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File: 16 KB, 356x174, E3C6776F-9118-4C10-AED2-7FA707EE1A9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19281545 No.19281545 [Reply] [Original]

Are you going to let yourself FOMO at $5? Imagine thinking this won’t go to atleast $10

Why are big exchanges allowing the TEAM to announce listings first? Do you think they would do that for a pump and dump?

Do you really think John Mcafee, who has a million followers on Twitter won’t have more than 5k holders for GHOST, his new privacy coin that has Zcash and Dash features, and extreme meme material?


Did you fall for the whitepaper FUD? Do you think anybody who is going to buy this in the future will even read the WP, let alone know who PIVX is?

Do you realize that ESH current market cap is only 11M?

For reference, if GHOST reached top 50 in market cap, that’d be $10 per coin.

Even better, a top 20 would put GHOST’s price at $53 a coin.

FOR FUCKS SAKE ANON, with even a fifth of Monero’s market cap GHOST would be at $15.

You can buy them right now for a dollar a piece, or FOMO in later.

Is it a coincidence that ESH supply is the same as GHOST will be, when they released an article saying John has been working on the team for two years?

No ghosties will be BTFO in a matter of weeks. Don’t let it be you anon.

>> No.19281555


>> No.19281568

Thanks just bought 10k

>> No.19281570

Bump for great justice anon

>> No.19281572
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>> No.19281607


>> No.19281621
File: 2.71 MB, 1328x887, realfunstarts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im all in

>> No.19281630

To everyone on the fence about ghost.
This will be your last chance to get in before you get priced out on the 24th forever.
Don't miss your shot.
Screencap this.

>> No.19281632

smart anons sold their esh before the whitepaper dropped and bought kardiachain. it's still not too late.

>> No.19281639
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>> No.19281649

Reminder right now there is a massive whale discord that has a select process of vetting members to manipulate the price of ESH.

They all must have upwards of 20k esh in order to join.

Since the very beginning, these whales have gone to extreme efforts to suppress the price of ESH and accumulate before GHOST is released.

Do you really believe that a tweet from PIVX made ESH price drop 100%+?

This was a coordinated dump meant for weak hands.

>> No.19281680

Big dick stack reporting in

>> No.19281693

You’re going to make it

>> No.19281716

Little dick stack reporting in.
I sold on the big dump, but realised after it was a mistake. still have a comfy 300 esh.
But thats still 3k on sunday

>> No.19281775

got my 1k suicide stack reporting for penis inspection sir

>> No.19281854

Fuck you pumpers. How many new threads are you going to make ?

>> No.19281869


>> No.19281877

Jesus christ

>> No.19281889


>> No.19282032

>whale discord tranny
you mad bro

>> No.19282048

i got 226 :(

>> No.19282093
File: 193 KB, 1180x948, Screen Shot 2020-05-22 at 6.55.55 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek RIP GHOST. Oh look at that, they can't even vet a developer before hiring him. 6 commits total. So much for hiring a "core dev" from PIVX. Can GHOST be any more retarded?

>> No.19282171

It is 100% too late. This shit isn't recovering.

For all of you faggots who think a discord is manipulating this, you're wrong.

I just dumped a 22k stack and it barely moved the price past .0052 Eth. There are bigger players suppressing the price, and controlling it. You won't see a fucking pump, and Ghost will be worthless.

Just sell the shit and move the fuck on already.

>> No.19282186


>> No.19282187

no worries
if this thing turns out to be shit youre gonna be better off

>> No.19282200

literally who cares?

>> No.19282241

How much code was written into those commits? I don't even care about GHOST by the way or ESH as I am not holding. Bu having 6 commits means nothing if each commit was 50MB or some shit.

>> No.19282242

And what makes you think they aren't just waiting for the right time to pump it?
The 24th. You've been warned. Buy now or seethe forever

>> No.19282321

why even try damage control at this point. the beans have been spilled

>> No.19282648





fuck niggers

fuck kikes

fuck jannies

>> No.19282686

Next time I’ll lump it all together into one big paragraph for u anon

>> No.19282709

you better.

>> No.19282757

Are you going to let yourself FOMO at $5? Imagine thinking this won’t go to atleast $10. Why are big exchanges allowing the TEAM to announce listings first? Do you think they would do that for a pump and dump? Do you really think John Mcafee, who has a million followers on Twitter won’t have more than 5k holders for GHOST, his new privacy coin that has Zcash and Dash features, and extreme meme material? HE IS A NAME BRAND. Did you fall for the whitepaper FUD? Do you think anybody who is going to buy this in the future will even read the WP, let alone know who PIVX is? Do you realize that ESH current market cap is only 11M? For reference, if GHOST reached top 50 in market cap, that’d be $10 per coin. Even better, a top 20 would put GHOST’s price at $53 a coin. FOR FUCKS SAKE ANON, with even a fifth of Monero’s market cap GHOST would be at $15. You can buy them right now for a dollar a piece, or FOMO in later. Is it a coincidence that ESH supply is the same as GHOST will be, when they released an article saying John has been working on the team for two years? No ghosties will be BTFO in a matter of weeks. Don’t let it be you anon.

>> No.19282922
File: 94 KB, 631x632, awww shucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, anon. that's so much easier on the eyes, and it won't turn me gay while reading it.

>> No.19283421

Will they be airdropped to a coinbase wallet ?

>> No.19283580

Exactly part of our plan. We are buying cheap bags while surpressing the price becuause anons like yourself are panic selling now.

>> No.19283698

I don't think you realize this is bullish. Means not a huge dump at least until after the airdrop.

>> No.19283747

>big exchanges


>> No.19283907
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Be wary lads. Only 7.5% owned by most, there are individual holders that have more.

>> No.19284117

cope harder. all 8d chess right? Let me guess, it was all part of the plan to dump 90% in 24 hours. It was all part of the plan to plagiarize the whitepaper. It was all part of the plan to not know the difference between Zerocoin and zk-snarks. It was all part of the plan to outsource dev to pajeets earning $1 per day. It was all part of the plan to use $ESH shitcoin to then airdrop to another ERC20 shitcoin, which then will get swapped to another final mainnet shitcoin. This all makes sense right anon? 8D chess? ffs ghosties are literally retarded.

>> No.19284133

Why is there a need for this project when people can just anonymize their ETH with Tornado.cash?

>> No.19284157

>Buying cheap bags

You sure about that? Top 100 own 93% Playing a very dangerous game with your fellow "planners"!

>> No.19284168


>> No.19284331

I’m drunk and I dunno shit, but here’s my gut feeling: it’s build it and they will come, only instead it’s pay for it and he might build.
It’s a scam, easily. i mean, come on, it’s McAfee.
His unusual brand would just be strengthened by a blatant pump and dump scam, it’s who he is, and what we love him for. He’s the snake invited by the woman in Trump’s poem.
But. Even though he hasn’t written a line of code for ghost and the whole plan was just to fake a WP to pnd esh, that doesn’t mean he won’t suddenly get greedy. When he realizes he can string you fellas along, he might start to think “what if I just wrote a little bit of code - fake, of course, and ripped off - to see if I can do one more pump? Seems these fools can’t get enough.” Then he writes a little more, for another pump, and before you know it you lunatics have tricked John fucking McAfee into writing a legit, bestselling privacy coin, him thinking he was scamming you the whole way.
I’m almost tempted to buy some esh just because how clearly I see this coming.

>> No.19284782

is it just me or is this entire board dead

>> No.19285380
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>> No.19285476 [DELETED] 

mcafee failed in everything he ever touched- why would GHOST be different

McAfee is a nutjob

>> No.19285508 [DELETED] 

better get free Bitcoin at
and keep staking sats

>> No.19285693
File: 8 KB, 229x220, index(5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still not buying your bags fags

>> No.19286077
File: 678 KB, 988x1062, ganbare.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the esh transfer is going to be a shit show, just remember to dumb ur bags before its too late.

>> No.19286644

i can't wait to spit all over ESH/Ghost fag true believers. gonna be such a mess. "here guys, hold these tokens in your wallet while we crash it to zero." "good, now let's pump that ghost erc20 so we can dump all over you again and take more of your ether. mainnet? what mainnet?"

>> No.19286661

you forgot the fact that we are never selling lmao

>> No.19286683

oh looks like the cope has already started. this is gonna be glorious come Tuesday

>> No.19286695

When did you realise that Mcafee is playing a game of 8D chess against the deep state and the one world government. He deliberately copied the Pivx white paper knowing that pivx would accuse him of plagiarizing the paper to shake out weak hands who are not deserving to have a top place in the new private digital paradigm coming. If you cant see that Mcafee is one step ahead of everybody and this is all part of the bigger picture as a smoke and mirrors distracting to make you look the other way whist he is doing the heavy lifting behind the scenes then you are retarded and probably drink tap water. The top ESH token wallets never moved. Now ask yourself what game is being played here because only those how understand Mcafee will win this war

>> No.19286745


brilliant, kek truly would be pulling the strings

>> No.19286781

shut the fuck up josh. back to your telegram cave. wow i didn't know the cope was gonna reach conspiritard levels so early. must be at a dollar and falling haha uh oh!

>> No.19286796
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The fact that you retards shilling this don't realize that mcaffee has a potted following proves that this is just his way of getting his wealth back. Look at his latest posts, 500 likes at best for a page with A MILLION followers. Anyone who bought ESH after the pump is delusional

>> No.19286808

It‘s a scam. Many such cases.

>> No.19286988

what a shitshow

>> No.19286993
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He has always been against the government, against the laws. Ghost is his project!
Then he's already a millionaire, so why create a scam? He already has pending lawsuits, why create other problems?
I mean, if this all turns out to be a scam John is over! Ok he is 74 years old....but it's finished! He gave his name to a coin. (Or scam coin, we'll see) He can never speak of crypto again! No interviews, no social, no media, nothing! He no longer has to show up, his reputation is fucked.
So why? Give me a valid reason! Beyond Switch ESH PIVX withepaper Josh telegram and all these bullshit...give me a valid reason

>> No.19287096

Whales are manipulating the price. It wont pump before the airdrop, and will probably dump instead. This is to make you panic sell. Threads saying it will go up before the 25th are part of the manipulation. It's a scam, but it's not even close to over. Hold. All normies have heard of mcafee, so imagine once theres an easy way for them to buy Ghost. Wait some time after the airdrop. Ghost price will go up, it's obvious. John will go on the pods, youtube videos will feature it. Keep your cool and dont let these kids manipulate you.

>> No.19287107

An alcohol and drug induced fuck you I do what i want attitude mixed with delusions of grandeur (and maybe a very very late ‚midlife‘ crisis.)

>> No.19287119

Same. And May 25th is my birthday. What a wild ride this will be.

>> No.19287149

And I forgot to say: Plus, for all we know, he might have been running out of money.

>> No.19287151


>> No.19287163

How to buy

>> No.19287173

Then ESH is listed on:
but heyy! its a scaaam! some retarded on biz told me!!

>> No.19287179

no. only wallets where you have a private key. Metamask is the best because it has a fox symbol just like firefox and it uses seed phrases so it’s newfag-friendly.

>> No.19287227


>> No.19287237

its over, move along, the price has literally shed 40c since this morning.

>> No.19287242

Remember the $88 breadcrumb.

>> No.19287245

Manipulated dump to accumulate more before snapshot

Damn you guys arent the sharpest tools in the shed

>> No.19287249

>t. discord faggot whale

>> No.19287253

oh yes! very goood reason! please stfu!
for all we know? you know it?
a guy like that who has had hundreds of millions?
will have dozens of accounts in tax havens!
accumulates BTC for yearsss .... so please fuck off with ur fud
"In May 2016, McAfee was appointed chief executive chairman and CEO of MGT Capital Investments, a technology holding company.
McAfee also moved MGT into mining of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, saying that it was intended both to make money for the company and to increase MGT's expertise in dealing with blockchains, which he thought was important for cybersecurity."

>> No.19287257

forgot link

>> No.19287262
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>Manipulated dump to accumulate more before snapshot
>Damn you guys arent the sharpest tools in the shed

>> No.19287284
File: 127 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20200522_012537_com.wallet.crypto.trustapp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah because this chart looks totally normal right? Fuckin idiot

>> No.19287311

so your saying its manipulated, and therefore we should buy into this manipulated scheme.

Are you fucking hearing yourself rn anon? This, is nonsensical...

But anyway I know you dont need to make sense, because your just a shill drumming up business on this board hoping to snare more victims.

just go neck yourself already scum.

>> No.19287342

>whales dump at same time, taking profits
>you faggots panic sell
>buy in lower

Please get out of crypto. You arent ready. Every dump is manipulated. The price is about to skyrocket. Go take a toaster bath

>> No.19287418

No it isn't. After this white paper scandal it was over. No serious investor will touch this.

>> No.19287425

this is a fake you retard

>> No.19287435

This coin isnt meant for fucking serious investors holy shit it was meant for Chad to buy drugs and Pablo to buy several keys of cocaina
Hoooly shit man

>> No.19287441



>> No.19287481

Chad and Pablo don't need it either.

>> No.19287502

Yeah it just magically dumps everytime the price gets too high huh? How can you look at a chart and not see manipulation? How can you not? How can you can not see that Ghost is going well above $2 in the first week
How can you not fucking see it

>> No.19287609

I made 18k this week going long on gold, I'm willing to risk a fraction on that on some crypto-fun.
How to get into ghost? Do I buy ESH and wait?

>> No.19287621

Yep. Just make sure youre holding the esh in one of the wallets listed in the whitepaper.
I'm using metamask

>> No.19287687

thx for the heads up anon!

>> No.19288297

EXPLAIN TO ME why ESH's latest defense is that the price is "being manipulated" and that this is a good thing.

Why would anyone buy into something that is being so manipulated?

>> No.19288440

just take the money and throw it into a camp fire. achieve the exact same result, but camp fire easier/faster

>> No.19288660

>thinks serious investors dump simultaneously to take profits
The absolute cope faggotery denial and retardation

>> No.19288675

Coordinated dump this morning. Fuck you discord faggots.

>> No.19288688

>Yeah because this chart looks totally normal right? Fuckin idiot
Looks like a classic Mcafee p&d in my opinion. Its nothing more than a dead cat bounce on life support

>> No.19288702

cope people are too deep into this already, there is nothing that can happen to pump the price, its over when airdrop takes place esh will go to 0 and ghost will release at 10 cents

>> No.19288938

I’m going desu with you... I’ll laugh

>> No.19289073

it's just numbers on a screen anon and I'm bored. I have made my fortune in trading, and if I make 20k out of 2k here it will make my day, if I I lose 1000 or so I'll be okay as well, can't always win. Do you have other coins you'd recommend instead? I already have BTC

>> No.19289309

go find one of those 69c coin threads here on biz. it's a retarded pump and dump about a rapper celebrity but at least if you have some cash you can become a whale for 3 ether. After whale status, pump it with wash trading and then dunk on all those discord trannies, profit. if you're bored.

other than that xmr, btc, eth, bnb, maybe link, maybe litecoin, maybe Bat. pump and dumps pop up here all the time and i've actually made good money on them dumping on retards, but it takes a lot of time and effort to get good at it. you have to get in early, obviously. buy the rumor sell the news

>> No.19290336

Thank you for your reply, I did not expect that and I really appreciate it.
I will look into the coins you mentioned. I played around with penny stocks as well but I lost more than I gained, I'll look out for the 69c threads as well!

>> No.19290416

price prediction for ghost immidiately post-airdrop GO

$2 here

>> No.19290504

Alright fine, do I load up on idex? I havent touched crypto in over 2 years. I'll put my last few k left into this