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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19314599 No.19314599 [Reply] [Original]

Stock market bull run soon? Yes.

>> No.19314662
File: 295 KB, 1440x1567, 2D98E7DC-0F5B-4C83-BBEB-FFEA6C2B9AE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god I hope so, I’m 100% and the gains have been crabbing. MRO DO SOMETHING!!!!!

>> No.19314680

you could just use that stimulus check to participate in pump and dumps and sell before everyone else


>> No.19314693

wtf kind of retard act is this?

>> No.19314840

I've seen many pump and dump threads like this. I would not like to participate in those, the risk is too high. I've seen people on here lose everything. Not interested.

>> No.19314851

100% oil*

>> No.19314920

She poops with that thing?

>> No.19314977

>Asian with ass
almost guaranteed plastic surgery

>> No.19315017

I love that woman

>> No.19315038
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Degenerate Asian with abdominal tat

>> No.19315041

Can someone explain to me what she's doing? I can't wrap my head around it.

>> No.19315153

shes being playful. its like youve never watched anime

>> No.19315251

This thread feels fake.

>> No.19315325
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looks like some kpop type dance imitation but while sitting down

did they trim the HEROES act or something? I read they filled it with all kinds of shit... is Trump just gonna push another payment through? I'll actually dump it all in RH this time

>> No.19315365


Some tiktok dance probably

>> No.19315388


>> No.19315433

>being playful
If you're this naive, you should kill yourself. These gooks are talentless cunts.

>> No.19315445

There was an article on Friday on CNBC that the White House is warming up an stimulus likely this week. Im sure you can find it

>> No.19315452

>Trump announces that a potential stimulus is coming this week
No, he didn't.

>> No.19315594

They said nothing about "this week", retard. The only legislation on deck that contains another stimulus is the Dem one, that's DOA and hits the senate this week, and unless they strip out all of Nancy's mail balloting and other globalist shit, Trump has said he'll veto it, if it by some miracle gets past the Senate.
Trump has said a couple of things - that they are more open to another round of stimulus, but towards the end of it all to help transition people back to "normal", and that they're considering a different method than the IRS route, which was passed because of the urgency of it.
The most you might see this week is talk of new legislation, or the Dem bill being gutted and moving back to the house again. Don't hold your breath, either way.
And, it's childish and naive to think everyone who gets a second round will buy stock with it. That's poo level larping to try and pump the market - which is hilarious because all of /pol combined has zero impact on the Dow.

>> No.19315605

holy shit go outside

>> No.19315613

>Being this seethingly angry over a cute girl.

>> No.19315644

gooks like her do fake cutesy shit professionally. sometimes they're not quite good enough at pulling it off so you see it for what it is.

>> No.19315796

Her ass is insane

>> No.19316025


all gooks are scourge

>> No.19316350


>> No.19316373

>Seething incel is still seething

What was her name? Who was the asian girl who wrinkled her nose like she smelled dogshit when you asked her out?

>> No.19316374


>> No.19316410
File: 106 KB, 612x491, 1581302999730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't even know how to react if a girl does that kind of shit to me. Should I be impressed? Amused?

>> No.19316416

Source, liar.

>> No.19316434

i want to hump her clothed thighs until i cum and leave my white ooze all over them.

>> No.19316805
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>> No.19316843

>Potential stimulus
>Living life on things potentially happening

>> No.19316916

>"I-I don't understand how to react when a girl acts cute for me, to make herself more appealing and attractive, to flirt with me"
>Literal definition of autism, not being able to recognize or compute body language and social cues

Don't worry, autism boy. A girl will never do that to you, you have nothing to worry about.

>> No.19316928

"warms up" =/= "announce', you stunning spastic.