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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19300399 No.19300399 [Reply] [Original]

are tinyhomes the only alternative?

>> No.19300408

Eat the bugs

>> No.19300413

don't they still cost like 50 or 60k? why the fuck would you pay that much to live in a box.

>> No.19300414

idk I'm looking at buying a shed desu, council permits are a bitch. Tinyhomes just have that air of cuck about them, you can make a shed look real nice though.

>> No.19300421
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>> No.19300424

Live in a tent under a freeway overpass. Its the 21st century globohomo lifestyle

>> No.19300432

Make sure it's a solid build otherwise the next big storm that rolls over you will have a flat home

>> No.19300438

Margarine is the same butter. Debase yourself

>> No.19300440

Some people live in their van and pretend like that's a normal and smart decision so I suppose that's an option.

>> No.19300448

Cuck sheds are a meme, bro.

>> No.19300454
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this is your future if you have one

>> No.19300460

look at all these responses...honestly we are all fucked guys. FUCKED

>> No.19300464

>matching white socks
Yeah maybe if you're ceo

>> No.19300479

A 5% down payment plus closing cost can easily be under $15k in many areas. This is a more sensible option.

>> No.19300491


>> No.19300570
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holyshit /biz/coin aren't giving up, check out their website https://bizcoin.biz/

>> No.19300600

Live the van life. I bought my Volkswagen Vanagon for $11k. Sleeps 4, has stove, fridge and sink. Best part is it’s the size of a normal van, so it fits in any parking space unlike most RVs. Work remotely, drive to a new city whenever I want to. Signed up for a franchise gym and just use their showers and get to work out all the time.

>> No.19300611
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Here’s a pic for reference

>> No.19300644

no joke if I buy land and then park a van on it for X amount of time the least they can do is complain and tell me to move it right? I wouldn't be breaking too many zoning violations by extended camping on land I own and pay the tax on? I am considering the van down by the river root

>> No.19300653
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I'd live in a van. Jews fear the employed van dweller. I knew a guy who paid off six figs of student debt in two years living in a van.

>> No.19300662

>live in the cuckshed, goy!
tiny houses are a lame meme, land is the expansive component of a house, a tiny house is just a even shittier apartment if it's crammed together with other cucksheds

>> No.19300668

Buy a piece of land and a tent.
Live in the tent while you build a shack house.
Eventually invest in solar panels to power a little A/C unit, a fridge and a couple lights.

>> No.19300669

>I knew a guy who paid off six figs of student debt in two years living in a van.
So he easily could have bought a home, got married and had two sons in that time.

>> No.19300695

Your ngmi if you marry

>> No.19300714

I’ve been wanting to take the van pill for a long time, considering finally doing it once I pay off the last of my loans at the end of this year. Any words of wisdom you wish you knew when you first decided to take the leap?

>> No.19300717

>shack house
you mean like a "dry cabin"? but not intended as a permanent dwelling? I need something long term I can curl up and die in

>> No.19300719


>> No.19300858

Don’t skimp out on your van. My friend tried the van life and bought a cheap van. You’ll regret this, pay a premium up front for a good solid runner. Guy spent more time and money on the side of the road trying to keep it running than he did enjoying the adventure. Reliability is key

>> No.19301022

Thanks. If you don’t mind me picking your brain some more, any manufacturers you recommend? Appliances? I currently drive 2015-2018 Ford Transit Vans for work and I really like how they drive and the space they’ve got. But I know next to nothing about what I’d do to turn it into a viable living space.

>> No.19301290

>literally 5x more expensive than a trailer home

>> No.19301357

I’ve never done a van conversion, I’ve only bought my vans complete. There is a large following of the Volkswagen Westfalia Vanagon van, that is what I pictured. The pros of doing the conversion is that you’re using a newer more reliable car. If you build it out properly it will work, just don’t make it too heavy or your MPG will plummet.

>> No.19301382
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Come home white man

>> No.19301419

plans changed I am going to live in a dilapidated school bus now

>> No.19301572

Debt is no joke.

>> No.19301681
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ad says the transmission is busted and needs work but that still isn't a bad price, right?

>> No.19301794

Better off buying something newer with low miles unless you're a serious handyman and mechanic. Even then the fuel consumption on a bus is crazy and you'll be very limited to where you can park the damn thing. You'll also always stick out like a sore thumb. If some jackass parked a bus on my street a half dozen people would call the police after it was there a few hours.

>> No.19301810

Put a window A/C on this baby and live in it rent free

>> No.19301831

sounds good to me m8 I can even black out the windows and other stuff because who the fuck cares
I know you are right about a lot of those points, but for me I just want to buy some land and leave it there. I know that might cause some disturbance calls or zoning or something but they can all eat a dick

>> No.19302024

Just live in a trailer if you're going that route.

>> No.19302541

There's this Nazi guy who lives in a schoolbus and drives around the country to fist fight other nazis


>> No.19302565

If that is really your goal you can buy a very cheap used mobile home and it would be much more comfortable than a shoddy bus conversion. Literally a few thousand can buy you can used mobile home if you're not picky and you wouldn't have to fight any zoning laws in most cheap land rural areas.