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19271272 No.19271272 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else here watching the news out of China preparing for the next market crash? For those of you oblivious to the situation:

>> Beijing extending security forces and law to HK, essentially ending HK's status as a "special economic zone" that had previously enjoyed a much freer economic and political environment.
>> By doing this, Beijing has signaled to investors that they can no longer rely on this special HK status to trust their investments will be secure.
>> A substantial portion of overseas investment in China flows through HK, and this will likely dry up in <1 month.
>> HKers will likely violently protest these measures, forcing China to mobilize a real military response, thus completely destroying any remaining freedoms on the island.
>> Expect the Hang Seng to continue tanking next week.
>> Expect firms with substantial investment in China to begin rapidly exiting these investment.
>> Expect Yuan collapse

Anyone else ready for the ride?

>> No.19271306

HK chinks are as spineless as their mainland brethren. They’ll all bend the knee

>> No.19271329

Suterusu fixes this (by making you obscenely wealthy from Chinamen)

>> No.19271341

Yep, they’re all mindless zombies doing whatever their government tells them to do without question. There won’t be any kind of uprising.

>> No.19271344

>invest in chinksshit just as chinkshit is about to be blackballed around the world
Yeah, nah

>> No.19271347

Very clearly that's not the case, given how many violent protests there have been already. And that was just over local election meddling. Now that a real Beijing coup is guaranteed, people will begin fleeing, exchanging their HKD for USD, and rioting.

Another point:

>>HKD to zero because the educated and professional class will flee, just like they did in Iran.

>> No.19271365

you're overreacting. the law will pass but it will not be enforced like most think it will.
Hong Kongers are whiny bitches, don't listen to them or the media fuss.

>> No.19271369

Where are they going to flee to with no money? Nobody wants chinks. The only reason they were tolerated is because they brought money

>> No.19271452

Taiwan. HKers are already moving here in droves.

>> No.19271478

US would absolutely take them in. It's been a consistent communist-containing strategy for decades. When a regime falls to communism and the professional class escapes, the US welcomes them because A) it is a giant fuck you to communists and B) we get more professional tax-payers.

I don't think that's the case, this time around. PLA has clearly been amassing LAVs, tanks, and ground troops in Shenzhen and across the HK border for over a year now. One of the main reasons HKers are so keen to protest encroachment is because they know any ground given to Beijing is a very quick slippery slope to their total control of your life.

>> No.19271502

There's a video of protestors literally lighting some dude on fire. They do more than Western mayocels who have a much less optimistic future for their countries

>> No.19271503

Yes, Taiwan as well. Same reason as for the US. Taiwan will take them in as a giant "Fuck You" to Xi and CCP.

>> No.19271603


News is already starting to set the stage for the exit.

>> No.19271677

Taiwan, SEA, Japan.
There are a good amount of place ready to take them.
The real question is what will the americans do.

>> No.19271688
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Can't wait for my country, Canada, to accept hk refugees for free

>> No.19271716

Plenty of western countries, including USA and Canada will welcome HKers with open arms. Thanks to the British, they share many of our common values including freedom of speech, free markets, etc.

And unlike shitty refugees from shitty Muslim countries, these people will actually be productive and not go on crime sprees when they get to their host nation.

>> No.19271722

no because you dont know what the fuck is going on. HK is irrelevant. The anti-chink shit going on all over the place right now isn't set in reality but in what faggots like Pompeo want. They want to move loads of shit to India because they own companies there. However its not going to happen its not going to be moved. None of this shit really matters anyway.

>> No.19271746

t. seething chink

>> No.19271756

nothing matters, the eventual heat death of the universe will render all accomplishments invalid unless we master interdimensional travel and particle manipulation. but what are the chances the good will make it through? that’s a doomed future.

>> No.19271770

Chinkland needs to get nuked

>> No.19271785

How do I short the HK-USD peg? The CCP gunna Tiananmen these thirsty wanna-ba-Brit thots and this is how Soros made all his dineros

>> No.19271796

all the protests are CIA-funded psyops, dumb faggot

>> No.19271805

t. grug brain

Just what the kikes want
None of this shit matters because none of it will effect you. All these anti-chink sentiment isnt coming from a place where it should instead its coming from a place where shitheads just want a piece of the foreign manufacturing pie. Also if you dig a little deeper you'll see how the kikes have weaseled there way into china via banking. Look into why HK riots were getting so much support there. It was from the banks. Who do you think runs those banks? It sure as fuck ain't the chinese its the JEWS.

>> No.19271809
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>British Hong Kong
Those were the days *sip*


>> No.19271811

lol, okay. https://www.wsj.com/articles/all-about-the-money-why-hong-kong-matters-so-much-to-china-11571736607

Nevermind the fact that it's the primary means by which dollars and euros enter mainland China, and that most foreign investment business occurs in HK. They're the world financial capital and are about to lose that status because of Beijing's encroachment.

Pompeo can bloviate all he wants about China, but it doesn't matter. The fact remains that China's interests and the interests of the US conflict more often than not, and as such, we should not be so quick to invest in an adversary and offshore critical manufacturing to them. India shares many of the west's democratic values and is a better long-term investment.

>> No.19271820

Of course they are CIA funded. That doesn’t render his point invalid though lol

>> No.19271822

>They want to move loads of shit to India because they own companies there. However its not going to happen its not going to be moved.

U got a source for that, Han?

Israel owns India and they are preparing for the showdown with Iran and Pakistan

>> No.19271836

Beijing overplayed their hand now their liable on both ends.
the origin, AND the mortality rates. both of which, when crossed, make no sense.
The worldwide spread but the minimal, if non existent spread within China.
The entire shit smells like Mossad, but the fuck's last operation (Daesh) got blown up to smithereens for trying to pull off an Al-Quaida.
Kikes should not attempt to CIA-up the CIA

>> No.19271841

>And unlike shitty refugees from shitty Muslim countries, these people will actually be productive and not go on crime sprees
Famous last words. We have had plenty of mentally unstable chinks murder someone, flood our mental health institutions, get released, murder again

>> No.19271846

Nothing I'm talking about is meant to be "anti-chink". I'm anti-CCP because their interests are in direct conflict with individual freedom and free markets.

And nevermind the ZOG conspiracies, ffs. Go back to /pol/ or your poocoin threads.

>> No.19271848

>India shares many of the west's democratic values
Such as voter fraud, slavery, anti-Muslim violence, and LGBTQ degenerative?

>> No.19271907

Like not interning entire regions of their country behind welded doors or re-education camps?

>> No.19271938
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>And nevermind the ZOG conspiracies, ffs. Go back to /pol/ or your poocoin threads.

>> No.19271971

>t with individual freedom and free markets.
this is directly related to politics you fucking moronic retard. Yes it is related to jews as well because guess who runs the banks?
israel owns the US/India
you expect me to believe kikes?

>> No.19271983

Have some zerohedge then, noob.


>> No.19272058

You mean like Commiefornia and NuYankeeDandy?

Much better - I’ve heard each article is personally screened by Putin himself. Poor performance is punishable by gulag.

+ Boomer 007 would agree

>> No.19272081

Ok, boomer.

>> No.19272102

the whole point of releasing goyrona was to end the HK protests, anon-kun senpai, have you not been paying attention?

>> No.19272132

Ah crap — I’ve been discovered! Quick, Indie, get to da choppa!

Once the starvations begin, everyone will go looney tooney and the clown world will pop off

>> No.19272147

HK has a larger ratio of based people who understand the value of freedom and free speech than any country in the world.

That was literally a false flag to put the protestors in a bad light

>> No.19272198

Well, HK should’ve become a U.S. island like Guam when the Brits left

Why do you think Japan is so safe?

U.S. naval bases, baby-kun

That and their supersecret nukes obv

>> No.19272253

I agree and I think the majority of HK would also agree right now, although there is a large group of older people that are very pro-china

>> No.19272295

I may be wrong, but I have a feeling that may have been a strategy. Though I think local HKers likely didn't understand just how bad China was going to be for them, hence their preference for unification at the time.

>> No.19272309

any non-white shithole is prone to corruption, greed, manipulation, exploit.
lmao, even the "white men" of Israel, let the elite few exploit the public for the second generation now for their kike jew overlord.
If you're an Israeli intellectual, and don't think that our Religion should be culled for all eternity you are gullible AF.
Dabbling in Israeli politics shows you the extent of the kike race, where the Orthodox Elite preys on the secular, educated white man, and the State give leave to 13% of the public getting 25% of the resources to keep living their USELESS, OWRTHLESS, BIBLEBASHING, GOVERNMENT AUTHORIZED FAGGOTRY.
When Israel burns, I'll laugh my ass off in Sinai.
Why? Because 800 thousand Israelis rallied fight corruption over a cup of cottage cheese, 800,000 people of which, at least 10,000 are commandos. LIterally give every single of them those kike a branch and your have a Civil WAr victory, but no...
the kikes got duped by listening the government sponsored music, with Theta wave lengths and went home like the sheeple they are.
No hope for kikes.
Read the Bible... it's a story of kikes failing time after time after time lmao
and then they failed with Jesus lmao
then they were driven out of their homeland for 2k year only for the secular humans to revive Palestine.
All the while Christian, over the span of 300 years, brought Rome to its knees and established the first Christian nation on Earth.
Over 1000 years Christianity had become to most powerful force on Earth to this day that has not been disputed.

>> No.19272320

>violent protests
if they were smart they would be making IEDs and explosively formed penetrators to defeat armored vehicles. in minecraft. but they aren't, so they must not care.

>> No.19272333

false flag by Commie infiltrators.
I would suggest to read at least 100000 words about espionage and modern history because making such braindead comments.
this sets you at 90 iq and you NGMI if you don't change

>> No.19272337

Correct me if I am wrong but most HKers were not happy with the unification, Britain gave up Hong Kong because of expiring land rights for the New Territories and global pressure to "de-colonize"

Basically Britain being spineless

>> No.19272341
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im europeen so whiter than you fucking incel americucks.
that being said HK protestors were awesome, organized, disciplined and consistent. Ive seen none of that from the westerners in a long time and Im saying that while my countrymen took a fucking history museum tank, filled it with gas a and stormed a corrupt media outlet.. too bad they run out of gas halfway in the process lol.

HK done good but I think they have had zero chance against the ultimate bugpeople, the chinese.... 1,3 billion of those fuckers.

>> No.19272349

this is solid despite the typoes, I'm just drunk :0

>> No.19272366


HK also should’ve Dollarized

Oh well

Now the peg will get demo’d when the CCP tries to seize HSBC and all the hidden dosh

Is it time to short?

>> No.19272392
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hk will become a quite meaningless place once the western banks quartesr move away. singapore is already much more livable place hk is overcrowded

singapore, japan and taiwan wil gain a lot and hk likely slowly fall apart under china's regime, wealth will move away from there

>> No.19272397

You won't start seeing that until the CIA starts shipping arms and weapons into HK. If they haven't already done so, they probably will start now.

Not sure, anon.

Time to short was winter '19 lol.

>> No.19272592

Hahahahaha, you’re gonna trust a pajeet....

>> No.19272621

Except that HK has had over two decades for people to leave. Anyone left is a either an agent or an apologist. Chinks gonna chink

>> No.19272655

You’ve either never dealt with the HK Chinese or are one yourself. They’re shit m8, just like their mainland brethren. In fact the mainlanders are better to deal with because they lack the pretence that the thin veneer of British civility their early English classes afford them

>> No.19272727

I'm not Chinese myself, but I've travelled extensively to ML China and HK for almost my entire career (albeit short, at 7 years).

I much prefer working with HK businesses and counterparts because they don't have an assumed shield of the CCP doing whatever to support their shittiness in every aspect of a deal or project.

If I do a project for a HK based corp, they pay on time, their staff is competent, and they understand how business is done efficiently. If I got to ML China I literally change my SOW payment terms to be 75% up front, because the normal 25/25/50 payment terms are never met when we fucking work projects for them. Why? Because I have no power to claim that money as the CCP tells us to pound sand.

And by the way, ML China deals aren't like this just for foreign businesses. It's the same for local ML firms. You need to bribe whoever runs the region/locality more than they're being bribed by your customer. Shit's retarded.

>> No.19272765

They’re just as scant, they just have some understanding of the rule of law. They’ll fuck you over just as hard as any mainlander if they think they can get away with it. I submit that you just have yellow fever

>> No.19272837

How far up your ass has your head been since last July?

>> No.19272841

What a fucking autistic view of people

>> No.19272860

Maybe in your experience, but from my perspective I can rely on them way more readily than mainlanders.

Also, our interns that are HK locals are usually from middle/upper-middle class families and work their asses off. I hired 2 ML interns a year ago (at the behest of one of my colleagues) and they were entitled snobby shits who spent most of their days on social media. In their review I asked them their 5 year plan and they both said, continue the family business, lol.

>> No.19273132
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>> No.19273367

he must be of low birth not to hold his Homeland as sacrament

>> No.19273443
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OK, Anon. The question is how can we profit from this? Wait for the market crash? Invest in US defence sector?

>> No.19273464

I have a bunch of ML acquaintances from college who are ardent nationalists. and it heartens me when they say their official parents are drying up in money

>> No.19273535
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you fuck will go to any length except to actually leverage Yuan collapse.
>"should I buy Shell"

>> No.19273855

Hello HK chinks. Give my regards to Xi

>> No.19273988
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You forgot
>Introduced SARS 2 to quell the uprisings in Hong Kong. Mission accomplished.

>> No.19274051
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How did they fucking do it?

>> No.19274107

Sounds like this might be the fall of the HKD...maybe this time

>> No.19274156

Why would the Cinese do all this, do they want to tank the yuan?

>> No.19274183
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Digital Yuan is going to replace the dollar.

>> No.19274201

What is the relation between BSN and Digital Yuan? Or there isnt one?

>> No.19274216

Can't wait for reality to set in over in Burgerland. The Mutts will cope with reality poorly. Be great to go over there to point & laugh

>> No.19274261

Nah the chinks won't want to be the world reserve currency. ffs back in '18 they promised to show the weightings of fx currencies. NO ONE trusts them, even the chinks themselves. It's going to have to be some derivative of an SDR

>> No.19274448

If the EU pivots towards greater love for autocratic regimes it'll be the end of Europe.

>> No.19274533

Nah, just like you have mexico for cheap labour, we still have the eastern bloc. The United States of Europe is already fucked.

>> No.19274775
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>expects the yuan to collapse and not the HKD
op i...

>> No.19274831

Um? Yes, obviously it's the HKD that will die.

Yuan doesn't matter.

>> No.19275015
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First one, then the other. China will be best Korea soon, then they can eat dirt and bugs and bats and whatnot. Oh wait

>> No.19275130
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I'm on it, OP. Operation begun. Praise Kek.

>> No.19275206

go all in wtc

>> No.19275392

you are delusional

>> No.19275948
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no, me.