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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19288227 No.19288227 [Reply] [Original]

When did you realise that Mcafee is playing a game of 8D chess against the deep state and the one world government. He deliberately copied the Pivx white paper knowing that pivx would accuse him of plagiarizing the paper to shake out weak hands who are not deserving to have a top place in the new private digital paradigm coming. If you cant see that Mcafee is one step ahead of everybody and this is all part of the bigger picture as a smoke and mirrors distracting to make you look the other way whist he is doing the heavy lifting behind the scenes then you are retarded and probably drink tap water. The top ESH token wallets never moved. Now ask yourself what game is being played here because only those how understand Mcafee will win this war

>> No.19288320

Based and Mcafee pilled.

Most people have no understanding that Ghost has been in development for years and that the real source code was personally written by Mcafee years ago. Ghost is going to change the world, no more will corrupt authoritarian governments tell us what we can and can't do. The pivx drama is a theatrical Kayfabe where Mcafee and Pivx are working together to distract the CIA from the real source code. Mcafee is a master of red herrings and Pivx are really the good guys playing the role of the bad guy in order to help Mcafee fulfil his Vision.

>> No.19288366

why just now? I like this move, but it is like they are just building up a project on the basis of the backlash they receive from 4chan where they started with a pajeet team from fiver

>> No.19288379

>mcafee dumps on you
>its 8d chess guys! trust the plan!

>> No.19288397

just use monero
pivx/ghost is bullshit tech

>> No.19288414

sell signal

>> No.19288450

stale, poorly written pasta by a discord transexual

>> No.19288683

its the discord whales not mcafee himself. If he was to pump and dump he would be shilling hard already. But since hes waiting for ghost release and has a Crypto press conference in september, its all going well for us /ghost/bros

>> No.19288712

In all honesty, he stole a dev from PIVX, so who knows if youre right

>> No.19288724

If you cant see that left unfucked with ESH would be sitting on about $7.8USD right now then get out of finance, go and learn to read a chart.

>> No.19288725
File: 101 KB, 712x705, ahh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sell your soul faggot IM HODLING

>> No.19288744

Don't you think he would have sold after making at least 10x his money?

>> No.19288795

long term money is better than fast money. Hes rich, he knows

>> No.19288808
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>> No.19288916

go away with your meme lines faggot theres more to trading than looking at geometry

>> No.19288945
File: 108 KB, 822x390, 1590200013700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually i read your post wrong. Youre my fren, fren

>> No.19288965
File: 11 KB, 255x196, ? pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My son said Mcafee is his hero, that I should come here to learn about investing whatever I can from my meager slave wages. Am I in the right place?

>> No.19288986

>whales keep crashing the price
Ghost is going to be worthless with this shit going on you guys realize this right?

>> No.19289045

lol these devs are gonna be a huge nothingburger, they only just hired these guys anyway dont kid yourself they actually been working on ghost 24months.

>> No.19289062

calm fren, we will be in the citadel soon

>> No.19289112
File: 1.06 MB, 1368x962, 1590197333255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im going whale hunting on my new yacht soon anon, wanna join?

>> No.19289301
File: 70 KB, 886x886, drooling pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All righty then...think I will just Lurk Moar.

>> No.19289614
File: 23 KB, 307x313, rekt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so the exchanges with actual trading volume don't support the airdrop and those that do have zero volume? kek

>> No.19289624

When did you realize that you forgot to take your meds

>> No.19289745

Josh Copy + Pasted the pivx white paper

Josh initially outsourced all the dev work to India

Josh admits that he outsourced all the dev work

Pivx laugh and inform the Ghost team that there is a serious security flaw in the white paper

Josh hires new core dev Ashkay to fix major security flaw

Ashjkay hates the Ghost project, it’s community and accuses it of plagiarism prior to being hired

Pivx inform Ghost team that Ashkay isn’t even a credible dev and only has 6 Github commits
The white paper is full of spelling errors and Indianisms

John Mcafee is a known p&d scammer

Mcafee DEX is a direct copy + paste of Etherdelta

Josh allocated a large amount of ESH tokens to Dale from Clear Poll who dumped $5,000,0000 worth of tokens on his bag holders in 2018.

Whale wallets are likely decoy wallets with larger amounts split up across multiple wallets to avoid detection.

Josh has no understanding of Blockchain development or even basic level graphic design

The Switch instagram page follows hundreds of actual Indian’s in India all of them are blockchain dev’s

>> No.19289874

>tfw Q-Anon becomes a cryptocurrency
i'm already taking losses, lets roleplay