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19295442 No.19295442 [Reply] [Original]


Are you going to let yourself FOMO at $5? Imagine thinking this won’t go to atleast $10

Why are big exchanges allowing the TEAM to announce listings first? Do you think they would do that for a pump and dump?

Do you really think John Mcafee, who has a million followers on Twitter won’t have more than 5k holders for GHOST, his new privacy coin that has Zcash and Dash features, and extreme meme material?


Did you fall for the whitepaper FUD? Do you think anybody who is going to buy this in the future will even read the WP, let alone know who PIVX is?

Do you realize that ESH current market cap is only 11M?

For reference, if GHOST reached top 50 in market cap, that’d be $10 per coin.

Even better, a top 20 would put GHOST’s price at $53 a coin.

FOR FUCKS SAKE ANON, with even a fifth of Monero’s market cap GHOST would be at $15.

You can buy them right now for a dollar a piece, or FOMO in later.

Is it a coincidence that ESH supply is the same as GHOST will be, when they released an article saying John has been working on the team for two years?

Who do you think will set the price of GHOST upon release? Could it be ESH holders? I can’t speak for everyone, but I won’t be selling u GHOST’s for anything cheaper than $10.

No ghosties will be BTFO in a matter of weeks. Don’t let it be you anon.

>> No.19295452

Anon, it's over. Just sell it, accept the loss and learn from it for the next 10x.

>> No.19295490

Most people have no understanding that Ghost has been in development for years and that the real source code was personally written by Mcafee years ago. Ghost is going to change the world, no more will corrupt authoritarian governments tell us what we can and can't do. The pivx drama is a theatrical Kayfabe where Mcafee and Pivx are working together to distract the CIA from the real source code. Mcafee is a master of red herrings and Pivx are really the good guys playing the role of the bad guy in order to help Mcafee fulfil his Vision.
When did you realise that Mcafee is playing a game of 8D chess against the deep state and the one world government. He deliberately copied the Pivx white paper knowing that pivx would accuse him of plagiarising, this was just preplanned scripted fud to shake out weak hands and outsider whales who have no understanding or are not intelligent enough to understand Mcafee's vision for the next silkroad 2.0 digital paradigm coming.

If you cant see that Mcafee is one step ahead of everybody, that he has been working on this plan for over five years now, you need to realise that this is all part of the bigger picture as smoke and mirrors distracting to make you look the other way whist he is doing the heavy lifting behind the scenes working with Pivx, they are in on this and are secretly working behind the scenes with Mcafee to secure Masternodes. If you can't understand any of this then you are retarded, stupid and probably drink tap water.

>> No.19295508


>> No.19295524

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 8OO-273-8255 top kek

>> No.19295530
File: 189 KB, 827x773, A5F18041-E4E6-4C15-B99B-7A865564B398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy gets it. Pic related

>> No.19295641

I bought at $2 and now financially ruined this isnt funny biz

>> No.19295678

And you're still holding? Get the fuck out!!

>> No.19295737

Better sell now for XGM guys. Max put your profits instead of bagholding.

>> No.19295757
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>> No.19295761

It will dump again tomorrow and/or the next day, anon. I will buy at 5 cents

>> No.19295762

Do people actually believe pivx? Or are they doing a bit???

>> No.19295788

I feel bad for anyone that is selling at this price right now when they don’t objectively release that this plan has been in motion for multiple years. Those who are smart can see through the lines of what is going on and the weak hands and idiots will sell at a significant loss because they missed out on the next digital asset which will Be the digital asset that will buy you all lambos , guns . Drugs and whatever vices that your heart desires. We will become the New cartel of the underground black market and you will be seeing on the sidelines as we run and take over as the new Pfizer and Bayer of the world without the Jewishness

>> No.19295796

Braindead deluded shills, enjoy the ride to 0. Gonna have fun watching this hotknife into the center of the earth

>> No.19295801

>Do people actually believe pivx?
Pivx are on our side bro. It's Kayfabe. John is good friends with them and it's all nothing more than pre scripted theater like WWE

>> No.19295868

McAfee doesn’t code anon. He can barely think anymore

>> No.19295906

>real source code was personally written by Mcafee years ago
hahah then this project is FUCKED. He can't write a coherent sentence on twitter, not to mention a line of code that would actually work.

>> No.19295958

kek it's true

>> No.19295973

what exchange

>> No.19296024
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>ITT : please buy my bags kind sirs

>> No.19296054

I have over 1k ESH and 33k XGM max comfy

>> No.19296121

its gonna be hilarious come monday when NOONE holding ESH bar the whales lol.

Mcap 13 mill yday, volume 4.5 mill.

Today, mcap 9 mill, vol, 500k.

lost 25% in mcap & 88.89% in in volume hahahaha!!!

>> No.19296167


>> No.19296217
File: 21 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he can't even write mofos without his retard apostrophe and it's probably his most commonly used word throughout his life

it's over ghosties, it's disappointing but had their incompetence been at the level of an eighth grader and not a toddler this would have gone to $10. McAfee will snort these gains up in a week