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192837 No.192837 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /biz/, please help me

>Quick overview:
I'm a dropout drug addict NEET and I need to get my life together.
I have SSI for being autistic and I live with my mom.
I've also recently come out as bisexual to her and she didn't take it well, we basically haven't talked in months and she clearly stated she wants me out of the house.
I'm suicidal and I feel like killing myself unless something quickly changes, I've tried to kill myself twice already.

My top priority right now is having a steady job and getting my own place, I can work myself up from there.
I really like to become an aid worker for children or drug addicts so I can help them, that's currently the only thing keeping me from killing myself.

So what do I do?
I live in The Netherlands by the way.

>> No.192853
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>self-confessed drug addict
>wants to be come an aid worker for children or drug addicts

If anything, you need the help of an aid worker yourself. You are in no position to aspire to be one right now.

>> No.192867

I don't think this is the right board where to ask for this kind of help, go to /adv/.

I may know nothing how you feel, just try to do something productive, try to get first in places like a voluntary on an homeless aid organization.

>> No.192870

You could become a volunteer after you get a stable situation since that'd help you get the job you want. I'm just a lurker but things like flipping burgers and retail are probably your best bets.
I'm impressed that you're not so miserable than other sucidals tho. We're all gonna make it brah.

>> No.192876

Yup, totally what i wanted to say, i'm not really into english.

>> No.192891

Looks like you need to work on your psychological base first. Since you have autism you probably have a tough time working with other people, which will handicap you a lot. This isn't the place for psychological advice, though.

Getting a job isnt that difficult, just dont think any job is beneath you. A dollar (euro?) is a dollar (euro?). Get some money so you can gain some shred of independence. Starting out is more of a psychologial thing than anything else. Gotta understand the value of the dollar (euro?) and have an honest drive to get more. Cant get that understanding without experience.

>> No.192913

Turn yourself in into a hospital and get this addiction in check, because everything else is just wasted before.

>> No.192910
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I'm currently seeing a therapist and she made me realize I am one.
I mostly use cocaine and 4fmp, Molly. xtc and NOS.
Each one for different reasons but some of them every day.

That's the drugs, it keeps emotions from interfering.

I'm sorry about that, I wanted to this looked at from a financial viewpoint since I'm already doing something about my drug addiction.

Called an agency that helps autistic people find a job and I have to go down there next week to see what kind of job suits me.
Gonna use that and my SSI money to find my own place soon.

Thanks /adv/, you guys are pretty cool.

>> No.192929
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I wish I could but I really don't want to quit using, just use maybe once a week.
I mean I know it's retarded to say that and it's too often but it's still what I think somehow.

I could have a stable life using once a week.

>> No.192933

adv tunnels you into beta logic, I would not go there

try to work at as some data entry or do some administrative work they typically pay $12-16hr and while the pay is not good it is much, much better than working minimum wage. while volunteering is a good way to grow your character, it is not practical unless you are rich and the money you earn will be useful.

I'm suicidal too. Do you have steam, we can talk mate

>> No.192937
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> I could have a stable life using once a week.
No you couldn't.

>> No.192939


As a recovering alcoholic I gotta say, life is better when you cut shit like that out your life.

>> No.192950
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The thought of having no drugs in my life sounds horrible, I don't know if I even want to live without drugs.
I can't talk for long today though.

>> No.192960


>> No.192987

buy a gun and kill yourself op

>> No.193008

Illegal in my country.

>> No.193017

buy some rope then hang yourself OP

>> No.193020

>nd I live with my mom.
>I've also recently come out as bisexual to her and she didn't take it well, we basically haven't talked in months and she clearly stated she wants me out of the house.
>I'm suicidal and I feel like killing myself unless something quickly changes, I've tried to kill myself twice already.
>My top priority right now is having a steady job and getting my own place, I can work myself up from there.
>I really like to become an aid worker for children or drug addicts so I can h

How the fuck you afford all these drugs?

I find it hard to sympathize with addicts. It's true that addiction takes you over but it also damages others around you which is why I have no love lost for them.

Many people have it worse than you and yet you abuse your opportunities.

Sort that shit out. Quit the drugs. You get only one life. And you can never get time back once it has passed.

>> No.193039

I sell drugs so I can afford drugs, it's what many junkies do.

Read William S. Burroughs' Junky or Irvine Welsh's Trainspotting, they're both good representations of the live of a junky.

And I completely agree with you, that's why I try to stay on drugs so I don't have to feel regret and self-loathing.

>> No.193046

Don't ignore what I said you little cock mongrel, buy a rope and hang yourself.
Serious response here rather than being a stain on your country just kill yourself.

>> No.193051

Why not see if some grocery stores are hiring? It's a shit job, but it's a bit of money for you to use whilst you sort your life out. Have you considered rehab?

>> No.193053


>> No.193076
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I prefer a painless death, though I have tried to jump on cocaine twice.
Also used carbon monoxide to gas myself but I backed out.
I'm also going to help other people in the future to pay back the debt I owe, it's the only thing I care about so don't you worry about me being important.
Yes but it's quite scary, and I'm also pretty scared to quit drugs.

>> No.193084

Stop making excuses and quit already. It's the only way you'll be able to move forward.

>> No.193090

Become the financial Jew.

>> No.193097

Do you suck a mean dick?
My friend Tyrone is into sissy boys who like to dress up and chug on his dick
I hear he pays pretty well

>> No.193100

You're already half way there my friend.

>> No.193114
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Fine I'll quit the big stuff first though, I'll tell my therapist.

I don't know, I don't have a libido anymore due to drugs and I've never had any gay experiences because I just accepted it myself.

>> No.193118

You could even put it on your resume for future jobs,
Engineer in sucking dick

>> No.193120
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>I really like to become an aid worker for children or drug addicts so I can help them, that's currently the only thing keeping me from killing myself.


Fuck no, you have no business being around children if you are a suicidal drug addict, you projecting nigger. You may be marginally useful for addicts, though someone with some sort of training will no doubt be more useful.

How about you sort your own shit out before worrying about projecting your insecurities on children, mmmkay?

>> No.193124

>replying seriously to bait

>> No.193127


Why post this here? You're a fuck up. I don't know what kind of advice you expect to get here to change that.

>> No.193133
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>> No.193132
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I don't want to help children while I'm still on drugs but when I'm off and I got my shit together that seems like a very satisfying job to me.
I'm completely serious, I'm not a troll.

>> No.193141
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Something to unfuck my life would be nice, I deserve a second change.

>> No.193140

OP if I were you I'd try to find something I liked to do first. Your options are going to be limited, but anything's better than carpentry. Because you live at home, you have the option of working for free for a while.

>> No.193152

no, you don't.
earn it.

>> No.193163

No need to be a dick. I agree that he hasn't deserved anything, but you're not telling HOW to earn it.

OP, I wish I could be more help. My inclination is that you should go to rehab before thinking about your career. Nobody worth working for is going to hire some drug-addeled guy to work for them.

>> No.193165
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I'm getting off drugs, I'm gonna find a shitty starters job and a small room so I don't have to live with my mom, in the meantime I'm gonna go back to school.

That's what I've planned for now, I think it's a good start.

>> No.193172

You should probably stop watching anime if you want your life as a literal autistic NEET to get any better.

>> No.193178

I just like the cuteness, I don't even watch anime.

>> No.193193

> you can't watch anime if you want to be successfull
look at this faggot

>> No.193196

Wat is je hoogst genoten vorm van onderwijs?

>> No.193202

Overgangsbewijs 4 Havo.

>> No.193205

If you tried twice and failed, then you clearly don't want to die. Attention whore.

>> No.193211

Dat is dan tenminste iets, dat staat gelijk aan een diploma vmbo-t.

Ben je van plan om een mbo opleiding te gaan doen? Hoe oud ben je?

>> No.193268

You're already on the autismbux, so just move out and let the government house you. Most likely you'll get rent allowance/social housing/whatever. Then you can get a secondhand computer and browse 4chan all day with no mom around. Forget about your idea of working, we all know that isn't going to happen. I'm not just saying that to be mean - no one wants an autistic drug addicted man child around their workplace. Sort yourself out first.

>> No.193449

There's no magic formula I can give that will suddenly make you employable. Get counseling, and think of it as an investment if that makes you feel better about paying for it.

>> No.193462
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>Thanks /adv/, you guys are pretty cool.

How high are you?

>> No.193480

A drug dealer posing as aid worker for recovering addicts who advocates using em once each week is a ok.
Sweet jesus, you have a business right here.

>> No.193482
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Sign up for the Salvation Army, OP. I guarantee they do work with drug addicts, homeless etc.

It's a christian group, but they're designed as a military organisation, so you're pretty much joining an army that does nothing but good work.

It's just one option, think it over

>> No.193494

Just because it worked in Breaking Bad doesn't mean it will work in real life.

>> No.193502

You will drop out and go back to drugs as soon as things get difficult in life. Which they will because your brain has been rewired due to hard drug use. How do you plan on preventing that?

>> No.193513

Sell me your passport, people over here a ducking it like pit bulls to put together enough money to buy a 1 way direction to countries like yours, where they then have to give up sleep and work their ass off just to get regulated and have a shot at a nice european life. you've been given it all and yet you throw it away, might as well give it to someone more deserving.

>> No.193594

hit up temp agencies until something sticks

I work in a shoe factory right now but have had 5 interviews in the last 2 months.