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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19268476 No.19268476 [Reply] [Original]

Becouse your fucking shills, i Hope im gonna make it

>> No.19268554

You are gonna make it. I have 1.5k and have a really good feeling about this

>> No.19268602
File: 49 KB, 640x480, 1589902139771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I have a good feeling about this one bros, we're going to make it!"

>> No.19268649

Me too hehe

>> No.19268659

cheers bro im also at 1.5k

>> No.19268673
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>> No.19268757

all the fud is nothing more than
>muh pajeet
>muh hotwheels

>> No.19268833

will be worth 500.000$ if you have strong hands. congrats

>> No.19268843

All the shilling is nothing more than
>normies like cool cars
>so we let them pretend-own cool cars as crypto, instant moon sirs!

>> No.19268875

cope. watch this Bloomberg feature


>> No.19268945

based curio post.

holding 3k from sub 1k sats.

we're going to $10 EASILY once this is listed on a larger exchange.

>> No.19268986


We can reach that in the blink of an eye once this gets some traction.

>> No.19268998
File: 100 KB, 1024x576, 1588232510346m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How it feels to buy Curry - I mean Curio

>> No.19269005


>> No.19269070

I like how people complain about shills for this but don't say a word about the nine million fucking LINK threads that get posted here and have for years now.

>> No.19269143

yea plus link already mooned all throughout bearmarket. whales already sold
it's curio time now

>> No.19269255
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>> No.19269263


>> No.19269275
File: 31 KB, 680x340, curiohuobi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huobi will be tweeting about the todays partnership anytime now.

Maybe many are not aware, Curio won a National TV show in korea , defeating 425 crypto Projects.
Huobi Ceo was in Jury and had given letter of Investment to Curio at that time which is being implemented now.

Huobi has personal interest in making Curio successful and with that supply , it's gonna be hell of a ride

>> No.19269298
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Something is getting pumped alright

>> No.19269303

this. they just picked a random low cap no volume shitcoin they thought they could pump, bought thousands of dollars worth, and now once you idiots FOMO in they'll dump their bags and you'll get left with what it was before, a worthless no volume shitcoin.

i don't know if it's satsgang though they usually create memes and shit. the curio threads are all very low effort shilling. looks more like pajeet shilling than satsgang.

>> No.19269342

you are denying all the news and facts about curio?
who cares if some pajeets are shilling it. pajeets are in every project

>> No.19269382

Yeah cause the sudden influx of threads for a shitcoin with no volume isn't suspicious at all.

>> No.19269390

u are checking wrong site , experienced go for coingecko, noobs check CMC
More than enough volume for that supply.
U can buy later on Huobi at $10

>> No.19269404

CMC isn't reporting correct volume, check coingecko. or wait for huobi listing in few days

>> No.19269413
File: 144 KB, 940x788, C60CEC94-DEA8-47F0-B157-B5E696FBD9C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See you in the top 200 soon

I will be waiting for you in Miami

Real world adaption. Smart money knows, dumb money will never learn

>> No.19269414

>u are checking wrong site
>experienced go for coingecko

Jesus christ.

>> No.19269799

See u soon at $10+

>> No.19269835
File: 135 KB, 725x1024, 1589647304065m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the moon!

>> No.19270376

$10 by end of June.

>> No.19270542
File: 5 KB, 441x97, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello sirs

>> No.19270583

pajeet scam

>> No.19270617


Like literally every coin here. Get over it.

>> No.19270683

scam or not if you're not an idiot you can turn a profit but only if you have cash lying around.
and if you have cash lying around and you're into invested into something already in this crucial time then you are absolutely NGMI

>> No.19270699

That’s hot. But think of all the sweat and semen flying around in low G

>> No.19270734
File: 193 KB, 1024x679, 1587655142103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a Bible Black thread

>> No.19270780

Also Pajeets are banchodes and Pakistan is Number 1!

>> No.19270798

You just gave your money to an Indian village

>> No.19270876

>pakistan is not number 1

>> No.19271072

Hindustan is Pakistani clay!

>> No.19271096

Holy based

>> No.19271769

This is TRULY a massive Pump and Dump! Yeah man! indians! HAHAHAHA Pajeet! you guys are FUCKING hilarious!

Read this and shut the fuck up you cock sucking inbred unoriginal faggots https://blog.curioinvest.com/2020/05/22/want-a-hypercar-you-can-now-get-one-with-huobi-token-on-curioinvest-com/

stop parroting each other and actually do some research and read.

or market buy and shut the fuck up. Cock sucking faggots.

There are pajeets associated with every project dumbass. Who gives a flying fuck if you end up making a lot of money.
This based Swiss project is currently extremely undervalued. If you can't see that you have a bigger problem than worrying about "pajeets."

>> No.19271788

what model ferrai is that?

>> No.19271883

I bought 2000 yeeeeey

>> No.19271926

Wow someone is mad. Struck a nerve?
Relax, you got Saturday to look forward to , Eid al-Fitr

>> No.19272878

FERRARI F12 TDF , only approx 700 pieces exist in world, this particular piece has got something to do with Tour de france

>> No.19273393

hence tdf kek