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File: 431 KB, 1200x625, canadamap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19282080 No.19282080 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19282175

They act like Americans and hate Americans.
Plus you have a decent chance of leasing your mineral rights.

>> No.19282213

Gonna have to say Alberta, least cucked province by far while still having civilization unlike sask and Manitoba. Immense amounts of land and oil with no provincial sales tax and only a 5% GST

>> No.19282222

Alberta has no economy and too many natives. Plus you will get thrown in jail for defending your property. Take the newfoundland pill

>> No.19282237
File: 545 KB, 640x640, A0D07521-66E2-442B-AADD-52DE822F9545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alberta has no economy
>move to newfieland

>> No.19282244

NWT we have gold, diamonds and shit

>> No.19282246

BC interior is the best

>> No.19282252

BC or bust niggggas

>> No.19282293


>> No.19282297

imagine considering ANY answer except Nunavut. Also, Yellowknife is worth living in for a year or two if you want to feel wordly

>> No.19282303

Your just poor

>> No.19282306

And the beachhead for the chink invasion of North America which should be fun

>> No.19282331

Alberta and Saskatchewan pay for all of the rest of Canada. Both of those provinces are getting fucked over.

>> No.19282343


>> No.19282371

Unironically P.E.I

>> No.19282379

Judging from his shitty attitude and his even shittier English I’d suggest he’s part of the aforementioned invasion force

>> No.19282425


either that or a shitty by product of his boomer parents still basement dwelling in his late 30's

>> No.19282438
File: 6 KB, 217x232, 1560728877590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I live in Northern Ontario. It's pretty comfy.

>> No.19282491

I can feel just how poor both of you faggots are. Must suck living in shitty ass provinces just because you're poor.

>> No.19282498

Canada seems like a shithole with their awful free speech laws. Can unironically go to prison for calling a tranny a tranny. What the fuck?

>> No.19282501

i live in Vancouver and its a fucking joke mate

glad to see your spelling has improved

>> No.19282521

Ditto. I propose all three of us meet up and chat

>> No.19282545
File: 12 KB, 420x420, 81C5DA5A-6879-41C6-9C73-FFE1AEC58A04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Canada legalized weed
>Lots of hype
>Grow shitty mids in gigantic factory warehouses
>Everyone buys it and they have no supply
>Stocks tank
>Everyone goes back to black market weed, which is still the same price, priced lower than warehouse bud, but better quality

>> No.19282568

I am a GTA leaf but i think that alberta and nova scotia are the best. Will definately move out west if they wexit.

>> No.19282594

Fuck Vancouver, I ssaid the interior is the place to be. Most beautiful place on earth in my opinion.

>> No.19282603


>> No.19282621

this is too true

what a fuck up legalization ended up being

>> No.19282638

Chink-like attitude as well. You really can sniff out the bugmen easily when you know how they behave.

>> No.19282685

Manitoba here, I'm metis so I get all the hunting perks. Tons of crownland but the winters here are some of the worst in habitable Canada.

>> No.19282698

i’m not even in Canada but i owned pot stocks and sold as soon as bad news hit and started crashing, still 4x’d in Chronos and APHA. even illegal states here have good bud because everything is shipped from CA (except lately it’s been awful because of corona and the good stuff is getting taxed HEAVILY so everyone’s buying mids to sell; legal states are still in good shape with solid weed). but you guys completely screwed yourselves with that retarded shit. you can’t have a Coke or Pepsi of weed, plants need individual care and a solid grow process to be potent, it’s not just a chemical formula you can pump out of machines like soda. something small business catered to growing figured out real quick here, with brands like Cookies etc. you fucks went straight to mass commercialization of something that can’t be mass produced with good quality control

>> No.19282812

too true

>> No.19283200

No you can't retard. Crazy how fake news like this easily spreads

>> No.19283408

Yes you can. They dont have the balls to put that stuff directly onto the books yet, thats why they set up the human rights tribunals. Parallel judicial system should have been the red flag that mobilized the masses but i think we are spiritually dead already.

>> No.19283462

>Alberta has no economy
>move to newfoundland

nth-dimensional chess

>> No.19284054

Quebec , So many sluts hahahaha

>> No.19284075

Nunavut. Beware of Polar Bears and Wendigos though.

>> No.19285063

Fuck Quebec, goddamn ground zero for the virus.