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File: 239 KB, 579x460, ETH TV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1926046 No.1926046 [Reply] [Original]

This TV clip mentioning Ethereum is cool!


On a side note:

It's so early for eth that I've switched anxiety of price drops into drooly greed for cheap eth since we may never visit these prices again after more maturity and adoption. Look at btc a simple tech in comparison and it's value is up there now no where near these $40 prices and $3 day to day fluctuations. Big picture and holding is the way to go at this stage I believe.

>> No.1926077

The show is ABC's The Catch, in case you were wondering.

>> No.1926092
File: 5 KB, 325x155, 134744545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the jews, the globalists and the NWO are all backing Ethereum

>> No.1926107

I've never understood you /pol/acks

If you can make money off of something, Who gives a fuck what "muh jews" and "muh nwo" are doing? If you can make a profit, why care?

>> No.1926179

Cool to see shows mentioning ethereum, but that scene made no sense and has nothing to do with ethereum

>> No.1926184

this bothers me too

Jews backing something is a good sign, it means there's money to be made.

Biz dont mind jews, aslong as they can benefit along them.

Most of biz is probably half-jewish anyway

>> No.1926206

He gets paid through a smart contract on Ethereum to keep his dealings third party since he's a hit man not like dead shot in Suicide squad where I think he got a wire transfer or PayPaled or something for a hit.

>> No.1926209

I meant *third party free

>> No.1926216
File: 116 KB, 588x647, 245624562457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just went all in Eth.
Take me to the moon, Mr. Goldstein!

it's not supposed to, it's just jews shilling

wtf i love jews now

>> No.1926233

Which Etherium partner shares board members at ABC? There's your answer.

Same reason you get networks speaking of Obamacare in concerned yet supportive tones. ABC, NBC, CNN, and Fox all share at least one board member with a board member of a major drug company (CBS does not, but that's there's still massive amounts of drug advertising). They won't mention pricing and tacitly support increased insurance coverage because it's good for them.

The product Networks sell is us, the consumer, to their advertisers. ABC is likely pushing this ETH talk into their programming at the behest of a board member or to curry favor with one of their customers, the advertisers.

>> No.1926238

As an aside, the Obamacare example is just because it's a clear example of Network TV being influenced by advertisers and board members by ignoring one side of an issue that would reflect poorly on their customers.

>> No.1926243

It makes no sense because the smart contract cant verify his """proof of death""" which he says can be a head. Real proof of death on a smart contract would be a online unbiased website posting the obituary that the smart contract can read and release his funds

>> No.1926245

It's just increasing brand recognition. It doesn't have to make sense.

>> No.1926250

>give me ethereum for my anonymity
>he doesn't use monero instead
Nigger gonna get caught.

>> No.1927212

It could work, if the smart contract were able to make use of facial recognition software keyed to the target's mug, along with some other basic visual recognition to be able to tell that the head is not attached to a human body.

>assassinate target
>snap pic