she's litterly the female /biz/ She is what you want to be if you were a female.

>> No.19316561
File: 423 KB, 939x463, where is this from.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are all women whores?
Not completely true.
>Are they a good investment?
No, despite [1] not being true.

>> No.19316567
File: 75 KB, 682x1024, cfD_6pNCUgQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cuucks detected , never seen beautiful women

>> No.19316574

You could cut marble on that jaw, good lord.

>> No.19316594

You also need to see the kid at least 50% of the time

>> No.19316608

>flat on both sides
That's a man baby

>> No.19316897
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>> No.19317214
File: 339 KB, 724x1280, 20190715_172115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better skinny than fatso like belle gayliphine

>> No.19317320

The fun starts when society admits to itself that girls like men who KILL large amounts of other men :DDDDD then we have our new barbarian age and only the trvest Chads will survive and reproduce :DDDDD we Africa/LatAm soon :--))))

>> No.19317331

why would you want her to look 30?

>> No.19317404

Children are investments, which may or may not pay off. Women are overhead.

>> No.19318093

Whats the natural/biological explanation ?