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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19270507 No.19270507[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

We need a new containment board for the crypto children. The constant spam is out of control.

>> No.19270970
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“Look at me I’m such a fucking cool grown up because I do...”
>”SPY PUTS !!!!!!!”
“And because I buy...”
>”TESLA STOCK!!!!!!”

>> No.19271042
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Noooooo you can’t just talk about investments I don’t understand. What about muh heckin stockerinos?

>> No.19271104

Fucking this.

Scrolling the catalog genuinely gives me a sick feeling in my heart knowing they are all aspiring scam artist scum.

Spamming shitecoins on the daily.

>this is the one guys
>big one incoming
>don’t wanna miss out


a separate board would be appropriate for crypto currency only.

Maybe an exception being that BTC can be discussed here cause no one on this board could effectively manipulate it.

>> No.19271148

The vested interest in scam coins creates shills like these.
Either you are shills, or genuinely low enough IQ to believe in the scams.
The chance of being shitposting trolls is low because there is a money incentive promoting shitecoins

>> No.19271213
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if anything the normie markets should get their own board. but the problem is far worse with bike threads on /o/ and kpop threads on /mu/ and those don't get boards, so it's unlikely that /biz/ is getting split up any time soon

>> No.19271279

Absolutely this. I’ve abandoned this board until literally deciding to give it a visit 5 seconds ago.

>> No.19271338

Crypto children are the indigenous people of /biz/. This is our clay, YOU are the one that needs to leave. Maybe you should all pool your "securities" together and make a /wsb/ containment board.

Aren't bike threads supposed to be on /n/?

>> No.19271382
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i meant motorbike threads

>> No.19271412

Except the constant shilling of coins is literal advertising and they’re not being genuine. Kpop people on mu are genuine about their interests , same with bike people. Or running people on fit.
It’s as if there were constant threads about people’s own branded nutrition supplements on /fit/ and people shilling how good they are and how they increase gains and endurance.

We need to keep bumping threads like this and making them until jannies decide what is right and has been obvious for too long. There needs to be a crypto currency board. Only then will people realise the sheer amount of bullshit in them

>> No.19271442

>We need to keep bumping threads like this and making them until jannies decide what is right
or you could go sign the petition at www.hownew.ru

>> No.19271456

Sorry, I'm retarded

>> No.19271489

>Is there even anything that comes close to this now?:(
>biz deserves to be early for once

>> No.19271524

boomers had stock market which went up 100x over their life
we have crypto because boomer stocks have little genuine upside left
deal with these facts

>> No.19271548

Honestly we will leave happily. All we want to do is discuss anything business and finance related NOT to do with crypto cause of constant shilling

>> No.19271579

yeah but life isn't fair. now go cry about it, preferably at reddit, off my board

>> No.19271610

Even as someone interested in crypto I support this thread

>> No.19271613


>> No.19271662

>holy fuck it moved 300% you guys
>get ready for the pump!

>> No.19271858


>> No.19272214

After a long hard day on Wall Street I need a place to talk about the three shares of Tesla I own. That’s why I (like many serious investors) go to 4chan.org

>> No.19272487

Who is in charge of making boards for 4chan? is there someone I can reachout to make this happen and kick the crypto children out?

>> No.19272553
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There should be a Crypto section and Stock section. It is not that fucking hard. This place is fucking cancer

>> No.19272595

Absolutely this.
Mods pls

>> No.19272602
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here you go neons, knock yourselves out. remember making meta threads will guarantee you never, ever get your way. now shut the fuck up and cope

>> No.19272608

I would be fucking pumped about that too. The constant spam is fucking atrocious here and I have a fuckload of filters on .

>> No.19272664

WOW is that real?

>> No.19272692

Gotcha, will send in a feedback.

>> No.19272734

while you're there, ask for country flags on /biz/

>> No.19272744

You submit one too bro, the more that submit and request crypto has their own boards the more likely we get it

>> No.19272750

i like your optimism kid

>> No.19272756

unironically a good idea

>> No.19272760


>> No.19272824

I agree, we split and keep crypto on /biz/ and make /bm/. It stands for boomer markets. They can discuss the merits of precious metals outside of their manufacturing usecase and other boomer things like oil, corporate bonds, ETFs, and raisin bran.

>> No.19272826


The only issue is that there are some legit coins and by asking mods to get rid of scams you’re asking them to make the decision which is which. This would basically make biz into a mod controlled board instead of the free speech bastion it is. Scams are just a consequence of free speech and you have to accept it

>> No.19272918

Can't happen if we don't try zoomer.

>> No.19272928

just submitted through the feedback page. Everyone else should too. It would be better for cryptofags and noncryptofags.

>> No.19273029

thanks senpai.

>> No.19273188

submit a feedbakc fag

>> No.19273265

also take note, these meta threads are the proper way to complain about something on a board. making threads like this one is generally frowned upon
you may want to take this discussion there and abandon this thread

>> No.19273303

I will post there as well if this one stays alive I aint mad. Trying to get the word out to get rid of the crypto children. Leave a feedback below

>> No.19273324

>Trying to get the word out to get rid of the crypto children.
well if you do it obnoxiously you're just going to make people mad which won't be good for anyone. I'm trying to help here

>> No.19273353

I created a thread bringing awareness to a form of cancer. That other thread was not created yet when I posted this one. If it were I would have just participated in that thread. Maybe chastise him.

>> No.19273356

this is a good suggestion. boomer market posters and newfags thinking this is the boomer market board have been shitting up /biz/ for too long.

>> No.19273382

fair enough, i'm just getting a certain vibe from this thread, i might be wrong though.

>> No.19273429

The vibe you are feeling is coming from the discord shilling groups which are upset there is an organic movement to neutralize their shilling. They of course are going to be upset.

>> No.19273492

You Reddit fucks fail to acknowledge the skin color of the crypto shills. I hope it hurts and drives you to suicide.

>> No.19273505

Indeed. Cryptocurrencies need a new board. All of them so that there's a clear demarcation and at the same time, it'll not allow any person (jannies) to judge which is a legit coin or which is a scam.

Problem solved.

>> No.19273508
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What indians?

>> No.19273514

oh boy, i could have predicted you would say that.
the hate for discord trannies and pajeet shill farms has been a thing here for years. they don't care about this thread because they know mods won't split the board in a million years. if you want to provoke shills ask for flags, it's 50x easier to implement and they hate it (also note mods haven't done this much easier step either).
you're going to spend 2 weeks spamming your "genius" idea here, attracting more and more hate, nothing will happen and then you'll give up and be 10x madder at some perceived enemy sabotaging your threads, when in fact it's just board regulars getting increasingly pissed off at your newness and attempts to force a retarded discussion.

>> No.19273579
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note a genuine shill response from the flags meta thread. this suggestion drives them insane because it actually endangers their shilling

>> No.19273659

lmfao "newness"

They can get asshurt all they want. The more they post in here the more it is bumped and the mods have a greater chance of seeing it and reacting.

>> No.19273678

I personally believe that the majority of scamming faggots here are Indians and I say that as an Indian myself. There's a scam culture in India most evident by the vast no. of scam call centers here. Fucking scum.

>> No.19273705

A lot of telegram groups are riddled with thrash english, the specific type I encounter among locals here a lot. Most are definitely Indian.

>> No.19273734
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They are mostly Indian and Eastern European/ slavik untermenschen.

The admins need to put in a solution to the cancer that is crypto shilling.

>> No.19273755

hey faggot, you are ruining our board. biz was founded explicitly as a crypto board to keep btc off /g/ and you stupid fucking redditors come here with babby's first options trade and try to hijack it. Kill yourself or go the fuck back

>> No.19273785

Bitch I am not new, I am just sick of your shilling. You can cry and whine all you want fuck face Your spamming days are done pajeet. Go street shit in your own board.

>> No.19273801

it's fairly well known that the most egregious shilling on here is done by large bagholders paying for indians to push their bags on /biz/
you can see they could not give less of a shit about this suggestion to split the board because it's clearly retarded and will fail. the last time a board was created was over 3 years ago ffs. the suggestion of flags is a legitimate threat and they'll shitpost to the point of getting banned to rail against it.
i'm not saying that guy should stop with his retarded idea, he can knock himself out asking for a new board if he wants to. i'm just telling him how it will end, and also telling him how he can actually help instead of just pissing into the wind.
this is an example of a board regular getting mad at OP because he sticks out as an undesirable on the board, much like the crypto shills the OP himself dislikes. but the neons are going to think they're ont arget. i'm dipping out of this thread now, i tried to stop it

>> No.19273809

And the worst thing is that the ocean of shilling leads to people shitting on and dismissing certain legitimate projects/coins as well.

>> No.19273839

Agreed. Flags would be more effective with regards to preventing anons getting ripped off especially the newfags.

>> No.19273856

No. I like crypto, precious metals, stocks, and oldfag biz advice. It should all be here. I love this place. I literally made so much money on biz calls. FUND is the way to go, check it.

>> No.19273870
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this is the containment board my man get fucked

>> No.19273871

flags would be a good stop gap measure but we need them in their own board

>> No.19273880

The amount of scams lately is off the charts. What the fuck is going on with that stupid meme market? Holy shit

>> No.19273897

You could have made your point without literally promoting a coin man. Not the right thread to do that.

>> No.19273908
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>Bitch I am not new,

>> No.19273924
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>> No.19273937

this is what we need desu

>> No.19273954

Yeah you are right. I fucked up. I regret it.

>> No.19273964

Can we make this possible. Cryptos are 99,9% scams, its way too much there is nothing there but sociopaths and mlm tier scammers

>> No.19274045

Submit feedback at the bottom down there as said


>> No.19274060


>> No.19274097

sometimes i genuinely believe that this board only consists of 50% 14y old wanabe schoolshooters and 50% pajeet scammers

>> No.19274126

It is true sadly. But if we get the crypto children on their own board it would be a massive improvement to both categories. Shitcoin holders don't have bank accounts so they can't use a regular broker, too young.

>> No.19274167

this IS the crypto containment board newfag

>> No.19274274

>Noooo! NOooo! You can't just exile us ! Then my scam wont work!

Get fucked crypto fag

>> No.19274352

lol get fucked you obsessed pathetic retard
if you come to 4chan to inform yourself then youre dumber than a rock
>>>/b/ is more your speed
or reddit

>> No.19274381

lol look how mad it is.

>> No.19274441

It was at first, but now it's just scammers every single day. It's unbearable it has never been this bad before and I've been here since 2016

This place is total cancer thanks to crypto

>> No.19274492

Holy shit if we could get rid of linkniggers this board quality would increase by x10000

>> No.19274501

Fill out the feedback button at the bottom of the website and request that crypto get its own board.

>> No.19274793

I don't even trade in crypto but without crypto threads this board is
>14 /smg/ at the same time
>fuck jannies threads
>"how can i profit from fuck prostitute"
>"how can I invest in sluts"
>"how can I make money from anime tiddies"

>> No.19274809
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>> No.19275049
