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1922598 No.1922598 [Reply] [Original]

What are you holding or looking at buying? Any tips? Discuss here.

Keep shilling to a minimum and atleast be realistic if you're going to shill something.

>> No.1922794

Holding RAP, I expect it's going to pull back a little bit this week after a big fish opened a large position last week, might be the last time to buy shares in the 30's, trial results should land by the end of april, will easily break 40c, maybe even 50c, depending on the results.

>> No.1922893

I'm holding RAP as well, got in at 0.325. Sittin' pretty here.

>> No.1923634

Still banking on EHE, will buy more in a few months when i have the spare cash.

>> No.1923709

got eyes on MMJ, buy now sell april 10th.

Medical marajuana, about to have the canadian government release framework on april 10th about legalization. will be a small profit margin there to be taken

>> No.1923736

RGP is something that I was looking at.

>> No.1923988

BHD, it's a macro-global investment fund that's IPO'ing late April.

>> No.1924482

WMN for those insane cobalt/Nickel grades

LPI for those insane lithium grades/huge deposit

SYR for the same with graphite

CLQ for just being a god-tier company in general

>> No.1924657

A2M to the moon

>> No.1924784

Why April 10th?

>> No.1924788

Give several reasons why

>> No.1924792

Holding ICG. Also pot stocks.

>> No.1924793

Is it even worth it for WMN what gives you the hunch it will comeback considering?

>> No.1924795

Any US holders/ buyers?

>> No.1924799

Its fucking skyrocketing and im furious i didn't buy at 2.1

>> No.1924805

No mention yet of MLS...

>> No.1924809

yeah, we all waiting for further assay results.

my exit price is 3c. No where near that yet :(

>> No.1924820

Hey guys what is the best way to trade on the ASX for an individual?

How do you rate the CMC stockbroking platform?

>> No.1924830


You're shattered? I bought 30k of shares at 1.95, sold at 2.20. Mfw I should have done nothing, all you can do is learn from your mistakes anon, my mistakes lately have been taking profits early, like someone who constantly flips a steak on a bbq, I need to learn to just leave shit the fuck alone.

>> No.1924846
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thats when the announcement is due, which will be a market sensitive $$ announcement.

safe gains are good gains

>> No.1924875

damn, at least you made some profit

>> No.1924884

Anyone else in on TV2?
some nice accumulation towa4ds end of day looks like one of those big announcements must be coming this week

>> No.1924931

Where my SAS niggas at

>> No.1924941

I'm up 115% on SAS

>> No.1924952

Holding AGL atm, should i buy more?

>> No.1924955

Feels bad I didn't go balls deep, I was waiting on some money to drop 10k more, but the price shoot up to 0.25, I really hope it drops down below 0.20 before the launch so I can buy some more, I'm pretty sure it will go above 0.30 before/after launch if successful

>> No.1924982

Yeah I put all I had available, which wasn't much admittedly. I just started buying stocks so that is a really good choice for my first year in.

>> No.1925032

MLS was a great example on why not to listen to this thread for financial advice.

>> No.1925036

Here. Its one of my lowish sort of earners thus far.. hows teh future lookin ya think?

>> No.1925049
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Can anyone explain to me why ILU is being so heavily shorted?

See: http://www.shortman.com.au/stock?q=ILU

>> No.1925051


When is the launch for SAS?

>> No.1925060

Future looks good, personally I don't want to buy at 0.25, I got in at 0.16 and want to buy some more at around 0.20, I think it will come down a bit in the upcoming weeks, the current price is hype due to the announcement of a secured customer, which was the only thing the company was lacking to take off.
A lot of discussion,negotionations but no deals, anyways now with a secured customer, the next big thing is going to be the launch of their satellites which will happen later this year, there will be a lot of speculation pre launch the price might sky rocket, specially if they play it right and make announcements about negotiations, etc. If the launch is successful the price will definitely stay well above 0.30.
I think the launch has a very good chance of being successful, the company they hired it's perhaps the best/most experienced company and they haven't had any incidents in a while launching satellites, SAS is managed by people that know the business and they have raised enough capital to hire good people, they already have a customer and they're definetely in negotiations with a few more so I wouldn't be surprised if they make another announcement before the launch.
Now if the launch fails, senpai SAS won't recover for years.

>> No.1925066

Thanks for that.. yeh i hope they succeed although i am only in them for a very small amount so far. I may do the same and try and buy in to some more.. would be good to see it succeed above 30-35 after a successful launch.. do you think its possible ?
Do they have a constant US Government contract as well?

>> No.1925067

It was supposed to be in April/May
They haven't announced an exact date yet, nobody knows for sure it's all rumours.
The only official announcement was when their satellites were completed and they say it April/may

>> No.1925082
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>> No.1925096

That contract means no money for SAS.
If you read the thing it's actually essentially the US department of defence acknowledging the satellites and putting in place plans, lines of communication for the safe operation of the Company’s nano-satellites.
It doesn't represent any income for the company, it was big because a relevant institution was acknowledging the viability of the project and acknowledging the SAS team as capable.

>> No.1925122

My current feels;
Still holding MXC waiting for some more dotbong movement, I think they're undervalued and have decent potential.
Sold most of my other bongstocks taking a decent profit.

CHZ might be worth some research after the announcement today, potential for short term at least.

NXT is my long term hold at the moment, up around 60% from my buy and good looking HY report.

anyone watching any of these, thoughts?

>> No.1925180

It was great advice.
Its still being manipulated and will boom soon

>> No.1925197

>t. increasingly desperate bagholder

>> No.1925198

Can we talk about RMX again?
Theyre getting close to drilling, and are being seriously compared to the $10 billion clayton valley.

Is anyone currently holding?
If all my money wasnt currently held up in MLS I would be buying up big here

>> No.1925200

Im desperate to get out, but only so I can put my money into RMX.

The management of MLS is doing a fantastic job, its just a question of when the market wants to acknowledge this

>> No.1925215

Does that ceilingfan guy still come here?
Its freaky the stuff hes been able to predict with MLS and RMX, his comments here and on HC are some of the main reasons that I invested in those companies

Pic related, he also predicted the MLS CR a couple days before it was announced. Insider trading?

>> No.1925217
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forgot pic

>> No.1925221

I bought 50k shares at .040

Fingers crossed mate

>> No.1925238

My portfolio would be nice and comfy if it wasn't for mls. The wait continues.

>> No.1925251

Ceiling fan is pretty good, but that CR was pretty obvious. Even I saw it coming. They only had 500K cash left, and all these endless fucking acquisitions.

>> No.1925271

>the main reason i invested
wouldn't you wanna stay away from the person that put you on to MLS it is an absolute dud i can't believe i fell for the meme
I cut my losses and took a 30% hit on it a couple weeks back and have since used that money elsewhere and am now close to breaking even
then again i only put 2k in it cause i was sceptical about trusting /biz/, turns out my doubts were fully founded but at least it taught me a good lesson

>> No.1925301

So I bought QHL on a whim at 1.22. It is now back up to 1.20 because of the new CEO, I assume. Does a new CEO usually mark a slight uptick because dropping down again? I mean in the very short term. I'm pretty new to this game.

>> No.1925303

Anyone got any ideas? I am long on this thing? Everything looks good technically, so I can't understand why every man and his dog is shorting the hell out of it.

>> No.1925364

If they get positive results with their drilling there should be some quick gains to be made, I bought at 0.029 but sold at 0.035 because I needed the money for more promising stuff, but now I'm considering getting back in again, if I manage to get in at 0.031 I'll hold until the it breaks 0.040 during the drilling results and make a couple grand.
Honestly as long term hold, gains are still far away.

>> No.1925459

I am not sure how much information i am comfortable giving as it would both identify me and put me in insider trading territory

>> No.1925868

Nice shill tactic

>Shit, im down on this stock. Maybe if i shill it ill be okay
>"Buy x its going to the moon!"
>"Uhh cant say, its top secret milk business"

>> No.1926276


>> No.1927300

'That milk is classified!'

>> No.1927317

it currently is

>> No.1927452

Uni student here, looking at making my first investment. Apparently I have to buy $500 worth of shares with CommSec. Looking at MMJ. Yay or nay?

>> No.1927456

RMX looking aight, they'll likely be announcing the start of drilling before the end of the week.


>> No.1927477
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Looking like a bubble formation to me. You may be buying into the top if you do.
Personally, I wouldn't, but thats me.

>> No.1927493

You're a bit late to make money off speculating weed stocks m8.

>> No.1927538

What program is this? I'm still finding a good platform for graph and chart, ANZ one is doing me no justice.

>> No.1927542

Well, the purchase order went though at $0.73. Hoping it'll go up to ~$0.8-0.9 then I'll sell.

>> No.1927558

she's a good'n

>> No.1927599

I've just went over 5 digits in savings and i wanna get started but dont know where to start or how much to put in, any tips?

>> No.1927604

Why would anyone want anything to do with the ASX right now? I haven't heard anything remotely optimistic about the future of Australian Real Estate (it's in a massive bubble).

>> No.1927621

What's the best company to trade options with in aus? I'm with CommSec atm but if there's better ones i'm wanting to go with them instead

>> No.1927694

>(it's in a massive bubble).
Is it? Shit, I hadn't noticed. kek. It's been a bubble longer than you've been alive.

>> No.1927700

Are y'all just riding it high and gonna play it until you see the bubble burst?

>> No.1927750

What ever ones thoughts sfx heard it was going to moon going come december

>> No.1927985

>tfw nervously waiting for a profit
I had no idea stocks would be so intense.

>> No.1928046

It will go up, hopefully it will sky rocket with positive results, but honestly it's hard to tell due to the lack of interest in lithium, it's not like it was 6 months a go, the price is dropping and more big players will join the market soon, Argentina will crash the lithium market with no survivors.

>> No.1928061

Bought CNJ and GXY on the corrected price

>> No.1928082


Anyone else still holding? Or am I the only idiot left?

>> No.1928088

In for the long haul cobber. I sold at .016 and bought back in after the drop. Will see what happens in the next 6 to 12 months

>> No.1928107

How long should you hold stocks for? I bought MMJ at $0.53 on the 15th, but it's starting to dip.
Do I dump now or wait and see?

>> No.1928285

It depends on whether or not your think the price will go up bud, do your research before buying memes, you don't want to end up like this guy >>1928082

I wouldn't be riding weed stocks if u bought only just now when it's at it's peak/close to the peak/ hyped af unless you know what you're doing,

>> No.1928337

Why is the ASX so boring compared to the American Wallstreet?

>> No.1928389


Oh dear...

>> No.1928467

Still holding, buy in price of .010. A bundle got cross traded at .0075 in the afternoon. I think it will push back to .008 soon enough.

>> No.1928592

you literally said in this thread that you had just bought MMJ for $0.73

>> No.1929427
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Bumping for gains

>> No.1930198

Not a loss til you sell.

>> No.1930247

I want to be able to sell now and get into RMX which is going to boom

Fuck MLS

>> No.1930419

Then it would be a loss. You would get into RMX, and be shilled all over again into another loss.

Welcome to spec's. Maybe re think your investment plan if you get this stressed

>> No.1930490
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Can you tell us why?

>> No.1930523

lilely any boom will come with drilling results that they've found lithium following the drilling they're about to start. (if they find any, and I reckon they might). They've got a big contract going in a high-lithium area of Utah, 50km away from an already successful lithium producer.
On top of that, Elon Musk says he'll only buy US lithium, which is just fine with RMX because they're digging it up in the US.
Looks alright to me.

>> No.1930540

Elon Musk already has his Lithium sources lined up for the foreseeable future. They get massive subsidies from the state of Nevada, why would they buy from Utah?

>> No.1930932

A2M keeps on gaining? $3 by EOY? More like $3 by EOFY!

>> No.1930963
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Will probably pull back a tad in the next few days but overall it looks good.
This is the weekly chart

>> No.1930990

Because Clayton valley can't produce all the lithium tesla will need at the same price a mine in red valley could.
Currently the USA produces 1,000 tonnes a year most of which comes from Nevada. Tesla wants to build 500k car batteries a year by 2018, which means they will need 25,000 tonnes a year. Tesla doesn't have its lithium supplies lined up, you literally pulled that out of your ass faggot.

>> No.1931004

Hold reh, apx, rmd, voc, vgs, gxl
Considering asw, dlx, nck

>> No.1931030
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>Putting money into Australian stocks
>When there is a massive housing bubble about to pop
You guys retarded?

>> No.1931048

Pure Energy Minerals reckon that on their stake in Clayton Valley they estimate about 816,000 tonnes of Lithium. Just because it's not being produced yet, doesn't mean they can't get it.

If the govt will give him tariffs on any Lithium produced in Nevada, how can Utah compete?

How is Red Valley going to compete with Clayton Valley on price?

>> No.1931140

And the reason is not being exploited yet it's because it's not profitable to do so, the USA has millions of tons of lithium in reserves, but most of it it's unprofitable if exploited, why do you think Clayton valley is not one of the biggest world producer of lithium with these massive reserves?

The reason red mountain valley could compete its because it could be cheaper to extract lithium from red mountain than it is to expand and increase production in the Clayton valley, yes the production can be increased we don't know how much but I doubt they could increase it 30 times their current production at a profitable price.
In fact most of these companies you say tesla have "lined up" come from Canada and most of them are not even in operation yet.

>> No.1931169

Pretty much all lithium miners in the US aren't in operation yet. I wouldn't call RMX in operation. Any of the many small companies in Lithium have a shot because in order to meet Tesla's demand for "US only" lithium he is going to have to buy a little from a lot of places. All I know is that there is a deal between Pure Energy and Tesla. As far as I am concerned, Clayton Valley is in the lead over Red Valley. But invest where you feel it will work.

I don't think Tesla will get to it's targeted production rates any time soon. I will be surprised if they can get 25,000 tonnes a year before 2020. They might if they purchased outside of US, but that is going to cost them a fair penny under Trump

>> No.1931216

Did you not read my post brother?

Insane cobalt/Nickel grades.

It hasn't even got started.

>> No.1931311
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so what types of stock do most of you guys trade? micro to small cap mining shares?

>> No.1931325

There's one that really surging lately and projected to have great returns this month. It's called ETH.

>> No.1931336

>On top of that, Elon Musk says he'll only buy US lithium

yes, from Albemarle that sells lithium to Panasonic which creates batteries for Tesla

>> No.1931352

Maybe it sounded like I was saying Red valley is going to be the new Clayton valley and RMX is going to the moon, but really all I was saying is tesla does not have its suppliers lined up, if RMX finds lithium and the kind of lithium they're expecting to find then they have a big market to supply, I don't think tesla will reach their goals for 2018 neither, but I think the demand for lithium will continue to increase, and if RMX is successful there are some good profits to be made off their current share price.
I wouldn't hold them long term, but I bought in and now I'm waiting for the announcement of their drilling results and if positive I think I stand to make s good profit, and anons interested should do their own research don't take my word for it.

>> No.1931361

Dumped my mls at a 30 % loss. Guess it's a lesson learned at least. Should be able to claim it as a capital loss at tax time I suppose.

>> No.1931378

Mainly tech stock, and small/micro cap mining it's what I make money off speculating.
Most of my assets are long term blue chips in different sectors.

>> No.1931433
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LOL, are serious? Do you actually know what you are talking about?

>> No.1931438

How are your holdings returns if you dont mind me asking?

>> No.1931547

Why did you do that?
Do you seriously not think MLS will come back at all? Did you need the money right now?

I used all my savings to buy MLS at 0.012, I don't know what I'm doing. Could someone give me advice?

>> No.1931634

Just so you know, it can take several years to go from exploration drilling to production.

>> No.1931649

Sorry mate, just got sick of bag holding. A whole bunch of announcements and still no upward movement. I used some of it to average down into ggg. It s found support at around .10 atm, and I want to get in more before its approval. At least I hope for its approval. I dunno what you should do mate. At the very best I think you could be bag holding for a long time. I'm fucking done with Gino.

>> No.1931662

>I'm fucking done with Gino
What has he done wrong?
I dont own MLS, but have been following for a while and he seems to be doing a decent job to me

>> No.1931704

It pissed me off that he spent time and money on new acquisitions rather than developing the ones he already had. I don't really give a shit at this point; my portfolio is comfy enough without mls. Gl to the holders, but I'm taking what I can get out with.

>> No.1931713

>spent time and money on new acquisitions rather than developing the ones he already had
Could that be a sign that the ones they do have arent very good?

They could be working on developing more than one acquisition at a time, right?

>> No.1931729

I don't know, I don't care. As of today mls isn't my problem.

>> No.1931784

I never said otherwise.

>> No.1931788

But you're claiming RMX will boom from drilling results. It might see a temporary increase, but in the grand scheme of things it doesn't mean shit unless they can turn it into a measured resource and begin mining it.

>> No.1931870

Fuck you ! I thought we were in this together >:/

>> No.1931876

You said you don't own any mls? Look honestly, if you're the anon who's all in on mls, just either sell now or forget about it and wait and see what happens. I imagine you're young, with a life time of earning ahead of you. My advice to you is fucking get out of mls, and move on with your life. This shit is doing your head in. Just take the bloody nose and learn from it. How much money do you stand to lose if you sell now? Fucking tell me.

>> No.1931893

>forget about it and wait and see what happens
I think ill do this. Im willing to wait a year or two, after that id need the money for a deposit on a house
>I imagine you're young
Im 21
How much money do you stand to lose if you sell now?
I bought 18K at 0.012, so if I sold at 0.008 Id be down 6K. Its not all my money, but its a big chunk of it. Its all the money that i set aside to put in the stock market.

If I could do things differently, Id take profits and keep my money moving. Lesson learnt

>> No.1931912

I lost 1600 dollars. Listen, if you're 21 years old and you have all this money to throw around, then you are fucking going great. You've been in the workforce three years and you're doing great, this is fucking chump change compared to what you'll earn in the future, extrapolating from what I assume about your earning potential. Trust me, I'd swap your position for mine any day. If you do hang in there, you need to find ways to deal with the pressure. This going insane is no good.

>> No.1931914

AGY up to 4.8, just broke it's previous high and looking to shoot up even further. Average buy for me is 2.7c so on decent profit but will average up before friday as a TH about a BOA/JV seems on the cards.

>> No.1931926

Cheers man, I really appreciate it.
Dont read too much into my posts, I'm really not too stressed, just shit posting and trying to get an opinion from those who are probably more experienced than me. Ill stop posting about MLS now, I understand its probably a tad annoying.
Ill probably just lurk here for a while and Ill try to educate myself more whilst I wait to get out of MLS.

>> No.1931929

Yeah it's all good. Your stressing was stressing me a little too lol. But I'm out now. Au revoir fucking mls.

>> No.1931930

The only scheme of things I'm worried about it's the price increasing due to hype about positive results.
If you read was I posted before, I specifically said I'm not planning to hold RMX long term, I got in just to cash out with some 20% or more than that profit after the results the drillings.

>> No.1931931

>18K in a microcap

jesus christ dude never put that much into a penny stock unless youre insanely rich the entire point of them is their inherent risk and irrationality never trust /biz/ its a board of shills and idiots