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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19231043 No.19231043 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19231055


>> No.19231064

Fuck off normie

>> No.19231069


>> No.19231075

What girlfriend?

>> No.19231098

she knows about LINK and THETA
still keeping hidden from her my AVA and TRB bags

>> No.19231130

I am the gf.

>> No.19231165

My past GF did because I made the mistake of telling her back in 2013. Not with her anymore, that bitch is going to be salty because I know she checks the price of Bitcoin daily: we broke up in the beginning of 2019 when the price of Bitcoin was quite low.
She sent me rude texts summer of 2019 when we pumped over $10k trying to threaten me that she had access to my 24 word seed. I had since moved and tumbled the funds, and the seed was password protected, and I knew she was bluffing. She's trying to spook me into talking to her after I went full no-contact. She was such a miserable two-faced bitch.

>> No.19231208

Don't do it anon.

>> No.19231281
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>having a girlfriend
>when Protonchan already exists
>choosing 3d over 2d
C'mon now OP.

>> No.19231494

based and trappilled

>> No.19231527
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No and she won’t know unless I marry her and she signs a prenup

>> No.19231533

>30k in crypto
>gf wants 10k engagement ring
She doesn't know about my crypto investments and gets mad when I talk about bitcoin.

What do bros?

>> No.19231547
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>> No.19231579

Find one that doesn't care about the ring price.

>> No.19231580

She doesn’t have a female penis though :)

>> No.19231603

Dump her, what a dumb cunt

>> No.19231623

Would you consider that a deal breaker?
She wants it to be expensive because "it'll be for the rest of her life".

>> No.19231643

Tell me what you know about Proton chain? Seeing that is at all time lows, thinking about buying in.

>> No.19231646

Yes and she says that is the same that horse race bets. I think she is right.

>> No.19231656

Wow how do they teach them to do that

>> No.19231679

Yes and she'll cheer on my candlesticks sometimes it's dumb but her throat game crazy so whatever

>> No.19231683

that's such a female thing to say
damp her

>> No.19231686

you should really afford betting rajeesh your village needs that well. be a good partner and do the needful

>> No.19231696

>10k for a fucking ring
>Not even mentioning the cost of a potential wedding
Women are truly the niggers of race, leave that bitch or you'll be in hell for the rest of your life

>> No.19231743

I share my investment methodology with the girl I'm currently fucking cause I want to set her up for a good future (without me)

>> No.19231766

>She wants you to waste ten thousand dollars on a fucking rock for her to wear on her finger
Dump her, retard. Before she takes half your shit.

>> No.19231878

Not memeing, if she has any kind of ideas about what you should be spending with her, then she doesn't love you, even if doesn't realize it.

The only girl that truly loved me was embarassed and uncomfortable when I was paying for things. She couldn't care less, the best gifts I could give her where things made from the heart and not bought, I felt exactly the same way.


>> No.19231930

i got her some ubt months ago

now we are engaged actually

>> No.19231958

My wife does not and will never know about my XMR. Protect yourself lads.

>> No.19231974

wew what a cunt

>> No.19231979

Yes. Sounds like she's not hung up about a specific ring, style, or stone, just the price. "For richer and for poorer" means something to me.

>> No.19232004

You should fuck her, dude

>> No.19232117

NEVER give a chance for a psychopath that has wronged you to communicate with you again. NEVER.

>> No.19232127
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Alright, so you missed the boat on every other 10x or 100x pop, right? Here's your chance to get in before the normies, ride the price correction, and dump hard once you hit 100x.
>being built to interact directly with bank accounts
>will protect privacy while being KYC compliant (normies will eat this up)
>rumors of major industry partners (someone mentioned Wells Fargo and Chase, no confirmations yet)
>severely undervalued at $0.017 each right now
>will likely rocket to $1.00 by EOY once some of these partnerships are announced
>available on a few exchanges, but appears to be adding more exchanges every few days

I just threw $500 cash at it, sitting in a pretty comfy stack. Wish I could throw more at it but I'm poor, so this will be enough to live off of for a few years at least once the price hits $1.

>> No.19232136

Yes. She’s now holds too. Most of it in LINK.

>> No.19232138

>The only girl that truly loved me was embarassed and uncomfortable when I was paying for things.

my gf right now and it feels wonderful.

>> No.19232354

this meme is dead just like your life .

>> No.19233111

>I went full no-contact
This is the way to do it. For some reason it drives them absolutely nuts. Just a simple block on every platform and move on with your life.

>> No.19233154
File: 307 KB, 798x672, MENOTSTINK_ME_LINK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i never had gf fren.
she know fren.
she no fren.

>> No.19233685

I told my fiancé that I put $1k into ethereum “just for fun” in 2018. She only asked me once or twice about it, just wondering if I was in the green or red. I told her that I made a “little bit” of profit but nothing too exciting.

I didn’t tell her about the 20k link stack. It’s better that she doesn’t know the full extent of my holdings, at least for now. If everything goes according to plan and link moons like we’re all hoping it does, I’ll sit her down one day and explain. But the way I see it, if link fails to take off then I’d rather not have her know at all

>> No.19234677

must have taken a lot of time to teach the cat that!

>> No.19234746
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>> No.19234956

Yes. She sees me check them all the time and always asks me how my "investments" are doing

>> No.19234980
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She doesn't even know she's my gf.

>> No.19234983

no and neither does my wife

>> No.19235036

she doesn't understand it in the slightest so i keep her at an arms length from crypto, last thing i need is her going all in on some pajeetcoin when she barely supports herself

>> No.19235054

Nope not when she was my gf not even now that she’s my wife. It’s just not worth it. Not until link hits $20. Then I’ll tell her and it will change our lives I hold 60k since day 1

>> No.19235088

No, she doesn't know about my stocks either. That's some shit a man has to keep as a secret, don't tell your wife/gf about your personal savings bros.

>> No.19235106

Her flaunting a 10k ring, which you paid for, is the female equivalent of you fucking her in the ass and showing every guy you encounter the video...the only difference is that ((they)) normalised the former

>> No.19236362

My girlfriend makes more money than me and has way more money in stocks than me. She makes fun of my crypto even though I have gained more (percentage wise) as an investor from crypto.

>> No.19236393


>> No.19236434

Yes. We are completely honest with each other about everything. I would never keep something like that from her.

>> No.19236461

lol waht

>> No.19236470

There are only two types of posters on here: kissless incels who hate all women and bitter normies whose gfs dumped them and now they hate all women. Is anyone here happy at all? Like tell me "we've been together for 20 years and we love each other like on the first date". Anyone? I am studying this from a theoretical perspective since I need to decide if dating is worth trying.

>> No.19236507

She doesn’t know how much I have in there but knows I invest in crypto only because I’ve needed to make a quick flip when shit was pumping one time when we were hanging out and she asked what I was doing. I usually tell all my girlfriends that I invest in shit desu just never how much and they never ask. They just assume if I’m investing in shit I have enough money to do so and find that attractive

>> No.19236519
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Depends on how much you love her, how much she loves you and how rich you are. If 30k is all you've got saved for your/her future, then 10k on a ring is not a wise choice. If the money is not there but she loves you she'll understand, maybe make her something unique.
However if you had a 100k+ salary or a networth of 500k+ then fuck it, let her be happy with what she wants. But make sure she loves you, if she's only in it for money you're gonna get burned sooner or later when she meets someone she loves for who he is.

>> No.19236545
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it's a cycle

>> No.19236548

If I browse that board is because I'm poor and incel.

>> No.19236763

wow someone has thought about it already. amazing. every time i have a thought about anything on /biz/ someone has a screen for it. and seems pretty accurate. except i'd argue a lot of people give up either at stage 3 (better) or back at square 1 (worst case) and never get another gf.

>> No.19237202


>> No.19237207

this guy knows. i'm honestly happy that some anons on here have had good relationships and aren't completely jaded

speaking of, in some ways, i fell bad for wealthy men because i imagine they're always wondering whether or not someone likes them for them or their money

>> No.19237274

it could definitely be improved. indicators for career/wealth (highest in 1, lowest in 3 or 4), emotional satisfaction (highest in 2 and 4), and free time (highest in 1, lower in 2, 3, and 4) are all relevant when talking about this kind of thing

>> No.19237315

Of course she knows. How else would I have convinced her parents to sell their house, rent, and hodl their home equity?

This is how you create her dowry.

>> No.19237327

i don't have a gf cuz women are superficial whores

>> No.19237984

No why would she

>> No.19238007

Yes and she gets off knowing we are gonna retire early and travel the world on it someday

>> No.19238016

this. If she really want's that 10k ring, she can wait for when you have enough to buy it.
if you've really found the one, this is the way to do it. Plus it helps show her where all the money is going. imagine living cheaply because soon your coins gonna moon but in the meantime shes just wondering why we're broke.. show her its a temporary phase.

>> No.19238019

normans get owt

>> No.19238059



>> No.19238060

happily married pseudo-normie here. wife shares my goals, she earns similar income to me and we both throw thousands every month into the market & crypto.

>> No.19238184
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>> No.19238429

Requesting pic of the messenger screencap with a roastie being mad af about Bitcoins and reply "hey" 3 years later.

I think its relevant to the thread.

>> No.19238661

Do eet

>> No.19238678

Domp eet (her)

>> No.19238691

She knows its this, stocks or my day job. That 100 acres isn't going to buy itself

>> No.19238758

My imaginary gf not only knows about my crypto holdings, she also has a 1k Linkie stash herself.

>> No.19238789

My gf wants me to buy her a $25 fake opal ring she saw on IG. I’m saving for a ring that won’t turn her finger green.

>> No.19238802
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she was impressed when she learned from me that you can buy a fraction of a bitcoin and didnt have to buy a single coin all at once.
she said im smart.

>> No.19238827

My gf doesn’t know anything about my finances.

Doesn’t know that I own the triplex I live in and rent it out, doesn’t know that I make 6 figures, doesn’t know I have a quarter million in my brokerage account, doesn’t know I have a safe with a gun, exit bag, gold and silver. I don’t buy random bullshit and live a humble life, drive around a used lexus and spend my free time reading and lifting and investing

>> No.19238843



>> No.19238870

How is this possible? What country is this?

>> No.19239398

what my tinder whores?

>> No.19239675


Humble King af.

>> No.19239883

Won't get a gf, I don't trust women. The internet has convinced me they're all whores who will cheat on me.

>> No.19239940

Never let anyone know how much you hold.

>> No.19239957

Based. This is my aspiration minus the car.

>> No.19240017

>falling for this larp


>> No.19240034

Of course she knows, but she doesn't realize I plan on breaking up after moon

>> No.19240049
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>I have a safe with a gun, exit bag, gold and silver

>> No.19240124

no i don't have a gf and if i did she wouldn't know that i was a loser holding worthless stock because i don't hold crypto

>> No.19240332

very based, hoping to reach this level.

>> No.19240376


>> No.19240535


>> No.19240549

she sounds nice :) if she likes gemstones, consider an antique engagement ring. you can get something really nice for 2-3k

>> No.19240683

She's selfish and has no concept of money, which makes her a liability. Dump her. My wife's rings cost about $100 a piece. She said she would feel bad for spending any more money when it could have been saved, invested, or spent on our future children. My wife's family and some of her friends gave her a lot of shit for it, and she eventually stopped talking to some of them cause of it.

Been happily married for about 17 years. I never had a reason to hate my wife, but she's pretty trad and redpilled. She knows her place staying at home taking care of our six kids, and worked from home part-time for the first 5 years of marriage with our home based businesses. We're on the same page with goals and mindset.

>> No.19240753

if this isnt a larp, nice: you made it

>> No.19241335

>exit bag

>> No.19242290

No should be relying to this, none of you have gas, aside from the one you purchased for 1kgp in runescape.

>> No.19242717

u dont want her so angry she kill ya, otherwise i agree

>> No.19243031


>> No.19243191

no. never tell women anything. they will only ruin it.

>> No.19243208
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my what?

>> No.19243226

based and redpilled

>> No.19243260

Youre a virgin arent you? That would be the biggest mistake. Never put your dick in crazy.

>> No.19243282

American men and women are mentally fucked up beyond repair lol.

>> No.19243299

Dont. Wait a few years. If you dont believe. Me screenshot this.

>> No.19243321

By statistics alone. If any of you make it theres a 50% chance shell run with your money if you tell them.

>> No.19243333

is 6k LINK enough to have a future big tiddy goth gf?
pls reply

>> No.19243340

Not if she knows you can defend yourself. Crazy women llook for leverage. They dont go directly at you specially if you own guns and shit. Shes waiting for you to call, hook up and fuck up so she can throw you to the wolves and be absolved by societies point of view. Women were a mistake.

>> No.19243341

She does. She also holds 1M ARPA. We'll move to Japan when it hits $1.

>> No.19243369

>She knows her place staying at home taking care of our six kids
i'm jealous of this 100000000x more than i could ever be jealous of money
i could make 50 million a year and not be content with life like this

>> No.19243374

you're in no danger friend

>> No.19243381

Yes, she's on WalletStreet all the time!

>> No.19243388

What gf?

>> No.19243408

based if true

>> No.19243413

wait i just re-read that
you mean a bugout bag and not an exit bag
right anon?

>> No.19243525

And she didn't dump you ass after you told her you had linkies? Man she's a keeper

>> No.19243636
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Damn, I know she was doing something funky