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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19288185 No.19288185 [Reply] [Original]

>millenials are bullish
HAHAHHAA, they deserve to be broke. Boomers always win.

>> No.19288204

It makes sense though because boomers retirement is close so they might be better off cashing out now. Millenials are def. buying the dip if you look at long term

>> No.19288208

They didn’t even learn from Buffett

>> No.19288232

As a millennial if I'm honest, boomers are better than me in every way especially investing

>> No.19288248
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Bullish on the USA, short the rest of the world.

>> No.19288268
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old people have a weird tendency to predict that the world will end right around the time they die. it has something to do with ego

>> No.19288267


Many such cases

>> No.19288293


>> No.19288322
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Millennial's are bullish for tech companies and view this period as their 08 moment to purchase stock. Little do they know with stock buy backs and outrageous PE ratios tech is going to fall like the tower of babel. The only stocks in my honest opinion to purchase is gold and silver mining stocks and oil companies as moderate term investments and have been traditional hedges for market uncertainties. We simply do not know where the economy will go or how much damage the shut down has caused.

>> No.19288370

Of course millenials are bullish.
Absolute majority of millenials weren't investing when the market tanked 2008 so they don't remember a single big fall during their investment time.
It has just been "Buy the dip" the whole time for them and everything always goes up and recovers.
Millenials are going to get fucked hard once this tumbles and boomies are the winners as usual.

>> No.19288668

I know but it's still weird. I'm also a millenial and when I was 13 there was constant panic about the financial crisis, even though my parents didn't get hit at all. Then again, people my age were retards who were only interested in the soulja boy dance.

>> No.19289460

How long can such a chaotic economy keep crabbing? When is the last time there has been a crab market?

>> No.19289510

>is gold and silver mining

Mining stocks suck hairy dick. Gold is back to all time highs almost, while gdxj and gdx are still at the bottom. Even the individual large miners like Barrick and newmont have under performed physical.

>> No.19289513


>> No.19289518

What's with Gen X?

>> No.19289534

We uh...we don't talk about Gen X anon

>> No.19289536

Each generation is dumber and more pathetic than the one before them

>> No.19289537

what paper/mag/blog?

I refuse to believe that millenials are bullish on this. we came into adulthood in 08'

If anything I'd expect boomers to be bullish

>> No.19289545

still listening to grunge and being depressed

>> No.19289556

then it sounds to me like miners are trailing the commodity.

>> No.19289557

Because you are a stupid millennial who thinks you are smart. Everything you know is a lie

>> No.19289560

>Millenials are def. buying the dip if you look at long term
The boomers will just pass legislation that redistribute any gains made from buying this dip.

Fuck stocks. Start a business.

>> No.19289575

October 1997 crashed was one of the biggest One day crashes and crabbed for a year. Hit slightly above previous highs and then dipped again so basically sideways for 3. People can’t figure out why prices are where they are but 1> stock market is not the economy, 2> feds dual mandate is price stability (and honk crab), and 3> markets are to offload pensions and are suppose to be an engine for middle income wage earners

>> No.19289578

Is this board just 100% newfags?

We used be like the same 12 guys posting stinkie linkie memes...

>> No.19289577

Then the boomers will take your business when you go bvb ankrupt

>> No.19289599

Millennial are easy money.
Even if you're a millenial you need a boomer mentality or you're never gonna make it.

>> No.19289605

go catch a coof boomer

>> No.19289606

quick rundown on crabs?

>> No.19289634


Possible, but you still have much more control over the throttle, and with my own business, I don't have to worry about a (((ceo))) pushing leveraged buybacks to the point of insolvency so he can scamper off to retirement in the west bank with an inflated bonus.

>> No.19289645
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wtf I love boomers now can't wait for zoomie suicide waves when deluded bullfags and moonboys rope

>> No.19289652

Wowzers its almost like young people are more optimistic than old people or something. Glad this valuable information has been added.

>> No.19289661

You spelt dumber wrong

>> No.19289683
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jesus christ that's sad. w/e, they fucking deserve it if they're going long on this shitshow.

>> No.19289806

All the Gen X I know either act like boomers or millennials

>> No.19289818

I don’t know any boomers investing in crypto, and if you aren’t bullish in crypto right now, you are doing it wrong

>> No.19289826
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Why are their so many angry people on Saturdays?

>> No.19289847

>bullish in crypto right now,
Lmao see you in a few weeks moonboy zoomie leave some cash for rope

>> No.19289858

Boomers literally have to stay inside or they could die.

Gen Z have a higher chance of getting struck by lightning than dying of COVID-19.

You do the math.

>> No.19289911

Wait, does this mean /smg/ is populated by literal boomers?

>> No.19289920

I work as a cook in a restaurant snd recently most of my coworkers have become interested in investing in stocks. Is that a sign we're due for another plunge?

>> No.19289943

No you millennial retards are getting your clocks cleaned while boomers are waiting to profit from your greed and stupidity

>> No.19289948

Ok boomer.

>> No.19289973

That's right you are jealous of me because I earned my way with hard work instead of being a parasite like millennials

>> No.19290000

is it any surprise that being fearful and out of touch are hallmarks of bearish investing?

>> No.19290010

checked and truthpilled

>> No.19290129

god i hope so

>> No.19290189

100% of boomers think Israel has a right to exist; I don't trust their opinion on anything

>> No.19290216

Boomers are clinically retarded because of lead poisoning during the childhood years.

>> No.19290229
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/smg/ is full of lead brained schizos with absurd market analysis that contradicts basic things like supply and demand. I guess those are the boomers.

>> No.19290259

Boomers are bearish because they've got money and never really needed to risk it. They just walked into money and want to protect it.

>> No.19290305

Decent points but the fed and especially Trump don't give a fuck about price stability. Though I guess we could see an inflationary crab market that goes down in real terms.

>> No.19290364

millenials dont have the capital to sustain boomers dumping their bags

>> No.19290554

My math says that you shouldn't take your personal situation into consideration when predicting the stock market

>> No.19290569

Why now? Is it just a random trend or do they actually think they're buying the dip?

>> No.19290623

>true statements
Wow you give them a lot of credit

>> No.19290689

you are the dip

>> No.19291072

Jerome and blackrock do.

>> No.19292223
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markets cannot be bearish if the fed is propping. so technically market will pump and we can't lose, unless people lose faith in the USD or powell prints too much, in which case we're completely fucked.

>> No.19292393

This, and more importantly, do crabs have funny images like bears and bulls?

>> No.19292423
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>BUY THE DIP!!!!!1

>> No.19292650

I'd agree but people also used to say that they wouldn't allow house prices to come down and buying gold counts as being bearish imo

>> No.19292755

"Millennials" or more specifically only people who have been investing for the last 10 years are going to get fucking rekt buying right now. This is the last chance to sell at these prices for probably a decade. Inflation will cause interest rates hikes that will murder stocks. Millenials don't get this, they think inflation is good for stocks long term, and don't realize the fed is just pumping this bubble so rich people can dump on their ass. The top 1% owns more than 50% of all stocks are dumping their bags on their retards buying the "dip" right now. Mellenials think stocks can never go down and big daddy government will just step in and save them not realizing stocks are just a generational ponzi scheme.

>> No.19293253
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Holy based

>> No.19293318

You know this is a Crypto board right?
You know btc is a hedge against inflation right?
Youre new here right?
You came from reddit right?

>> No.19293452

This is the biggest line of horseshit I have ever heard. I've been working since I was 11, boomers were doing drugs, destroying familial and societal structures and now do 'work' where they have 3 hour conversations on how they are stealing summer jobs from teenagers using debt funded machinery because they somehow failed to save for retirement.
Worth 1.2 million, find another argument than your wealth, which you parasitized through bloated pensions you scum shit fuckhead. The fact a virus is wrecking your shit shows 1) you killed merit in this country to the point a common fucking cold is destroying us and 2) if there is a god, he hates you too.

>> No.19293481

>boomers about to die
>want to take the economy with them
This is great lmao

>> No.19293505

Only if you overextend and/or puss out.

>> No.19293562

You are wrong, he is right

>> No.19293567

So. DCA down and then switch to buying bonds. Become the new institution. Boomers try to scare people younger them because they are lazy, drugaddled and spiteful parasites terrified new money will prove their generation historically retarded. I am worth more than 97% of boomers at 25, pretty much already proved that.

>> No.19293605

>millennials are fucking retards

and the sky is blue

>> No.19293607

Can you please share the survey data / methodology? How do I know this is even statistically significant?

>> No.19294329

See >>19289683
Not a huge number of participants but I take any chance to shit on millenials

>> No.19294451

because they ugly, thier time is over. meanwhile we fuck better looking girls, play better games, drive better cars. sooner or later they will all die out and we will get wealth too.
they are loud because they know thier curropt shitty system will collapse and history will remember them as cowards and greedy ugly cuckpigs.

boomers are ded, young generations will take over with force if needed and the worst generation of mankind will be just a bad dream.

>> No.19294478

With the spread of apps like robinhood muh shoeshine boy is no longer valid. Stocks are no longer some fancy stuff that is done by guys on the wall street - it is common knowledge

>> No.19294546

Bullish on Iroha, short non-waifu's.

>> No.19294686

What's up with this generational feud I see here all the time. Does it actually represent common sentiment in the US?

>> No.19294783

I don't blame the boomers to be honest, they had to deal with the 200 tech crash and then then 2008 crash, for them bonds were a better investment with yields falling since the 80's

>> No.19294812

Retail investors are playing around in the mud.
We're fucking donesos.

>> No.19294831
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>more than half of bearish investors are boomers
kek bears BTFO

>> No.19294849
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every generation since the boomers has a tight rope to walk between exploitative debt slavery and programs sucking all excess value up to pay boomer pensions

>> No.19294961


>Have you heard the awesome news? The end of the world is almost here!

I resonate with this energy

>> No.19294986


A few Millennials will get insanely rich due to jumping on crypto early. They'll far outperform boomers and their peers. But that will be a minority. As usual, wealth is not evenly distributed.