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19247971 No.19247971 [Reply] [Original]

>rentuck: $900/month

>mortgage chad: $800/month on a $150,000 house

>> No.19248016

what happens when the boiler shits the bed?
I'm a mortgage chad too, but not everyone should be.

>> No.19248022

>forgot taxes
>also a pipe broke thatll be $3k

>> No.19248058

home repairs are way overrated and you are low-IQ for letting hypothetical scenarios scare you into paying more for something you'll never see any return on

>> No.19248355
File: 29 KB, 600x400, shrugging-shoulders (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy a triplex
>rent out two of the units for half the mortgage each
>live for free

I *LITERALLY* do not understand why every single person isnt doing this.

>> No.19248393

Only a faggit needs heat. Grow some chest hair to keep you warm.

>> No.19248413

if you own a house for more than 3 years you will have to make a significant purchase. Ive owned mine for 10 years and I have had to get a new HVAC (6 years ago) and roof (this year). Cost is 12k total.
Not to mention other expenses + upkeep

>> No.19248428

Boiler? What 3rd world country do you live in. Modern day HVAC units have 10 year warranties and they're cheap as shit

>> No.19248432

>hypothetical scenarios
LARPer confirmed. home repairs aren't hypothetical, they WILL happen

>> No.19248492

>Living next to two npc
>Have them come complain directly at your doorstep

Gee anon idk

>> No.19248494

stop posting the same shit thread every day sage

>> No.19248512

My house cost $129,000. $1,200 a month on a 15 year mortgage. Three years later taxes had raised it to $1,450 a month and I had to put $8,800 of repairs into it.

Buying isnt a clear advantage anymore because the Fed keeps interest permalow, while immigration is permahigh. Housing prices continually grow faster than wages. The past three years have been bidding wars and huge value gains as wages barely moved. My house grew in "value" to $140k. Now the bubble got popped and I imagine it will move down to $100k or lower. If I was in a 30 year mortgage I'd be stuck in my house and unable to relocate for a better job because I owe more than the house is worth.

Also, the sewer main is fucked by roots and has maybe 2-3 years left and then it'll be a $14,000 repair.

You can easily buy a house and then get his with repairs the size of your down payment. Other risk is having to sell your house if you want to move. If you close on a new house and a buyer pulls out on an old one you are fucked.

Moot point now because lenders are only doing 20% down, and in most areas that means $40-60gs in cash on hand.

>> No.19248516

Sure sounds better than paying 800 dollars a month to the Jew.
Never gonna make it.

>> No.19248570

Because tenants can destroy your property and leave you with thousands of dollars of damage and at best you'll live in a state where it'll only take you 30 days to remove them. In others they could be living with you, not paying, and fucking the place up for half a year before they get removed.

>> No.19248619

You can't buy a nice house in my area for $150k without taking on a lot of repair costs. I've already done a ton of research with my real estate agent and the minimum would be $310k for a decent house that isn't falling apart in some way. The people saying they got their house for less than $200k are obviously boomers who bought them a long time ago, not recently. Or they live in backwoods Mississippi.

>> No.19248623

150.000$ house?? Must be some poor shit country?!

>> No.19248675

on a depreciating asset that gives you no income

>> No.19248685

seems like you retards bought really shitty properties thinking you were getting a "deal"

I have a family member who owns 15 rental properties. in 8 years, ONE deck has needed replacement (they did it themselves, lumber cost $800) and 2 needed AC units (which cost $1000 a piece AFTER labor)

we can talk anecdotal evidence all day but as I see it, its 12 houses to 5, 12 not needing repair

get rekt

>> No.19248719

what city

>> No.19248725

>get exposed as larping child
>uses a variation of the my uncle works at nintendo defense

>> No.19248776

your thread clearly states it compares renting your residence vs buying your residence
>failed slide

>> No.19248918

>Kid heard relative bragging and so they know everything.
Ok, but according the National Mortgage Professionals routine maintenance (gutters, HVAC, etc.) costs $3,067 a year on average. This does not include long term repairs, which you are recommend to budget at .2% of value per month, so $400 a month for a $200,000 house.

Most landlords turn their properties into shit which is why no one likes having rentals near them. They are only saved by the one two combo of zoning laws and bubbles that are used to keep their values up.

>> No.19248932

the same thing that happens when a boiler in your apartment breaks. landlords charge enough rent to cover expenses and they pass those expenses on to you in the form of a premium. in other words, the rent you pay is, on the long run average, in excess of their monthly debt obligations, property taxes, building insurance, repairs/improvements, etc.

>> No.19248965

>owing bank kikes money
nigger I have 1 bank account and I use it to get paid. I'll NEVER make a loan to buy a house.

>> No.19248968

That isn't the same thing by a long shot.

>> No.19248988

not an argument
irrelevant schizophrenic drivel
[source needed]

>> No.19248989

> bought really shitty properties
The post opens with a $150,000 property.

>> No.19249012

what city do you live in

>> No.19249329

in 30 years you will have thrown away over $300,000 on rent @ 900/month

in 30 years I will get a fat check for $200,000

stay retarded, your landlord thanks you

>> No.19249410

You own 0 real estate you retard zoomer

>> No.19249692

massive cope

>> No.19249706

it is exactly the same unless you're the type of nigger who needs weekly paychecks because you're too retarded to save and budget and project expenses.

>> No.19249793

the premise of the thread that you made is irrelevant?

you must be 18+ to post, newfriend

>> No.19249841

A slate roof lasts 150 years and a good HVAC system that isn't made out of cardboard by chinks can last half a century with good maintenance. The only reason you're having to repair things so often is because you're using the shittiest quality cheapest materials you can find.

>> No.19249913

This. Modern appliances last 10+ years and are cheap

>> No.19250187

lmao you have the reading comprehension of an immigrant. probably why you rent

>> No.19251151

rentcucks scattering like roaches at the site of these posts

>> No.19251209

thats the dumbest fucking thing ive ever heard. You dont own a house so why are you shilling so hard

>> No.19251242

>making a huge investment early in your life
House buyers are the teenage moms of business

>> No.19251255

says the guy who spent 12k on a roof and ac unit LMAOOOOOO

>> No.19251274

>spineless wimp too pussy to pull the trigger
enjoy throwing away thousands of dollars on rent lulz

>> No.19251286

imagine living in a shitty place where houses only cost 150k

>> No.19251302

what city do you live in (you wont answer, they never do)

>> No.19251306

Yea ive got you all beat. I built my own house for pennies. No mortgage, no rent, just me and my shotgun, sipping sweet tea on my porch.

>> No.19251321

Property threads are the epitome of Dunning Kruger

>> No.19251334

Yes good goy keep paying rent with nothing to show for it

>> No.19251336

The key is to discriminate the fuck out of any potential tenants

>> No.19251345

the northeast. no, i wont get any more specific than that for you, dumb sperg

>> No.19251357

this is actually planned brainwashing by (((them))) before the housing market crashes so you buy now... housing market is so highly overleveraged that the smallest loss will start a tremendous chain of failures

>> No.19251381

Because nobody wants to give out personal information like a brain dead retard. Stop asking for it.

>> No.19251397
File: 182 KB, 442x400, 1475429100379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live with parents
>pocket paycheck, spend only on phone bills
Renting costs in my state are just over $1k on average, and I don't want to own property here unless I NEED to commute to neighboring states for work.
I'm just waiting for boomers to start downsizing and selling their houses in the next ~10 years.

>> No.19251408

>ITT: seething poorfags who ForeverRent desperately coping and kvetching

Kek, you waiters/baristas are so sad.

>> No.19251430

you live with your parents and have no idea what anything costs, dumb cuck

>> No.19251452

Most houses in the northeast and industrial Midwest have boilers. New construction won't but there isn't too much of that if you work around Boston, or even in the rust belt cities.

The post is about a $150,000 house and a $150,000 house anywhere cold is older and has a boiler.

Roots can ruin a sewer main in less than 10 years. Roofs get fucked up by branches and hardly anyone does 20 year warranties now. Steel roofs are awesome but aren't cheap.

Shut the fuck up Zoomer, you clearly have no idea what your talking about.

>B-but my Boomer parents own this based house and...

If they are like 95% of Boomers and Gen X they have less than $50k in savings and are debted up to their eyeballs.

Buying a house makes sense when you plan to live in one area for a long time and when prices are low. Buying into a bubble or buying when you're in a career than may require a move soon is quite possibly suboptimal.

Owning a property is either expensive, a lot of work, or it goes to shit. Luxury apartments are nice to live in too. I regret buying.

>> No.19251455

Please tell me where I can find a house for $150k. I’m white so I don’t want to live anywhere near niggers or spics.

>> No.19251479

Reminder that real estate historically keeps pace with inflation but that’s it once you factor in mortgage, taxes, repairs etc.

>> No.19251483

More like $3500/mo for a 2 bedroom condo vs $2500/mo for a 2 bedroom apartment

This is the actual rate in (formerly) booming residential real estate markets. Above is Toronto's

>> No.19251547

Not america then. Ain't shit we can do about the shitskin problem, but houses for 150k are fucking everywhere.

>> No.19251643

>but houses for 150k are fucking everywhere.

No, they aren't. Not decent ones that won't require extensive repairs and aren't located in shit hole neighborhoods.

>> No.19251678

>a $150,000 house anywhere cold is older and has a boiler

Michigan, House built in 1950-something, $115,000, can't find the boiler in my house, there's just a natural gas furnace. I really want to know where that boiler is hiding,

>> No.19251881


In my area even the cheap, shitty new built homes are at least 200k. And that’s for buildings with things like literal holes in the wall and bad foundations.

>> No.19252420

In my city 150K is a 2br cuckshed in a Mexican neighborhood. 250k minimum to be lower/middle class white neighborhood and those will be 15-20 years old minimum that will need major repairs.

>> No.19252449

West Virginia

>> No.19252606

everyone bragging about owning a house just because is a loser living in a shithole who can't imagine ever having to move for a career, or for any reason at all for that matter.

>> No.19253140

>t. doesn't own property in multiple large cities

>> No.19253554

lmao what a bunch of low-IQ schizoids

what? is the 4chan boogieman gonna find out where you live and all he needs is your fucking city?

low-IQ, boomer-tier levels of technical knowledge

>> No.19253571

coping AND projecting

wow, you're a 4chan poster child

>> No.19253597

what city

>> No.19253626

seething poorfag

>> No.19253842

I've occasionally thought about buying a house. It just makes sense financially. But I'm paranoid that relatives or friends will want to come live with me.

>> No.19253991


Holy fuck you're annoying dude. I don't think anyone here is actually worried about some kind of intrusion taking place just by naming what city we live in, it's more of a personal issue and the fact that you don't need to know this information.Your persistence is faggy too. Why are you too stupid to discuss this issue at a higher level rather than making it personal?


Not too difficult to figure out that you're probably in one of those first 10 states with cheap ass housing and a shitty job outlook.

>> No.19254201

Does your heating system use radiators or forced air?

Lots of the Northeast is still on radiators, even really nice old Victorian houses.

A gas furnace for producing steam is a boiler.

>> No.19254222

my mom just gave me one of her extra houses

>> No.19254230

feminism truly turns women ugly from the inside and outside

>> No.19254335

pick one

>> No.19254349

You become a man and do your own house repairs.

>> No.19254359

Because I don't want to see anyone when I'm at home

>> No.19254514

>it's more of a personal issue
you're on an anonymous board you absolute fucking moron hahahaahaha your ego is so fucking fragile that you'd honestly get upset if someone made fun of your town, thats absolutely pathetic and honestly borderline mentally ill. you're so disconnected from reality that you can not comprehend that IT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER what some internet 4chan stranger thinks about you. pathetic.

>you don't need to know this information
yes I do. because my ass is going straight to zillow to show you decent $150,000 houses in your area OR laugh my ass off @ you living in Commiefornia/Jew York AND I'm going to LOL @ you paying $1,500/month on rent for a shitty 500sq. ft. studio

>> No.19254528

>probably black
pick 2

>> No.19254572

I've lived in the upper Midwest my entire life and have literally never seen a boiler you stupid nigger. It's all LP/nat gas or or woodstove.

>> No.19254596

>Why are you too stupid to discuss this issue at a higher level rather than making it personal?

>Not too difficult to figure out that you're probably in one of those first 10 states with cheap ass housing and a shitty job outlook.

smooth brain

>> No.19254841
File: 297 KB, 480x879, Screenshot_20200521-144813_Photo Editor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a stupid fuck

>> No.19254843

Where I live a down payment on a house is 5x of what an entire house costs for you apparently.

>> No.19254859

what city

>> No.19254907

Palo alto

>> No.19254967
File: 237 KB, 691x529, SmartSelect_20200521-145421_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahahahhahahhahahhahhahahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahahhahahhahahhahhahahahahhahahhahah *wheeze* hahahahhahahahhahahhahhahahhahahahhahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahshahahhahahahahhahahahhahahah

>> No.19255588


>> No.19255841

Des Moines. My rent is $650 and I’m not opposed to buying a house but anything under 200k is in a black or Mexican neighborhood.

>> No.19256436

Today retard anon learned that living somewhere that's not a shithole isn't cheap

>> No.19256638

Wow fucking losers have job security and you don't. who is living in the shithole?

>> No.19256736

California is the biggest shithole in the US. You probably have a homeless camp across the street

>> No.19256838

1. I don't live there
2. Yeah that's why it costs 1.5 million for a starter house there while a house in your shithole costs 150,000. Because California is so awful and no one wants to leave there, and everyone wants to live in sewerpit, Iowa. That's logical, right?

>> No.19256846

lmao post one single shred of tangible evidence that you aren't just not completely broke, but could afford HALF of one month's rent there (you won't)

youll post some photoshopped pay stub that some other faggot posted when tasked with the same request

>> No.19256875

people ARE fleeing Commiefornia lmao.

the average person lives in the fucking ghetto and bumfuck nowhere California

>> No.19256898

>Live in 3rd world country
>Rent 2 bedroom 40sqm apartment for $100/month
>Have a stay-in 24hr maid for $120/month cooking all your tendies and washing all your clothes and dishes
>Big tit hookers for $70 = 3 hours 2 pops
>An ounce of mids for $30
>Live like a king for less than $1000/month
>Have all basic necessities/luxuries like 24hr air-conditioning and heated water, high-speed fiber internet etc. already included in that cost
>Not tied down and can move anytime to anywhere in the world

Why haven't you taken the 3rd-world pill?

>> No.19256917

>rent is $650/month
>is worried about living among beaners and joggers
hahahahahaha why are rentcucks so stupid? i really want to know. you ARE CURRENTLY living AMONG spics and niggers. I guarantee you at least a dozen undesirables live with 100 feet of you

>> No.19257043
File: 321 KB, 708x636, SmartSelect_20200521-163652_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, and here you go

>thats a bad part of town!

nigger you pay 650/month for an apartment, YOU are the type of people no one wants to live around

>> No.19257084

Why do American houses always look that shitty and fragile

>> No.19257198

Is it worth it if my area has a low rent to price ratio (So Cal)? I could buy, but unsure if it would be profitable to rent it out when I leave

>> No.19257793

post pic of house

>> No.19258182

>mid 20s
>central KY
>55k year IT gig
>1k rent after rent, utilities, etc

I wanted to live somewhere 'nice', but I think I'd rather save now..

>> No.19258426


This only works out if you constantly get good tenants, which is not easy to do.

If you get shitty tenants and you have to evict them, guess how easy it is for them to get revenge on you? You literally live next to them. Besides fucking up the unit that you are renting to them, they can fuck up your stuff when your not around. They can fuck up your car, break the windows on your unit, break into your unit and fuck it up, mess with your pets if you have any, etc.......

When the person evicted them is within sight if where they live, their tendency to lash out at you in harmful ways goes way up. Your personal safety could easily become at risk.

>> No.19258508


What town? I want to move there.

>> No.19258591

>live with parents: $0/month and all disposable income goes into investments.

>> No.19258677


>trailer park quality building for 145 000 dollars

>> No.19258769
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>have 6/10 roastie landlord
>rape her
>apologize the next day for getting a little wild
>she cries a little and thanks me
>choke and fuck her again
>never pay rent
>tfw paying your rent with rough fucks
imagine actually paying rent

>> No.19258888
File: 4 KB, 125x125, 1583131023687s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never date a young Emma Watson

>> No.19258907

unironically doing this right now

>> No.19258947

based, whores get what they deserve

>> No.19259060

I'm not the guy from Iowa, put down the meth pipe Pablo

It causes that much due to retarded regulations and other rent seeking bullshit that gets put in place wherever liberals take power

Such a paradise that half the population wants to leave!