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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19264795 No.19264795[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Fuck each of you. None of you knows how bad I have it and what I have been through. How much money biz has made me loose. Fuck this shit board. It cost me so much. What a fucking rotten place. That does not even get into all the other problems of things going on in my situation. And yes I know this is not a diary but I do not give a fuck I will say whatever the fuck I want so fuck you. There is not a chance in hell any on this board has the mental strength of me. You fuckers are crooked. This place is a fucking gambling den filled of morons and scam artists. I did not deserve any of this. But now that it happened I have learned so much. I am going to take this and use it to motivate myself to make more in the future. I am going to make it and it is no thanks to biz. I am going to fucking make it.

>> No.19264822

Blow the curry out your ass, sandeep.

>> No.19264827

Dear diary,
sage goes in all fields.

>> No.19264843

sorry you're going through a hard time fren

>> No.19264845

that meal looks fucked in every way imaginable

>> No.19264863

cool story bro

>> No.19264865

>waahhhh i take everything i see on the internet at face value and buy whatever im told by literal pajeets and paid discord tranny teams and i'm not responsible for any of it
just go suck on the barrel of a shotgun
S and H

>> No.19264880

did you get burned with ESH/ghost?
its legit the dev teams fault growth was totally organic until they fucked it up could make a comeback

>> No.19264888

>> There is not a chance in hell any on t >>this board has the mental strength of >>me


>> No.19264903

Cry more you dumb faggot, but don't go away. We need stupid money to fuel our pump and dumps. Don't forget: you're suffering because you're an idiot, and you've helped make others here richer

>> No.19264958

you probably fell for a p&d spam
how much did you lost op?
majority of these scam threads have people warning others, you just have to think a bit and do your 15 seconds research, its not biz fault but your own

>> No.19264978


>> No.19264999

See what I mean. These posts all sound like pricks. That is typical behavior around this shit board.

>> No.19265004

This thread reeks of newfaggotry

>> No.19265025

In this case it is not my fault it is the fault of the crooked fuckers here. They fucked me. I lost 90% my life savings. Saved up $50k over 4 years working and am now down below $10k. Fuck this piece of shit bullshit fucked up board.

>> No.19265074

No one made you buy shit you dumb fucking poo.

You think it’s all rainbows and unicorns.
You don’t realize it but you losing 80% of your nut was the best thing that ever happened to you.

Now... stop calling my mom from “windows.” No one is paying you with an Apple gift card you scheming hindu parasite

>> No.19265185

I'm gonna give you some advice:
When someone you don't know gives you unsolicited advice, and then responds with insults when you question them, it's because they're stupid. They've always been stupid, too stupid to acquire anything based on their own merit. They primarily try to find out what the group is doing, and follow that to piggyback on the group's power. If they hear something that sounds good, they will try to spread it to increase the group's power. By asking them to justify it, you are attacking the group, which they rely upon to survive. So they try to shame you into submission with schoolyard insults.
Look at successful people. To the idiotic it looks like they are just being assholes. But if you pay attention someone has always done the above to them before they react. When someone tells you what to do, and then insults you when you disagree, your first reaction should be to tell them to fuck off. If they are in a group, leave, silently put them on your shit list and fuck them over when you get the chance. They are trying to build a collectivist society of mediocre shitheads, since eugenics is not implemented it falls to the intelligent to punish them for their banal arrogance.

>> No.19265215

honest question though why would you put so much on one bet? I invested in ESH I only put 1200 dollars in tho and I knew I could have lost it
it was a mcafee coin they've all crashed everyone, I did think this project could be serious and it might be with the new dev they brought on

>> No.19265225

lol everyone itt has been severely trolled

>> No.19265248

appreciated your effortpost anon

>> No.19265250

either way at the end of the day the only thing that matters is being right with Christ when you die, only way anyone can make it ultimately.

>> No.19265253

Lmao in one breath your crying about how difficult your life is and in another you are bragging about how strong you are. Go back to plebbit, no one wants you here

>> No.19265286

Thanks fren.

>> No.19265318

I more than 10x'd my money. The trick is to listen to /biz/ and ignore the pajeet shills. I'm negotiating buying a house, almost a quarter million in my portfolio. At this rate I'll be retired in 5 years. $9 link and 5% from staking would mean I won't even need to worry about my portfolio, just steaking is enough to quit working.
It's hard to feel bad for you because you seem like an asshole. We're supposed to all be in this together. Somehow you decided to deviate from the plan and then blame us for some reason. Eat shit. I'm going to keep making it with my bros here.

>> No.19265327
File: 270 KB, 750x718, BCB8CF87-F1A4-47BC-A8EF-823FB6FEEF77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We told you to buy silver, dumbass.

>> No.19265340

>How much money biz has made me loose.
You lost that money, /biz/ didn't steal it from you. You're just a salty loser.

>> No.19265356
File: 17 KB, 335x271, EWuZfWFWsAAcSnX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thanks for teaching me how to make it
>for free
>but fuck you

>> No.19265386

blue steak and mushroom tip
my favourite

>> No.19265413

If you wanna see gambling head on over to wallstreetbets. Biz is childsplay compared to reddit kek

>> No.19265430
File: 1.64 MB, 2000x3793, Snapchat-586517482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who the fuck eats a steak like that? literally looks microwaved

>> No.19265464

what coin was it anon

>> No.19265482

5 link to anyone who can fuck him out of his last $10k.!

Newfag here up 60% in the last year - thanks /biz/ frens

>> No.19265511

You are literally going to die eating that OP. Cook it brown and stay around.

>> No.19265589
File: 74 KB, 742x745, 1565039341513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>biz MADE me lose money

>> No.19265596
File: 130 KB, 1000x567, AF05FB1D-FFC8-4E75-841A-86895014D0F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like your mom’s meat flaps.

>> No.19265806

No one to blame but yourself. I forgot to put on price notifications for OMG and woke up 10minutes after I would've been able to cash out from $1700 to $5500 and was able to make only $1100 while I slept instead of $3800. I blame myself, like an adult. kys, OP

>> No.19265822

You made a bad investment or you invested incorrectly, and you're blaming this board instead of just accepting you are a stupid loser who nobody owes anything to.

>> No.19265838

I love biz

>> No.19266002

You are just a retard. I have made over 100k$ thanks to this place. And will be millionaire soon. I own my life to /biz

>> No.19266187


$50k here but going up. This place is a free financial education, but maybe the sticky should include the first lesson of finance, namely


>> No.19266218
File: 235 KB, 181x179, 1589705951004.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe this totally real dancing cat will cheer you up OP

>> No.19266221 [DELETED] 

You're a retard for not realizing that "investments" with huge profit potential have huge downside potential as well. You shouldn't have money in crypto that you can't afford to lose.
I have about 5% of my net worth in crypto.

>> No.19266275

Lost $40k because you took the get rich quick route. You knew what you were doing. Never put more than 10% of your net into speculating assets like crypto’s. None of this space has proven any real widescale use-case that benefitted coin holders yet so you were stupid and weak minded when you went all in on a shitcoin. How many people warn you about the pajeets? You ignored the risk. Focus on derisking rather than chancing it. An 18 year old buying his first house is looking at a lot of risk, but the 40 year old real estate agent sees no risk. Their intelligence lowers their risk of financial destruction and they become wealthy with persistence. De-risk. Everything. Paid off house before 40 yrs old is key to early retirement

>> No.19266309


>> No.19266326

If you make it, it is all thanks to Biz. That hate you have, that anger that now dives you.... No need for thanks. Your welcome.

>> No.19266360

I unironcially missed out on making at least 200k by listening to these retards. Last such case is OMG that went from 50 cents to $4 on CB PRO. Same case with ZIL, THETA and bunch of others. This fucking retard board is wrong 95% of the time.

>> No.19266366

This. How do you guys literally believe every story you read on a shithole like 4chin?

>> No.19266368

Technically if one got burnt on all the bad projects biz shilled it would rek you in a heartbeat.

>> No.19266390

Why would anyone actually listen to /biz/? The average iq here in below 70, you’re safest bets in investing are usually government bonds (developed nations), blue chip stocks, there are many good exchange traded funds ( not all of them are great). Though those are usually low reward when compared to possible gains in crypto, everyone is trying to find the next bitcoin, but that is extremely risky. You’re safest bet in crypto is bitcoin and ethereum. And remember, don’t listen to /biz/, you’ll get fucked from that

>> No.19266443
File: 320 KB, 401x367, DBGY0Od.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a scam artist would imply some kind of artistry. Anyway, in crypto the scams only work because the target is greedy and arrogant, you thought you were smart buying some shitcoins right now just so you can sell them to a poor schmuck for 1000 times what you paid, don't go on your high horse now that you've been hoisted by your own petard.

>> No.19266553

>how bad I have it and what I have been through

Let me tell you a story of a young girl and what she went through. In 2007 I was deployed to Iraq. About half through we were doing night sweep patrols I Ramadi. Ended up seeing a guy raping a girl that night. She was 14 years old. SOP's for something like that is to call the local police because we you are not allowed to touch them if they are not a threat to our safety. Fuck that. Stabbed him 3 times in his right rib cage and 2 times in his upper groin about 4 inches down from his belly button. We got her to safety and most of us gave her our watches to sell. She probably got $50 each for the dozen or so watches.

>> No.19266580

Did he breathe out of his ribs after that?

>> No.19266603

>fuck each of you
>waaah why are you so mean to me
reap what you sow faggot

>> No.19266714

Yeh that's a bad steak alright

>> No.19266760
File: 209 KB, 1714x1344, A0948864-ECC4-40A2-8E50-3422EE92936F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lost 80%
He didn’t buy gold ( and silver)

>> No.19266772

is that real?

>> No.19267266
File: 241 KB, 890x854, 1567791864136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autists and spergys have no empathy. That's why they behave like this.

>> No.19267436

When everyone suffers, only assholes are made

>> No.19267779


>> No.19267845

you are a fucking retard kys

>> No.19267864

>raw beef
>raw french fries
>I am going to fucking make it.

>> No.19267993

thanks for your donation. i bought myself a nice present with your money

>> No.19268013

This, topkek
OP is a troglodyte

>> No.19268037

more seriously, what scamcoin did you buy to lose 90% of your life savings? it's an expensive lesson, but now you understand why you don't put your life savings in pump and dump shitcoins.

>> No.19268066

This post reminds me of the candidates who go to X Factor or any other talent show. They think they are talented and are going to make it, but in the auditions stage they make a fool of themselves on national TV and the judges press the buzzers for them to stop. Then the candidate lashes out at the judges saying they know nothing and that they will be famous.

>> No.19268095

its not a board (or a website even) for someone with thin skin. sorry about your losses, its best just to leave this site forever and pretend it never happened

>> No.19268102


I think he just wanted to get rich quick chasing pumps instead of buying into actual quality projects that Biz can and does sniff out. Good way to get rekt

>> No.19268115

>But now that it happened I have learned so much. I am going to take this and use it to motivate myself to make more in the future. I am going to make it
>it is no thanks to biz

it literally is thanks to /biz/ you moron. this place transforms you. it's a faucet of incredibly valuable information btw, just not the way a newcomer would expect it to be. once you can read through the 7 levels of deceit, and understand everyone's true intent with their posts, you develop a strong sense for the current real sentiment of various markets.

>> No.19268125

I don't think you're ready to make it with that attitude of blaming other people for the outcomes of your actions, even if you believe that you allowed something they wrote to influence you.

>> No.19268135

>But now that it happened I have learned so much. I am going to take this and use it to motivate myself to make more in the future.
and all thanks to biz :3 beautiful story fren

>> No.19268181

If you do make it then it's thanks to us since your endavour here is what has motivated you. We are the heroes you needed, not the ones you wished for. Now go, go make it you wonderful OP.

>> No.19268205

im really sorry to hear that, i feel for you. but you had lessons to learn and was going to lose that and more even if you never stumbled upon /biz/.
just don't ignore what happened and LEARN from it. if you don't ignore it you will understand how YOU could have acted differently, and let yourself be influenced differently for it to not happen.
even if it is "not your fault", it wouldn't have happened if your actions were different, you realize that, right? if you don't feel like your actions could have possibly been different, that means this was something you absolutely had to go through eventually.

hope you are going to gain all that back and a lot more.

>> No.19268262


4channer's modus operandi:
> > fooling them into buying my bags
> you bought it? you lost it?
> what a bunch of retards. should have done your research. stay poor, faggots.

>> No.19268289

>fooling them into buying my bags
>you bought it? you lost it?
>what a bunch of retards. should have done your research. stay poor, faggots.

warren buffet & co will literally do the first 2 steps to you and worse just omit the third and not admit even to themselves that they made bank on dumb money, money that they were (sometimes unconsciously) trying to influence to act dumb in ways that's beneficial to them.

>> No.19268313

Blog it, homeboy

>> No.19268315

Years of /pol/ have let me see the skin color of people typing; I have never fallen for a scam here

>> No.19268420 [DELETED] 

Pretty sure /biz/ told you to buy LINK, the rest of the posts were obvious scams. Did you not read the part about never investing money youre not willing to lose?

Even still youre crying about having more mental strength that people you dont even know, if anything the markets teach you two things, you dont deserve ANYTHING, and you are NOT as smart as you think.

>> No.19268494
File: 107 KB, 1733x489, linkiesbtfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>falls for a scamcoin with 0 actual future utility that literally everyone above a certain iq only bought, holds and shills to acquire more BTC/ETH/USD in the end
>shits on op for falling for OBVIOUS scams because his bags haven't dumped yet

yep that's my /biz/.

>> No.19268497

>he took financial advice from the hentai forum

>> No.19268532

name one, (1) better shitcoin out there.

>> No.19268569

That meat is raw

>> No.19268806

Your own fault. You are a dumb ass. Even
If you went all in at 20k BTC you would have half your investment left still nearly. You deserve to lose all of it.

>> No.19268861

Funniest thing I’ve read in weeks

>> No.19268891
