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19297195 No.19297195 [Reply] [Original]

Live in the city
>overpriced shoebox sized studio apartments

Live in the suburbs
>Have to drive everywhere in your wage-cage. Spend all your time in your identical townhouse neighborhood with nothing to do.

Live in a rural area
>Basic necessities are a luxury. Have to deal with coyotes attacking your dog and bears eating your trash.

You cant win bros. You only live a good life if you make $200k or more per year.

>> No.19297234

You can do it, you just gotta try a little harder.

>> No.19297255

Best place to live are the neighborhoods built 1900-1950 that are in between the suburban sprawl and downtown core that are close to everything, but not crowded as shit, and still walkable

>> No.19297407

Those cost even more than the shoebox studios

>> No.19298224

me on the right

>> No.19298243

I live in Baltimore. It’s dirt cheap and you just have to deal with 350 murders a year

>> No.19298251

>views a vehicle as a “wage cage” instead of a tool that opens the world up to you

>> No.19298260

Not with this shitty mentality no

>> No.19298269
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>I live in Baltimore.

>> No.19298283

>depreciating asset
>pay monthly premiums just to drive it
>assortment of variable costs like gas, repairs, tire swaps, and other maintenance
>quite possibly the most dangerous "normal" activity humans do

ah yes, opening up the world of wasted capital

>> No.19298284

are there even any good jobs in that nigger dump? i imagine it being like trenton, just bigger.

>> No.19298298

Oh god no, full of faggot hipsters and liberals.

>> No.19298312

Nice try buddy I've seen the wire. I'm staying far away from Baltimore

>> No.19298317

Every tool is a “depreciating asset” until you utilize it. No wonder you’re such a fucking loser. You remind me of the blacks in Africa who, when the white colonists finally left, they just burned all their tools and civilization instead of using them to their advantage. Now blacks in Africa still live in abject poverty. That is you. You are a black in Africa.

>> No.19298327

>live in burbs right next to train station to the city
I’m comfy in my two story house, rolling out of bed and walking through my acre of land to the quiet station behind my house to commute to work

>> No.19298344

Bullshit. Libtards can't afford that.
And "liberals" that can afford it are tolerable.

>> No.19298345

huh? why are you talking about africa? we're talking about a car being a depreciating asset. are you okay?

>> No.19298348

>what is a used vehicle

>> No.19298354

>That poverty mentality
Kill yourself retard

>> No.19298358

Why can't you get a roommate? Or even a girlfriend?

>> No.19298363

a used car also fits everything into that criteria. do you not pay insurance, gas+repairs+maintenance, and risk your life with a used car?

>> No.19298367

The fact that you don't understand the comparison just shows you have no understanding of economics.

Keep riding the bus, loser.

>> No.19298382

epic roast my fellow /pol/ack!

>> No.19298396

>risk your life with a used car
You think that used cars are Ladas from the 50's?

We're talking about 4-5 year old Accords or 5-series if you're willing to spend a bit more, retard.

>> No.19298397


Yup, but the only place you'll find these areas for a reasonable price are small towns.

There are worse fates than living in podunkville though.

>> No.19298400

Home mechanic master race reporting in.

I drive a beater ass 1996 Nissan D21 pickup that I bought 8 years ago for $1000. Put maybe another $800 in parts and oil changes into it.

>> No.19298418

Baltimore and Detroit are next on the gentrification list. Get in now.

>> No.19298420

are accords and 5-series invincible to car crashes? stop seething that you spent your money on a wage cage and do better next time

>> No.19298422

Poor baby

>> No.19298424

That mindset you have is textbook poorfag mentality. This is why you are poor and why you will always be poor. It is genetic and there is nothing you can do about it. Your genetics literally make you too fucking stupid to do anything other than fail in life.

>> No.19298435

As opposed to what alternative? Public transportation isn't great everywhere

>> No.19298442

wage-cagers are absolutely seething ITT

>> No.19298461

which brings us back to my original post, you can't win. you need a car in the burbs, which is shit. you don't need a car in the city, but that's also shit.

>> No.19298504

Agreed. Cars can be fun though. I don't miss having a car in the suburbs but I miss having a car if that makes sense

>> No.19298511

They're not. But new cars and public transportation isn't either.
You're missing the point again anyways.

Just kill yourself poorfag retard busrider cuckboy.

>> No.19298537

Don’t speed, don’t drive drunk. Not doing those two things lowers your risk of major injury by an order of magnitude. With modern airbags, your most likely walking away from any crash that’s below 50 mph.

>> No.19298551
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cars are fun as a hobby but too many people spend over $10k on something that'll never pay them back

stop seething that you spent $40k on your wage-cage. i've been working remotely for 2 years now so i don't take the bus.

>> No.19298570

there are many people who drove without speeding or being drunk but were rear ended or side swiped by some idiot on their phone, either killing them or causing an injury that degrades their quality of life. it happens all the time and it's entirely the other person who did it to them.

>> No.19298609

>doesn't understand what a analogy is

>> No.19298613

Sure, but you are citing driving as being statistically hi risk. If you don’t engage in the behaviors that make it hi risk, it becomes as safe as riding a bicycle or being a pedestrian. Pedestrians get hit all the time, am I not supposed to walk?

>> No.19298640
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you Will drive soem peace of Shit beater Car ...

And i will be driving the Lamborghini huracan with my 14 year old gf in the seat

thats whyYou are a poor retard na why I am Rich, Handsome, and Sucessful

>> No.19298651

it was a shitty analogy if you didn't pick that up from my sarcasm

being a pedestrian is much less risky than being a driver, no matter the circumstances. though they are in the same type of activity, that's total false equivalence. also my city has many dedicated biking paths.

>> No.19298654
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Rural is great, all the basic necessities are easy to acquire, aggressive animals are rare. You do need to drive distance, but the air is fresh and you have a large property which you can pursue hobbies and other projects on.

Subburbs can be good if you live in a white/Asian area. Otherwise niggers, or rapefugees can ruin your life in a myriad of horrendous ways.

City is gross, air stinks, its loud and its expensive. Most men are insufferable underweight metrosexual pussies, and most women are deranged, overweight feminist cunts.

t. Cityfag currently escaped to my parents farm for Covid WFH.

>> No.19298668


>> No.19298697

If you think cars are an expense, your time and comfort isn't worth shit. You're limiting yourself and your personal growth.

>takes you 1 hour and $4 to get to a place
>with a car it would take 15 minutes and $1 of gas
>good luck traveling between cities
>have to wait in the cold or the hot in a bus station to get anywhere
>can't buy/sell anything big or heavy
>imagine dating with no car outside of NYC... lol
>imagine showing up in a bus to meet with a potential biz client

I've owned 6 different used cars. I own them one year then I sell them for the same price I paid or even more after driving the shit out of them (all cash transactions). I do 0 maintenance on them.

Having a car literally just costs me $200 a month in insurance+fuel and it saves me time and brings me comfort.

retard faggot.

>> No.19298759

you keep seething harder and harder but in the end your wage cages burn a hole in your pocket no matter your copes

>> No.19298820

Cities are for making money and potentially finding a like minded person to date and eventually marry.
Suburbs are for settling down, growing a family, access to better schools and better housing etc. after making money... in cities.
Rural areas are for rugged individualists, trash, and people that have made money and want to be left alone.


>> No.19298847

I just moved to a rural area. Couple acres. 40 minute drive to my job. It fucking sucks. But it's pretty comfy living far away from the city

>> No.19298876

>40 minute drive to my job
>80 minutes every day, Mon-Fri
You fucked up.

>> No.19298887

>40 minutes there
>40 minutes back

oh no no no....

>> No.19298945

>being a pedestrian is much less risky than being a driver, no matter the circumstances.

That’s not true. Injury rates and severity almost perfectly follow exponentially with speed. Low speed driving, which is what you mostly do in the city, is as safe as being a pedestrian in the same area.

>> No.19298965

you don't need a car if you live in the city.

>> No.19299091

Live in the most remote area that still has internet and maintain a minimalistic lifestyle

>> No.19299128

If you don't want a family, this can work.
If you do, don't be Kaczynski.

>> No.19299182

Going outside significantly increases your risk of death so why don't you stay home and be a NEET loser

>> No.19299322

rural area WFH master race

>> No.19299414

But I am winning. I only stay alive to see how the world is going to shit, lol. Serious topics boiled down into memes, just everyone hateful and disgusted with each other. It's fucking beautiful, man. I'm waiting for the American Civil War 2: electric boogaloo.

>> No.19299444
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Based same here

>> No.19299539


Everyone hates everyone and i hate you all too. Please burn and die.

>> No.19299630

you fat fucks wouldn't last a day in a war zone

>> No.19299646

I was in Iraq '03-'08 and Afghanistan '09-'13

>> No.19299761

those are weird countries to visit. what did you do there?

>> No.19300169
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sure you were

>> No.19300242
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Get a rifle and fight the coyotes it's fun.

>> No.19300263

If you live in LA you get all benefits mentioned here

>> No.19300279

This. Out of chance I ended up being a gearhead so it wasn't intentional, it just happened.

Looking back, realizing that a vehicle is often the second most expensive thing you will ever purchase, the first being a home, and hearing what people pay for a fucking brake job.... My God. I can't imagine what the $$ amount is I've saved over the years. Rebuilding my transmission and saving 2.5k as we speak, I can keep my daily driver running for half a million miles on the cheap. My fully rebuilt transmission will cost about the same as one months car payment, and the last time I had to do something was 3 years ago.

>> No.19300304

Yeah, I live in what biz considers a rural state and laugh my ass off over the mental picture they paint of "the boonies". 12 minutes though town during "rush hour" to get to work, and their DAILY commute time gets me to a major metropolitan city if I feel the want.

>> No.19300329

This post is sponsored by toyota

>> No.19300349

>there is no intermediate between suburbia and rural.
you fucking retard, you deserve to be poor and sad

>> No.19300358
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>Get subsidized housing+NEETbux
>Win at life

Work smart, not hard.

>> No.19300361

3rd one is a feature, not a bug

>> No.19300506

Best place is the burbs but within walking distance of a shopping/entertainment hub. Can't beat the practical convenience of having literally everything you need to exist within biking distance.

>> No.19300573

How to escape poverty.

I. Save 10,000$
II. Move to second tier city in a country with cheap cost of living.
III. Have 22 months to develop a business or skill that you can monetize through the internet.
IV. Travel the world while living off your skill or business.

>> No.19300589

I know this is some pozzed vegan cyclist from /n/ but:
>depreciating asset
So view it as an expense not an investment if this bothers you.

>pay monthly premiums just to drive it
Yeah, same with public transport. You get taxed to build and run it at a loss and buy tickets.

>assortment of variable costs like gas, repairs, tire swaps, and other maintenance
Yeah, every so often you have to spend some time and money maintaining your vehicle, like a house, or bike, or business.

>quite possibly the most dangerous "normal" activity humans do

>> No.19300594

>live in rural area
>raise a pet bear

Problems solved

>> No.19300601

move to japan. i pay $350 for a decent house in osaka. when ARPA moons i will buy a mansion here near the onsens.

>> No.19300607

Found the bus rider