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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 77 KB, 710x698, van go.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19276089 No.19276089 [Reply] [Original]

>40% of all US workers don't earn a living wage
>50% of US workers earn under 30k a year
>13% of the US population does not have health insurance
>15% of americans have student loan debt
>if you adjust for inflation and productivity the minimum wage should be $20.00+
>it currently sits at $7.25 and hasn't moved in 11 years

And you fags honestly think "a hard days work" and "pulling yourself up by your boostraps" are acceptable answers to these problems?

>> No.19276122

Yes after joining the workforce and moving into a management position, I can safely say at least 90% of people are lazy braindead subhuman trash and deserve to be poor.

>> No.19276123

All hard work will do is kill you faster. You'll wake up unrested due to stress, you will have no fulfillment, and you'll end up a bankrupt suicidal failure while more attractive people get office jobs in your company making 50x as much and doing nothing but smiling and acting important.

>> No.19276186
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>> No.19276267
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Hitler would be disappointed in you not taking pity upon your fellow countryman.

>> No.19276310

Yes, how many of those people are kids, and retired people don't count as workers. Skewed stats or not, it's on you to earn for you. Communists are NOT welcome here.

>> No.19276337

>retired people don't count as workers

yeah, thats why it's 40% of workers, not retired people, you fucking moron

>> No.19276343

>90% of people are lazy braindead subhuman trash
Stop hiring niggers for your company's diversity program.

>> No.19276365
File: 217 KB, 894x1024, 778790E1-BAE9-4E38-BDDA-561DCE726CD7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get on the unemployment dole, get an adderall prescription and spend 8 hrs a day creating passive income / digital media until the gibs run dry

Also evade taxes and buy guns

>> No.19276384
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>> No.19276395

i mean it is kind of fucked up how high school kids are making the same today as i did 13 years ago.

>> No.19276407

Fuck the faggot ass high school kids

>> No.19276436

Working hard isn't sufficient but it is necessary

>> No.19276482

sounds like something a jewish small business owner would say.

>> No.19276507
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If they don't earn a living wage then how are they alive?

>> No.19276605
File: 18 KB, 500x264, if youre poor stop being poor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


reminds me of this

>> No.19276646

Earjak is even more distracting image than thotposting

>> No.19276705

Debt or dependence.

>> No.19276732

Labor aristocrats and other middle class filth will be rounded up and taken to the work camps soon.

>> No.19276839

or crime

>> No.19277035

Why would I care about a suicidal autist that got cock slapped by Stalin

>> No.19277086

The American economy has always relied on an underclass that exists in what we would consider substandard conditions.

>> No.19277146

Low IQ poorfags will always be poor, that's how darwinism works retard. If you give everyone free gibs then nobody will do any work

>> No.19277214

who's talking about free gibs? in the 60's and 70's you could afford rent making 10% above minimum wage. now you have to make double it. nobody is talking about gibs faggot
but the "underclass" as you put it, is growing and growing and nobody seems to care. the middle class is shrinking and everyones answer is "work harder"

>> No.19277276

the % is more like 30% to be honest. some people really are so dumb they can't do anything beyond manual repetitive tasks. the top 30% will succeed due to their intelligences, it's the middle 40% who get fucked. they really are victims of the capitalist system and things should be done to help them.

>> No.19277422
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Sometimes I think about just quitting my job and going on gibs. It's a constant grind meanwhile I have cousins on snap and section 8 housing. they don't have a care in the world and work maybe 10 hours a week

>> No.19277541
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>> No.19277663
File: 33 KB, 480x360, history of international finance 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the solution, join here
All of this has happened because we have lost control of our money supply compounded by what happened in 1971, which is when yearly wages stopped going up. According to the 2010 dollar the average full time worker has made 50k per year since 1971. 49 years. Will you sit here just talking about doing something waiting till a big round 50 year number or will you do something today?

>> No.19278604

It's actually the result of federal reserve money printing. The value of the dollar has totally sunk due to inflation but wages haven't adjusted to account for it. The stock market gets pumped because the fed injects money into it but poorfags don't own stonks. The only answer to this problem is to take the money printing power away from the government.

>> No.19278649

>occupy wallstreet facebook factoids
completely fucking retarded

>> No.19279617

Those are real numbers, look it up

>> No.19279639

Communists aren't people

>> No.19279690
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based uncle joe do it again

>> No.19279736

pick one retard

>> No.19279753
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>> No.19279813

If you make only enough to survive and could earn the same amount pan handling are they really wages or just enough rope to tie your ass to the machine

>> No.19279820
File: 8 KB, 228x221, pepe buck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>resorts to reddit level semantics

>> No.19279837

>>40% of all US workers don't earn a living wage
>>50% of US workers earn under 30k a year
I make 7x that and roasties with 3 mutts think they're too good for me. Fuck all of you entitled IG posting cattle-class, let the kikes enslave them all.

>> No.19279852
File: 131 KB, 316x301, 1539273903289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True shit right here everyone! Remember /biz/ knowledge is superior to money/gold/ and wealth combine take the right path and stop being a wagecuck.

also buy XRP for maximum gains.

>> No.19279869

you want gibs, we get it

>> No.19279875

Maybe you’re just an ugly fuck

>> No.19279889


All those facts focus on the bottom 50% of people.

VERY easy to outwork and rise above these statistics.

Also hard work isn't digging holes or doing dumb shit all day, much harder to use your brain effectively. Anyone can dig a hole or do stupid labor, very few can actually invoate.

>> No.19279965

No, I just wear plain/cheap clothes, drive a 20 year old pickup (I blend in to the 35k bracket) and don't bend over backwards for used pussy.

Retarded simps paying 200 bucks for a first date can have these nigger loving whores.

>> No.19279992


>> No.19280047

well thats an easy fix

Get decent clothes
Groom yourself
an old looked after and clean car shits all over a 20 year old beatbox that looks it
Get a dog bitches love dogs, only if your gonna look after it though

>> No.19280103

All of that cuts into buying link my man, can't do it. I wasn't complaining fwiw, I find it more humorous than anything that bitches in literal poverty look down at me vs some beaner in a "fitted" freshly out of county.

>> No.19280332

Based McDonald's manager

>> No.19280876

>"im okay with half the population being wage slaves because im not"

>> No.19281104

friendly reminder your commie overlord AOC is a "pull yourself up by your bootstrap" example.

>> No.19281204

>pulls herself up by her boostraps
>gets called commie

>> No.19281425


>> No.19281507

housing in the 60s and 70s would be considered substandard by today's standards. building codes, people's desires for a hire standard of living and globalization are causing the change. 60s and 70s people were riding the post ww2 boom.

>> No.19281682

>wage slave detected

>> No.19281709

>misses the point